The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, May 16, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ben C arrie went to Marshfield on
Sheriff Gage w ent over to Marah-
field Wednesday.
8. M. Noeler made a boaineaa trip
to the Bay today.
Bov. Jamea E. Condor w u over at
the Bay Wednesday.
E. D. Graham h u been visitin g in
M arshfield this week.
Sweet, Sour and D ill Pieklaa in balk
a t the C u b A C arry Store.
The Senior Class o f the local H igh
School w ill be entertained this even­
The Commission o f the P ort o f Ban- in g by the Junior C lass.. This Junior-
don ia to meet here today.
Senior reception h u coese to be the
Coyotes are reported to be m ultiply­ principal social event o f the school
in g in northern Curry county.
A rt’ iur Hodge, who w u a sergeant
The showers o f the peat week have
the medical corps in France, going
kept upland gardens in line shape.
over in July, 1918, h u returned to his
The city council w ill hold Its first home a t Fishtrap. He saw 4 couple o f
m eeting fo r M ay next Monday night. months active service in tho Argonne
. D istrict A ttorney H all w u over and in Belgium.
from M arshfield Monday to attend
Miss Edna Harlocker m tiv e d a te l­
egram yesterday afternoon from her
N ick Johnson’s new grocery at brother, Hugh, announcing his safe
North Bend w ill also be a “ Cash and arrival in N ew York. H e expects to
C a rry" store.
Mrs. Wanda W ilcox, o f M cKinley,
has j u t taken a position in the ssaee
sor’s office here.
Dr. and Mrs. Richmond started this
morning fo r Portland, expecting to r e ­
turn next Monday.
Miss Thelm a Lyons spent the week
end with relatives here, returning to
Marshfield Monday.
The excavation h u been completed
fo r the garage J. D. Graham is build­
ing on Front street.'
Dorsey K reitser, one o f the big
bankers at the Bay, w u over here
ou business Wednesday.
The a n n u l C o m County Conven­
tion o f the Christian Church w ill be
held in this city May 28, 24 and 26.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A . Easton came
down from Sitkum Wedneeday, this
being their first trip to Coquille this
Mrs. Lawrence w ill also go to attend
The Oregon Farm er and the Sentin­
the Rebekah Grand Lodge at the
el fo r $1.66 a year in advance. That’s
some tim e and place.
a good deal o f reading to g et fo r that
Mrs. C lifton Watson, form erly Mies
Clara Moore, daughter o f Dr. H. B.
A t year ses vita. Tailorin g, Clean­
Moore, was over hare Tuesday visits
in g and Pressing.
Phono 119$. R-
ing friends. She now lives in Port­
land bat came down to the Bay with
Rev. E. E. Coalter, o f Marshfield, M r. Watson who is governm ent in­
w ill preach at the Christian Church spector o f radio stations.
next Sunday morning and evening,
The newest word wo have soon in
M ay 18th.
tho English language is bootleggotte.
Mrs. C. A . Boyrie and Mrs. Paul O f course, it require# no definition,
Ramsay spent Saturday and Sunday and squally, o f course, the fem ale
at the Henry Schroeder home in crook doesn’t carry her stock in the
M yrtle P o in t
place the word indies tee. Women’s
ear is usually too snug a fit fo r
M ayor E. E. Johnson lo ft Wednes­
th a t
day morning on a week's business
trip to San Francisco and other Cal­
Commissioner Philip was over here
ifornia points.
Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs.
Fred Minard, who is now foreman Philip. They had been looking over
o f a loggin g camp at Lakaside, start­ the recall petitions, Mr. Philip having
ed Wednesday to San Francisco whore w isely concluded that tw o heads were
better than one in such a contest, and
he w ill make a v is it
that Mrs. Ph ilip m ight see some points
Chaa. T . Skeela le ft Wedneeday he overlooked.
morning on a business trip to various
W e need a C ivic Improvem ent dub
W illam ette valley points, expecting to
this city. Thera is room fo r im­
bo gone about a week.
provement in many things— along
Say, Mrs., don’t miss the b ig dem­ many lines— and the ladies o f the
onstration the National Biscuit Co. is community are asked to take hold o f
patting on tom orrow, (S atu rd ay), at this m atter end start the boll rollin g
the Cash A C arry Store.
next Tuesday evening at $ o’clock at
V. R. W ilson, “ O p tom etrist” Co­ the city hall. A ll ladies are invited
quills, Oregon. Eyes Tested, glasses to com# oat.
Optical repairs o f all kinds.
J. M. A gee, o f the Pacific Paper
Broken lenses duplicated.
18t8 company, was a caller Tuesday. He
Lady w ill assist w ith housework came over from Roeeburg by auto
and do plain sewing fo r s elf and hus­ Monday end found the week-end
band’s board and room in refined showers had played hob with the road,
one auto at least going o ff the grade
home. Inquire at 8entinel office.
where s slide had occurred. The work
Gladys Nosier returned Wedneeday
o f clearing the roadway through the
from Eugene where she went last
canyon haa been done fo r a considera­
week to attend the Junior week-end
ble distance.
exercises at the State UntvarcKy.
