Clso OwWr, r the C. C. Qart r f « p°und S p ecial p rice m ade on 50 or 100 pound lo ts. ,v % 1 * j Eat More Beans and Boy Coos Co. Product Unlimited Supply W. H. LYONS Pirst NaUsaal . . »I WRITING PAPERS by the pound are by far the mont inexpensive yon can use. LORD BALTIM ORE— Pound paper gives you a full pound by weight, about 90 double sheets, o f this well known, quality stationery, the best possible to make or buy at the price—50 cents. ■ s , Envelopes—to match packed in packages o f 25—15c :: FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY COQUILLE. OKEOON Time to Make Garden § ; * Let us supply your needs in Garden Tools We also have Cultivators--Hand or Horse L arge stock 5 & 10-gal. M ilk Cans Coquille Hardware Co. The Unexpected A fter an accident is no time to wish you had a TELEPHONE. Telephone Accessibility has saved countless lives—helped thousands in trouble—helped many thousands to success. Install a phone and be a PART of our community. Service First. v Coot & Curry - Telephone Company MI m Violet Adorno, of visiting friaado this woofc. The Myrtle Point Homs Guards are | going to giro a Military BoD to |o r of the returned soldiers sad sailors I SOturday, March 99. No one but ■ in uniforms will he allbwed, but uniforms are invited. Ail those who | one most bring n pi Cequille Won in the game last Fri-1 day, but remember there’s always a I return gems. Mrs. Ed Baker, who has bgsn a t the I Guerin Hotel for some tints, taken to her home In Broad bent Toss-1 day. The Modern History Club of the Myrtle Point High School gave their monthly party sit the heme of Beryl Woodruff Thursday evening March 15. A ndmber of guests were invited. Many games were played end then re freshments were served. The most interesting event of the evening was when some "kids” tried to steel the eats end received e thorough ducking from the boys in the house. Georgs McDonald, of Norway, re-1 turned from Camp Kearney this week. A. B. Holt, the manager of the Eu gene Cannery, is expected to arrive here any day. He wtll see to getting the maehinry rady for canning vege- Find You Prepared? Get your seed and be ready. Spring work will com e with a R U W this year. BE PREPARED. Early Seed Potatoes Onion Sets W e have som e very fan cy stock. Order now. B est Quality Price Right White Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Vetch Grass Seeds, Clover Seeds, Giant Inter mediate Beet Seed, Danver’sHalf Long , Carrots. Early Peas String Beans Golden Bantam; Early M innesota, and Stow ell’s Evergreen Sw eet Com Rev. Thoe. Barklow was a Coquill« | visitor Wednesday. Mrs. George Northup, who has been | quite sick, is improving. 8. D. Clerk, of Lee, was In town | Wednssday. Wm. Bell, of Broad bent, was in | town Wsdnesday. W. W. Endkott, from Catching I creak, arms doing business in town | Wednesday. ■Idas C. H. Barklow went to Co- |qulDe on business Wednesday. Thao. Clinton, who is now on Al- | hart Schroeder’k place a t Norway, was | in town Wednesday. Alby Huntly went to Coquille on | business Wednesday. The Commercial Club held ‘ meeting Tuesday evening end elected the following officers: W. C. Feneler, president; L. H. Pearce, vice presi dent; Claud Giles, secretary and treasurer, and W. C. Cutler and Henry Schroeder as an axecutivs com mittee. Mr. Yoran, the mayor of Eu gene, gave a talk. Plane were dis cussed for the finishing of the toad between her» apd Roeeburg. It is planned to have this road finished in two years. Everpbody is asksd to help boost this movement. There is to be a State Chamber of Commerce meeting on April t a n d . a delegate from each town in the county will be there. W. T. Dement was elected as the delegate from this place. Mrs. Lee Ray and daughter, Lois, | were Marshfield visitors Wsdnesday. Mrs. Nonda Adams, who has bean I in California, for some time returned | home Wednesday. Mrs. Emily Miller went to Marsh- | field Tuesday to select