I FRIDAY MAT «, Ml» Almost a HAT will give you some idea of the T serviceability—And popularity too —of the First National Bank. Now each one of those men, women or firms has an individual banking requirement which this institution is able to fit. Thus, you can readily understand that whatever YOUR need may be—we are pretty apt to be able to serve you. Have you bought those Victory Liberty Bonds? Of COQUILLE A NEW EMERGENCY A NEW EMERGENCY is before us snd demands our utmost en. deavsr. real property, to-wit: four-fifths interest in Lode Mining Claim: the Copper King Eureka Lode Clai COQUILLE E JUST CAME-ONE BARREL OF DISHES | 12 Dozen Special Cups and Saucers 6 Dozen Dennis Coffee Cups Feltex Floor Covering, per square yard............. .......................... 95c Copper Wash Boilers, each.................................... ...................... »7.00 ‘ 11 ' 1 Professional Cards OREGON Tin, Copper bottetm, Wash Boilers....................... . ...24.00 to »6.0U Lsrge Variety of Granite Enamel Wore Three 50-piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set Cook Stores from................................................. ..»5.00 to »25.00 New Ranges...,......................................................... .»05.00 to »70.00 Wood and Coal Heater«, each................................ ...»4.00 to »25.00 Chairs, esch................................................................. .. »1.50 to 12.50 Aladdin Chimney 40c. Mantles.......................... .......................... 35c New Oil Lamps, from.............................................. .....75c tot »1.00 2 Gss Lamps complete, each................................. ...?..............»7.00 2 Oil Hanging Lamps, esch.................................. ...................... »4.M Lanterns, from........................................................... ......... 75c to »1.50 Tubs, from................................................................... .. .»2.00 to »4.00 Wash Boards, from ...................... ......... 50c to »1.00 Iron Bedsteads......................................................... . »4 00 to (14.80 Perfection Oil Heaters snd Cooking Stoves J. E. QUICK, The Housefurnisher J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SUBGEON. Richmond-Barker Building. Coquille, Ore. Phones, Office «2*. Rae. 21*. Our New Telephone Directory W. C. CHASE ATTOffNEY-AT-LAW Richmond-Barker Bldg V Coquills Oregoi Will your name be listed? TELEPHONE NOW! If not. ORDER YOUR Also see Chief Operator immediately about extra listings and advertising space. Service First. Coos & Curry Telephone Company DR. C. W. ENDICOTT THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE A. J. SHERWOOD ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Coquille • Oreg» COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY III