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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
MYRTLE POINT Mr BMd. of T. M. C. A. work for C om county with headquar ters a t Marshfield, wna boro on biud- r m T rm itrj OnriUo Knight came home last F ri day on the evening train. He was welcomed home by everyone. He has not teen in the United States long. M rf F. G. Drake left Wedneeday morning for Turner, Oregon. From there she will do to Salem to visit .her son, Harold. Miss Mary Pierson loft Wednesday morning for Portland. Taa can saWy transform shabby furaitare, or woedwo-k on which tho finish ia worn, marred or unaighUy. A t slight « • pens« you can make it liko now. or giro it aa oak, mahogany or walnut finish, to harmonise with tho balance of your fur niture. ...' ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAC stains and varnishes a t one operation, producing imitations of expensive hardwoods sad popular stain affects. I t ia last the thing for shabby chairs, tables, and all kinds of furmlture and woodwork. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Bask telle how easily this can be done, how much is required, and how paints, eaamel, stains, and finishes ef all kinds should be applied. This book is free for tho asking a t our store. COQUILLE, OBgOON We carry the dependable and well-known House and Automobile Outside Paint and Inside Finish Make your car look like new Oils and Varnishes Coquille Hardware Co burg is now starting to run. Archie Taylor cams in from Aoseburg Mon day ar.d Santa Weakly and Isom Clin ton went to Roseburg Tuesday. E. J. Michels took Mrs. George Mill er down the const Tuesday to bring up her household goods. She Is go ing to move into J. W. Boll’s house. Owing to .the fact th at Mrs. O. H. Robinson, of Broad bent, died of the flu and pneumonia complication a t Dr. Pemberton’s Hospital Monday, tho hospital is noy placed under quaran tine for n few days. J. B. Warren reports his finger nearly wall. Gus Hamilton has bought a -pew Chevrolet and is now enjoying those beautiful evening in his new car. Jack Fabry was unfortunate enough to ba hit by a large piece of falling bark from a dead tree while hadling shingle bolts to the shingle mill. He was knocked nearly unconscious and did not know till the next day, when Dr. Clarke was called, th at he had a dislocated shoulder and a fractured shoulder blade. Hs is sow resting comfortably a t Dr. Clarke’s sanitari- Mrs. Fred Walter and smalt daugh ter, e f Albany, Oregon, came in and surprised her brother, Rev. Mr. An derson, and family last Thursday. Mrs. Robert Parrish, of the North Fork, had n small tumor removed from the back of her head by Dr. Clarke last Friday at tho sanitarium. She returned home Tuesday. Henry Sc hoed er received word from Claud Wyiand that he had just lansd in the United Stated. ’ He also heard th at Ray Wyiand has bean transferred to a general hospital in Chicago for further treatment. Mrs. O. H. Clarke changed her regu lar teaching day a t Broadbent from Wednesday te Friday this weak. Tuesday waa the day. set for the big Victory Loan drive here. The dif ferent parte of town were canvassed successfully. The quota will be se cured easily. Myrtle Point will give a big celebra tion the third and fourth of July. Friday evening the Twin Oaks school will givo a basket social. A fine program is.boing prepared and a largo crowd ia expected. Mrs. Cilia Guerin, mother of Tom Guerin, Mrs. C. V. Guerin and daugh ters, Edith and Beth, and ’ son, Thomas, from Oakland, California, ar rived in Myrtle Point Tuesday. They expect to be here all summer. / Mr. and Mrs. Frank f Pierson and small daughter. Franlds, spent Wed nesday in Marshfield. Henry Sehroeder and family spent the week end visiting in B r ndbenc. Mrs. Nancy Barker and children went to Wallowa, Oregon, Tuesday. W E hare real bargains in canned fruits and vegetables. If your supply of home canned goods is about gone—you will find prices and qualities in opr stock that will make it worth your while to visit the store and select what you need. P esetas, Pineapple, Apricots, Pears, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes. Special-prices in dozen lots. * We have a nice lot of light home cared bacon this week which we are offering by the piece at the VERY LOW PRICE of 3? l-2c iter pound Stock is fresh