her Easter Mrs. Julia Arrington, who has been visiting h«r daughter near Marshfield, returned home last Sunday. Tho local churches united in a Com munity Sing at the Methodist church Sunday. Besides the congregational songs s man’s octet gave several se lections and Rev. Mr. Drake sang a solo. Several songs were given on the Paths which was loaned by Mrs. Hen ry Schroeder. Miss Beryl Woodruff spent the week end a t Coquille. Misses Thelma Daugherty and Flossie Radabaugh were Coquille pas sengers Saturday. A Shadow Social was given by the Modern Woodmen in their hail last Friday evening. A good program was given and as fine s banquet as has been given J ot some time. Walter Scott left Wednesday morn ing for Sheridan to load some machin ery which Mr. Johnson, of the Co quille mill, recently purchased from the Sheridan Lumber Company. F. A. Pierson did business in Co quille Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight left Sunday for Bridge, where they will visit for some time. Lyle Nosier spent Friday and Sat urday visiting friends in Coquille. Ray Pierce, of Reedsport, and friend, Victor Pettengill, of Coquille, visited a t the home of Mrs. L. B. Woodruff Friday. Gladys Carey is quite sick at her home with typhoid fever. Chas. McCracken and family of Marshfield, spent the week end visit ing friends in Myrtle Point Mrs. Annie Tripp returned from Band on Monday. R. A. Annin went to Reedsport Sat urday on business. Grover Wilson, of Wendling, is vis iting old friends bars this week. Willie Jew ett from Bancroft waa brought to Dr. Clarke’s Sanitarium Sunday night having bean severely cut on the chin by an ax. He return ed home next morning. M innesota 13—W hite and Yellow—D ent Com California Alfalfa Hay coming" first - of next week. Leave your orders for deliv ery on arrival and save handling expense The Busy Comer 2 Phones— 691 United States Food Administration—License No. G 46545 Mrs. J. L. Appleton and baby, who died at her home in Myrtle Point, have been a t the Sanitarium the past Ora. March 14, 1919; and was there week, having the baby’s arm treated, for« U> years, 9 months and 14 days old a t the time of her death. She O ss Coat a Ward returned home Wednesday. Mrs. O. H. Clarke gave a musical# spent her early life in Michigan. She to her pupils and their parents and ‘ was married to A. R. Brown October FOR SALE—Rkgistered Berkshire friends Saturday evening, seventy-one 1 10, 1870, in the town of W r> seisms, pigs, two months old, from first being present Twenty-two pupils Kalamazoo county, Michigan; having prise sow a t County Fair. Ellis took part in the program. Some from almost reached the time for -their Barlcsr, Sumner, Phone 891, Co golden wedding—49 y ean next Octo out of town were unable to get in on quille. lots To this union were born ten account of the inclement weather. ber. The recital was followed by a abort children, four boys and six girls; sev FOR SALE—64x160 lot and six-room house, big woodshed and garage. entertainment consisting of a violin en children survive her, the other F irst house south of Beach street solo by Emma O’Conner, s vocal solo three died in infancy. Those yet liv bridge. Inquire of Tom Margreitar by Rev. Mr. Drake and a recitation by ing are Mrs. O. H. Northup, Gorge M. a t the house. ' 10t2* " Robert Clarke. During the evening Brown, Ed L. Brown and Mrs. J. L. Mrs. Clarke explained to the parents Buell, all of Myrtle Point, Oregon; WANTED—Some milk customers. the "Advantages of the Progressive Mrs. W. H. Clark, of Marshfield, Ore Will deliver both morning and ev gon; and Mrs. A. R. Lea and Milton Series,” which is fast becoming the ening. • Satisfaction guaranteed. M. Brown, of Powers, Oregon. She standard and which she teaches. Fol Chris Taries, the old reliable Milk lowing the program games were with her husband and family came to Man. lOtl Oregon in 1898 and located on a farm pkyed and dainty refreshments