\ T PAGE SEVEN TH * COQUILLE V A L U T a N T O a L , COQOUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL K . MIA This Avery Tractor $675 4 F. O. B . M arshfield M O H. P. 4 Cylinder, S Speed«; W a it* AMS Liberty Theatre ‘OUR TEDDY’ “The “RAFFLES” Amateur Cracksman” THE FAMOUS ROOSEVELT PICTURE / / r Friday and Saturday, May 2d and 3d i A T T V r 'l'r 9 m Friday and Saturday, May 9th and 10th A Stirring Romance of American Life S-16 H. P. Heider Tractor, weight 4,300 pound«; For Heavy Duty Has N o Equal; $1,400, F. O. B., Portland. AGENTS FOR EMPIRE MILKING MACHINES We Install Free. A*k those that have them Gasoline Dra* Saws, with or without Clutch. All the above in Stock. Call or Write. Immediate Delivery. SCHROEDER & Pheae 77 H1LDENBRAND MAR8HFIELD, ORB. The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe Highest Quality For All W orkers JOHN BARRYMORE /«"RAFFliXTHEfiiATEURatKMMAH" Uelea Made Standard of (Quality an the Pacific Coast r,‘ Use BERCIANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OIL j. Keep .Your Feet Dry—Preserve Your I THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MANUFACTURING Msk«r**f HlgSOnSel COMPANY I am in the market for Veal, Hides, Hogs, Poultry for shipment to the Portland m arket Will pay the highest market price for good stuff but don't want the other kind at any price. ==~[F l *|W^MILLER Coquille East Fork Items. Alva H arry got home ny S atu rd ay .. '** [ess Cotton get home from overseas t week. He was in the 806th regi- pt, 77 (New York) Division. He nt up to Brewster Valley with Fred ker Tuesday evening. He is fat, king and foeling fine. He says it no fun to be gassed. !frs. Pearly Crowley came home m Coquille last week much improv- in health. (Ira. Kinney, of Oakland, Calif., ia iting her uncle, Charles Shepherd 1 family. • )ale and Lile Marcy went to Co- lie Saturday; they rode their Shet- d ponies as fa r as the Willey ranch, frs. Albert Christenson, of Brew- r Valley, made a trip to Coquille sad ay. s it a Coos county grand jury or «callers’ grand Jury? It looks aa ugh the grand jury had drowned ilf in a flood of muddy waters, dr. Savage let the cats out of the Some of them seem to be of the kenny variety and alt up nights squall. Victories of Faith. The victories of th ere the ineffaceable landmarks t mark the way men go through th to new victories. In the giving thank offerings for victories ught about by enduring faith, we (firm our allegiance to «he things righteousness and know th at “in righteousness of faith” the “sub- nce of things hoped for,” increase “evidence of things not seen.’' i Victory Liberty Loan ia ours not y as the substance th at we a r t true the present, hot an evidence of our ding faith to be true to the fu- *■ (ail days are inter » tin g days a t home. Never have they been re so than since th a t August day 1914, whan the treachery and avar- of hall, as peraoniflad to Billia I - Oregon and the German people, commenced the war to enslave and shackle man­ kind with “made-in-Gcrmany” chains. Intensely interesting were those mail dr.ya after that April day in 1917. For then we knew we were to be in the fight, not ^i spirit only but aa those who offer their all on the altar of battle for life and freedom for all mankind. These tri-weekly mall days with letters, papers, magazines. How we reed them, in summer days end'busy times, everything stopped until the letters were reed, the papers by head­ lines, until night gave ns time to read more clocely. The long evenings of winter days extending into th# night of those mail days, as we read and studied in front of the fireplace fire, always with the abiding faith that the “Lord reigneth.” Those letters writ­ ten from Vancouver, Texas, Long Is­ land, on shipboard, in England, then from France, how we watched for them. We knew about when to ex­ pect them but sometimes malls were delayed, then we ju st welted, and sometimes several would come in a bunch. The regular weekly letter from Morrow county never failed te and all the letters ware mas- of cheer. Those wars greet mail days, we will never forget them. Then the return of our soldier from oversees, the unexpected walk in on os, waa the crowning of our day with blessings. In joy and thankfulness for all these blessings we buy our Liberty Victory Bond. If we fail te buy a bond we would be untrue te thoee who aaade e freewill offering of their lives that “life, liberty and pur­ suit of happiness” might not perish from the earth- If we fail to boy a bond we would be untrue to those whose bodies lie “between the croeset row on row” where “poppies blow.