AN D THE COQUILLE HERALD TSZ HINGESONBRIDGE Many Things Dapend on Qqkk Building of Htror Struc­ turé Her* It is onp o f the things to in connection w ith th * CoquiU* rivsr bridge th at it m ay h av* a to do w ith th * route o f tha ooast highway— i f th * la tter runs the gauntlet o f past June’s referendum in th * state add secures tha approval o f th * national congress. F o r it la agn th at whan that highway sososs to bo built it w ill follow the route a t exist­ in g highways in Coos county- On to * north lino o f th * county a t Ton M il* R w ill find ’* w ay prepared in coast .h igh w ay north, which It w ill fo llo w down to Coes Bay. That B ay must bo crossed by a fe rry during th * lifotim o o f tho present a t least appears unquestionable. A bridge there, even i f thrown a b b fa rth er south than th railroad bridge would coat in neighborhood a t a m illion dollars; and although it w ill probably bo built bo­ le ro th * eloee a t th * century R is nothing m ore than a pipe-dream From Marshfield to B eaver H itt Junction tha highw ay th * state ia about to para w ill be th * route, and i f th * C oquill* riv e r bridge hare and tho CoquiU* highway are completed fo r * A s boilding o f tho R oosevelt H ighw ay begins, that w ill ho th * lino that w ill ho used during tho construc­ tion o f th * M g EoooovuK project. Eventually, o f course, R is to bo oa- pocted that tho cut o ff w ill bo con­ structed across from Bonv or H ill Junction down th * wont cldc o f town Slough to th * river e t Lam ps and an­ other bridge w ill ha built. B u t w R h a bridge and a com pleted road by w ag at CoquiU* that cut o ff am y w ell bo tho last part o f tim lino to bo ia n c te s iio i Then when tho charm ing view from th * high road along tho hBMdo b e­ tween CoquiU* and th * Jekn Y< poop lo indeed a ll wha are n o t pressili fa r tim e— wiU m ak* tha Atom* by Ga- qu ltl* to snjoy a view o f tha va lley whore it affords th * finest scenery. W * arc supposing, o f course, that th * eity wUl buy tim Lam b grove and arrange an attractive park fo r cans there to add to th * inducements to coma this way. N o r need the m otive fo r such action be en tirely altruistic. T o h a vj tha north and south currents o f travel up aad down the cahot flow through CoquUlo la goin g to moan much to us, fo r that streams w ill be So wo any that I f th * Roosevelt highway ia to than a name the CoquUlo bridge w ill b# a factor that w ill count much dur­ in g and a fter ita construction. And a first rate riv e r crossing h er* may postpone fo r years the building at n very expansiva bridge a t Lampa. In esa* th * BooccvcR H ighw ay pro­ je c t fa lls through, thar* ia a ll th * moi rançon why wo should nil boost fo r n riv e r bridge hero. W ith th * com pì tion o f a state paved rand from noar Rooeburg out through Camas V alley and down th * M iddlo Fork o f th * Co­ q u ill* w * shall soon hav* a first class highw ay up th * C alifornia const tin in g inland at Bando*. This route is below m ow lino and th * only auto road to C aliforn ia that ia not blocked in tha winter. Its iconic beauties, too, aro a t no moan order, and It w ill provo a strong com petitor with th* you pass, even during tho ■ months when that is not bloekod by m ow . Th * rout* w ill be so much cooler in cummer as w ell aa w anner in w in ter that it is qpora than probable th at n m oiety e f th * tsa rist travel to and from C aliforn ia w ill, g o through CoquUlo. And no ooe can toil much th * building o f a bridge h o * to replace th * fe rry , with its possibilities o f accidents, w ill deflect travel in this direction. T h * tourist Angeles and San D iego and ia fa c t all Southern C alifornia what they are, and there is no reason why this tion a t th * Oregon coast should not prave ju st as grea t aa attraction in the summer seseo» as anything to be found ia our sister state to the couth. Bo w s a ll want to renila* that ovary year and every month th * building o f our river bridge ia delayed menas ta te ne. T h * local aspect a t this struct« must not b* forgotten , oithor. Thor* io a large arabi* pro* oa