MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. Special price made on 50 or 100 pound lots. Eat More Beans and Buy Coos Co. Product Unlimited Supply JONTEEL CREAMS AND POWDERS lend distinction to the toilet All Jonteel requisites are delightfully perfumed with Odor Jonteel, the new costly odor of 26 flowers. FACE POWDER JONTEEL— dinging and invisible, gives a youthful appearance with no suggestion of make up - • 50c COMBINATION CREME JONTEEL is greaseless, yet heals, softens and protects the skin. Ideal as a powder base. 50c COLD CREME JONTEEL an excellent cleansing creme. Snow-white and pure, it will not grow hair - - • . 50c n * 3 ( s a a t t fik r C O Q Ü IU .K . OREGON The season is here to buy that needed We have an unusually large and well selected assort- , ment o f jr Reels Baskets Leaders Lines Flies Spoons Hooks Etc., Etc. Coquille Hardware Co Death of Mrs. F. M. Miller Jessie M. Miller, Mrs. Grace 1 At noon today the funeral services The family have been reaid« for Mrs. F. M. Miller are being held 000* «paty for shout thirty st the Upper Fishtrsp seboolhouse. mo,t of the Um® having best Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been resi- in the Fishtr«P section. dents of Coquille for nerrly a year ---------------- past and her death occurred here at Misplaced Confide«« 8:30 Wednesday morning. She was The Sentinel would advise a O,d' treble in who . to «.heme proposing been ill of kidney m0ntj and ‘‘, heart * Bhow Invsat thmt ray G' ^ • r, MfBer is innocent of connectlo CenldoMdler was bom m Dougins the Myrtle Point Bank robb county. Oregon, .ml in 1876 was mar- which he was convicted and n , this k union , C° eiffht T l . children \ L W Mm- er. Of were dsin* * . «. _ the penitentiary. I bom. all of whom ars living as fol-j* * D*pUty SW iff CT lows: Gage before parting with ray t Mrs. Minnie Clinton, Mrs. Mary c“ h- Mr. Gage’s only regret Paul, W. F. Miller. Mrs. Sadie Smith, neetion with Miller’s conviction Mrs. Etta McAdams, Rqbert I* Mill«, his two pal* mad, thsir eetae \ k‘r° to Gladys Warner, of Powers, was vis iting in town Monday. V ' R. A. Amin wont to Portland last Thursday, fie was in Salsm Friday and», attended the Preshmen Glee which was given . by the Presumes of the Willamette UnivOhity. 1 Peter Bue, of Marshfield, who trav els for the Baker, Hamilton and Pa cific Company, was in town Monday. David Artt, of Remote, made final three year proof upon his homestead before E. A. Dodge, United State* Commissioner, Monday. Laurence Jennings and Delbert MePee were his Earl Cruickshank, of Superios, Wis- consn, was in town Sunday. Me. and Mrs. Dick Busl, of Marsh field, were visiting in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hansen were Coquille visitors Sunday. Dr. Eaton, of Marshfield, and R. G. Miller gave an illustrated lecture on the work at Rescue and Protective As sociation last Thursday evening- in the Presbyterian Church. They told about the rescue of boys and girls who nesd helping. An offering was taken for these children and over twenty dollars was raised. Prof. C. A. Davidson and wife, Mr*. Florence Root and Miss Agnes Mc Cracken motored to Coquille Sunday. Miss Cl so Carter, who has been vis iting hare, returned to her home in Marshfield Sunday. ’ Jess Clinton, who has been living Will Planting Season Find You Prepared? dy. Spring work will come with a RUSH this year. BE PREPARED. Early Seed Potatoes We have some very fan cy stock. Order now. Onion Sets Best Quality Price Right White Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Vetcn Grass Seeds, Clover Seeds, Giant Inter mediate Beet Seed, Danver’s.Half Long Carrots. * » Early Peas String Beans Golden Bantam, Early Minnesota, and Stowell’s Evergreen Sweet Com Minnesota 13 —White and Yellow-Dent Com California Alfalfa Hay coming first of next week. Leave your orders for deliv ery on arrival and save handling expense recsivsd new supplies some time ago and these things must all be finished by the first of June.. All the ladles are asked to turn out and show their patriotism. Mrs. H. K. Hansen, who has been visiting her daug'.tor in Stockton, California, for soma tims returned home last Friday. L. E. Brown, of Marshfield, of the Mutual Life Insurance, was in town Monday. Lestsr Wilson, of Coquille, was vis iting here Sunday. United States Food Administration—License No. G 46545 Mr. and Mrs. Jasmin and sen left for Portland Tuesday morning. Mr*. Pemberton and small son Were Coquille visitor« Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claries Johnson, of east 1782 It. and to low water Leo, are happy with the arrival of a The Honor Guard’s Welcome grees line of the Coquille River, thence weet six-pound baby girl horn Thursday, The girls of the Coquills Honor along said water Una of ths Oo- March 20th. Doris Ilene is now doing Guard hit upon a clever plan when quills River low 310.6 south 6 they decided to send the following degrees west 1132 ft. f thence t thence east poem to each soldier boy and sailor 170.8 ft. thence south 6 degress west lad returning from his patriotic mis f t and to A plict t u t of the plgct sion. All the «edit is due to