PAGE FOUR T H E C O Q U ILLE V A L L E T M l f l E f E , COQOUILLB. The Sentinel a » A T , M ARC H fit. 111». «. WHAT THE POOH BOOT UtfiGKE HAS TO SUFFER And Tha CaguWi HaraM «030 eawga in a aooo row BY H. W. YO U NG . Advertising Rate*. Display, » cents par inch. ig notices. 6 cents per line « rtion. Want ads, 1 cent per •FtlCE, NIITH EHI OF I SHEET We are not particularly proud o f tho fact, but we have novar durine tha timo wa baro lived in Oregon failad to pick tho winner in voting fo r can* didatta fo r United Statua oeaator, but wo am aura aa wa can be o f anything In tha future, that even tf w e are aUva and voting In IM O George w o n t f t i any help from ua then. Nobody with a chronic grouch ap peals to us. Neither does any ons who opposes the Isagus o f nations. Bake More Save More ha goes about his bus- g tha law at the state, souse stories by Fred Oregon Journal that and got under I t W the same old story at » world. A ll tha boose that is said that way is nev er going to educate another genera tion at drunkards in tha place at the. oaas who ars now growing old i getting randy to pass in their cheeks. And a fter July 1, the business is go ing to ho under the ban in California from whence comas our supply now, the same as in Oregon. Haro is the way it goes on the railroad end of the M ore and more, thoughtful w om en are de creasing the cost of living b y increasing the variety of their home baking. T h ey have learned to bake the Royal w a y w ith few er eggs. T h ey have found that m ore baked foods m ean less m eat T h ey have further discovered that their baking keeps fresh longer w hen m ade w ith In a recent article I spoke o f the The recall has bean on tap long growth o f tha boot! eggin g ’ ndustry enough in this county to bo itself re Here in Oregon are have just expert- rim*e Oregon has become bone dry. enced a fifty or sixty days o f almost called. It’s getting to be a chestnut. uninterrupted rain, and tha only d if I am writing this article from Med ference we notice is that the moss ford. Tho issue hero is a very live Henry A lb e n has received a v< satisfactory verdict if it is only en gets a little thicker on rooks and bark one. 1 sat down last evening in the and backs, and the web feet a little lobby o f the hotel next to a pleasant forced— three yea n in prison and more like fins. I t has surely been a locking chap who opened his heart to $10,000 fine. great experience, and we are ready to hie on the matter. \ - Never again,” he said “ I f you The world la in a fair way to gat enjoy soma days o f sunshine, despite together and abolish war, i f tha Unit the fact that are fe lt sure are should want to sweat blood, ^just slip a few In many recipes, only half as m any eggs are required, ed States Senate does not atop it.— always be long on that whan are turn bottles o f boose into your bag and bring them across the border.” some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Chicago Daily News. ed longingly to the mists and fogs of I f there la any type o f man I dee the Pacific coast after thirty years Powder is used, about a teaspoonful in place of each Those Germans a n bad losers, as in tha Sunfloarer state. For the sun pise,” he said bitterly, “ It la the prac wsll as mean and treacherous fighters. hits hard and long there until one tical joksr. A few days ago one of * egg omitted. They threaten to go Bolshevik if they native to the seashore begins to pray the passengers, just after we had a n compelled to pay for tha dams crossed the state line and entered for a curtain o f cloud. Oregon, opened the door o f the car they have done. •_______ _ I waa in and whispered hoarsely, ‘An COL. W A T T E R 8 0 N '8 SERM ON The Allies continue the work of The following is not an extract inspector is in the next car. He will pulling Germany’s teeth. Their last frdm a sermon, however much it may be here within five minutes. Any of act is to sterilise the Kiel canal by sound like it. It is from the remin you fellows that are smuggling boose opening it to the ships of all nations iscence# o f that famous editor, orator into the state had better hide It. It and dismantling the Helgoland forti and mint julep and poker expert, CoL means a jail sentence and a fine i f you fications. • Henry Watteraon, who at the age o f are caught.’ Two minutes later that One fourscore is “ Looking Backward” ov car was absolutely bone dry. I f any o f our readers had been ministerial looking man opened the planning to vote against our road er a long life: window and threw out his ex out an opportunity o f spending their $18.60-14.60; yearlings $11.00-12X0; special agent o f the Southern Pacific “ W e live in a world o f sin, disease bond proposition in tho near future, pensive-looking leather suitcase so as money. When they get a fe w aays* wethers $9.00-10.00; » $6.60-10.60. company, assisted by a government the past eght weeks’ experience ought and death. The ways o f God to man not to be caught with tho goods. The vacation in 'the city and away from officer. The trunks g e r e checked are indeed mysterious and past find to have given thorn some now ligLt on practical joker waa stunned by the the woods, the first idea they have is Ingenious Bootlegger from California and were consigned ing out. Why tha loag and dreadful the subject. results at his practical joke. He lait to get a bottle o f whiskey. They do struggle o f a kindred people, the aw The bootleggers are resourceful fol to Salem, Albany and Jefferson. the train at Ashland to the men who not mind paying $12 or $14 fo r It and Packed in peat rows in two-quart ful bloodshed and havoc o f four long lows and are always springing some Just now Oregon ib fed up on rain. had thrown their booze overboard the result is that the police soon pick new device. Here is the latest, as told water bottles, the trunks could bo The Coquille valley specially has a yean , leaving us a t tha does measur them up. The men drunk on bay rum, wouldn’t do him physical violence. bumped about without any sound in a Eugene press dispatch: lot o f wetness in stock that it finds ably w han we w ere at tha beginning, medicinal preparations and alcoholic “ For quite a while a bootlegger Three trunks containing together from the inside. N o leakage resulted, it hard to dispose of. But the land is one o f the unsolved problems which bard ___• . , , , boarded every train at Ashland and concoctions are generally a hard , .. . . , * . approximately 192 quarts o f whiskey, aa it frequently does. The owner o f is always enriched by the floods and should prove to ua that th e n is a looking set who became con firm ed ----- . . . — . . . _______ _ rode to Medford. He would go through ¡carefully packed in water bags were the trunks has not yet been appre- this year they have been “ on” fo r a world hereafter and beyond, since no drunkards in the days o f the saloons. g n a t creative principle could produce the train, pick up a suitcase, shake it, yesterday taken by W. G. Chandler, longer time than in many years. TLey are ordinarily a cat o f men that one with such d in inequalities and hear a gurgle and say fiercely, ’Whose The owner o f have but little money but a strong Tha people, who are opposed to contrasts through so short a span o f suit case is this,’ course, would be afraid to claim it, appetite. harvesting the fruits of our victory in human life. “ It is seldom that we have in court fo r he thought the bootlegger'was sn the world war by making future wars impossible are few u id far between W IL L COME IN T H E DIM F U T U R E officer. The bootlegger would ssy, “ I any young men on a charge o f being drunk. Moat o f our defendants are The league of nations is what we Our thanks are due to Senator Mc- have reason to bolieve this contains li want, even if we have to surrerder N ary fo r copies o f the Southern Ore quor, illegmlly brought into the state. men o f 86 to 60 years o f age. When will have to hold it as evidence. I f the present generation that acquired some of our privileges to secure it. gon bill which recently became a law. its thirst for liquor in the days o f the So fa r as we can tee, It coincides ex the owner wants to make any explan The anniversary o f Coquiilo’s big actly with the copy we published a ation he can take the matter up with saloons has passed on, it seems rea- fire o f March, 1918, occured last Mon couple of weeks ago, which showed it me at my office in Medford.’ Natur onable to believe that the enforcement day. The year has seen few attempts as amended by the house committee. ally, no one wanted to take the matter of the prohibition law will become a much easier problem.” to replace the buildings destroyed The Sentinel said a year ago that the up, and he got all the stock fo r his then, but the two Mr. Machon has main thing fo r Coos county was to get bootlegging industry without cost, to erected in that time set a good pace that half million in Hack tayes, and say nothing of a choice assortment of fo r any that are to follow. Probably that i f wo did that ww were not great suitcases. Portland, Ore., March 17,' 1919— as soon aa the war time prices begin “ You know that old Bible saying ly interested in the division o f tho bal The run o f live stock at the North to recede towards the former level ance o f the receipts from the sale o f about a guilty conscience— something Portland Itpck Yards today is ap more o f the burned ir e s will be rebuilt the lands and timber after the South about ‘the wicked flee when no man proximately 1600 head o f cattle, 2500 fo r tho locations ars among tha best ern Oregon, taxes and all other ex puraueth.’ Well, sir, whoever wrote head o f hogs and 2800 head o f sheep in the city. penses were paid. Although Coos that knew what he was talking about. and lambs. There is a heavy run of friend o f mine, a drummer, lives county, according to the bill, stands fa ir to medium cattle'today and in The State Highway Commission has to get one-fourth at that net amount, in Portland. He says a person can consequence the market on that grade been asked to give Coos county $160,- never tell when a snake might bite we really believe that the present o f stuff is showing an easier tone. 000 more for road work this year— for generation will find that an academic him, so he likes to have a quart o f Quotations a re :'B e s t staprs $13.00- the purpose o f hard surfacing the road snakebite remedy handy. I guess be question in which they have no more 14.00; good to choice steers $11.60- from Coquille to M yrtla P oin t What interest than in any other matter must have seen that inscription on e $12.60; medium to good rleers $ 10 . 60 - will Coquille do If the request is gravestone in Kansas: that is going to transpire when their 11.50; fair to good «tears $9.60-10.60; granted! We remember saving a Here in this grave granndchildren come on the stage o f common to fair steers $8.60-9.60; small city on the Pacific highway Lies poor Andy, ’ action. For the sale o f tho lands is choice cows and heifers $10.60-12.09; south of San Joee, California, where Bit by a snake going to be slow and it will be many good to choice cows and heifers $9.00- cars had to slow down on reaching the And no booze handy. long year before the timber is log 10.60; medium to good cows and heif city limits because while the road on “ A friend o f his put him wise to one ged off— and that must precede the ers $7.60-9.0(1; fair to medium cows either side was A1 that in town had sale. That Uncle Sam will have loose o f the porters on the run between San and heifers $6.00-7.00; canners $3.50- not been improved. Don’t let’s allow change enough in his strong box to Francisco and Portland who, If he 8.00; bolls $6.00-10.00; calves *9.50- Coquille to g e t in that elass. advance that half million to ua fo r the knows a man is aB right, will bring 13.60; Stockers and feeders $7.00-10.- quart or so from California for It is characteristic o f Washington taxes inside the year is what we are 00 him. It is pretty expensive. He banking on. public life, says a gentleman who has Hogs are selling 50 to 75 cento Lt* os beta M l reaw ■ harges from $10 to $12 a quart to spent some time in that atmosphere, higher than the close of the market cover the risk he takes. My friend RECORD P R A I8 E S W A TS O N U- ISSA I fo r a department official to indulge in last week. There is a good outlet and For the Marshfield Record to say ordered a quart and arranged to met\ glowing promises of what he is going trading is brisk with a $18.60 top. I MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMTANI the train this porter came in on. Hi to do in compliance with your re anything good about Judge Wataon la Quotations are:- Prime mixed $18.00- was on hand when the train pulled in quests and then, when some one high so unheard o f a thing that we quota 18.26; medium mixed $17.76-18.00; from the south. Presently he saw the er up casts a frost on the plan, fo r the following from its Saturday issue: rough heavies $16.00-17.00; pig* $15.