The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, May 02, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Telling A boot People i
Evènto in the City and
. c. c. McCormick w o over iron» the
Bay yeotarday.
Letter Moyee, of Dor», w o a Co-
quille viaitor ye#terd»y.
E. H. Hamden waa Waiting at the
Bay the first o f the week.
Willis Neely has moved from town
out onto his farm in Fairview.
Assessor Beyers went up to Powers
for a couple of days the first o f the
Coquille went over the top again
this morning in the Victo.y Loan
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paulson went to
Portland Wednesday morning for a
brief visit.
Mrs. Iris Elrod came over from
North Bend* Tuesday and spent the
week here.
The Radcliffe Chautauqua say they
will be here in full force May 80, 81,
and June 1.
Jos. Pope left yesterday morning
for a month’s vUit with his mother at
Marshfield, Mo.
See “ Our Teddy" fighting graft in
the New Pork legislature today and
tomorrow. Liberty Theatre.
Roosevelt Rough Riders in action.
See Fighting Roosevelts at Liberty
Theatre today and tomorrow.
Two slides about three miles this
side of Powers delayed the evening
brain ior four hours on Monday.
S. H. Burr, this week purchased of
I. J. Treffry, the restaurant on Front
street known as the Club Cafe.
Jno. C. Almack, former superinten­
dent o f schools, was in town Wednes­
day in connection with his werk in
the extension service of U. of O.
Hear John Lewtas’ illustrated lec­
ture on the World War at the Lib­
erty Theatre next Monday evening.
See The Fighting Roosevelts, a life
drama full of humor and pathos. Lib­
erty Theatre today and tomorrow.
Saturday, May 17, will the last day
to register for those who are not now
on the lists, and who want to vote at
the June election.
Rev. W. E. Couper, of the Episcopal
church here, will not be able to preach
on Sunday,, having been called to
Scottsburg to conduct a funeral.
No matter what your politics you
will enjoy seeing Our Teddy’s Life
Drama from the cradle to the grave at
Liberty Theatrt today and tomorrow.
H. M. Shaw If. D., Eye, Ear.
and Throat specialist, will be at
ter Hotel, Coquille, on Saturday,
3rd. Glasses Fitted.
V. R. Wilson, “ Optffioetriat," Co­
quille, Oregon. Eyes Tented, glasses
Optical repain of all kinds.
Broken lenses duplicated.
“ The World War and the League of
Nations” will be the subject of John
Lewtas’ lecture at LibeKy Theatre
next Monday evening, May 5. ' Be
That one auto dealer in this city
has sold $25,000 worth o f cars to 21
purchasers since the first o f the year,
does not seem to indicate any scarcity
of coin in Coquille.
The Sunday school classco of Miss
Wi.iifred Spencer, Miss Kaldor and
Mrs. H. W. Young, to the number oi
30, enjoyed a very jolly party at the
personage Inst night
The Coos Cafe on Front street
changed hands Tuesday when Mrs.
Mabel Baird sold it to Mrs. Amelia A.
Nelson, of Norway. The latter took
immediate possession.
Fred Von Pegert has bought the
former T. T. Land residence on Spur­
geon Hill. It has a 100 foot front
on the street and runs back '500 or 600
feet, making about one and a half
Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, state lead­
er of the home demonstration agents,
spent a couple of days here this week
with Miss Minnie Kalbus, who is the
Coos county agent.
She left this
morning for Corvallis.
The Sentinel will be very» glad to
hear from any o f its readers as to
their opinions in regard to the ballot
measures now before the people,
which are to be voted upotr June 3,
a month from tomorrow.
Mr. end Mrs. J. A. Collier gave a
most enjoyable dinner Wednesday ev­
ening in compliment to Mr. A. M.
Woodford and daughter, Mrs. Jennie
Williams, who are leaving the city
soon to make their home in Medford,
On Friday afternoon. May 9, at
•:80 p. m. the pupils o f the three
primary grades will give their usual
spring program at the Liberty the­
atre. An admission.of ten dents will
be charged to defray expenses.
Discuss City Water
S u d d I v
The best means o f securing a suffi­
cient water supply for this city was
| the main subject of consideration at
the Commercial Club Wednesday,
evening. There was no desire on the
Friday evening, May 9, the Junior part o f the club nor any attempt to
Class of the High 8chool will pre­ toll the city governmant how this
sent the play, “ Phyllis’ Strategy.” The could be dons' but, as every one re­
class hss been working very hard for alises, there is a shortage o f water
the last few weeks and all indications during the month of August every
point to a very excellent production. year, and some means must bo found
to increase the supply.
