fa r t. ^ .a «BM——M t- -■ - .. . ■ - ¿. . i ■ i/'L' .y — i * /Jr OBBOOSL FRIDAY, MARCH U , MM NOT1CB TO a am of ily of ge landing tho «rte o f tho wwk load la « tiling t e Bagna t i r « . Jacks— Kaifa, son o f Mr. oad Mrs. Frt- B— Xsdfo, « f Fishtrap, waa tob altar Laird aad te Dr. Bfcfc— d's hospital at Coqnillo Valloy a visit tho « n t of tho late wate f — an ap pendicitis ops—ti— , Ha is doing nicely aad hop— to bo h— again cate in band, tbs following doocribod raal property sad all the righ t title by of tba said defendants of tho and to the same, to- wit: 6 chains south of < to sections M, 20, aad 80 in Township M South, Range 12 Wete qf the Willamette Meridian la Co— County, Oragoa, and .16 chains, thence want 40 thtnet north 16 chsins, •net 40 chains to tho ¡rime* of _ w ning all in Co— County, State of Ore- together with tho tenon—to, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or ia anywise ap pertaining. «aid — lo*hoing made subject to re demption in the mann— provided by law. Dated this 21st day of March, A. D., M IA W. W, O f . Sheriff of Co— County, , State of Oregon. ibtfi •ad stot—-l»-taw, Mr. add Mrs. A l Alford, of Brewster. Ho loft Friday for Marshfield. I f ho dooo not gat a Job to hla liking there, ho lo going to Rood» port. Ho io a a u who works ported oa ox— ptton ally pi— «ont tin— for tho fun ho gats oat of tho Job; ho Many of tho elderly p—pio parpo— od would rmthor work thoa oH orouad tho youag— omo la tho danna. ■ad look wtee. Copi. V a . & A vvili, o f Curvatila, io vioMag relativ— pad frisado at Fiahtrop oad Norway. J. D. Carl io aeoviag to hto roach roeoatly parcho ood fra— tho Tym D Two acr— of A -l load within flvo Mrs. Jaaraa of Browstor, J. B. Balsa—a, of TlSamook county, minutes’ walk from tho PtN t National was visiting hor parante, Mr. aad Mrs. X. P. Moot, of Middle crate, last week. ia moving into tho hou— va—tad by Bank. Ono aero of bottom in good state of cultivation, a good hou— aad Mr. Bonham la in oorvieo aa-a Jury* J. D. Carl aad ia employed by Mr. Carl has also omployed John Ray, ovorything In good ohapo for a raal man at CoquUlo. horns. Tho pries is right sad ths Oscar Bnuch aad William M «w who is moving laid tho terms oasy. Apply to Frank Burk- tC a—do a trip to Coquille Saturday. Goorge Halt— has purchased 71 hold—, Coquills, Oregon. Mr. Potonon, of Manhflold, — a—r rae — about one-half of tA tboro waa up to Browstor Valloy late orate loooking around far duba. What J. 3. Lamb roach Wsda—day, K púsolos mo is why ho did ate form a tho southeast port!— Joining Mr. Hal ter's ranch — this side « f tho riv—. Valloy how to throw It Is aa oxoeil—t place of land aad wo congratulate Mr. Halt— up— obtain ing H, for wh— Joined with his County Republican. Ho ocrutinisod it carafaUy when a copy was handsd it ms has a No. 1 far—. Mrs. Phesbe Hairy racotvad word him, and than oaid: "Now I know I" Mi— Ora Jom— , of Riverton, Sunday evening that h— “ What is it you are looking for?” wo Mason Wilcox, of McKinley, died that gan a term of school — Halls crate inquired. “ My wife sent mo after a ia Mi— 3i bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Romo- day in a sanitarium in Portland. Ma of this school. dy, aad I forgot tho name. I went to son wont to Portland storao and the clerks nomad Walter Robison aad Cup— K a ll- operated — f — A boil, — everything — tfie «half have 1 —aad one of Taylor De— fs of that kind — his back. A t this ‘Chamberlain’s.” I l l try again, known as the BeUoni ranch. 