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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
THE COQUILLE TALLET BENTINEf* COQOUILLE. < PAGE FOUR The Sentinel Aad The Coqnili* Herald a aooo M K R IN A GOOD TOW BY H. W. YOUNG. ‘ Satecriptiea Bates. On* Y e a r......................... W J Six Month*.................................. M Three Month*.............................. AO No aubecription taken unlee* Mid for in advance. Thia rule is impera t i v e . _________________________ __ Advertising Ratea. Display, IS cento per inch. Rend ing notices, 6 cento per line each in sertion. Want ad*, 1 cent per word; no ad leas than 16 canto. No position given. ______ •__________ •FtlCE, M ITI ENI W > SHEET Entered at the CoquUle PoetodSce as Second Claa# Mail Matter. When the weather is line in Co quille, as it hat been thia week, it is the ft neat in the world. Now that the reet o f Oregon ha* filled it* Victory Loan quota, let’* peg g the hat and clip in to halp Port land out. My, what a bunch of slacker* they mu»t have up there. The cable* are going back out of government control in about a week, and the rest o f the wire# a* *oon as Congress acts. No doubt the adminis tration frill be glad to let go of them and o f the railroads too. The grand chief baker of the Unit ed SUtei says that “ no matter how low tjie price of flour falls, the price of bread cannot go to the old figure.” Then we shall hav* to take the aa- vice o f that French queen and eat cake.— 0 regonian. There it still snothsr alternative. The treat majority of housewives still have to bake their own bread. There must be millions of dollars wasted in thia country every year in futile efforts to influence the press by addressing to the editors argumenta tive and informative communications on almost every subject under the aun. The Average editor has some thing elae to do besides reading this stuff— which would be a physical im possibility even if he devoted all his tims to it and could get along with out sleeping or eating. A Selem press dispatch o f last Tuesday says that the state supreme court sustained the demurrer by At torney General Brown to the man damus action brought by the Califor nia liquor interests to compel the at torney general to draft a ballot title for the referendum measure to refer to the people the legislature’s ap proval of the federfl prohibition amendment. The referendum cannot now be placed on the ballot. Let us not forget that we have been again “ bought with a price’’ and that “ without the shedding o f blood them can be no remission o f sins.” Our peace and safety, our opportunity to go on living, oer sheltered', happy lives, have been bought with the blood of millions of men and tens o f thous- ends of our own Americans, shed on the battlefields of France. The sins of the old order or arbitrary rule and of the unpaid toil of the millions who have slaved that the hundreds might live softly, have been remitted (sent away) by the shedding of oceans ot blood. With the League o f Nations to enforce peace a new day is dawn ing and, let us hope, a new world wherein dwelleth righteousness. The old order is dying; the «tew order is beginning. We have put our hands to the plow, let there be no turning back. OUT OF DATE “ ALMANACS” The receipt of a copy o f the Ore gon Almanac for the present year im pels us to say that the state isn’t get ting its money’s worth in this publica tion now. It is issued to furnish in formation about the state to “ home- seekers, settlers and investors.” There used to be some attempt to keep this publication up-to-date, but due to the engrossing nature of other public duties in war and reconstruction ttmea it is being allowed to go to seed. We used to be asked to furnish timely information about Coquille for this publication but we note that this year the same old stuff goes with little or no attempt at a revision. For instance in the list o f towns in Coos county no mention is made of Powers, though we are astonished to learn that “ Etelka,” nineteen miles south o f Myrtle Point has a graded public school and that Myrtle Point is its nearest railroad station. We read, too, that Coquille is on the line o f the “ Coos Bay, Rose burg A East ern Railroad A Navigation Company." Five years ago this was true but an Almanac that far behind the times is considerably out of date. Under “ Bandon” we learn that there are two weekly and one semi-weekly newspaper published there, which is two p t p in too many. Coquille is also credited with two papers. Notwithstanding the removal o f the machinery from the Marshfield pulp mill we learn that . . one of the industries