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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
T O COQUILLE T A U S T Of Interest to Employers. Organisations and individuals gen erally are advised by Collector o f In ternal Revenue, Milton A . MlUer, to underscore on th eir' calendars, Juno 15th, the last day fo r the filing o f re turns o f inform ation, giving the names and addsaaaie o f all individuals to whom payments o f salaries, wages, rents, interest, commissions, aad other gains, profits and income o f $ 1 , 600.00 or mote ware paid during tho year 1918. A a extension o f tone from March 16th to June 16th, was granted by the Commissioner o f Internal Revenue for the filing o f these returns. “ A ll employers at labor, whetber in large or sm ell number*, ere in quired to make these returns,” says Collector Miller. Form 1099, i upon which reporto must be I may b* obtained from the ' Return» o f Information muat be ac companied by a letter o f transmittal cr on form 1096 shewing under oath the aggregate amount o f tho payments. These form e also may be obtained from collectors. Th* penalty fo r failur« roturn on time is a fins than $1,000.00. Peirce Is Home Hon. S. P. Poireo,/ representative from tl district and mar* ree« of th* Royal English Ei _ western front, because age and could only get into vice by going to Canada, returned to hi* home on th* Sixes the first o f th* week. He ia quoted by th* Baiatoti W orld as saying that “ tho army ra tions and vigorous Ilf* toughenod ms up wonderfully and I feal better than ever.” Calling C kid*. 1 0 0 f $ 1 . 00 . Cana* at By knowing ' the cause, a disease mr.y often be avoided. This is par ticularly true o f hssdaeks. The most common cause o f headache ia a disor dered stomach or constipation, which may be ebrroetod by taking a fr a doses o f Chamberlain’s Tablets. Try it. Many others have obtained per manent relief by taking these Tab let*. They are easy to take and mild and rentle in effect. i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Nottc* ia hereby given that sealad bids for tbs Installation at tide gates will be received by-the Fat Elk Drain age District at Goo. Moulton’s office until 1 p. m., Saturday, May 17. No bid will bo considered unless ac companied by cask, bidder’» bond, at certified check fo r an amount equal to at toast 10% o f th* total amount o f tho bid. A corporate surety bond will bo re quired for the faithful performance o f tho contract in a sum oqual to one- half the total amount o f the bid. Plana and specifications may bo soon at Geo. T. Moulton’s ofitos in Co- quilto, Oregon. * The right to reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for said District. A separate bid will bo received for cutting brush. v Dated this 28th day o f April, 1919. Fat Elk Drainage District L. P. Brans tetter, E. H. Hamdon, C. R. Gabler, Trustees. 16t2 NOTICB OF INTENTION TO IM- ’ PROVE PORTIONS OF HALL AND FRONT STREETS Notice to hereby given that the Common Council o f tho City o f Co- quills, a municipal corporation, o f Coos County, Oregon, did, by resolu tion duly adopted at a regular moat ing o f aaid Council hold on Urn 21st day o f A pril, 1919, and which reso lution U kept o f record in the o f fice o f th* City Recorder o f said City in the records o f tho proceedings o f th* said Council, and reference to which resolutions and th* said record thereof to hereby mad* and by such reference the same are made a part o f this notice, duly declare its intention to imnrove that portion of Hall Stret f r o « th# south lin* o f Firat »treat in EUlott’e Addition to Coquille City. Cooq County, Oregon, to the end o f and Intereeecting the north end o f the present bridge on that portion o f the weet line o f the proponed im th* provement o of f Hall atreet went to in tersect tho present pavement on aaid Front atreet, all within the corporate limito o f the aaid City o f Coquille, and aa one improvement project. im provem ent will w ill be made Said im improvement in accordane# with npacificationa o f th* fitod in th* office cordar on th* 1919, and th* astimat bis cost thsreof ia th# Said at th* coot and «p e n a * o f ty benefitted thereby H FRIDAY, MAT X t t l i COQOUILLB, PAGE P IT S an file ia the ofitos at th* gon, offer for aale aad sell at public Clerk e f said Coes County; auction, to th* highest «m l best beet bM- bu purpose e f collecting th e 'der for cash in hand, all th* right, aaeaesad against said proper- title and interest o f the said defond- tho improvement o f First enta in and to the follow ing described real property, U A rit: Undivided four-fifths interest in two Quarts Lode Mining Claims kn^wn as th* Copper King sad th* Eureka Lode Claims, locat ed ia th* Southerly portion o f Coos County, Oregon, on Granite Creek weet