111 never go home without Chamber writing there ara no particulars, aad They moved there late lain's Coagh Remedy.” Tho Republl- it ia diffleult for a— to realise that I I suggest to tho propietors Mr. aad Mrs. Calsy —w Mason tor the late tbs week sad with Mr. Robison's par- of storao, that they poet their clerics, weeks ago late Sunday never lot thorn substitute. Cus- when ha and hit wife ware returning —to at Norway. rs io— faith te stor— where sub Quito a numb— from this stituting is permitted, to —y nothing homo from Brewster Valloy. tended tho auction tale of Jersey te the Injustice to makers of ever I mot Mas— — tho road I want goods and the disappointment te cua- on my way with a grantor stock of cattle at Coquill« Ute week oad sever to—era. al purrha— ware ma Jim Robison has leased the remain Tho editorial, “George Washington NOTICE TO CREDITORS aad England,” ia Youth's Companion ing half of the Lamb ranch. Notice is hereby given that the un f — Fab. 20 ghr— information wo oO dersigned has be— duly appointed should know; and that is, in tho Am Death o f L C. Fredericks Administratrix te tho Estate of E. N. erican Revolution wo did not fight tho Sp—king te the d—th te a f < Harry, deceased, by tho County Court English people, they wore opposed to sttis— te Coquille, who loft hare ah—t for Co— County, Oregon; and that all' tho war, but we fought against y—r age, the Bead— World — ys: persona having claims against Go—go A a German. Irving C Fredericks, who f — more Estate are hereby notified that they Bill Hoh—sollem, successor to Bil than six y sera had ha— ill, died In are required to present the same duly lie 2, is not shooting off his mouth Friday, March 7th, of dia- verified and with prop— vouchers tho— days about “ms end Gott.” Bill H# htd btin therefor to the undersigned at the of-' hw become a silent partner. October $rd on which te A J. Sherwood in Coquilla, R. A. Easton. te his tega was amputated Co— County, Oregon, within six ia a vain effort te check ths dis—se. m—ths from the date of this Notice. Mr. Fredericks was 4« years and six Low er East Fork Ndtou. Dated this 11th day of March, 1919. Phoebe Harry, Pleasant Hill school began late months old. W « was bora September 16, 1871, ia Nang Jersey. F— tho Administratrix of the Estate of E. wete with Mrs. Mabel past 20 years ha had bara a resident N. Harry, deceased. 9tb Mrs. Monte Minard visited her sis te Co— county, having owned a ranch — Seven Mite creek north«—t ter, Mrs. Mays«, Sunday. Notice te Creditors Andrew Cotton cut tho ends off of te Band— Ha v u married at Co- •quille September 4, 1901, to Notice is hereby giv— that the un two of his fingers Saturday. Ha to Myrtle Point Sunday to have the Daisy Russel. His widow and two dersigned has bo— duly appointed children. In — Ctee, aged 14, and Mar- administratrix with the W ill Annex doctor dress Mrs. Jam— Cotton has been quite , ori« Velma, aged 8, besides one sister, ed te tho Estate te Catherine Kronen - Mrs. John Robinson, te Parkersburg, berg, deceased, and that all parsons sick with U grippa the pate weeks but is able to be up and end two brothers in the —at survive having claims against said Estate a n hereby notified that they are re around tho hou— now. quired to pros—t tho same duly vari- Emmett May— and family bava and with tho prop— vouchors Relief for Staaaard Children go— to McCloud, California, Emmett therefor to the undersigned at ths having a positi— there. A bill pesssd ths Legislature appro te A. J. Sherwood in Coquille, Mrs. Huff op—t tho day Monday priating 6200 f— tho relief te the or with Mrs. M—to Minard. phaned children te Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Co— County, Oregon, within six Mrs. T. G. Sum—lin has the four Stannate, and Mr, Chenowetk v u ap months from tho date te this Notice. Dated this 9th day te March, 1919. chiklr— of Ho— Detwiter. She is pointed custodi— te the fund. It was Ida Owsa, earing for them whUo Ho—— te in — appropriate thing for the Lagtete- Administratrix with the W ill An tho hospital at Coquille, quite low I to do but tho mo—y will proba with typhoid pneumonia. His wife te bly not be badly a—tod now — the nexed te the Last Win and Teatam— t \/itk him. children oS app—r to be well pro and te the Estate of Catharine Kron fit6 Verno Bennett, of Coquille, moved vided tor, the eldest boy having been en berg, deceased. his family up to Brewster valloy test tek— by rotatives at Ashland, the a—- week. He will help Fred Baker haul oad adopted by Jadgs and Mrs. W. A NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE cream this summer. They arc haul Wood, te Gold Beach, white the two Notice is hereby ghr—, that und— ing out