were on Catching Creek and have resided served. A very enjoyable evening was there ever since, till last fall when Reliable party to represent us with spant by alL a high grade AUTOMOBILE TIRE they came to Myrtle Point to live. Mrs. J. H. Radabaugh returned to __ and TUBE oa a very liberal pereau- She leaves to mourn her departure her home a t Fishtrap last week. She taye basis. Address Tri-State Com has bean keeping house in Myrtle her aged husband and seven children, pany, Portland, Ore. 71-0th St. twenty-two ground children, . one Point for her daughter and two sons great grand child, one sister, Mrs. FOR SALE—4 good milk cows. Will who are attending school here. Guy F«yd was in Marshfield on Driskeli of CaL, and one niece of Cal freshen next month. Phone 89x1, ifornia, and many friends in the vi A. J. Mayes. 9t2 business Monday. John Strong, who has been quite cinity where she lived. Peace be to WANTED—Position as bookkeeper, ill a t the home of his mother, is Im her ashes. The funeral was bald a t Catching either by pen or by bookkeeping proving. machine. Have had good experi M rs.’J. W. Gormley, of Halsey, Creak Sunday, March 18, conducted s e e ence. Hazel E. McGhee. P. O. Box mother of Miss Myrtle Tobey, who m by Elder Thoe. Barklow. 668, Coquille. 9tf teaching in the High School is visiting Sand the Sentinel to i : friands. her daughter this week. FOR BALE—Bald Barley and beard J. N. Scott returned home Thurs ed. G. 8. Davis, Phone 66, Co ia Your Meath day evaning. Mr. Scott went sway quille. 9t4* Whan you have a bad taata in your some time ago to attend the funeral mouth you may know th at your di- of his uncle who lived in Sheridan. tion is faulty. A dose of Chain- TEAM AND HARNESS for sale— |. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond, of Portland, Iain’s Tablets will usually correct Well matched, 8 and 9 years old, are a t the Guerin Hotel this weak. Mr. the disorder. They also ciinae a roo weight 1260 to 1600 pounds; tle movement of the bowels. Ton Redmond is of the firm of Redmond sound In every way. Also 8-inch And this te be one of the beet A Hale, photographers of Portland. will medecines you have ever become ac * Mitchell wagon, plow, harrow and J. B. Luttrell, of Broad bent, was in quainted with. other equipment. Address P. O. town on business Thursday. Box 496. Coquille, Ore. 9t3* Notice Of Emend pa tieo H. H. Harris was doing business In Notice is hereby given th at the un FOR SALE—A good second-hand town Thursday. Chalmers automobile; in good con Mr. and Mrs. Narcroqs. from Hare, dersigned has this day emancipated dition and price is rig h t Inquire were in Myrtle Point Wednesday. his twin sons, Loyd K rants and Floyd Wallace Warner was married to K rants, who are now 17 years of age; a t Lamb * Von Pegert’a. 8tS* Miss Ora Ray at the home of the That the said sons have left nly bride’« parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lae home and are no longer in the care, FOR SALE cheap—M0 acre stock farm. Mrs. Lola M. Stanford, Ray, March the 8th. Only a few rel custody or employment of the under - Myrtle Point, Ore. TtlS atives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Warner will make That I relinquish all right to any FOR GOOD DRY WOOD—Leave or their home in Myrtle Point where wages earned or to be earned by them, ders a t C reator's Confectionery Mr. W arner is employed on the Cutler and will not be responsible for any H I' debts contracted by them or either Dairy Farm. of them for their support and main FOR 8 ALE—Milking machine all te nance or otherwise. Obituary of Mrs. A. B. Brews compléta with engine and batting, Dated at Arago, Ceos County, Ore , A dolma Lodiea Del phene Brown, used only 8 days. Best of reasons nee Richmond, was born in Cass gon, tliis 19th day of March, 1919. for selling. Prim ffM .M C. O. county, Michigan, May 9R 1981; B a g * Sen. McKinley, Ore. |t f C iota Dr-C. Knots.