yfmmgmm T i l COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL» CÔQOUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL SR ISIS. PAGE TWO M Y R T LE P O IN T ITEM S. Paint Makes Housework Easy Bare, unfinished flooss require almost daily scrubbing. Paint makes scrubbing unnecessary. Dirt, grime and « grease clean perfectly from this smooth hard surface . without the back-breaking work of scrubbing. ! /£M E QUALITY FLOOR P A IN T gives a durable, non-absorbent, sanitary finish for floors and for any inside surface to be walked upon. It is inexpensive and easy to apply— a quart is enough for one coat on the average kitchen floor. ' ■ H The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells all about painting, varnishing, and waxing floors— what to use, how much w ill be required and how the work should be done. Free at our store. n « TR m ttaJl t i M m COQt'ILLX, ORJCGON Builders’ Hardware Tools & Cutlery Those are items on which we shine. long suit. They are our Let ns figure yonr bill. It w ill be to our mutual advantage. Coquille Hardware Co. STOP The triab q f driving i in the traffic ] I provo dia quality o f Red Crown forth« gasoline. Look for the Bed Crown sign befen yon fifl. STANDARD O IL COURANT (CaUfcmta) hhe Gasoline ^ 'u a l i i A . B. C A M P B E L L , Special Agent Standard 00, Coquille, Oregon. Mercy Hospital at North Ben# Saturday, whoro a vary eeriouf i| tion was performed. The last reports were that he was doing quite w e ll Mrs. N. & Phelps, who hat quite sick, is reported su ch improved. Last Saturday evening a number of friends »urpriaed Stella Parker by their arrival at her home. A enjoyable evening was spent by a l l after which a nice lunch waa served. Mr. and Mrs. A . Christensen went to Portland Wednesday where they w ill remain fo r a few d ayi attending to business. X. Tuesday evening - the Sophomore Clasc o f the M yrtle Point Nigh School gave the Seniors a picnic at the Nor­ way Grove. They loft town about four o’clock in several cars which were provided by the Sophomores. The Seniors left about seven-thirty, all expressing their thanks fo r the vary entertaining evening. Mrs. George Bookley, o f the Club Cafe, returned Tuesday from Albany whore she has been visiting. _ Riley Volkamar came back front | Portland Tuesday, where he has been visiting his nephew, Forrest Volka­ mar. Raster Sunday was very suitably I observed in the Methqdist church last Sunday. In the morning a very en­ tertaining program waa given by the children in the Sunday School and the Junior choir. In the evening an Eas­ ter sermon was preached and special music was furnished by the choit^ Miss Margaret Ball returned from a to Kentucky and Indiana last There was quite an excitement m the High School last Monday morn­ ing fo r on the teacher's desk sat the Declamatory cup which was won at the neatest bald in Bandon last Fri­ day evening, by Stolls Parker. A student body mooting was called dur­ ing which-«H the events o f the occa­ sion w ere told by thoee who wont to Bandon and the meeting was ended by m yell given fo r our two contest­ ants, Stella Parker and Raymond Ford. J. M. Wagner, from the South Pone, was shopping in town Wednesday. M r . R >jse has sold his farm to Mr. Parker and has moved to town just beck o f Peterson’s store. H. C. Seymour, ’ state club leader, was in town Wednesday speaking to the different clubs which Jtsvs been formed in this town. Mrs. Ralph Rackleff, who waa op­ erated on last Mondhy, Is getting along nicely. Mrs. L. A. Williams, sister o f Mrs. Marie Stemmier, brought the measles with her from Washington and ae several o f her children a n sick, Mrs. Stemmier is quarantined. Lieut. Clark Fenaler and w ife and baby arrived in M yrtle Point last Saturday evening. Lieut. Fensler ar­ rived in New York from France April 4th and wae discharged there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southmaid w e n shopping in town Wednesday. M. T. Aasen’s fam ily, o f H all’s Cnek, are all down sick with colds. Mr. Collins is now making a dresser for his w ife from s piece of timber of his father’s which was cut in 1880. Mr. Collins is putting in diffsnnt kinds o f hard wood also. Last Saturday the Brethren church made a collection o f one hundred and nineteen dolimn and aeventy-one cents for the Armenian fund. 8everal pledge cards were also signed. E. R. Peterson, the county club ad visor, was in town Wednesday. Mr ar.d Mrs. Ray Lee are happy over the arrival o f a baby boy born Wednesday morning. In knowing that your bread is going to be just right We guarantee this, ^satisfaction „ with every sack o r : : CUPID BRAND FLOUR Made in Oregon for Oregon people—Equal to tne Best—Better than Most. Give this popu­ lar brand a trial when you order your next sack of flour. Remember our satisfaction guarantee goes with every sack. more. You might as well have the best Flour has advanced 40c per barrel at the mill. It coats no W e are still SE LLIN G A T TH E O LD PRICfi. Just say “Cupid” —we will do the rest The Busy Comer 2 Phones— 691 United States Food Administration— License Ño. G 46545 Lower Postage in Two Months. Tw o months hence, or on Juno 30, the rates fo r postage w ill drop from throe cents to two cents on let­ ters v*d from two cents to one cent on city letters and all postal cards. In view o f this impending change Postmaster Lenovo onys he has re­ ceived instructions to run Ids stocks down as low as possible bofore July 1, and it may bo that throe-cont stamps w ill bo off the market bofore that time as it only requires s little mors lick­ ing to replace one o f them with a one and a two. For Billions Troublas To promote a healthy action o f the liver nnd correct the disorders caused by biliousness, Chamberlain’s Tab­ lets are excellent T ry thorn and see how quickly they give you s rwlioh fo r your food and banish that dull nnd stupid feeling. Call on as fo r stationery. A surprise house warming was giveA Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strong Tuesday evening by the members of the Presbyterian church. A very en­ joyable evening was spent by all. , W e can figure your complete bill o f \ Lumber, Sash, Doors and Millwoi^k < ■ Get our prices SITKA SPRUCE COMPANY Coquille Oregon S H E L L E Y & SO N Building Contractors Plans and Specifications on Application Estimates Furnished on A ll Kinds o f Buildings Phone 1051 Coquille, Ore. Horace W. Ames returned home last Friday. Hs spant six months in France and is vary glad to get home and havs some o f mother's cooking. Mrs. Ward from Coquills spent the week end visiting Mrs. Ames. Tat*urn Ce. On Wednesday evening the young people o f the Christian Endeavor had a weinie roast out at Catching Creek. They built a big bonfire In a field and roasted the weinies and all enjoyed the picnic lunch. A fte r playing a few games all returned home feeling they had spent a pleasant evening. Professor Horner, o f the Oregon Agricultural College, gave a very in­ teresting and instructive lecture on the Holy Land at the Methodist church Thursday evening to a crowded John M. Scott, general passenger | agent fo r the 8. P. lines, was s vis­ itor between trains looking fo r those who want * better train service, but they all evidently saw him coming and crawled into their holes, as he informed us that hs was un*b!e to And anyone who was not -perfectly satisfied with the present service.” —Myrtle Point n happiness than you ever before cbUectedl*P A ^buil^to ® li°!S Sm0i eappetite * your hands! It h ^ th « * -n d frin tn ee you Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert reallv in to find outthe double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could smoke P A for ! tongue bite or pyching. O cuts out bite and parch Patented process bSt “ whilc- W hv -^pufTto heetthe cards r com eback/ PAhm food you f« l bk. jm t ta n . R. J. Rwaold. Totem Cmtew, WbrtM-felm, Itc. k W° Uid mC