tho opposite old* o f tim rivsr capable o f tw en ty tim es w hat R dooa now and o f sustaining tan tim os w dmoo a lotion M at pru n i Nothing $1.5* T H E T E A R . Circuit Court This Week Coos county hinges m th# building o f that Coquill* bride*- W ithout R no­ th in * els# w ill b* o f much avail. W ith it every undertaking w ill bo stim ula«- ad and it* results muRipltod. Boost (o r th o''ftrid e* Think brideo and talk ; brid e* and ita a o a bor that, as V ictor ' H u e* said. "T h or* Is nothin* lik * i dream to croata th * (a toro.1* The sal* o f purebred registered Jer­ sey cattle at th * R ogers barn hare last Saturday waa w all attendad ana remarkably successful, the total re­ ceipts being over $6,000. H er* is a list e f the stock sold with the names o f tha purchaser* and th# pricaa paid: Elm o’s Ease, C. D. Jarman, Bul­ lards, $146. C lovsr Blossom’s Buttercup, Jas. T. Jenkins, Parkersburg, $126. V irgin ia May, 8. S. Reed, M yrtle Point, $260. N ellie’s Maid, J. D. Carl, A rago, In th * Circuit Court her* the first o f the week an intereating rent case was triad—that o f W . Panter vs. Geo. Maas, a t Riverton. The ranch, which Maas is cultivating, la owned by Cap­ tain Panter, and he is paying $750 ta r it, thar* is no trouble about that; ¡but there ia another claua* providing that durin* th * flv# years th * contract covers, th * loooo* shall d e a r 16 acres o f ground- There is a, forfeitu re clause in case o f non-payment o f rent, but non* that appliss to the other con­ dition, nor i* it stated whan the dear- in * shall be don* or how much shall bo cleared each year. Th * contract has been runnin* three years and Panter thinkin* th * clearing was not proceed­ in g fa st enough brought suit to cancel the contract. Judge Coke prom ptly decided that as thar* waa no fo rfe it­ ure clause in th * leas* thar* could be no forfeitu re on account o f d ilatori­ ness in slashing the brushwoods Hon. C. R. Bajp-ow appeared as at­ torney fo r PaM rn and C. F . M eKnight, o f Marshfield, represented Haas. DOING BUSINESS The City CounciT Starts the Ball Rolling for Needed Street W ork in CoqniHe The city council made two move* at the regular meeting Monday even­ ing towards putting Coquille on th* hoy w ill ha served as a p a ri o f t|s good roads’ msp o f this section of menu,” aanounced Proa. Cary at ttia Coo# county. One was in regard to w eekly m eeting o f th * dub W*dn*p- the Taylor street improvement by day evening. Back a t that statement which the road from Marshfield will at th * chairman o f th * banquot com­ be brought in without the use o f the m ittee, aro h a lf** doson m ootings ( t time-worn T bridge. The other was th * com m ittee which lasted till m i«-' fo r the improvement o f Hall street The follow in g ia tbs manu fo r th * night and have required m ore w oik from the city hall to Front, and First banquet to bo given by th * Commer­ and thought than dub committees ape street from Willard to Hall streets. cial Club neat W ednesday evening la City Engineer Gould had submitted an W . O. W . M il. The price is $1.00 a usually called upon to perform . N ot the least o f th eir troubles was approximate estimate o f $8,162.66 fo r plate. A fin * program Is oem g ar­ making the fill on Taylor street with ranged but waa net ready fo r publica­ th * attem pt to arrive a t some deci­ sion which would perm it the ln vitigg $ 86 . a connection on Fourth street be­ tion this m orning: Noble A ster’s Bella, L. D etlefsen. at a ll fan n ers and dairyman in tim tween the Spurgeon Hill bridge and O yster Cocktail Coquill*, $140. the proposed fill. The basis o f his C elery Olivos sectlea who m ight cara to attend tom an affair, but a fter a thorough ca t Barbara’s E vd yn , C. D. Jarman, figures was 86c a yard for moving the O yster 8mm veasing o f the lim itations I ts posse! ■ $600. dirt and he estimated there were 16, The Moaey Coming Soon Barbara’s Lad (B u ll C a lf), J. T. Jack o f ball accommodations, it wm 939 cubic yards to fill on Taylor and Deputy Sheriff G age had a tale- 6,926 yards on Fourth In addition he Jenkins, $100. decided