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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
~ W * * : ' ' - M ■, MM DEHTIOI . PAG K C O Q U ILLK V A L U T SM NTÏNBL. COQOUILLR. ORKOON. F U S A T . l i K X M , I t » criptten than the column which W e b FEAST OF REASON T. a C ania is having a 40x60 ware ster's unabridged devotes to the word. house constructed in the rear o f ths (Continued from first page.) b A Von Peg L. P. Branstetter was another Busy Com er and railroad. Just caught unaware o f thé fact that he art's stores, next he was prevented by ilhaeei was on the program. “ Tram ping of it M ha M wLat use he will Frank W illard eon Tree Lanws as a Pastime’’ was his FOR as ho has not prepared t o i for which seated to perform that function in subject and it gave him an idea. He two or three things in E v e « ta in Ü M C it y hie stead. Thoee who have heard Mr. would name every cow on hie place, it would be useful. W illard talk before know that on this whether the name fitted the animal or occasion he did himself proud and his not, “ Rose,” fo r no lady objecte to again at tha turn opposite ths I words o f appreciation came from the having a rose in her front yard. Mr*. ChM. Schroeder m tine! office. Is the entire pav em ent heart. Furniture Poliak to brighten the Furniture J. L. Smith’s subject was “ Bulls.” from Norway Tnmday. fo r four blocks on this street to be On the subject, “ Object o f a Com He thought enough “ bull” had bean Lagaeret to renew aO Woodwork Deputy Gem* Warden J. M. allowed to go to ruin fo r want o f an mercial Club,” A E. Norton crowded paddled but he m ixed's lot o f humor halt covering! It is a pretty more good, hard, common sense into aa was over bare Monday. with a quantity o f facte concerning (FCadar PoHah, well known neceasity nsariy worthless im provem ent'w ith Your minutes than you often hear in J. S. Sawyer, County the development o ir the dairying in out such protection. an hour's talk and he sounded the dustry in Coos that kept his auditors went over to the Bay Tuesday even Liquid Veneer for renewing all Woodwork Judge J. F. Boyd, who has boon vis keynote o f the evening’s M g idea, the alternately convulsed with laughter ing. ,,, 0U Stains aad Floors Palate for Floors co-operation o f ajl the people in the and intensely interested in the figures J. Albert Matson came over here iting at ths editor's home fo r the pre community— the whole Coquille dis and facts he presented. He qdvocated from the Bay Wednsday on insurance vious week, started fo r the east Tues Varnish for Floors, etc. day morning, with stops at Spring- trict— fo r the benefit of all. the changing o f the Commercial Culb business. “ Spruce Up” eras the subject to to the Coquille Bull Club, givin g the field and Portland where he had legal Household Ammonia % Wednesday, A pril 2, is the d a y on business to look after. Mrs. Boyd and which R. A . Wernich responded, and pedigree which would -be required fo r which the County Court w ill honvene her daughter, Mrs. Harris, went out his suggestions as to what Coquille members. Sired by a desire to boost Powdered Borax - ' fo r the April session. in the way o f improvements everything fo r the advancement o f the follow ing morning. were all matters which the club has this valley, they would be “ damned” Boraxo, Lax George W. Kellond died at Marsh March gave us a full week o f field Wednesday morning at the ad bright sunshine fo r which everyone advocated, and many o f which will by the knockers. He pointed out the Benzine, Gasoline , - be carried out this year. similarity between the bovine bull vanced ageTUf 79 years. was duly thankful, although w e had J. A . Lamb on “ W hy Change the clubs which have been organized and Moth Balls and Flakes for protecting Woolen Goods from Mrs. E. A . Howey came in Tuesday expected mare from it when Febru odel” told a new Ford K ory which this human-bull clubH and when Mr. Moths, etc. a ry proved such a slacker in that from Corvallis for a visit with brought down the house, but he de Cary asked him for a list o f the qual line. So fa r 1919 has given us the sister, Mrs. B. H. Burns. voted moet o f his thought to the good ifications necessary fo r membership