of its junction with Poverty Creak about SOO fast, as th* same are located and marked upon the ground, the same being each 1600 feet in length and 600 feet wide, and if suf- cannot be realised from ficient i the the property, in the manner indicated in the decree, I 1 will sell the equity o f redemption of th* defendants, and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or any o f them, either as beneficiaries —, or des- otherwise, in or to th* I property des described property, at ao much cribed herein, and apply ' th* proceeds thereof as may be nooessary arising therefrom to the payment ' of mort to satisfy said unpaid asses- the H fendant Gatos’ note and mort- msnt with interest thereon, to gage, and payHhe residue remaining gether with all coats o f adver thereafter, if any, to the defendant, tising and sals that have or may ac Coal and Metals Trustees. Said sal* being made subject to re crus. Said sal* being subject to redemp demption in the manner provided by tion in th* manner provided by law. law. Dated April 8th, 1919. 1U6 A . P. MILLER, v W. W. Gage, Marshal o f the City o f Coquille. 14t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon thereaf County far the » ty for NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 1M- PROVE PORTIONS OF B U A AND FIRST STREETS. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council o f the City o f Co quille. a municipal corpora tips, ef to which resolutions and th* said record thereof ia hereby mad* and by such reference th* same are made a part o f this notice, duly declare its intention to improve those portions o f Hall and First Streets beginning on Hall street a t th* south lino of Sec ond Street in E lliott’s addition to Co quill* City, Coos County, Oregon, and running thonc* south to tho south line o f F irst street in aaid E lliott's addition; and boginning on First Street at th* west line o f said Hall street and running west to th* east Una o f W illard street, excepting th* intersection o f First and Taylor Streets, all within th* corporato lim ito o f th* said City o f Coqdilto, and as op* improbemsnt project. Said improvement will be made in accordance with the plans and specifications o f th* City Engineer filed in th* office o f th* said City Re corder on th* 21st day o f April, 1919, and th* estimate o f th* proba ble cost thsreof is the sum o f $19,- 297.98. Said improvement will be at th* cost and expanse o f Jh* proper ty benefitted thereby as stated m aaid resolution. Any sad all persons interested may make and file with the City Recorder a written remonstrance against th* id proposed improvement within twenty days from th* first publica tion o f this notte*, to w it: within twenty days from th* 26th day o f April, 1818. J. 8. Lawrence, - City Recorder. NOTICB OF FINAL Notice is hereby given that th* uu- dersignod did oa C m 26th day of April, 1919, file his Anal account in th* Matter o f th* Administration of th* Estate o f J. J. Lamb, deceased; and that th* County Court for Coos County, Oregon, has set Saturday, the Slat day o f May as the time and the County Court Room in th* County Court House at Coquilto, Coos Coun ty, Oregon, aa th* place for hearing objections to said Anal Account and tho settlement o f said Estate. Dated this 26th day o f April, 1919. James Anderson Land), Executor at the Last W ill aad Test ament aitf o f the Estât* « o f J. J. Lamb, deceased. 16tS NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. NOT1CE OF PROPOSED SEWER. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council o f the City o f Co- quille, s municipal corporation, of Coos County, Oregon, did, by resolu tion duly adopted at a regular meet ing o f said Council held on th* day o f April, 1919, and which lution is kept o f record in the o f fice o f th* City Recorder o f said City in the records o f the proceedings o f the said Council, and reference to which resolutions and the said record thereof ia hereby made and by such reference the same are mad* a part o f this notice, duly declare its intention to construct a sewer along Hall street between First and Sec ond Streets, and along First street between Hall and W illard, aa one project and sower system in connec tion with other and present existing sewers, and all within the corporate limits o f th* said City o f Coquilto. Said sower will be constructed in accordance with th* plans and ifications o f the City Engineer in th* office o f th* said City Re corder on th* 21st day o f April, 1919, and the estimate o f the proba ble cost thereof is the sum of $1924.