that tha number o f dub mem­ bers who should be perm itted to in v ili - C lover Blossom’s Princass, J. T. phono talk w ith ex-Gov. Oswald Went included $600 fo r a culvert and stock­ this morning. The tax compilations way. But those figures were arrived a guest was .lim ited to about ,forq^ Jenkins, $460. C lover Blossom’s Princess’ bull calf, o f th * Southern Oregon lands are al­ at from running a single line o f levels and those 40 fortunate ones should bo ready to ship tom orrow m orning, the down the-center o f the street. In or­ Shull A W illard, Coquille, $180. Noble’s Lady A stor, E. N . Shull, Co- total amount to be paid Coos county on der to arrive at a more definite figure quille, |200. this account being $461,801.17. Gov. aa to the probable cost, the engineer Ingles Ida’s P eg o’ M y H eart, Clinton W est says he hopes to g e t quick ac­ waa instructed to prepare plans and tion on this m atter and' secure an specifications showing cross sections A Rackloff, N orw ay, $41$. C lover Blossom's Cream, Jas. T. early payment by the U. S. treasury. and submit them for the council’s con- oration at their next meeting. With P eg o’ M y H eart’s h eifer calf, Geo. is knowledge th* council will be in F. Robinson, Coquille, $180. position to declare their intention l addie, Pride e f Coquille, C. D. Jar­ to improve Taylor street from the man, $*T6 Sentinel corner to the north side of . Elm o’s F airy, L S. Nordstrom , Ban- the gulch. Their next step w ill be to don, $260. Mason W ilcox was born at F t Stev­ send a committee to th* county court Onetta’a Percy o f S. B., E. N . Shull, ens, near A storia, S ep t 26, 1892, and asking that th* county boar a portion $ 200 . died March 16, 1919, at tbs Portland o f the expense. As on* commissioner C lover Blossom’s L illy , C. D. Jar­ Sanatorium from acute has expressed himself in favor o f the man, $126. * county paying one-third the cost of follow in g an operation. Elm o’s M argafht’s hull ca lf, E. E. When a very sm all boy he moved the work, there is a good prospect that Hampton, Fishtrap, $20. with hi# parents to th* Em pire L ife R will be done. With th* property Fontaine’* Flow er Boy, R. M. Bunn, ¿Saving station, where his fath er serv­ benefited standing one-third and th* N orw ay, $166. ed as Captain, retirin g to the farm goneral fund o f th* city another third, N oble Lady A ster’s bull calf, E. M. at M cKinley when Maaon was about it dooa not appear likely that any in­ o f Fishtrap, $36. four years old. H * attended the Me ternet or property owner will oppose ’> Born’s bull oplf, Geo. Mass, K inley school until ho had finished the improvement. ft * The other getaway at the c ity — the grades, afterw ards taking a ho had bom subjected to Besides the above which are a ll ped­ the road leading to M yrtle Pom «— rae at th* G ravel Ford acadei when he desired to cross tho rtvor. Ho igreed and registered Jerseys a num and follow in g this with a short course will also be put in first class condi­ he didn’t want to kick a ll the ber o f Grade Jerseys w ere sold, thi a t Corvallis. tion i f the council’s plans go through. but that he often had to w ait, highest price paid being $106 fo r the Jan. 12, 1918, ha was m arried to I f their plans are blocked they will fo r an hour, before he county farm . Another a t $90 and one Mias Wanda H arry, o f Brewster V al­ have but one alternative, and Mayor could era## and quite often had to op­ at $86 w ere also bought fo r the same ley, whom he leaves with his mother Johnson told what that was when he erate th * fe rry him self in order to farm . two sisters and. a brother to mourn said, “ I f th* property owners don’t reach his destination. want Hall street improved from Front his loss. C. L K im * m id that th * hulk o f the He was active in the affairs o f the to First streets there is only one M ajority Favor Improvement old F avorite was a nuisance where neighborhood. Honest and upright in thing for the council to do— build a Pow er* fo r t q ^ M t c 'ruction o f a it now roots near th * south lo rry slip, Concerning th * proposed im prove­ business, obligin g and generous with fence around th* present bridge and bridge was appevrad and a resolution obstructing the view , and causing the ment o f F irst street, O. C .' Sanford his neighbors, alw sys ready to help close it up.” . o f approval autho.