Cresoleum, the best Disinfectant and Deodoriser worst weather we have seen in the toads subject, the co-operation which in the bull club, meaning the »Pure Schroeder A Aasen can take care of first quarter of the year during eight Rubber Gloves to protect the hands while cleaning house, Should exist between the team and Bred Jersey Breeders Association, Mr. your orders fo r Fencing. A ll o years’ residence in Oregon. - v etc. l i e rural community, and in trying Smith came back with the retort, “ I delivered to county highway. In connection with the 8-reel Char to eradicate the feeling which one think you could qualify.” The toast F. E. McKenna and Chas. Hall lie Chaplin picture at the Liberty man had expressed, that the banquet master’s gavel failed to quell the riot came over from the Bay Wednesday Theatre A pril 2 and 8, advertised on ares given because Coquille business following this sally, but when quiet expressly to attend the banquet. page 8, will be a 8-reel feature, “ Fros- men wanted to get something out of had been restored Ms. Cary stated Plenty o f Shiplap, Rustic and finish en Warning.” This makes an espee the farmers. His earnest presents his object in asking the question was ially interesting show for those two tion brought forth hearty applause to get Mr. Sherwood and hi* brindle ing lumber in stock at Schroeder A Aasen’s. evenings. In fact the theatre man and in fact all the talks wore greeted cow out o f the Jersey Breeders’ A s Mrs. A lfred Schroeder returned agement is bringing a fine class o f at with the gratifyin g reception which sociation. F. C. True, o f the Coos A Curry Tuesday from Marshfield after a visit tractions here every week, as w ill be they deserved. O. C. Sanford further emphasised Counties Cheese Association, spoke on o f several days with Mrs. Dan Keat noted from the display sd run on this pago. the results o f communities working “ Cheese,” urging co-operation in the ing. together, comparing them to two development o f that industry and al Rock Robison Jr., arrived in Co Ex-Gov. Oswald W est is expected donkeys which failed to get their meal so in pulling Coos out o f the mod so quille Tuesday afternoon after being to be in Coquille on Wednesday o f when pulling against one another, but that in time to come “ you wouldn't next week, when the County Court discharged from the army. H e spent know the old place.” seven and one-half months in Franoe when epch was w illing to give in is in session. The evening being yet young, not without getting up to the front but little to the other they both got tne , L. A. Liljeqvist is going to bring the day before the signing o f the hay. “ Human jackasses are a good ■flore than 11:30, the toastmaster call suit to have the law against shipping armistice his regimdat had all their deni like the quadruped kind,” ed on various dairymen, business men FO R W E E K crabs out o f Coos eoounty declared equipment loaded and were ready to Ms conclusion. and others for remarks and while unconstitutional. Chas. T. Skeels spoke in favor if we haven’t space to toll o f all the good entrain fo r a sector o f active warfare. FO R S A L E ths best and cheapest va His father met him in Portland and “ Bridging the Coquille at Coquille,” things said during tha next hour they this year. , " I f we can’t have a big were all pertinent and interesting. cant let in A s city o f Coquille. come home with him. one, such as we want this year, let’s Thoee called upon were Jas. D. Laird, Speidtquick i f yen want I t A t the F R ID A Y , M AR C H 28 ' Elsewhere in this issue w jll be have a smaller one with a grade cross A. T. Boldon, Prof. C. V. Ruxek, Jas. found the announcement o f 8. M. Noe “SH O O TING O F D A N M cG R EW ” ing o f the railroad at a smaller cost T Jenkins, Geo. Henningjer, 0 . 