Judge John 8. Coke, Mrs. Nellie B.
A. T. Morrison, who is better ac­
Scott, court reporter, and C. F. Mc- quainted with the city's water system
Knight, attorney for Geo. Chenoweth, pi<*bably than any other man in town,
returned Tuesday from Gold Beach, has advocated the erection of storage
where they had been attending the Jams on Walker and Rink creeks
April term o f the Curry county court where enough water could be im­
The ladies of the Federated church pounded in the spring to carry us
will have cooked food for sale at through the summer season, and he
gave very cogent re icons why this
Goulds’ store Saturday morning.
The “ flu” has come back in this was the meet practicable way of pro­
county and there have just been three viding the city against a Water fam­
deaths caused by it at the Bay and ine. The council has felt that the
eirth formation where thoso dams
one at Myrtle Point
would have to be constructed was
Mrs. H. A. 1 senses received a tele­
such that the water would sink away
gram from Earl the first o f the week
and not remain in the raso'.voir, but
that he had arrived safely in the Unit­
this is something that a thyman can­
ed States and was at present station­
not know pocitively until it is tried.
ed at Camp Merritt He is expected
Mr. Morrison siid that there was a
to be mustered out soon and to arrive
large enough stream in .Walker creek
home some time this month.
to irrigate 10,000 acres, the way wa­
J. S. Lawrence, L. H. Hazard, J. P. ter is conserved in south» n Califor­
Beyers and F. G. Leslie went over to nia, and he was sure enough water
the "Bay last Saturday afternoon to at­ was allowed to go to waste at the in­
tend the Odd Fellows’ Centennial ex­ take to supply Coquille’s needs for
ercises hold by the Marshfield lodge. years to come.
They report a very enjoyable time
The following gentlemen were nam­
with a fine program, a banquet and ed as an advisory committee to work
with the council in trying to arrive
Eugenia Daigle writes from Rome, at some solution which would insure
to Miss Frances Stack, of Marshfield, sufficient water for all purposes the
saying that she is there en route to yeaY round: J. E. Norton, O. C. San-
Salonica, Greece.
Miss Daigle left fird, A. T. Morrison, Chas. L. Willey
Paris about a month ago and since she and Geo. S. Davis.
The committee having in charge the
has been in Rome visited St. Peter's
and received the Pope’s blessing. She erection of a drinking fountain for
was formerly employed at the Hub man and beast were authorised to
store in Marshfield and is now doing have constructed a concrete water
trough and fountain on Willard street
clerical work for the Red Cross.
at the club’s expense.
Warren Dou^as of Marshfield, who
A. T. Boldon made an earnest plea
has just beromc associated with his to have some action taken which
father, W. U. Douglas, In the law busi­ would make our two cemeteries more
ness, was over here yesterday, having would provide s caretaker for them.'
business at the court house. He got of the day. More than ever this year
home from overseas only two weeks
The W. R. C. has requested the
ago, but isn’t very enthusiastic about Commercial Club to assist in arrang­
ir. In fact, we have yet to see a ing for Memorial Day, four weeks
Coos boy who was at the front, who from today and a committee was
would like to make soldiering his per­ named to confer with that organiza­
manent occupation.
tion in regard to a fitting observance
o f the day. More than ever this year
we should realise that Decoration Day
County Court Notes
is not a holiday for sports, but is set
At the meeting of the County Court
aside as a memorial” for those who
held April 19, only Judge Watson
have died for their country. Every
and Commissioner Yoakam were pres­
organization in the city will bo asked
ent, Commissioner Philip being still
to participate in the exercises.
confined to his home with the “ flu"
i we noted last week.
Farewell Party
The contract for the Shingle House
The J. G. W. club and a »few others
Slough trestle was let to Anderson A
Klockars at their bid of $1628, and spent a pleasant evening last Tues­
that for the Millington fill trestle at day with Mrs. J. A. Lamb, the occa­
their bid o f $956.50. In both cases sion being a farewell party for Mrs.
Jennie Williams, sister o f the hostess.
they were the only bidders.
For painting the small county A delicious two-course cafeteria lun­
bridges Geo. Goodman, o f this city, cheon was served. A special feature
was the only bidder. He offered to do of the evening was a huge birthday
the work for $6.00 a day of 8 hours, cake with tiny candles, which was
he to furnish the brushes, staging, placed before one o f the guests, much
etc., or for $6.60 per day if the county to that lady’s surprise, and which
furnished them, the county, o f course, was afterward found to taste as good
to furnish the paint in either case. as it looked.