its com 660 of beginning; thence east 140 f t to poser, Lana Leneve, who no capably the place of beginning, In and splendidly expreeae* the senti said parcel of land tan containing (10) acres, ment felt by everyone: That said sale will be stade subjeet We’re proud of the boys to the confirmation of the County From ths Golden Weet Court fer Coos County, Oregon. The boys who have fione Dated this 27th day of March, And given their beet 191». We greet you again. James Arrington, With heartfelt thanks; Exscutor of the Eetate and of the The boy from home. Last Will and Testament of J. P. Who helped fill the ranks. Barkdoll, deeeaaed. lltB Welcome, Oh Welcome! You brave soldier lad. FORECLOSURE SALK. ^^T b^om We greet you again Notice is hereby give*. That un- appertaining, With heartbeat* so glad. der and by virtue of an Elocution and Said sals bein) We welcome you horn#------ Order of Sale issued out of ths Ctr- demption in the From campe here and there cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Where our thoughts have followed the County of Coos on the 18th day of With right Under care. March, 1919, in a certain cause in said Mr. and Mrs. E Court pending wherein A. E. Simpson You’ve done your bit. Bridge Wednesday. is plaintiff, and Frank J. Fish and So lay your guh down; Vivian G. Fish, his wife, are defend They need boys like you East Fork Items. ants; case No. 6088, of said Court and In your,own home town. Marshall Alford, of Ashland, came commanding me to seU the hereinaf ¿ ffu u íi'íü d ó home Monday., He wae called home ter described real property to satis Viotia Teaching on account of the serious sickness of fy ths ram of $3,016.10 with intorest I will accept a limited number of his sister, Edna, 6% from January 18th, 191», and ^ T h v u iu n íL ls in violin. Conservatory Meth at , Mr. Marcy and team worked for pupils the further sum of $197.86 taxes wltn od. Especial attention to tone pro interest the county Tuesday, scraping road. duction. 6% from January 13th, see Mr. Geo. 1919, and at attorney Mr*. Earl Endicott, fee of $300.00 sqa Sumner, O. Leach For particular* W. Zinner. visited her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. J. costs end disbursements $37.00, to D. Laird, last week. gether with accruing cost*, I WILL, are in use by busi ON SATURDAY, THE 26th DAY of DICTIONARIES Mrs. Tom Krewson is ' visiting her railing Cards, 100 for $1.00. n*** men,engineers, hankers, husband’* fnther and m<$her at Drain, NOTICE OF EXECUTOR’S SALE. April, 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock judges, architects, physicians, in the forenoon of said day at the farmers, teacher*. Hbrtriana, cler giving them a chance to see their new gymen by tu eeesx/uf men mnd grandson. Tom is at D.-ain working Notice is hereby given that under front door of the County Court House women thm tnc.rU oorr. In the City of Coquille, Ceos County, with his father, who ha* a contract and by virtue of authority given me Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pub Arc Yoa Equipped to Win? by Order of the County Court for lic auction, to the highest and bast The New International provides Cooe County. Oregon, duly made and bidder for eash in hand, all ths right, ths means to success. It is an all- quills Wsmerday. hnowing tec ¿ 1 er. c uni ver aal ques of record in the Probate Jour title and intorest of the said defend tion answerer. Wednesday Coil Harry brought up entered nal of said Court on the 26th day of. ant* in and to the following described a you seek efficiency and ad- two Holstein cows from Coquille, said March, 1919, I shall upon the prem real property, to-wit: ^nttemmeat Why v jo ¿ mako dally tp he pure bred*. ises hereinafter described, after the The SH of the N E *; and the SE* nee of this vast fund ol inform ation? Judging from the statements made 26th day of April, 1919, proceed to of NWM, and the NEM of 8E14 of «•M W V eeelw U ey T erm «. 27 ** P * « » in ths Coos Bay Harbor, County Com offer for sale at private sale and sell Section 20 in Twp. 30 8. of Rng. U «see III— tratto»*. c . l s r s t Plata* missioner Philip moat have riled the for cash the following described par W. of the W. M. in Coos County, Ore muddy waters. Would-be County cel of land belonging to the Estate of gon; Also the NW14 ff the 8WM of Commissioner Kern would settle the J. P. Bark doll, deceased, to-wit: Section 21 and so much of the SW >4 Vrlitlore*- Kinney property taxes by giving Beginning at a point 1820 f t east of the SW14 of said Section 21 and of to rn p****. U I«*tr*tioo*. Wait* and others a rebate, the reek of of and 1240.12 fea$ south of and an the SEM of Section 20 in *aid Twp. M Of Pocket us will have to watt for a rebate a additional 1386 feet east of the and Rng. a. lie. North, Ea*terly and Map* roa long, long time. nom* «bi* northwest comer of Section six (6) down stream from the following line- R. A. Easton township twenty-nine (29) south of Starting at Myrtle Crmk at the en^ Range twelve (It) West of the Wil of school house ridge, running thence lamette Meridian in Cooe County, The Busy Comer ^W ebster ' s N ew I nternational He Froo , • U