A ll advertisem ents intended fo r the
I f you want the best lot in town
fo r the money— on an improved street Sentinel should be in on Thursday.
with concrete sidewalks built, an « Ths change in tim e o f the afternoon
sewer taxes all paid—see the Sentinel. mail train up the valley to M yrtle
Point and Powers still farth er re­
The new tim e table on the Southern duces ths amount o f work we can do
Pacific, whiih brings in our eastern on Friday and renders it necessary fo r
mail at 2:10 in the atfernoon appears
us to go to press s t noon on that day.
to be givin g general satisfaction in Get your copy in before Friday If you
the valley.
want it to stand a show o f gettin g in
F. G. Lew is, the new travellin g pas­ the paper.
senger and freigh t agent o f the South­
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman and son
ern Pacific woe a caller the first o f
le ft yesterday fo r a month’s visit
the week. H e lucceeede A . D. Wicks
with his parents at Malone, W ia. Mr.
in that position.
Fuhrman expected to go east last fan
For ealo.
Gasoline Laureh at a at the tim e his father and mother cel­
bargain. A No. 1 condition. Length ebrated their golden wedding, but was
24 feet, beam 6,16; 16 horsepower 2 unable to get away. He w ill be gone
cylinder engine. See T . A . W alker. about five weeks, while Mrs. Fuhrman
w ill return by w ay o f California and
Somebody is goin g to got a m ighty
visit her sister. Mrs. Prod Kronen
cheap lot up near the high school
berg in 8nn Francisco fo r three weeks.
building one o f thaoo days.
Mrs. Lyons also le ft at the — re
tim e fo r 8na Francisco to visit until
t)M ( i i T W W t a t Gamp U w ii in the
•apply dep erti* eat, bat haa j u t bun
transferred to Camp Kearny in South­ $108,000,000 Centeniry Drive
ern C alifornia, beine on his w ay thith­
Ctifse For Rejoicing.
er now. He aaya there about 20,000
troope at Camp Lew ie now and ao
certain ia it that a permanent camp NATIVES ARE TO TAKE PART
w ill be — totai— <1 there that the Sal­
vation A rm y haa a hotel o f 160 rooma
under coaatruction now. Indeed, the
1,000 e c ru which the governm ent ae-
Celumbus, Ohio, June MMuly 7.
eured fo r a aito at Camp Lewia w u
Maun to Oe From Northwest By
donated by the people o f Tacoma, on
condition that the governm ent abould
hold it only eo long ae they kept 16,-
What It Is planned to moke the
000 men there.
greatest world exhibition ever con­
ceived wHI be held at Columbus, Ohio,
June 2&Juty 7.
Still Baying Cattle Etc.
Known u the Centenary Celebra­
H. W . M iller, who recently sold his tion, and celebrating jointly the com­
Sanitary M arket here, is s till in busi­ pletion of the Methodist centenary's
ness as • buyer o f cattle and m eat $106400,000 campaign for the purpose
He propose» to handle cattle, sheep, of rebuilding the we rid and the cen­
and hogs, either alive or dressed, in­ tennial of American missions, that Is,
cluding veal. H e is in the m arket fa r the 100th annlverury of the establish­
poultry, too; and w ill pay the highest ment o f Methodist missions In Amer­
ica, plans are being mode 4o entertain
m arket price fo r hides, saving the
at least 100400 Methodists e day.
farm ers some money in that line. We
Every, phase of mission work in
are glad to see m ore buyers along every country In which Methodism Is
these linee and expect to see
at work will be presented.
There will be erected a complete
M iller receive a liberal share at the
public patronage.
H e has offers Chinese city with Its great walls and
from both San Francisco and Portland gates; a pagoda, temples, shops,
parties fo r what he proposes to buy, schools, hospital, theater, restaurant,
homes, peopled by many native Chi­
but haa not yet decided which to tie
nese. In like manner will be shown
up with.
villages from India, Korea, Africa and
the Phlllppinee, peopled by groupe of
natlvee from those cities which have
SOME SMALL FASHION FACTS been brought to America by the Meth­
odist Centenary.
Motion pictures will be shown la a
gigantic oval, where 106,000 people can
sit st one time. The picture screen
will be the largest in the world, being
The traodi helmets made o f tin are 126 feet high.