The living rooms were most fra­
The matter was postponed by the
grant and festive with quantities of
spring blooms, and that the “ Jolly
Good Women” enjoyed themselves
High School Lunch
was evident from the reluctance with
Several of the High School girls which they departed at a late hour.
who are in the habit o f bringing eneir
Mrs. Iris Elrod, o f North Bend, was
lunches to school, made a more pleas­ an out-of-town guest.
ant time of it Wednesday. During
the noon hour they took their lunches
Daughter Nearly Recovered
and went to the dam. After having
Mr. and Mrs. L. Crandall, of
arrived it was found that no one haa Craifie’s Camp, returned Sunday af­
brought a cup, and with nothing else
ternoon from Ceres, California, where
but teaspoons they came into good
they have been spending the winter
play. Everyone reported a fine time.
for the benefit o f the daughter, Aria’s,
Those that formed the jolly picnicers'
health. It will be remembered that
party were Chrystal, Lafferty, Roba
she had a long siege of sickness ai
Willard, Iona Pointer, Veva Varney,
Marshfield last year wnen sh ewes in.
Clara Pettengill, Irene Kime, Vice*
bed for sixty-one days suffering at the
Knife, Maxine McGilvery, Nina Ben­
same time from measles, pneumonia,
jamin, Margaret Cunningham and
scarlet fever and diphtheria.
Hope Neal.
she should have lived through such a
siege seems little less than miracu­
Death o f Mrs. Barrows
lous, but she has nearly regained her
Mrs. Juliet Barrows, one of the old­ normal condition now. Miss Ruby
est residents of Coos county, died at Goodnight, o f Marshfield, who had
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry been down in California visitng the
Johnson, near Riverton, on the 9th Crandalls for a couple o f weeks re­
day of April.
The "uneral service» turned with them.
were held on the 12th. Mrs. Barrow
waa 79 years o f age at the time of her
Irvine at Eugene
death. For many years che was a
C. A. Howard, principal of the Eu­
resident of Coquille, living on the gene high school, announces that B.
hill near the city park and later op­ F. Irvine, the blind editor o f the Port­
posite the Methodist church building. land Journal, who made such eloquent
Besides Mrs. Johnson, she leaves a and inspiring talks here and at other
son, two other sons having died prior points in Coos county at the time of
to her passing.
the Editorial Association visit last
August, has been selected to deliver
the commencement address at Eugene.
May Bay Dance
The graduating class, Mr. Howard
A most happy affair was the May
Day dance given by the Ko-Keel Klnb says will consist o f 100 members and
at their rooms last evening.
The the commencement date is June 6.
crowd was just large enough to com­
fortably fill the ball room and the
.___ _____.
___ . .
pep and life into the affair to make ft
a big success. The committee baring
At year service. We call lot) and the arrangements in char«« were: T.
B. Currie, Austin Hazard, Keith Les­
deliver your cleaning ■
lie, John Stanley and Herbert Lukeria.
Phone 119$. R. H. Swa
Mrs. J . L. Smith was hostess to the
younger “ 600” club on Wednesday af­
ternoon. Mrs. Clarence Tattle made
high score winning the club prize,
while the guest prise went to Mrs.
Allen Young. Dainty and delectable
refreshments wars served at the elooa
of the gam«.
Primary Program Friday
The pupils of the primary depart­
ment o f cut* Public- Schools are ar­
ranging «/very attractive program to
be given in the Liberty Theatre, Fri­
day, May ninth, at 2:30 in the after­
The email admission o f b
cents will be asked at the door, mere­
ly enough to defray expenses.
you not think the following program
will justify an hour of your time on
that date?
Operetta by First and Second Rooms
“ The Children’s Garden”
3d Room
Song— “ Peek-s-Boo.”
Pin-wheel Drill
Drill— “ Upside Down."
Song— “ Doll’s Lullaby.”
Good flig h t Drill.
4th Room
Flag Drill
“ Echo” (Dramatiza Jon)
Song—“ Robin”
Brownie Drill
“ Sipder and the Fly” (Dramatiza­
Bird Song
Tableau-—“ Liberty”
Sd Room
Industrial Club Meeting
The industrial club meeting at
Catching Inlet last Saturday was a
very successful and instructive one,
and the dinner served by the people
of that action has been praised far
and wide by those who were eo for­
tunate as te, be there. An interesting
feature waa the visit to the differ­
ent homes o f the boys who had joined
the Catching Inlet Pig Club and were
industriously engaged in raising pure
bred stock. The boys all reported
what they were doing, and in many
instances the pigg had averaged a
gain o f a pound and a half a day for
the peat two months.