* For they tell us, “to you from felling hands we throw the torch, be yours ta hold it high.” It is for you and for ms to “bold tt high," and if ws fail The story of Theodore Roosevelt's life ia a mighty drama—Human beyond compare because it waa lived by an American—Among Americans—For Americans —A Legislator at 23—A Cowboy—Rough Rider— Fighting men’s fights with a bull dog courage and ten­ acity—Victor against tremendous odds—He gave the New York Police Dept, the shock of its existence— Wherever he was, things happened fast and furiously —His life ia the world’s most natural motion picture— Drama — Comedy — Action — Thrills — Suspense — Pathos. “Our Tsddy” is u specisl feature attraction that will appeal to all With a wonderful box-office title, it is one of those rara pro­ ductions which wins the patronage of the regular theatre patrons be­ cause of the quick action and dramatic qualities of its etory, and it at­ tracts the thousands who seldom attend e motion-picture house, and then only when an attraction of this character is on the program. They will patronise it for ita historical value, end for the international -im­ portance of the .man about whom it centers. HOME FOR SALE | to buy a Victory Liberty Bond we ‘break faith with those who die." Four good garden lots, one chicken R. A. Easton. lot and one berry lot, also house and lot. * I At the next session of the North TO EXTERMINATE Bend council, to be held early in May, NOTICE GROUND SQUIRRELS bids will be opened on $60,000 of street work. It is proposed to pave Every person, firm, co-partnership, South Sherman avenue and other company or corporation r a iding on, streets on the hill there. The amount owning, leasing, occupying, possess­ of money to be spent on street and ing or having charge of or dominion highway improvement in Coos coun­ over any land, building, wha f or dock ty this year will probably be greater infested with digger ground squirrels tVan ever before and may reach half in Coos County, Oregon, is hereby no­ a million dollars. tified to begin a t once to effectively exterminate and destroy all cuch DIG­ Send the Sentinel to eastern friends. GER GROUND SQUIRREL3. \ The following poison for mixing and instructions for use thereof is *■ If 1 Were a Farmer. If I were a farmer I would keep et the mothod most expedient and effec­ hrnd e few reliable medicines for tive U> be used for the extermina­ minor ailments that are not so serious tion and destruction of such groum/ as to reauire the attention of a physi­ squirrels and is hereby recommended, cian, suen aa Chamberlain’s Colic and to-wit, alkaloid strychnine used on Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com-1 either barley of wheat, barley pre­ plaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ferred, mixed according to the fol­ coughs, colds and croup. lowing formula and mar.ner, to-wit: Chamberlain’s L i n i m e n t for ------ sprains, bruises and rheumatic petals. 16 quarts Chamberlain’s Tablets for stomach Barley, clean grain troublas, biliousness and constipation. Strychnine (powdered alkaloid) By having these articles a t hand it i 1 ounce Mild often save the trouble of e trip Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to town in the busiest season or in the 1 ounce night, and would enable me to treat % pint an *ht ailments as soon rs they ap­ Thin starch paste pear, and thereby avoid the more ser­ Heavy com syrup M pint ious diseases that so often follow. Glycerine 1 tablespoonful Saccharin 1-10 ounce This material should be mixed as follows: Mix thoroughly 1 outfce o* powdered strychnine (alkaloid) and 1 ounce of common baking soda. Sift this into % pint of thin hot paste end stir to e smooth, creamy mast. (The starch paste is made by dissolving 1 heaping tableapoonful of dry glom starch in a little cold water, which is RIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW then added to % pint of boiling water. Boil end stir constantly until a clear Gtn Asywfcerc— Aay thin paste is formed.) Add % pint w as im p a c t, h t , I heavy com syrap and 1 tableapoonful of gtycorino and stir thoroughly. Add 1-10 oonee of The Stoy of “Raffles, the Amateur Craeksipan” “Raffles,” the amateur cracksman (John Barry­ more) steals for the excitement of i t He delights in outwitting the police and in taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The story opens with Raffles in pursuit of an international swindler aboard a ship. He wishes to get a ruby which the swindler has. He has discovered it in the heel of the swindler’s boot and jumps overboard to escape detection. He is seen by Mrs. Vidal (Christine Mayo), an English society woman. Raffles reaches shore, and returns to Eng­ land, where he meets Mrs. Vidal, and she falls in love with him. They meet at Lord Amersteth’s home in London. Lady Amersteth has a price)'3s necklace of jewels known as the Melrose jewels. There is discus-, sion- about the amateur cracksman who has robbed many of the rich of London. The jewels are shown in Raffles’ presence. Raffles is in love with Gwendolyn (Evelyn Brent). Mrs. Vidal threatens to expose him if he desn’t return her love. A detective is engaged to guard the jewels. Captain Bedford (Frederick Perry) is introduced to Raffles as the detective. He declares he will catch the amateur cracksman. The rest of the story of “Raffles” can be seen at the Liberty Theatre May 9 and 10. Dated and fiirst published'this 26th oughly. Pour this mixture over 16 quarts of clean barley and mix well Hlay of April, 1919. J. L. Smith, so that each grain is coated. County Agent for Coos County, 16t3 One quart of the poisonui grain Oregon. mixed as aforesaid is sufficient for forty or fifty baits fnd this quantity NOTICE OF PROPOSED SEWER. scattered along squirrel trails or on Notice is hereby given that the clean hard places on tbe surface Common Council of the City of Co­ about the holes will not endanger quille, a municipal corporation, of stock. Strychnine in any form other Coos County, Oregon, did, by resolu­ than the powdered strych.ni.io (alka­ tion duly adopted at a regular meet­ loid) is not effective in the above ing of said Council held on the 21st formula. day of April, 1919, and which reso­ From the date hereof until May 1st lution is kept of record in the of­ is the most effective time to poison fice of the City Recorder of said and destroy the digger squirrels, as City in the records of the proceedings they are just emerging from their of the said Council, and reference hibernation. They are hungry and to which resolutions and the said food is scarce. record thereof is hereby made and Tiie County Court of Coos County, by such reference the same are made Oregon, has secured a large amount a part of this notice, duly declare its of strychnin# and the other ingredi­ intention to construct a sewer along ents necessary for the mixture, and Hall street between First and Sec­ a quantity thereof has been mixed and ond Streets, and along First street is now on sale to the farmers or per­ between Hall and Willard, as one sons interested at actual cost and project and sewer system in connec­ may be had by applying to the under­ tion with other and present existing signed at his office at Coquille. sewers, and all within the corporate If any person herein designated limits of the said City of Coquille. shall, within thirty days from the Said sewer will be constructed first publication of this notice, fail to in Accordance with the plans and begin in good faith to exterminate, specifications of the City Engineer eradicate and destroy, according to filed in the office of the said City Re­ the method aforesaid, or by any other corder on the 21st day of >- April, effective means, said ground squirrels 1919, and the estimate of the proba­ herein designated, the County Court ble cost thereof is the sum of $1924.- of Coos County, Oregon, will appoint 19. a person or persons to proceed with Said sewer will be constructed the extermination and eradication ef at the cost and expense of the proper­ such ground squirrels, and the cost ty benefitted thereby as stated In thereof incurred will be assessed to said resolution. such land, building, wharf or dock, Any and all persons interested may and unless paid will become a lien make and file with the City Recorder against the seme, for the extermina­ a written remonstrance against the tion of aaid ground squirrels. said proposed sewer within twenty This notice is published pursuant to days from the first publica­ the statute tai such case made and tion of this notice, towit: within provided and for two consecutive twenty days from the 26th day of weeks or three issues, and all per­ April, 1919. sons described therein a n required to J. 8. Lawrence, City Recorder.