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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
T O COQUILLE TALLET ly for ' Business! ne Machons Hotel Coquille’s modern and up-to-date rooming house is equipped « and open to the public Hot and Cold W ater in every room Steam Heat in every room. Electric Lights and Closet in every room Private Baths Good light and ventilation Splendidly furnished throughout COQOCILLX, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAT Transients Only Rates $1.00 up C. A. & L C. MACHON, Props. A T Y O U R SE R V IC E ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT NEWEST WOOLENS NEWEST NOW Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing STYLES R. H. SWEET A N ew Oreffon History Not Landis but L&ndrith A new and unexpected angle has de veloped in the Landis murder care and although Landis still remains among the number missing, sa old-time story which 26 years ago created excitement Those of us who for several week* in the Ley country, j has again been resurrected, says tbe Marshfield Record. That the man held in Arkansas City, Ksns., as M. D. Lan dis, the man who in May, 1901, .murder ed Jess Eudsiley at Cedar Point is not Landis but Cyrus Landrith former pro minent Coos river rancher, is the con viction o f Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage, who to-day gave his reasons for this un expected theory. The man arrested in Kanins was sus pected o f being Landis, for on bis per son was found a newspaper clipping telling o f the Landis murder story. A picture o f the man was sent to Sheriff Gage for identifies tion with a letter re questing tbe particulars o f the story be given. The picture, says Sheriff Gage, in no way resembles Landis but in ev ery way resembles Cyras Landrith. LIVE TODAY Successor to Fred Slagle Bee Supplies GET YOUR direct from the factory. We have all kinds of Bee Goods on hand J. H. OERDING & SONS Factory opposite S. P. Depot Rock from the Dean A Brown quar ry on Coos River has been accepted by the state highway commission for the Coos Bay-Coquille paving saye Captain A. B. Gidley, superintendent o f the work, who received n communi cation from Herbert Nunn, state en gineer. A written report by H. M. Parks, state geologist, has reached Captain Gidley and a verbal report has been received by L. A . Liljeqvist by long distance phone meesege from E. W Laze)I, state chemist. The rock on the right hand side of the quarry would be used fo r concrete practically without sorting said the report. On the left hand side it must be sorted end about 20 per cent was not suitable fo r concrete. This on the left would be accepted as it is for the shoulders o f the road, however, which is practically macadam. E. G. Par ham and C. R. Dean, of the contracting firm were at Coaledo Tuesday arranging to move the Par ham camp equipment from the Bran- stetter ranch to Coaledo, where work will commence. Delivery o f equip ment is assured between May 1st and 9th, says the Times. Best Gasoline to Use Front St., opposite Farmers ft Merchants Bank Phone ¿193 Coquille, Ore. Coquille, Ore. MEAT ON ICE Every motorist wants only such gas oline as will give easy starting and full power. Really efficient performance can only be had from gasoline with a full and continuous chain o f boiling points. Low boiling points give easy starting and high boiling points, full power. The low boiling points start the explosion quickly. The gradually rising series of boiling points form the connecting links between the higher and the lower, just like a fuse, giving ever increasing pow er and force to thé exploeion. With both high and low boiling points connected dy a gradually rising aeries, everything needed in good gasoline is produced. Red Crown is s well known straight- distilled gasoline with the fail end con tinuous ehsin o f boiiing points necessary to give best results. Mixtures always leave bo lea in the power chain. The home service department o f the Red Cross has received the following notice: An act o f congress provides that any soUier who served in the present war may wear the uniform after discharge, provided that it shall include the distinc tive mark preserved by the Secretary o f War— the red chevron. It is unlaw ful!, under the National Defence Act, for the uniform to be worn by discharg ed officers or enlisted men without this distinctive mark, end the offender rend ers himself liable to civil pioeeeution and punishment by s fine not exceeding $300 or by in prison ment not exceeding six months or by both fine and impnsor- mlnt. Tbe story o f Mr. Landrith is one o f those tragic events which often arise from the malicious gossip o f sensational neighbours. Cyrus Landrith had s well- built barn on his ranch which was insur ed and caught fire end was destroyed. Tbe insurance was subsequently collect ed, and thes started an ugly story that Mr. Landrith was responsible fo r tbe fire The farmer was at first indignant, but as tbe story grew in detail became worried over the affair. Ond day Mr landrith went out on tbe river