o f the county At the same time the only ref we find to the big shipbuilding dustry of the county is the mild stete- it that “ boat building is also important industry.” On* might look hi this for some word in reference to what Coo* county has don* in tha various Liberty Loan drive#, and other war work, as wall as about the men who it out o f the county during the World war; but it w*a so much easier to reprint old stuff put in typo five years ago that one will look in vain. The assessed value of taxable property and other statistics are giv en for “1914,” and yat this is sup- posed to be i 1919 Atman**. Of course, Coo# county doss not stand alone in thee* antiquated statis tics. Indeed, we find that even for Portland and Multnomah county the tax statistics bear tha “ 1914” brand. ilf this Almanac is to serve a useful purpose it ought to be edited each year, instead af only ones in five years. Our suggestion is that the old plates of this work be melted up before another edition is issued and that none but figures for the current year be “ passed by the censor.” FRIDAY, H AT X 1*1». interested in irrigation, shall voto for tha Roosevelt Highway bond issue of 62,600,000, which manas' sé much to O f eoufte, it ia help will be given to a large of'dra'n eg* districts ia western Ore gon as there ara estima tad to be 4,- 000,000 scree o f land needing drainage in this section to only 6,000,0000 acres susceptible o f irrigation in East ern Oregon. These measures ate cap able of doing so much for the devel opment and welfare o f the state that the vote in the house at Salem was absolutely unanimous for the ir rigation and drainage act. We in the coast section find that much o f our richest land requires drainage, and that is especially tha case in tha neighborhood o f Coquillo. So we an ticipate a pretty nearly unanimous vota for these two measures in our section, for certainly the Roosevelt Highway project is regarded as abso lutely essential by all our people. Lieateaast Govs m e« Again For the third time the proposition add a lieutenant governor to the official payroll, is before the voters of Oregon. Twice they have rejected it. It was presented the third time to prevent Ban Olcott from becoming governor when it became practically SOME BALLOT MEASURES. certain that Governor ^Fithycombe There are nin* constitutional would not survive to the end of his amendments and measures to be voted second term. A s the act will not now on at a state election to be held June avail for the intended purpose it can S. Until this week the Sentinel edi be considered Impersonally on its tor has shied at the task o f studying merits; and there can be little douijt them and presenting fiis own conclu that the voters will condemn it as sions about them to his readers— they have heretofore. principally for the reason that the We have thus considered five of the time he could spend in such work is nine measures on which the voters are limited and his energies were de to pass next month. The other four manded for other and what appeared we expect to discuss in an sarly issue. to be more pressing duties. They are the 66,000,000 reconstruction Even now, when renewed strength bonding amendment, and the recon seems to justify the devotion o f a struction bonding bill providing how little time to these questions we don’t the money shall be spent if both meures carry; the Soldiers Sailors think that wa should assume to try to do more than give our readers a lit and Marlnea’ Educational Financial Cirls now attending our .schools' may tle additional light on the measures Aid bill and the Market Roads Tax hope to see the day when Oregon shall before the people. Their views may bill. number five millions o f people, lor be different frpm ours and they may within tho past seventy years New ' THE UNIVERSAL LAW. have good reasons for the difference. York and its two sister states have And yet if after studying these ques The doctrine which justifies doing grown from a population of six mil tions we feel impelled to take a decid evil that good may come is a doctrine lions to <S m ot 21 millions and the ed stand upon them, wa hope to do o f devils. Germany has furnished an writer of these lines was on o v th at it without giving offense to those who object leeson o f that sort which ought the beginning of that period. do not think as we do. to stand as a warning for the next Ta Permit More Bonds far Reads PROHIBITION PRACTICES million years. The first of tha nine measures is' a From an article on “ Prohibition The German idea was that Germans lid lifter. It raises the limit for were the only really efficient people