Among those who went over from
this section were Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mulkey, Missis Minnie Kalbus and
May Lund, J. L. Smith, W. C. Chase
and E. H. Harnden.
Mrs. Oerding Entertains
Mrs. J. H. Oerding entertained
Wednesday evening in honor o f her
son, Harry and J. P. Michels, who re­
cently returned from overseas. A
very enjoyable evening was spent,
music and reminiscenses o f the war
being the form of entertainment
which appealed most to the perty. At
a late hour refreshments were served
and the guests reluctantly gave up
hearing more war etories.
the Oerding family those present
were Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Knowlton,
Dr. and Mrs. V. L. Hamilton, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H, Sweet, Misses Winnie
Curry, Kathleen Mulvihill, Edna Asp-
lund and Messrs. J. P. Michels and D.
E. McDuffee.
Hear John Lewtas’ illustrated lec­
ture on the World War at the Lib­
erty Theatre next Monday evening.
Calling Carda, 100 for $1.00.
Go for years without the need of
glasses— others, due to a refractive
error, need glasses early in life.
I have had more than twenty years’
experience, and the use of 'scientific
instruments enables me to determine
the exact refractive error o f the eyes
and relieve your imperfect vision with
my Perfect-Fitting Glasses.
Make your appointments by phone
or mail, for evening work.
Office Phone 430.
149R. ,
Residence Phone
Eye Specialist
Corner Front snd Commrrcial
The spring days are kodak days
Let a Kodak help you to eryoy them.
Oar Kodak stock is complete tad we will be fiad to show yoa bow
Le us take care of your Kodak finishing
Knowlton’s Drug Store
Saturday, May 3 to Saturday, May It
A life drama o f this great American, historical and biographical
— educational in every tense. Specially selected by the Liber­
ty’s managemnt for School Teachers snd School Children,
Fathers, Mothers, Sons and Daughters. It will take you weeks
of study from a book to learn what you will from this film in
one evening.—6 reels
Comedy featuring Smiling Bill Parson—2 reels
Featuring Margarita Fischer—5 reels
Comedy— 1 reel
“ Ford Weekly” Educational— 1 reel
The Coquille Orchestra will render - a special program under
the direction of Prof. W. Zinner and will accompany the film.
The Fourth Number o f the Lyceum Course
Featuring the inimitable Madge Kennedy 5 reels
Educational and a feature— 1 reel
A little drama full o f pep from start to finish
“ Hearst News” educational and good— 1 reel
“ MAN OF MIGHT” —2 reels
3rd Episode o f thrills—the creeping death
“ Lyons-Moran” Comedy—1 reel
Featuring Viola Dana, a neat little Star—5 reels
Featuring Sidney Drew and Wife— 1 reel
Closing exercises o f the Primary grades of
the Coquille Schools from 2:30 to 4:00 P. M.
Commencing at 8:00 P. M. the Junior
Class o f the High School will present
Phyllis’ Inheritance”
a comedy drama full o f life and laughs
K overalls
Netf .U .S.P tet O f f
fa mm R ie s s i! sad Cowane - law
Trede-Mwe oad eoa oaly bo ngbdully
end ea geodi mad* by u*.
KOVERALLS wo.gnw n
kr doU-
raa I to g year* ot ago.
If a drei» año (e MÛ you, aodw tbo
KOVERALLS soon, m j gWRKnt aot
of our aeaufoduM, you any bo run bo
bn at «lie b that bo fa trymg le amba!
ou KOVERALLS npuumu.
KOVERALLS un «ode ou^r^y Lori
OUR place as a provider fo r your wife and
children must be filled if you should die.
Will the provider be an adequate insurance pol-
cy, or must it be your widow that struggles to
take your plaee?
The Bankers Life Company wrote Eighteen
Million Insurance in January, February and
March this year. The reason?
Na Better Inewaace at Any Price.
eneo red bon tbir labal
lU s L J I
CoqtiUW ,
“ Our Toddy.” See thia atronuoua
American through Hfa’a drama,* full
-Plata and Fancy Sewing.
of laughs, thrills and cheer« at Lib­ L. Miller, Mr*. Ella a—i f
erty Theatre today aad
Drone’s Store.