- 18. Said sswsr will be constructed at the cost and expense o f th* proper ty benefltted thereby as stated In said resolution. Any and all paraons interested may make and fils with the City Recorder a written remonstrance against th* said proposed sewer within twenty days from th* first publica tion o f this notice, tow it:- within twenty days from the 26th day of April, 1919. Nottc* is hereby given that by vir tu* o f a warrant duly issued by the City Recorder, o f th* City o f Coquilto, Coos County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and dated th* 24th day o f March, A . D., 1919, directing and requiring me aa Marshal o f said City o f Coquilto to soil in th* manner pro vided by law th* follow ing described property, aseseeed ia th* name of Alico B. McDonald, tow it: Lot 12 in block 31 in E lliott’s addition to Coquilto City, Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on flto in th* office o f the County Clerk o f said Coos County; ^ ’or the purpoe* o f collecting th* amount assessed against said proper ty for th* improvement o f First Street in E lliott’s Addition to Co quilto City, Coos County, Ore- ind in Coquilto City, (N ottoy’s A ddition), Coos County, Oregon, ac cording to tho plate thereof on fito m th* office o f th* county clerk or «aid Coos County, Oregon, namoly, the J. S. Lawrence, sum o f $222.62 together with interest 15t2 C ity Recorder. on said sum at th* rate o f 6% per an num cine* th* 24th day o f Novoaaber, A I)„ 1913. Now, thefsfore, all persona will hereby take nottc* that 1 will on tne 3rd day o f May, A. D„ 1919, at the front door o f th* City Hall in said € . R. BARROW City o f Coquilto, at th* hour o f S la v an Attorney and Counselor at Law o’clock in the forenoon o f said day, Practice in State and Federal sell at public auction to th* highest Court*. Have moved my office to bidder for cash, lawful money o f the old City Hall near Busy Corner United States o f America, the above and City Wharf* Office hours $ described property, or ao much to 12 A. M. and 1 to 5 P. M. thereof a* may be to aatiafy aaid unpaid J. A. RICHMOND it with interest thereon, to PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. gether with all coats o f adver Richmond-Barker Building. tising and sale that have or may ac Coquilto, Ore. crue. Pkones, Ofitos 626, Eos. 214. Said sal* being subject to redemp th* manner provided by tow. U t6 A. P. MILLER, Marahal o f the City o f Coquilto. tTTOfilWEY-AT-LAW NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. Nottc* to hereby given that by vir tu* o f a warrant duly Issued by th* City Recorder, o f the City o f Coquilto, Coo# County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and dated th* 24th day o f March, X. D „ 1818, directing and requiring me as Marshal o f said City o f Coquilto to sell in th* manner pro vided by law the follow ing deoeribed property, asseeaed in th* name Of A. J. Sherwood, to w it: Th* weet half o f th# weet half o f lot six in block eighteen in E lliott’s addition to Coquills City, Coos County, Oregon, according to th* plat thereof on file in th* office o f th* County Clark o f said Coos County; for th* purpose o f collecting the amount ty fo r th* improvement o f a portion o f Hall Street in said E lliott’s addi tion to Coquilto City, Coos County, Oregon, according to th* plats thereof on file in tho office o f th* county clerk o f said Coos County, Oregon, namely, the sum o f $87.66 together with inter est on said sum at th* rate o f 6% par annum sine* th* 24th day o f Feb ruary, A. D., 1816. Now, therefore, all persona will hereby take nottc* that I will on the 3rd <toy o f May, A. D., 1919, at th* front door o f th* City Hall in said City o f Coquilto, at th* hour o f eleven o’clock in th* forenoon o f said day, sell at public auction to th* highest bidder for cash, lawful money o f the United States o f America, th* above described property, or so much FORECLOSURE SALE H-eof aa may be Nerico to hereby gives. That, under to satisfy said unpaid id by virtu* at aa Execution and msnt with interest thereon, to Order o f Sato issued out e f th* Cir gether with all costs o f adver tising and sal* that have or may ac- cuit Coart o f th* State o f Oregon for the County at Coo* on th* 1st day at subject to redemp- April, 1919, ia a certain cans* in said ner provided by law. Court ponding wherein W. R. Moffett is plaintiff, and E. W. Bryant, Russell P I fiM .E B Marahal o f the City o f Coquille. Winslow, E. W. Mclnturff, Geo. Get- aaoll Winslow, E. W. Mc- Gotttng Trustee* operat- NOTICE OP SA L S OF PROPERTY under th* name and style o f Coal FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. Trustees and E. W. Gatos, Notice ia hereby fiv e s that b y vir No 6163, o f said tue o f a warrant duly ieeued by the a*U the City Recorder, o f the CHy o f Coquille, hereinafter deecribed real property to Cooe County. Oregon, a municipal aatiafy the aum o f $2181.00 $1181.00 with In ta corporation, and dated the 24th day ternet at 9% from