Practice” in the current issue o f Col which counties may bond themselves and the people o f other lands should lier’s, we quote the following: to build and maintain permanent either be made their slaves or ex roads from two par cant o f tha as terminated outright. So by orders of Lunching one day at the Detroit sessed value o f all the property in tha the high command the German sol Club, a man from Oregon contributed county to six per cant In Coos coun diers impaled French and Belgian this to the table discussion: _ ty where we have outstanding 6362,- babies on their bayonets and com “Will, I can tell what prohibition 000 o f such bonds. This would glean pelled all the French and Belgian wo means in a bone-dry stete. When my that tha county might, under the men they could get hold o f to sub friends in Portland heard I was com present valuation, issue not leas than mit to their embraces, so that the ing east one after liter another called up a million, two hundred thousand, (61,- next generation might be at least and said! ‘Don’t ’t forget to put a bottle 200.000) additional bonds for such half breed Germans. Likewise they in yopr trunk for me when you come purposes, if a majority o f the voters thoroughly destroyed all French and back, George, Stock’* getting low out fi vored the project It doesn’t mean, Belgian industries in the territory here.’ ’’ however, that we are required to vote they occupied so as to put them out But on being asked whether these a single dollar more in bonds, if we of businees as competitors o f Ger thirsty ones, pleading for the waters don’t wish to. A great deal o f fault man industries after pence came. of a wickeder life, would vote to make has been found with the present limi Did it pay, this doing all sorts of Oregon wet if the opportunity were tation, and we know there were ob fiendishness to give Germany the given them, the speaker declared with jections to the county bonding act o f lordship o f the world ? O f course, the emphasis: 1916 because the 2 per cent furnished object in view seemed altogether “ Not one o f hem! They lire all so small an amount, and in a county good to the Germans and so they business men, and prohibition nseding roads so badly as Coos it was stopped at nothing they believed been the biggest thing that ever hap said that the bond issue shouldn’t be would promote its accompllsment. pened in Oregon for business. I is than a million. But their devilishness was their un guess,” he continued philosophically, To us it seems that counties that doing. Instead o f conquering, they as the full significance o f his talk want to vote larger amounts for arrayed the world in arms against dawned on him, “ that the real fact la bonds should be permitted to do so; them and insured their own undoing. that ehch of us is willing to trust and that is not to say that we should But did you ever stop to think self with whiskey, but loftily favor another bond issue in Coos what this doctrine they exploited on of the hurt it may do in the hand* of county now. In view of the amount a national sciTb, means when we ap other people.” of road work needing to be done In ply it to individuals? It is a good Oregon, and the fact that the state is thing to get money; everyone agrees About Rreumatism. now spending and will for some years to that. So M. D. Landis shot Jess Rheumatism causes more pain and to come be spending so large an Budailey and buried him in the Mc- suffering than any other disease, for amount for roads, and in vefw also ot Quigg pasture at Cedar Paint, and got the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratify the fact, that the state will spend away with his money. If doing evil ing to know that there Is a remedy most where the counties spend most that good may come is justifiable, why that will afford relief, and make rest liberally, it is our opinion that the not all try the Landis plan of getting and sleep possible. It is called Cham berlain’s Liniment limit should be raised so that the money ? voters of any county may decide for Chenoweth’s lawyers appear to be It won’t work, o f course, for there themselves how large an amount of are moral laws in this universe with sparring for time. But the idea road bonds they will issue— up to £ just as inevitable sanctions as the sending Way back to London for testi six per cent levy. physical law which scorches us if we mony as to his sanity seems Another Lid Lifter put our hands in the fire, fto man sins fetched. The testimony o f his asso The second amendment merely per but that he suffers for it in some ciates in the legislature at Salem mits the legislature to locate