potato— from Brewster now. youngest children will be tek— by rel and by virtue te — .ox—uti— and or Arthur Mora— has loaste his ranch ativ— in the —oL—Port Orford Tri der te —1« issued out of tho Circuit to Horry Mull—. Arthur and family bune. Court te tho State te Oregon for the expect te «pond tho summer visiting Coufity of Co— on tho 1st day of relatives and friends in —stern Ore Tho February Rainfall March, A. D-, 1919, in a certain cause gon and Idaho. Mrs. Watkins will said Court pending wherein R. H. February, tho shortest month of tho accompany thorn. Olson te plaintiff and Austin S. Ham year, has be— ths wettest. Capi O. Archie Hatch—, of Fairvierw, visit mond, Louise C. Hammond, his wife, ed relatives and frisada — this Wir—, co-opera tivs ohe ««-ver of tho Co— Bay Manufacturing Company, a Coquille River Light station, reports ■troam teat w—k. Reuben Cotton corporation, end W. B. Hammond an went home with him f — a few days. tho rainfall f — that month was HAS defendants, and being Case No. 6096 indi—; days rainy aad eloudy, S7; ons Colds and 'la grippa seems quite te said Court, and commanding ma to preval—t — this straam the test day daar. Tho rainfall for' tho eor- sell tho hereinafter described raal r—ponding month s f 1PM was ATI month. Mr. and Mrs. Moray, Mrs. property to —tisfy tho sum te five Clayton, Mrs. T. O. Sum—lin, Mrs. hundred ninety-one dottero and eight Cotton and «than bava quite a tu—te cmte (9691.0«) with interest there vith it lately. at the rate of nine per c—turn per an M. J. Erante, of R—doport, visited si nee tho 18th day te January, with relatives p d fri— da at D m A D., 1919, and the forth— anal te The Tie Basta sas la Ceos this w—k. , v one hundred seventy-one dollars and Longs —dors fSr ties ara being 1st eighty-six cents ($171.99) with inter Cart Vogai went up to bring Ms by ths Bsuthoni Pacific to tie men est there— at ths rate of six p— c—t- father, who te quite bad with throughout tho country. Edgar Hdn- of tho stomach, out from Elk p— annuli since tho 12th day te nan, sf ths Coquills country, is now January, A. D-, 1919, and costa oad this working — getting out on order for disbursements taxed at eights— dol 10,000 ties. In additi— te this Aseen lars and sixty crate ($19.60), together Ned— te Oar A Sc brooder have an order f — 20,000 with accruing costa, I will — Satur On and aft— AprO 1, bo «redit will and eth— larger orden hove bo— lot day, the 19th day te April, A D„ bo extended to anyone by Gardner's in this district Lumber inspectors 1919, at the hour te 10 o’clock ia tho Garage, oith— f — work of said day at the front do te the County Court Hou— in the City te Coquillo, Co— County, Oragoa, af ter f — sate oad sail at public auction, te tho highest and bast bifid— f — ; al «hol I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS Leonora Leap, Plaintiff, vs. Harold T. Leap, Defendant Bam mans To Harold T. Loop, Defendant, la tho aasra te the state te Ongau, You a n hereby required to appear d answer the Complaint filed against you in tho above —titled suit within ten days from tho date te tho s—vice of this Summons upon you, if rved within this County; or, if served in — y other County te this State, then within twenty days from ths date of the service te this Sum mons up— you; and if you fail — to appear and snow—, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for the ralite demanded in the complaint A succinct statem—t te said relief te that the bonds te matrimony exist ing bet we— plaintiff and defendant ba wholly dissolved and that each te said parti— ba divorced therefrom; and that plaintiff have tho care, cus tody and coatrol te their minor child, Harold Jam— Loop, and for such other relief as the court may deem equitable. The service of this sum mons is made by publication pursu ant to an order te Hon. John 8. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court te the State te Oreg— , for Co— County, made and —tarad — the 27th day of February, 1919. First publication being — tho 29th day te February, 1919, and tho test on tho 11th day of April, 1919, on or before which test menti—ed date you are required to appear and answer. Walter Sinclair, Attorney for Plaintiff. 