- porter get off the train and start “ The Record wants to take its hat the department official to braseqly 16.00; bulk $17.75-18.00. ■croe* the platform carrying a suit- deny that he ever mado any such off to Jim Watson for the way in The sheep and lamb market is My friend spoke to the porter which he handled the cose o f a small promises or ever exchanged a word but he didn’t respond except by quick steady to strong, all offerings being boy offender here this week. Ordin with you on the subject. W e once ening his pace. My friend followed readily taken as quoted. Prime lambs hoard a president characterised as a arily this newspaper sees little good him. The darkey arain quickened his $16.60-1 .50; fair to medium lambs in anything Jim Watson does, but Ms weicher, but we didn’t know the di gait. So did my friend. When they action in refusing to put s little kid In sease was so common. No wonder reform school bdeause he happened had got a block away from the depot the Ananias club is always full to be “ sassy” and played hookey and, my friend called out, “ Hold on a min there. * - ( . , incidentally had learned to smoke ci ute. I ’m interested in what you have N o Need for Cequille People to E x periment with Such Convincing garettes indicated Judge Wataon has In that suitcase.’ The porter dropped Oregon has an area o f 96,699 square Evidence at Hand. some fair traits, a fter all, in his com the «ultcaae, dodged around the first miles or 61,888,00« acres, and yet it corner, made the first block in noth position. There are many well-advertised has less than one million people— less It took a lot o f nerve fo r Jim W at ing flat and only hit the high spots in kidney remedies on the market to than 10 to the square mile.. day, but none so well-recommended son to say the church people and up the second block. M y friend expect- Good tasto, smaller as Doan’s Kidney Pills. Read the How can that population be increas lift workers had bean supplying ed to pay $12 fo r one quart but he statement o f a resident o f Dorena. c*»ew, longer life Is ed T ’ By bringing under cultivation got eight quarts fo r nothing. My youths in the army with smokes and H. N. Henrickson. Dorena, Ore., whet makes Genuina the uncultivated tillable lands of the had set s bad example, but he believed friend had a rra y tweed suit and a says: “ I waa flat on jn y for Gravely cost less to state, totalling 16,000,000 acres and by it and had the temerity to state what tweed cap on when he went to the about three weeks on account o f the chsw than ordinary utilising the logged-off and burned- intense pains across my kidneys. I ha thought The decision o f Judge train to meet the porter, and the por think following the blacksmith trade over lands of the state fo r farming or Wataon in the boy case was sound, ter didn’t recognise him, for when fo r twenty-six years had a lot to do pasturage purposes. These lands ap he had ordered the wet roods ho waa with bringing on the trouble, in the fair and courageous.” G e n u in e G r a v e ly proximate another 4,000,000 acres. wearing a dark suit and a hard h a t” first place. I knew my kidneys were Then there are the irrigable lands of out o f whack and began using Doan’s Violin Teaching Judge George Roasman. municipal Kidney PUls. They fixed me up in the state, awaiting water “ to bloom as I will accept a limited number o f judge at Portland, recently made a good shape and I haven’t been both the rose.” They are estimated at 8,- ered fo r a year now. I gladly recom 600,00« acres. In addition, we have pupils in violin. Conservatory Meth most interesting analysis o f the boose mend Doan's fo r I know they are a situation in Portland. He said: od. Especial attention to tone pro our timber covering 17,000,000 acres, fine kidney medicine.” "Th e balk o f the whiskey drunks Price 00c at all dealers. Don’t and containing nearly 660,000,000,000 duction. For particulars sea Mr. Geo, W. Zfamar. are men that come in from the log simply ask for a kidney remedy— get feet or merchantable lumbor, to say 0. Leach rin g camps where they have remained Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that nothing o f the millions o f Mr. Honrikaen had. Voater-Milhurn Calling Cards, 101 ta r $100. fo r a matter at M eend . Co- M f g w - Buffalo, N. Y . > P O V A T JR w X A Ju Baking Powder Abaohttafy Pwra in T ry it with your favorite recipes 1 Royal Contains N o A lu m - Leaves N o Bitter Taste Portland Market Report. Hie Mortgage Lifter electric motor An can lift anything. Let us tell you how G-E Electric Motors are lifting mortgages ofFhundreds of farms throughout the country. . AVOID/ MISTAKES O f course tobacco costs more" ■ . says D an Everything else doe.. W hit you wnnt to do ia to get genuine tobeooo set- ififaction. I aeved money by switching from ordinary to Gravely.” B y ton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG ^ 8 Packed in pouch.