in his boat. He did not return when he should and search was instituted. On the bank of the river was found his bat and down tbe stream the boat in which he had left. The river was dragged, the woods searched and every effort made to find the micsing man. No trace o f him was found and ha was given up as logt. Memory of the rancher finally became dim, his property was divided among his children and be was counted as deed. Five years later in northern California former neighbor, John Smith, saw Mr. Landrith, recognized him end talk ed to 1dm. Since that time no trace of him has ever been found and no word ever came to the family. The stories for many years had been forgotten until the arrival here a few weeks ago o f the picture o f the men thought to be Landis. Landis was fair and bore on the top of his head a large scar, inflicted by Henry Workman when the two became involved in a fight. Tbe eyes o f the man in tbe picture sent here were blayk no sign o f a scar appeared. Sheriff Gage who knew both Landis and Mr. Landrith well, upon study o f the picture became convinced it was that o f the latter and two weeks ago notified his sons, James and Roy, and advised them to go to Kansas end identify their father. Sheriff Gage believes the sons are there now. / Road to Rosebunr A Roseburg paper says: State high way Engineer J. C. McLeod, o f Salem, and County Roadmaiter M. B. Get mond left this morning on a reconnoiasance survey of the Myrtle Point-Roeeburg highway, which is Soon to undergo e x tensive improvements. The work is to bt accomplished on the co-operative plan by tbe state and county and the strip will svsntually be paved. When com pleted, this roadway, approximately 63 miles in length, will open direct trans portation between this city end Coos county points tbs year around, and from stand-point o f benefittiocally it would em that this highway will prove of utmost importance. Assistant County Roadmaster F. C. Frear stated today that in his opinign the Myrtle Point-Roseburg highway would in ell probability be planked in some portions in tbe canyons end allow ed to stand for two or three years to allow tbe grade to settle thoroughly be fore treating same to e coat of paving. These portions o f the road are exceed ingly wet and as a consequence would not hold up for paving unless permitted to eettle properly. Commends Coauille Gravel, ' must acquaint ourselves with the most MODERN WAY of purchasing goods We have it It will pay you to investigate Noslefs Cash & Cany Store Save Money by Paying Cash Want Ads Federated Church m. Sunday School meets at 9:46 Subject, m. Preaching at 11 “ House Inspection.” Oae Cent a Word Each laaertioa Epworth League meet* at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Subject, W A N T E D — A horse, gentle to w ork., “ The Blessings o f Memory.” This is, -About 1400 lbs., about 16 hands the third sermon in the series on the high, from 3 to 6 years old. Roan, Prodigal Son. brown, bay or black. Must be Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Wednesday. guaranteed to be free from any The public is cordially invitsd to lameness or fault. . Alex Turner, attend these services. Langlols, Ore. 16t3* James E. Cornier, Pastor. FOR S A LE — 8 acres all improved, just outdid* city limits. For full St. James Episcopal Church. particulars address Box 464, Co Sunday School at 10 a. m. quille, Ore. 16tf Evening service,at 8 p. m. No morning service. W A N T E D — Wool and Mohair, Hides, W . E. Couper, Viear. Pelts and Chittim Bark. Highest Price paid. . Geo. T. Moulton. 16tf Christian Church FOR SA LE — 6-room modern house Church o f Christ and one acre o f ground on Spur Sunday School at 10 a. m. geon Hill. Tracy A. Leach. 14tf Communion services at 11 a. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:80 LO TS FOR S A L E — in Coquille cheap, . m. on the installment plan. 2 lota near the Academy fo r $220, also Christian Science Society. 4Vfc there fo r $600.00. One-half cash, rest at $10 per month at 6%. Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. For this bargain write C. A . Pen Wednesday svening meeting at 8 dleton, Corona, Calif. o’clock. Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. The Reading Room w ill be open ev PU R E BRED Black Minorca Eggs for hatching— 18 fo r $1.00. Wm. Rich ery Tuesday and Saturday afternoon ardson, Coquille. Ilt8 * from 2 o’clock until 4. FOR S A LE th* best and cheapest va cant lot In th* city o f Coqnill*. Speak quick if you want i t A t th* Services at Church o f God chapel every Sunday. Sunday School at 10 h. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by ivcai applications, as they cannot roach diseased portion of the ear. There U Prayer meeting Thursday evening the only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that Is by n constitutions! remedy. at 8 p. m. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an in* A cordial welcome is extended to all. flamed condition o f the mucous lining of th# Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is L. E. Neal, Pastor. Inflamed you have n rumbling sound or im Church o f God. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Lady and do band’s Borne. will assist with housework plain sewing fo r self and hus board and room in refined Inquire at Sentinel office. Butter Wrappers and Signs at the Sentinel office. Trespass perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing w ill bs destroyed forever, Many cases o f deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition o f the mucous sur faces. H a ll’ s Catarrh Medicine sets thru the blood on the mucous surfaces o f the t il—. W s w ill give One Hundred Dollars fo r any oaae o f Catarrhfcl Deafness that cannot hs cured by H a ll’s Catarrh Msdlelna. C ir culars free A ll Druggists, Tie. V. J. c h e n e y ft CO.. Toleda. a Prof. H. M. Parks, sxpert on road building materials who was here in specting materials to be used in the con struction o f the Coquilte-Coc* Bay road, dec larsd that tb* Coquille river gravel i the equeal o f any materal to bs found in tb* stats for construction pur poses. He said there were immense quantities o f it, several bars there being capable o f furnishing 60,000 yards or mors per year. As the gravel is taken out the stream replenishes tb* deposit each season, the inferior materials found in the original deposit* near the head waters, being washed out as it is car ried down. Owing to the location along side th* railroad where it can be loaded direct from th* river bed to railroad ears by oisans o f .a steam shovel or lo comotive crane, it can b* bandied very cheaply. —Coos Bay Times. Yam! Yam! Yam! m subscribing far ced that the right article had not yet th* Solitine! fe r $1.60 a year you can y«nr- to tone up the stomach, tin- It pays to have him test your sep been named. “ Corns,slr,” he exclaimed got th* Oregon Farmer in addition by arator as wall aa year cow». triumphantly. paying only 16 Racket Store Beginning this week I have made provision fo r cold storage facilities whereby all meat can be kept on ice fo r several days after butchering before being retailed. I f this improvement is appreciated by the trade it will be made a per manent feature o f the shop. Let us serve you. O. T. NELSON He Made a Good Guess A superintendent o f schools, the ‘ ‘Ar gonaut” says, was trying to teach a class o f boys the composition o f senten ces, end said: “ I f 1 aak you. ’what have Phone 731 Coqoille, Oregon I in my bend?’ you must not ansMer ‘Cha'k, ’ but compose a complete sen tence such as, ‘You have e piece o f chalk The tester in charge o f one o f our in your hand. ’ Now, whet have I on my Dg Too Eajoy Ufa? testing associations recently tested a feet?” The boys got it mixed and call A man In good phrsical <»ndition ts Imoat certain to enjoy Ufa, while the sample e f skim milk and found that ed out, “ Boots.” “ W rong; you haven't ilioya and dyapeptic mrm the owner o f the cream separator was ste'iei.” " Svek t, ” ventured another losing enough bntterfat per month to blunderer. “ Worse and worse; try a- pay fo r testing his entire herd for n gr in.” A pupil raised his hand convin Srft,at.,tfwsr« L ,”W S ÎÂ Ç ÏÏ '• -h ie l» PACE THREE lt U . Prof. H o n o r's visit bars last recalls the fact that his recently pub lished volume, -Oregon; Her History; H e r Great Men, Her Literature,” ha* been lying on Oar table fo r seve-sl week*, awaiting an opportunity fo r ua to find time to write something about it. Beginning with the pro! record* o f the «tone age that abound in the rock* o f the atate cm carries the story on through 400 page* to the present World W ar and the Lib erty Loan drives. Much material old and new ha* been gathered in this volume, which may perhaps characterize as the best *11 round history o f the state that has evsr been written. Certainly Prof. Horner has achieved a monu mental work, and one which deserves to be made a text-book in the schools o f the state. There is no important event in the period covered that is not mentionod in its pegs* and the por traits and illustrations which are abundant add materially to ita value. Nearly twenty-five pages are also devoted to the literature o f the state, a feature that is comprehensively treated, and in which appears Edward Markam’s "Epoch,” making interpre tation o f M illet’s painting, ” T h * Man With the Hoe,” and several selection* from the verses o f Samuel L. Simp son and Joaquin Miller. A ll in all the book is the wonderful story o f a wonderful state in the mak ing and every true Oregonian will ant to add it to his library. Gravel Is A ll Right Everything new X Garda, 100 far 81.00. Calling Carda, 100 fo r |L00. Can on as fo r Seod the : and then more Yam : You will find this new, large shipment of Yam just the thing for Scarfs, Sweaters and other knitting purposes. They are in all colors and include Shetland Floss Knitting W onted Germantown Zephyr /> Children's Underveata .......................25c Ladies’ Unde nr eats ........... ........30c to 60c Ladies Unionsnits..................................... 60c MRS. B O N N IE W A LK E R , Prop.