April let, 1919, o f March, A . D.. 1919, direetin f and duo the plaintiff, and the further aum requiring me aa Marahal o f anid City e f $7800.00 with internet at •% from o f Coquille to eell ia the manner pro September 27th, 1918, due the de tti* de- vided by law the fallow ing deecribed fendant, E. W. Gatee, and ind attorney property, aaeaaaed In the aama o f fee e f $280.00, together with accru ing coats, I W ILL ON SATURDAY, Molile Mehl (W hetstone), William G. THE 17th Day o f M AT, 1919, at Mehl, Thames H. Mehl aad George A. the hour o f 10 o’clock in the fore Mehl, ternit: Let 11 ia block 89, Co noon o f aaid day at the front door quille City (N ettoyé A ddition, Goes o f tho County Court Hom e in th* the County, Oregon, ■iinriH ig to the pint City ai Coquille, Ceno O m b County, Ove- Ore- C Professional Cards CHASE Riehmond-Barker Bld| O regon Coquille DR. Q. W. LESLIE O u toopu th ic P h y sicia n Graduate o f the American School o f Osteopathy o f Kirksvilta, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon Told by tfie tank Book you realize that a Checking D O Account here at the First Na tional Bank gives you a record of and receipt fo r every expenditure? W hy at a glance at your check stubs you can see your income, your outgo and your net balance all at the same time. “Let’s Fnish the Job” — is the plea Uncle Sam is making through the Victory Loan. President Vic* Pres. Cashier IA .'J . Sherwood R. C. Dement L. H. Hasard A . . * 4 r .e L U . First National Bank of Coquille A NEW EMERGENCY IN MANY W AYS it will be even more difficult '<i turn from war to peace than it was tw* years ago to turn from peace to war. A NEW EMERGENCY ie before us and demands qur utmost en daaver. THIS INSTITUTION, and that means everyone connected with it, IS PLEDGED TO A CONTINUANCE o f helpful service to Coquille and vicinity, ‘Tfco kind Of service that we feel has done its share in building up the proud record hereto fore attained in the various war activities, and here renews these pledges in th* activities yet U cime, AS WELL IN PEACE AS IN W AR. OREGON COQUILLE JUST CAME— ONE BARREL OF DISHES 12 Dozen Special Cups and Saucers 6 Dozen Dennis Coffee Cups Faltex Floor Covering, per square y a rd ..... ...............................95c Copper Wash Boilers, each..........................................................*7.00 Tin, (topper bottom, YVash B oilers..............................$4.00 to *6.00 Large Variety o f Granite Enamel Ware Three 60-piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set Cook Stoves from ..................................................... 66.06 to $25.00 New Ranges...............................................................*65.00 to *70.00 Wood and Coal Heaters, ea ch ...................................*4.00 to *25.00 C hain, each............................................ 81.50 to *2.50 Aladdin Chimney 40c. Mantle*....................................................36c New Oil Lamps, from ..................................................... 75c to $1.00 2 Gaa Lamps complete, each........................................... ........ $7.00 2 Oil Hanging Lamps, each........................................................$4.00 Lanterns, from ................................................................... 75c to $1.60 Tubs, fr o m ..................................................................... $2.00 to $4.00 Wash Boards, fr o m ................................... 50c to $1.00 Iron Bedsteads ................................................... - . . $ 4 00 to $14.90 Perfection Oil H eaterrand Cooking Stoves J. E. QUICK, The Housefurnisher How to Improve Hour Opportunities Do you realize what MAIN LINE TELEPHONE SERVICE means to yourself and your customers T It is a convenience to them which they cannot fail to appreciate. It insures you against losses of calls and possible sales, increa* your sales and your opportunities for serving your pa trons by applying for MAIN LINE SERVICE. (The Government charge for this change o f service has been dis continued.) Coot & Curry Telephone Company Servies First. DR. C. W. ENDICOTT ; 9ENT1ST First N*t'l Bank B’ ld’g N 9M M M M N M I i-o m Phone Main 11, Ooquille. Dragon. J. J. STANLEY LA WYE» Office in First National Bank Building, Coquilto, Oregon. A. J. SHERW OOD ATTOthEY AT LAW First National Bunk Building TH E ONE IN D U S T R Y IN ? COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen years ago has been your Laundry. Rain or shin*, good times and bad, it haa bean on th* job. W# have a number o f customer* that have patronized it continually from th* beginning. W* are gratefu l for this appreciation o f our Our aim to to im prove th» service in every way possible. W * wash over y thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY