T n COQÜILLR TALLST 8KNTDÍBU COQOUtLLK, ORKGON. FRIDAY. APRIL U, 1*1». MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. Special price made on 50 or 100 pound lots. Eat More Beans and Buy Coos Co. Product Unlimited Supply eek : W. H. LYONS Ceqsillc Paint Makes Housework Easy Bare, unfinished floors require almost daily scrubbing. Paint makes scrubbing unnecessary. Dirt, grime and grease clean perfectly from this smooth hard surface without the back-breaking work of scrubbing. tfM E QUALITY FLOOR P A IN T . gives a durable, non-absorbent, sanitary finish for floors and for any inside surface to be walked upon. It is inexpensive and easy to apply— « quart is enough for one coat on the average kitchen floor. The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells all about painting, varnishing, and waxing floors— what to uae, how much will be roquired and how the work should be done. Free at our store. Those are items on which we shine. They are our long suit. Let us figure your bill. It will be to our mhtual advantage. Coquille Hardware Co Don’t wait for fall rains before you build your new silo Red Cedar—White Cedar for Wisconsin Type silos SITKA SPRUCE COMPANY Coquille The choir o f the M. E. Church her been practicing several timer this week getting reedy fo r Eerter. The uruel good Eerter progrem mey he expected. J. B. Warren, o f Bendon. who ir em­ ployed et the M yrtle Point Shingle m ill et Catching Creek, cut off the end o f hir flinger Wedneadey. Dr. Clarke raid he displayed unurnal nerve while it w ar being dressed. Saturday evening the Royal Neigh- bora entertained the Modem Wood­ men and a fe w invited gueeta at a so­ cial at the M. W. A . hall. The Royal Neighbors gave a very pretty drill and a program convicting o f reading«, duets and soloa. A “ «w ell” supper was served. Railroad officials A. D. Wick, o f Eu­ gene, John M. Scott, o f Portland, and Bert Lockhart, o f Marshfleld, were in town laat Wednesday on official busi ness. The schedule will be changed slightly and the trains w ill make bet­ ter time. The morning train, instead o f leaving at 8 o’clock, w ill leave at 7:46 and w ill arrive in Portland at 8:16 instead o f 9:16. The trains in the county w ill make their runs in thirty minutes less time than hereto- I fore, Fred W. Davis, the loggers’ Sky I Pilot, was in town Wednesday. A . S. Draper, the Coos Bay piano I tuner, was in town on business Wed­ nesday.* i * Sergeant Ray Wyland, or as he is better know “ Happy” Wyland, a nephew o f Henry Schroeder, serft word that he has been quite sick with I pneumonia but as so fa r recovered that he has been sent to Camp Lewis, land is expecting his discharge at any Made in Oregon for Oregon people—Equal to tne Best—Better than M ost Give this popu­ lar brand a trial when you order your next sack o f flour. Remember our satisfaction guarantee goe^with evdfy &ck. more. You might as well have the best Flour has advanced 40c per barrel at the mill. It coats no W e are still SELLING A T TH E OLD PRICE. The Busy Comer United States Food Administration— license No. G 46545 number o f games were played and ing under the name and style o f Coal Vivian O. Fish, his .wife, are defend ants, case No. 6068, o f said Court and later in the evening a very nice lunch commanding mo to sell the hereinaf­ was served. It was quite late in the ter described real property to satis­ evening when the guests left, all f y the sum df *8,016.10 with interest wishing Mabel many happy return! at 69fc from January 18th, 1919, and of the day. the further sum o f *197.86 taxes witn Mrs. Marie Stemmier is entertain­ interest at 6% from January 18th, ing bar sister, Mrs. L. A. Williams, 1919, and attorney fe e o f *800.00 ana and three children, o f Bremerton, costs and disbursements *27.00, to­ Wash. Mrs. Williams expects to re­ gether with accruing costa, I WILL, main with her sister until the return O N S A T U R D A Y , T H E 26th D A Y of o f her husband from France. Mr. A pril, 1919, at the hour o f 10 o’clock Williams has been aboard a cargo in the forenoon o f said day at the carrier since last August. He has front door o f the County Court House visited South American, Japanese and French porta and expects his release in the City 'o f Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer fo r tale and sen at put>- from service about May fifteenth. Hc auction, to the higheet and best bidder fo r caeh in hand, all the right, Letter From Matt Kerrigan title and interest o f the aaid defend­ The following letter from Matt Ker­ ants in and to the follow ing described rigan dated Jan. 21, gives an idea of real property, to-wit: how our boys in France are feeling The S H o f the N E M ; and the S E * just now: o f N W H , and the NE14 o f SEU of Section 20 in Twp. SO S. o f Rng. 11 W . o f the W. M. in Cooe County, Ore­ gon; Alao the NW14 o f the S W H of Section 21 and so much o f the S W >4 o f the 8W % o f «aid Section 21 end of the S E U o f Section 20 la said Twp. and Rng. as lias North Easterly and down stream from the follow ing line; Starting nt M yrtle Creek at the •na o f school house ridge, running thence along the new fence whic . runs along the foot o f school house ridge and from the end o f said ridge to school house ditch, thence up the school house ditch, to the school house spring, follow ing the fenee to this point, thence along a biased line from the said spring southeasterly to the Section line between Sections 21 And hffein starting from the beginning o f said line at M yrtle Creek at the end o f said School house ridge ,*run up said Creak about 76 yards to a logging bridge crossing said creek where a smaller creek empties into it, thence up the ditch down whieh raid smell crook runs to a line bounding on the North the SE o f the S E W o f said Soctlon 20; containing in said last * ~ r iM parcels 86 acres, more or le**, and containing in all 248 acres, » o r e or lees, all in Cooe County, Ore­ gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. 16 Said sale being made subject to re­ demption hi the manner provided by lew. »• ta d March 27th, W. lit* 1 9 1 ». W. Gage, Sheriff of Cooo County, Oregon