an in-’ way sooner or later. The mills of would be a good deal more pertinent dustrial and reconstruction' hospital the gods grind slowly but they grind and timely than anything the London somewhere else than in Salem without exceeding small. It is up to us to doctors can tell. submitting the matter to the voters of learn the immutable laws and heed the entire state, as would be required them. Any other course spells rum under the present constitution. sooner or later. We could wish this were an amend What a Heap of Happiness It Would ment to do away entirely with Salem’s PACIFIC COAST'S FUTURE Bring to Coquille Homes. monopoly on the public institutions o f It can not be too often reiterated Hard to do housework with an ach the state which, has always seemed that Oregon is larger than New York ing back. to us unreasonable. O f course, if an Brings you hours o f misery at lei and Pennsylvania taken together; In sure or at work. industrial and reconstruction hospital deed, it takes most o f Nsw Jersey in If women only knew ths cause— is needed— e question upon which we addition to make up the bal-mce. And that need express no opinion now—wa Bachsche pains often come from it to no disloyalty to the w r it « ’* na want ths legislature left free to lo tive state, the Empire state, to add weak kidneys, Many residents o f this vicinity en cate it anywhere in the state. We a n the natural resources of the 93,000 dorse them. everlastingly tired of everything be square miles o f the Pacific northwest Mrs. J. R. Gunning, 406 S. Fourth ing tied to Salem’s apron strings. So that comprise the commonwealth of St., Gipnts Pass, Ore, says: “ My hack we shall vote for this amendment. Oregon are greater than those of the caused me a great deal o f misery at To Pay Interest an Drainage Bands eastern states named. So wa believe tims* and there were dull, bearing- down pains across my kidneys. Dur 1 Th* "•** proposition can not be tlie time is coming when the Pacific ing these attacks my kidneys have considered exclusively on its merits. will carry no less a commerce than acted too freely and then again, sin. Have There is a tacit gentleman’s agree the Atlantic and when the scattered bean congested. Doan’s Kidney Pills ment that we of tha coast counties population o f lees than a m illion- always regulate my kidneys and ston shall vote for state payment o f the 124 to the square mile—now counted that misery in my back after I have taken a box or two.” interest on irrigation and district in our state will becoc,e as great as Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t bonds for the benefit of eastern Ore tha 21,000,000 now found in the three rimpiy ask for a kidney remedy—gat gon, and that in return the people of states on the opposite side of the na Doan's Kidney Pills— the some that Foster-Mllburn that section, where they art so much tion. No doubt soma of tha hoys gad Mrs. Gunning had. C o, M fg n , Buffalo, N. Y. Health Insurance One of the distinctive qualities of food baked w ith R oyal Baking Pow der is wholesomcncss. This is health insurance o f such vital importance that m illions o f w om en bake at hom e just to be sure that IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW Bake it w ith Absolutely Pure Mother's Advice Nek Sound. The youngest came crying to his mother. “ Why, dearie!” she exclaimed “ What is the m atter?” “ Dad was lifting a big box and it fell on his toes,” explained the child between sobs. , “ But,” continued mother, “ that ia hardly anything to cry about. You should have laughed at it.” “I Farm Far Sale 22 M acres on East Fork of Coquille rivar; V4 under cultivation; fertility guaranteed; house, barn and chicken house; good water; bearing orchard; 12 slump, 4 head o f cattle; situated near school. Can be bought for 62,- 600 including this year’s crop; 61600 down and rest on easy terms. A real ‘ ------*- ” ' * isted address Lester The Mortgage \ A n electric m otor can lift anything. L et us tell you how G-E Electric Motors are lifting m ortgages o f f hundreds o f farms throughout the country. L e t - h e l p » » ^ — r m *sto * c»- W . r f i h n U i MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY we better sens* says Big Brod; “ Tim ¡»n’ t extravagant, exactly, bat he don’t know whet to buy. H e aim» to |et the biffest plug (or hia m on ey. "H e would get real to b a cco aatiafaction with Genuine Gravely and a pend leaa money for tobacco,” Good taste, smeller chew, longer Ufe is whet ssskesG sa vin* Gravely oost less to shew the* ordinary ping. W rtf a , — G bn uin e G ravely DANV1LLR. VA. M l Peyton ~ REAL CHEW ING P L U G pocked in pouch.