1. Kime, J. W. McCoy, who used to live ler, who has purchased the grocery Northwestern Picture— 6 reels and get it before the Mxrihfteld-Myr Walter Laird, F. E. McKenna, John in Coquille, was over from the Bay business and stock o f P. E. Drane in tie Point road is paved by the state.” Yoakam, T. P. Hanley,, J. D. Carl, “H IS D E A D L Y C A L M “ fo r the week visiting with H. L. Var the old Model grocery building. Mr The idea struck a responsive chord Jas. Watson and J. H. McCloskey. Drew Comedy— 1 reel Nosier is introducing some innova ney and other friends. and was applauded to the echo. A t 12:80 it was Chas. Baxter, who “Screen Magazine”— 1 reel ' tions in the grocery business fo r this C. A. Sickles and his son-in-law, Or A . J. Sherwood’s subject was “ Why was called on and his only response section, but he says they are prov S A T U R D A Y , M AR C H 29 c. , ville Smith, started Tuesday fo r Mer own a Jersey when a Brindle will do?” was a motion to adjourn. “ Home, ing very popular in the east and in lin, Josephine county, where they ex He devoted the most o f Ms alloted Sweet Home” was sung with a spirit “ THE T W O O R P H A N S “ southern California. Keith Leslie will pect to purchase a ranch. time to a humorous description o f the which proved where the banqueters de Featuring Theda Bara— S reels be associated with him in the store. toastmaster and his purebred Jersey, sired most to be at that hour, and the Marshfield is going to start a drive “C O U L D P U N C H E R “ accusing him o f searching fo r and finest, most interesting and encour Saturday to raise money to establish Nosier Bays Out Drane Fox Comedy— 1 reel finding all the good points named by aging gathering o f the kind ever held an office fo r Mias Cardiff, the county “Current Events”— 1 reel > I have purchased ths P. E. Drane the auctioneer but the pedigree. And in town, if not in the county, came to health nurse, in that city. store which I form erly conducted un Mr. Cary admitted that he had got dm a close. S U N D A Y , M A R C H 30 , B mb ember that In subscribing fo r der the name o f The Medel Grocery, worst o f it in the duel o f wits. I f the oo-operation so earnestly the Sentinel fo r flJ W a year you eaa and it will be to the interest o f the Chas. Hall spoke on the “ State pleaded fo r in all the speeches o f the “T H R E E M O U N T E D M E N “ get ths Oregon Fanner in addition by public to be apprised that a new sys- Chamber o f Commerce,” ancl among evening is secured, as it bids fa ir to Featuring the greatest western star, Harry Carey— 6 reels paying only I t cents more. n o f retailing will be adopted at many other good things said, he told be, there is no limit to the possibil “P A IR O F P IN K P A J A M A S “ at a meeting o f the directors o f that ities for development in the Coquille FOR S A LE at a bargain— Six lots the store on April 1st. Smiling Bill Parson’s Comedy— 2 reels W e are sure this plan will meet body recently that there was one Com valley. near J. H. Oerding’s residence, high The approximate cost o f the spread M O N D A Y , M AR CH 31 and well located. Apply to R. A. with the approval o f the public in mercial Club in Coos county* which Jeub at Sheriff's office. U t2 * general and we ask co-operation in * rM * live wire bunch and one hun was 8180, the balance o f which above “T H E L O N E L Y W O M A N “ this change which we believe will re dred per cent— the Coquille Commer the sum received from the sale o f Featuring Belle Bennett— 6 reels Charles Hall, o f Marshfield, Presi sult in good to all the people o f this cial Club. tickets w ill“ be paid out o f the Club dent o f the State Chamber o f Com community. “H IS U N C L E D U D L E Y ” "The Advantage o f a Commercial treasury. In the opinion o f the pres merce, came over here Wednesday to Featuring Harry Booker and Polly Moran, Under the new system, the Q U A L I Club to the Farm er” was ably pre- ident of the club, “ it was well worth attend the Commercial Club banquet T Y on which are have built our repo the greatest feminine comedienne— 2 reels ted by R. H. Mast, although he the money.” The city of Coquille is advertsing tation fo r many years w ill be main said he didn’t know he was to speak T U E S D A Y , A P R IL I # four properties fo r sale on account tained above all, although the prices until he sat down and saw the pro- o f unpaid assessments fo r street im will be G R E A T L Y REDUCED on our “T H E FLO O R B E L O W ” provements in the Sentinel this week. goods from prices under the old way Featuring Mabel Normand, a beautiful star in “ The Necessity o f a Good Road to o f doing business. one of her