7tV Coquillo, Oregon. Redemption Notice A ll Co— County warranta drawn on the general fund and indorsed prior to Oct 1st 1917, will ba paid — pre sentation at my office in Coquilla, Ore gon. No inter—t will be allowed on — y te th—e warrants after ths 28th day of Fab., 1919. Dated this 28th te Feb., 1919. T. M. Dimmick, County Treasurer. Professional Cards C. R. B A R R O W Attorney aad Counsel— at Law Practice in State aad Federal Courts. Hava moved my office to old City Hall near Busy Cont end City Wharf. Office hours • to 12 A M. and 1 te 6 P. M. PAGB i:'. ■ ...... Needs Are Studied A conservative bank is not necessarily be hind the times. This Bank is thoroughly modern, yet it is a conservative institution. The officers study your needs and the needs qf the com- munity and are always ready to assist in meeting them. The depositor’s interests are carefully safeguarded. First National Bank Coquille, Oregon Capital and Surplus 160,000.00 Organized 1903 SAVE YOUR MONEY AND IT W ILI7SAVE YOY! a The foundation of fortunes— the ready cash which first enabled the enuied possessor to grasp and hold financial opportunity, in the great ma jority of cases, is found to have been a SAVIN GS B A N K B ALA N CE . Shrewdness and common sense commend the opening and fostering of a Savings Account in the FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Commercial and Saving Depqtfta COQUILLE - - - OREGON JUST CAME--0NE BARREL OF DISHES 12 Doe— Special Capa aad Saucers - 6 Dai— Dennis Coffee Cups Feltox Flo— Covering, per square yard......................... .95c Copper Wash Boilers, each ....... .................................. $7.09 Tin, copper bottom. Wash Boilers ..................... 94.99 to $4.06 LOrgo Variety te Granite Enamel Ware Three 69-Piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set Coak Star— fro m .......... .......... ..................$5.90 to $25.00 Now Rang— ................................................ $65.00 to $70.00 Wood A Coel Heaters, each ........................*.$4.00 to $25.00 Chairs, each ............................ .......................$1.50 to $2.50 Ateddia Chimney 40c. ManU— ........................................ 35c New Oil Lamps from . . .......................... ..........75c to $1.00 2 Gaa Lamps, complete, each .................... ............. $7.00 2 Oil Hanging Lamps, each ........................... ^$4.00 Lanterns from ............. ...................................... 75c to $1.50 Tuba from ........................................ ................$2.00 te $4.00 Wash Boards from ............................................. 60c to $1.00 Iran Bedsteads............. V.................................$4.00 te $14.80 , Perfect!on Oil H—tore aad Cooking Stoves J. E. QUICK, The Housefurnisher fin£Tömts , J. A . RICHMOND PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. Richmond-Barker Building. Coquilla, Ora. Pkooea, Office 626, Roe. 214. _____ i_______________ :---------- W . C. CHASE STTOfiNBV-AT-tAW Richmond-Barker Bldg * Coquilla Oraffwi DR. O. W . LESLIE O steopathic Physician Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy of Kirksvilte, Mo. Office In Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon DR. C. W . ENDICOTT A. a C A M P B E L L Special Agent Standard OU, Coquille, Oregon. 9ENTIST Kt ret » t ’J B— k B’ld’g Phone Main 11, Coquille, Dreg— . J. J. S T A N L E Y LAW Y» . ^ Office in P in t National Bank Building, Coquilla, Oragoa. A. J. SHERW OOD ATTOtaMY AT LAW First National Bank Balk T H E O NE IN D U S T R Y IN COQUILLE that has operated continuouely sin— its establishes—t some fourteen years ago has be— your Laundry. Rain — shine, good tim— and bad, it has bo— on tho Job. Wo have a numb— te cu stonier s that hove patronized it continually from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation of our ■orvtea. Our aim te te Improve the servi— in every way poaalblo. We wash ev— y thing washable. COQUILLE LAU N D RY COM PANY