M bonunliif but Am erican women
Thoueands of Natives Take Fart.
iva M o w e d the British In using
The work o f Christianity at home
and abroad will be shown In every
London and Parts have designed phase. There will be gigantic pageants
curfew hate and Am erica win Boon participated In by thousands of na­
make use o f the name and the de­ tlvee.
signs. It would not be amiss fo r us to
Oeneral Leonard Wood will com­
keep our own picturesque Puritan mand a regiment of 1,000 Centaury
rssUiews o f New England. W e know as cadets, whose duty will bo to guard
much o f The curfew aa Greet Britain, the exhibits. These young men are
and more then Paris. W e do not have now being recruited from every state
the signal fo r "ligh ts out" in this la the union. High school boys are
country, but w e can go In fo r curfew desired, who have had sufficient mili­
clothes just the seme. The pointed tary training so they can participate
hat. the square-toed shoes with the In military drill. Applications should
silver buckle and the long; rippling be sent to Centenary cadets. 111 Fifth
capes fit la with the silhouette o f the avenue. New York.
^rangem ents have been made for
Daylight-saving dinners have brought parking 40,000 automobiles for It Is
out a vast amount o f transparent but believed that great squadrons of
high-necked frocks. These are made Methodist automobiles will travel to
e f tulle usually combined with sense the celebration. O u grant caravan
glitterin g m etallic doth. The whole of 1,000 automobiles has been already
upper part o f the body is covered with fully made up from Illinois while Iowa
the tulle, end long sleeves have sud­
denly acquired a place o f power.
It la no longer smart la the bellig­
erent countries to w ear white gloves.
They ere taboo in Engle nil and France,
and American wanton are beginning to
aee the wisdom and economy o f this
K O D A fc ^ D A Y S
T h e spring days are kodak days
L e t a K odak help y o u to eryoy them
will be glad ta dww yea kaw
S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 17
“T H E E T E R N A L M A G D K L E N E ”— 6 rad s
Featuring Margaret Marsh. This picture is food for thought
“C A M P IN G O U T "
2 Reel Comedy featuring Smiling Bill Parsoas— 2 reels
S U N D A Y , M A Y 18
Featuring Colleen Moore
From the story bynam es Whitcombs Riley— 6 reel«
"H E R D IS E N G A G E M E N T R IN G "
Comedy— 1 ra d
"Ford Weekly”— educational— 1 ro d
The Coquille orchestra will render a special pro­
gram under the direction of Prof. W . Zinner and
will accompany the him.
"O L D H A R T W E L L ’S C U B "
Featuring W s . Desmond— 6 reels
“Current Events”— educational— 1 ra d
T U E S D A Y , M A Y 20
"T H E S P L E N D ID S IN N E R "
Featuring Mary Garden— 6 reels
"T H E L A T E L A M E N T E D "
Comedy— 2 reels
W E D N E S D A Y , May 21
The 5th episode of the
"M A N OF M IG H T ," "H U M A N S H IE L D "— 2 rads
Tw o Farm s fa r Rent
"Hearst N ew s"— Interesting and Educational— 1 ro d
F a t Elk Creak dairy farm s, 4M
m iles southwest o f Coquille, are
among tho best in the valley. Can be
had this fa ll on long lease to the
righ t parties. W rite C. A . Pendleton,
Escondido, C alif.
By special arrangem ent w e can
now offer you a
One Year Subeription
Coquille Valley Scattasi
Coquille, Oregon
fo r only
$ 1.66
This Special Price fo r both pa­
per» is good only fo r a short
Coquille V alley Sentinel
Coquille, Oregon
Enclosed find $1.66 fo r
which send me
Coquille V alley Sentinel
fo r One Y ea r each.
“Lyons-Moran Comedy— 1 reel
"R ID E R S O F T H E R A N G E "
Western Drama— 2 reels
T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 22
F R ID A Y , M A Y 23
The gigantic centennial of the estab­
lishment of Methodist missions In
America, under ths form of the Metho­
dist centenary, has a number of re­
markable features.
In the first case. It Is planned to
raise, beginning May 1», a fund of
$106,000,000 to be used on a gigantic
world program of reconstruction, per­
haps the most comprehensive program
Oever devised.
B> that date Methodism will have
enrolled also 1,000.000 Intercessors,
that is, persons pledged to dally
prayer; 1,000,000 tlthers. pledged to
devote one-tenth of their Income to the
work of Christianity; 68,000 persons
who will pledge themselves to devote
the balance of their live# to the work
of tho church, wwhether to America or
la tha foreign field.
thipqeeeA Methodist mlnnto men. ley
church members who present the eose-
prabensive church program at Sunday
services, have been appointed and
form the greatest body of organised
speakers In America at this time.
They have spokea for the Liberty
loan and for tha Cal ted States eas-
Martin Johnson’s
"C A N N IB A L S O F T H E SO U T H 8 E A IS L A N D S "
Most unusual and wonderful. Intensely interesting.
A Sensation everywhere— 6 red s
Charles Chaplin in
"T H E C U R E ”
Full of fun and laughter— 2 reels
O not wait until the sudden death of a friend or
business associate forces you to realise what
adequate life insurance protection means for a family.
The situation might be reversed
N o better insurance than Bankers Life. Paya Mrs or die
Pays L ira or Die.
D istrict Agent for BA N K ERS L IF E . COMPANY