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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
TH* COQÜIV* TAlXWr »W nKKI* Ç O W W O M Q O H . TODAY, MARCH % 1919 This Avery Tractor $675 F. O. B. M arshfield: Your Gasoline 5-10 H. P. 4 Cylinder, S Speeds; W eight 2,600 pounds. F or obvious reasons the following facts of interest to the public could not be published during the w ar. T h ey affected a vital w a r necessity regarding which thè Governm ent required secrecy. B u t now that the w a r is won, w e are at liberty to m ake the following statement of facts: Highly volatile gasoline for fighting- aeroplane« was one of the w ar needs. The output of this special gasoline by all the refineries asst of the Rocky Mountains was not enough, so Califor nia was called upon to funtish a large part of the supply. A t the request of the United States Government the Pa cific Coast Petroleum W a r Service Committee apportioned California’s quota among such of the large refiners as were able to make this special gaso- tudes. * On its rapid vaporisation alone must often depend the lives o f the men in the aeroplane. This gasoline would not be good fo r general use. I t would lack pow er' on the ground, its loss in Storage by evaporation would be great, and it would be expensive. Aviation gasoline has to be highly volatile. It must vaporise rapidly even In the extreme cold of very high alti A G E N T S FO R E M P IR E M IL K IN G M A C H IN E S W e Install Free. Ask those that have them. > Gasoline Drag Saws, with or without Clutch. A ll the above in 8tock. Call or Write. Immediate Delivery. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND Phone 77 N o w that the War u won and the great demand for aviation gasoline has ceased, we are again able to offer the same grade o f Red Crown gasoline as form erly, w ith the same full and con tinuous chain o f boiling points— fronj the low to the high— which is necessary fo r easy starting, quick and smooth acceleration, h ig h p o w e r and long m ileage. Women Are Hobbled. M onday s you a fallow there by the name of Oerding. H e didn't know but called out his name and somebody answered and pretty quick— who could it be but H a rry ! I never w as so surprised in all my Ufa, to surprised 1 could hardly spank. H a certainly looked Ana. And there w as old M ike too, (J . P. M ichaels), looking bettor than It waa ju st n mora accident and whan I told W a lt ho w as as surprised as m yself. You can t im agine how much good it did am to am H arry aad M ike sad the w ay everything came about waa alm ost exciting after thinking about i t H arry wan b an dud fo r Cam p Lew is, where he w ill be dem obilised aad pos sibly beat us heme. I gut a card today from him toiling us ho would pass through Indianapo lis about IS o’eelock last night but as H happened ho boat his tints about four hours. I f I hadn't aeon him R To Raturning Soldiers and Sailora This season the skirts are a bit longer. And n great deal narrower at the bottom. The wearer maandara with the hob bled horse effect. Se can with diffi culty negotiate the pavement at a street crossing. It is perilous for her to attempt to take the step to a street car. To enter an automobile is a hazardous and embarrassing business. A Philadelphia news dispatch in (California) An Unexpected Meeting M A R S H F IE LD . ORE. Th e Government’s demand for avi ation gasoline reached its maximum in the late fa ll o f 1918, and then for a peri od o f about six weeks the deficiency of R ed Crown gasoline in low boilings point constituents or easy - starting qualities was most apparent S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y M rs. J. H. Oerding is in receipt of the follow in g letter from her eon, G eorge, who has been in the aeroplane construction service but expects to bo homo before M ag. W ritin g from Speedwa y, Indiana, under date o f M arch 19, ho says: W hat do you suppose I did last night— w all I had a surprise o f my life, I went to the city with no par ticular mission in view and I don’t know w hy but I walkod to the Union Station and happened to see a bunch o f soldiers who w ere from nveneaa A fte r a bit I commenced to talk t6 one o f thorn and I asked him f f they had any engineers on the train— ft w as a troop train— and ho said yes, the 74 Engineers, Co. B. W ell I hod forgotten which company H arry waa in but as fata would have it I had your latter in my pocket and looked and there it w as. H a said, “they arc out there,” qpd I lost no tim e; but hardly believing it to ha true, I rushed along the coaches till I came to a coach which had O R E G O N written ea with big letters. I naked a fellow there if they w ere the Oregon Engin eers and ha said, “ Y te ," I aaid have ' M aking aviation gasoline fo r the Government took a very considerable part o f the low belling point or highly volatile constituents o f the crude oil, and, cs a result, the gasoline left avail able for regul&r use lacked those quali ties which assure easy starting of the automobile engine. The Standard Oil Company, being the largest of these, had the greatest quota to fill W e were glad to do our part. W e supplied more than our quo ta of aviation gasoline. Aeroplane engines, operating high in the air under conditions o f extrem e cold and rarefied atmosphere, require a different gasoline from engines operat in g on the ground. In fact, the needs are so special that the gasoline manu factured fo r aeroplane use (often used at altitudes o f from 20,000 to 25,000 fe e t) would be utterly indifferent for use in automobile or othes • internal- combustion engines operated on land 9-16 H. P. Heider Tractor, weight 4,300 pounds; For Heavy Duty Has No Equal; $1,400, F. O. B., Portland. possession o f a white elephant, fo r that is exactly what this line would be if the other scheme is put into effect and their service has not in the mean time beau m aterially Improved.” _ jou rn al rela te« tnat The undersigned has enlisted with the Government in a “ Keep up your P olicy" campaign among dischargod soldiers and sailors to assist them in koeping their present government pol icies in force and in converting them to other forms o f Government insur ance soon to be annouifed. No charge for any service rendered. A . T. Morrisonr A gent, Banker’s L ife Company, Coquille, me Penssylvania railroad officials insist that all stop# at stations are length For a Bad Cold ened an average o f 17 seconds be Take Chamberlain’s Cough Reme cause skirt-hobbled women are so ■low in getting on and off platforms. dy. It has stood the test of time and . Brakemen on the road are described can be depended upon. as being more interested in their work because it is necessary for pretty females to be almost lifted down the steps. , Woe be unto a government or any civil authority that would sentence By special arrangement we can women to submit to the new skirt. now offer you a One YeUr Subsription The uprising and upheavals and In Coquille Valley Sentinel v goings and outcomings that would re sult would make the country buzz. Coquille, Oregon But they do. Heaven bless them, ’ and a submit in meekness and humility to One Year Subscription the fashion makers. They eat right out o f the designer’s hands, as it T H E OREGON FA R M E R were, with a docile and lamblike hu for only mility. $1.45 ' To make more business for them This Special Price for botft pa selves, the modistes tyrannize over pers is good only fo r q short them with changing styles and impos time «4 ■ sible regalia, and our woipeq walk USE T H IS ORDER B L A N K Coquille Valley Sentinel Coquille, Oregon Enclosed And $1.65 for which send me ' Coquille Valley Sentinel Bad Taste in Your Mouth 'and T H E OREGON FA R M E R When you have a bad taste In your mouth you may know that your di- for 0 ^ Year each. tion is faulty. A dose o f Cham- N a m e ........ /........................... lain’s Tablets will usually correct Port office................................. the disorder. They also e:iu*e a gen tle storemen t o f the bowels. You State........................................ w ill And this to be one o f the best medecines you have ever become ac C quainted with.