best roles— 6 reels Brewster VaHey” by L. H. Hazard William Pugh, o f Reeds port, fori The plan has been carefully studied was made plain, one o f his telling “ Lyons-Morsn” Comedy erty a Riverton resident, to negotiat out but its introduction has been de points being that i f C. W M n d lc o tt Featuring Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran— 1 reel ^ ing with Joseph Pope o f this city for ferred until*convinced that the new and R. A. Wernich could K^mg in _ ths sale o f his hotel property at system would work no hard.lip but two-pound trou t'from out there over W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y , A P R l k 2 and 3 Reedsport prove o f advantage to all. the present roads they plight be able “ F R O ZE N W A R N IN G ” * “ Dad” Woodford and his daughter, It will enable us to reduce our sell to bring one weighing four pounds if Featuring Charlotte, the Greatest of Lady Ice Skaters < Mrs. Jennie Williams, y * talking o f ing cost from S to 10 percent. On the roads were good. Largo Num ber o f 6 reels. moving back to Med ford where be and a fte r April 1st this new system R E. Baker’s subject was “ Edoca Gives Greater Stability to “S H O U L D E R AR M S” used to be postmaster and still owns will be in effect and you will find the tion vs. Economy” and his conclusions Financial Situation. r Featuring Charles Chaplin in his greatest and best an untenanted residence. P plan fair to cash and credit custom era led one to believe that there possibly A scream— 3 reels alike, and all goods will be marked The funeral o f Cassie L. Sickles tan be too moih eionomy to secure Of the benefit to n nation o f popu took place last Sunday at the Under in plain figures. We. feel that the the best results in education. When lar investment la 'government securi taking parlors and was conducted by cash customer who carrisc the goods Coquille High School teachers have Remember that no time in the history of the show ties of small denominatloas, a stu Rev. J. E. Condor. The interment Should not be required to pay for the to instruct classes 26 per cent larger dent of the British War Savings business has such a line up of fine features been delivery and credit o f others. was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. He than the average in any other high movement writes: presented as we are now running. The charge customers will foel pos school in the county, and when there lacked six weeks o f being 24 years o f ‘As the nation's power to save and itive that they pay no mors fo r the is only seven square feet o f floor for accumulate capital depends upon an age. You are cordially invited to attend and see for goods than the cash customer, except excess of Inc*me over necessary ex The attention of the >at>lic is called 6 cents fo r delivery o f an order up to rodtation purposes on rainy days per penditure and, aa this power to save yourself. student, H seems as though the scon to the notice o f the Myrtle Point Is obviously greater amongst the well- 100 pounds and 1 cent on the dollar omy business was more important Transportation Co. and the Farmers for credit. to-do, It la Imperative that future than the educational feature. And as Transportation Co., telling why they By discontinuing free delivery and such a speech would not be complete propagandist work should be con ducted amoflgst the upper and middle must collect for freight and all war adding 1 cent on each dollar fo r without touching on the absolute nec sees no lees than wmqagat tBh N O TIC K TO t 3 | P U B L IC N ew Cases In Circuit Court. tax payments from the consignee in c’. arge accounts we will be enabled to essity of a new school building to ac wage earners. advance. Again hat Mr. Milton A. Millar, the reduce our celling cost by lessening March 21— W. J. Conrad va. Qui ‘The work must also be continued commodate the steadily increasing at Internal Revenue Collector at Port V. R. Wilson, Optometrist Office our overhead expense. tendance, Mr. Baker added his plea amongst the wage eernera. for ob te ria Hamm, David Hermida, et al. We all realise tbe on Taylor street, Coquille. I am on Feeling confident that under the to the many which have been made vious reasons. March 