and like money from home at the price. Leave orders for Tomato Plants and early Cabbage Plants now coming in. Fancy Prunes 15c per pound. Far below wholesale cost today White Figs, Black Figs, Peaches, Apricots Service Free The Busy Comer United States Food Administration—License No. G 46545 CITY BAKERY Under new management Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry Laird Building | 0 V Coquille, Oregon PA For rsKahls Abstracts of Titls and information about C om County Real Estate see t i t l e GUARANTEE A ABSTRACT COMPANY MiiM M mm4 C««»m« CM,. Ore. lai attention »id to looking after aaaeMmenta and noy ment of taxe*, c Marshfield tfflee Phone Coquille Office HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Manager 191 Ready for a Siege A. B. CAMPBELL, Spadai Agent Standard OU, Coquille, Oregon LUMBER HOUSE BILLS AND BARN BILLS Send them to us for figures—it costs only postage and will save you money. Also remember—we will have it READY on TIME. SITKA SPRUCE COMPANY Coq aille SHELLEY & SON Building Contractors last Friday evening. Besides the Glee Club singing, which was rreatly en joyed, Miss Eleanor Lee, contralto, rendered a very beautiful solo which was much applauded and Misf Mar guerite Phelpe, the violinist rendered Ave Maria very well and which was very much enjoyed by all. Follow ing the musical program several vaudeville attractions were given and much enjoyed.' The girls of the Glee Club were entertained in the homes of the high school girls. The mem bers of thsh Glee Club left Saturday morning for Bandon before returning to Eugene. A number of friends gave a sur prise party to Flossie Radabaugh Wednesday evaning a t the home of Mabel Lundy. Tfee invited guests were all assembled when FloMie and Mabel arrived. The evening was spent in playing games on the lawn. The lawn was lighted by Japanese lanterns which looked very pretty. Later a dainty lunch waa served and the guests departed. Plans and Specifications on Application Estimates Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings! Phone 1051 Coquille, Ore. B utter Wra¡ Signs gt tho Se ■ At your service. Ws call fo r and Edgar 8impeon has arrived on the deliver yoqr cleaning and pressing. Bay from his ranch a t Hood, Calif., Phone 1198. R. H. Sweet to look after his interMts hers and visit a t the L. J. Simpson horns. Hs brought up his new touring ear. Captain Simpson is Mid te - hnvs converted his Hood ranch into a veri table oasis which will furnish the nectars long after the bone dry wave has swept over the land. A concrete vault reinforced by steel is rsported to have been constructed under the large ranch house as a receptacle for DICTIONARIES a n in UK by busi the store of varied suppliM, which will ness men, en g in eers, b an k ers, protect C sp t Simpson and his friands judges, architects, physician«, against the drouth which is to come. formers, teachers, librarians, cler gymen, by M icesnfui m en sa d Estimates on the value of the hold SCO m en tha world over. ings of the great vault have run aa high as 126,000. T oo Equipped to The New International provides the means to cucccsc. I* ia in all- The foregoipg we clip from the C o m Bay Times and we can imagine Its w riter smacking hia lipe aa he pen- ¡ffuituhecU of Card fiT Thanks > To the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the ill ness and after the death of our wife and mother and also for the bMutl- ful floral offerings they presented we return our heartfelt thanks. O. H. Robinson and children. Marriage Licenses April 26—S. D. Gibbs and Selma E. Wickman, both of North Bend. They were married the same day by Jus tice Stanley at hia office. April 26—William P. Anderson ana Ruby Ellen Harriaon. They were mar ried the same day by Justice Stan ley a t his office. April 26—Charles Addison Good rich and Irens Carter, both of Co- quiUs. They were married on the 27th by Rev. James E. Conder a t the Far a Spr ained Aakle. Aa soon as possible after the Injury is received get a bottle of Chamber lain’s Liniment and follow the plain printed directions which sscompany ^TÍÍ o u U í / ií L l W EBsrafs N ew I nternational A n New Casas in Circuit Court. April 24—R. H. Olson and Mary 01- vs. Henry Hotel, Breda Bothwell, E. Bothwell, Olga Holm, Wallace Holm, North Bead Supply Co. and J. W. H unt 8uit te fe re d o M mort- r Wig?