22— R. A. Cribbinz va. Geo. land, pointed out in-M s communica tion to the M yrtle Point Transporta the job every day in the month. Bet new system to be adopted we can be for years that Coquille have a high advantages to be derived by tbe state Barber et al. Suit to quiet title. ter service Lower prices, and will of more benefit to all concerned than school building compatible with the from tne more even distribution of March 22— H. C. Britton vs. Goo. tion Company and Farmers Tranzpor- wealth which aa Increase in tbe tation Co., tho absolute necessity do y o 9 many little services that you ever before we therefore ask a snare dignity and logical development of Barber et aL Suit te quiet title. number of small la vet tors implies. fo r the consignee and not fo r the o f your patronage. do net get from traveling opticians. March 26— Lucy Sheppard Floyd Coquille as an educational center. We all realise tbe greater sUMHty traasporation company te pay tho “ See Wilsfci and See More.” I0t8 Yours very truly, hlch a large number of small In va. George Stephen Floyd. Suit for Frank Burkholder’s “ Fishing for a W A R T A X on the public utility ser divorce. vestors must give to tbe financial e V • S M NOSLER. Big Catch,” turned « a t to be the Alex Sandon o f Millington moved vice or be liable to severe pens lay. He situation. It la certain also that wise March 26— Minnte Simpson va. W il catching o f Coos county’s share o f the his fam ily to Coquille this week. He further indicates that River Freight T o Returning Soldiers and Sailers 1(23,000,000 road money which the spending and saving amongst the liam Simpson. Suit fo r divorce. has taken a position as millwright m should be handled Hke Railroad eses of the people tends to te March 26— State Industrial Acci The undersigned has enlisted with state will, it is hoped, appropriate the Sitka Spruce company mill hare. nse their efficiency and develop Freight, paid fo r on delivery. How He, was fo r years millwright in the the Government in a “ Keep up your this year. Another big catch o f Mr their self-respect ft* must also result dent Commission vz. Robert Train. *v»r, being confronted with the re Policy” campaign among discharged Burkholder’s is the 60 new names he In the growth o f a more efficient rase C. A. Smith mill r.t the Bay, Mr. sponsibility o f rem itting to tho Gov Small Farms Wanted Sr.ndon is a nephew of A. T. Boldon. soldiers and sailors to assist them in has secured fo r the Commercial Club of producers In the next generation. ernment the full amount o f W ar Tax keeping their present government pol the past month, although he was too In this direction wise spending may I have several inquiries from peo Ray Norris was severely hurt in icies in force and in converting then modest to mention this fact. ultimately have no teat beneficial ple who are looking fo r small improv due on river transportation, wo t I i i II. beginning April lin t oecept freigh t Aasen Brothers’ cdtaip at McKinley to other forms o f Government insur A. T. Morrison, the king pin o f Co effects than saving although not aa ed farms not too fa r from town— only on the prepaid order when a limb fall from /S true and ance soon to be announced. No charge quille “ boosters,” had that fo r Ms Immediately adding to the material farms that will carry from five te wealth of the nation.” struck him in the face tearing a great for any service rendered. Consignment to merchants win bo srbjoct and he proceeded to boost His There la food for thought la this twenty dairy cows. I f yon hnvo such gash in his irght cheek last Monday. A . f . Morrison, Agent, characterisation o f a knocker as "one for the people o f the nation with oar a farm fob ante at tho right pries, 1 handled heretofore. Ha was brought in here where Ms Banker’s L ife Company, Coquille born with a bellyache who never got War Shrtaga Stamp» a think I eaa find yen s buyer. Myrtle Point Traagpecntteu Co. wounds were treated by Dr. Hamilton. Oregon. , ever it," is muck more effective a des- J. J. Stanley. HOUSEHOLD HELPS SPRING CLEANING < . Knowlton’s Drug Store PROGRAM OF ATTRACTIONS L IB E R T Y T H E A T R E Friday, March-28, to Tharsday, April 3 BRITISH EXPERT ANALYZES VAR SAVINGS WORK “ I I 1