-isod. to be deposited on the slip. In told th * council Monday evening that others and fo rgetfu l o f his own trou­ Th# council indulged in a lengthy Th * petition o f John Fabry and to this A . N . Gould stated tha property owners in th* block west bles, VR waa these tra it* that mad* discussion aa to what course to pur­ others fo r n gravel road hi D istrict that Ed Ellingson intended to rem ove of T aylor owed it to C. A. Machon fo r , a wide circle o f friends who w ill sue in starting this Improvement, his progressiveness hi erecting two No. 24 was allowed to th* extent o f the boat aa soon aa possible. and Mr. Lamb said he was not in join with the fam ily in their g rief. the (undo Available fo r that purpose. Judge W ateoa said that the county fire-proof buildings to see that Interm ent was made at the Dora favor o f forcing the improvement on The read In question Use between th* court had ordered an investigation o f street waa im proved, i f fo r no other cem etery Thursday, March 20, 1919, anybody and he would feel better If sou thorn approach o f th * M yrtle Point condition* at th * fe rry and R was the reason they favored it. H is im prove­ the property owners would petition a t 12 « ’dock. bridge and Catching crook— on* o f court’s intention to ramody the trau- ments on that corner o f th* block had for R. enhanced th * value a t a ll property in tho oldest roads in th * county. « thera so as to g iv e as little in­ But it is well known that many men Lower Faros fro a Coos th* vicin ity. Mr. 8anford aim named T h * petition o f E. P. McAdams and convenience to th * public as possible. Ifho will not sign a petition wonky over those property owners who fa ­ others fo r tho gravel lin g o f tho road While th* flat increase to thro* •ikewis* refuse to sign a remonstrance The principal event o f th * session vored im proving F irst street, so w ell cents a mil* just made by the railroad from Gao. McAdams home to th * rood and where an improvement ia so vl- was the address o f Mr. D. E. Yoran, as those who would not oppose it, and administration at Washington whlclt that intersects the Catching creek A lly needed as it is here there ■ can o f Eugene, who spoke fo r an hour on th* list included a good b ig m ajority raises th* rat* between Portland and be little opposition to it. road to th * B. B artlett place was al- the aims and purposes o f th * newly o f th* property On the street A s a San Francisco from $20 U I2..B1, goes organised Oregon State Chamber o f A t the same time the bridge is built business proposition he thought th* th* statement that where th* rat* is It is the plan to pave Hall street rrom Co-operation ia th* key­ city eould afford to delay no longer tn A Vary Enjoyable Dane* w in excess o f thro* cents a mile th# city hall to. First, 40 feet wide, note o f this state body’s program . Co­ paving these tw o blocks with a per­ it will be reduced to that figure. This Tha M asqeorad* dance given by tho operation in support o f . tho good with concrete base and bituminous manent im provem ent is o f interest to poople in Coos county covaring, the same as Front street is Honor Guard g irls last Snturdoy night roads bills passed by tho legislature, who have always heretofore been pay- paved. Then First 4tre*i rrom Jg*n including th * $2,600,000 fo r the Roose­ ing at the rate of four cents a mile. to Willard— from the Coquille Hospi­ Soils Schools N ext W eek v e lt H ighw ay to be matched with a tal to the Machon Theatre— will be like amount by th * federal govern- P rof. C. V. Rusek, o f a A . C., is to iL Cooperation in ad vertisin g^ ))* be in this county next week to con­ done at the same time, with the same and beautiful costumes, including kind o f a pavement for the full width fairies, Indian maids, clowns, hay­ state’s scenic attractions. Co-opera- duct schools that w ill furnish in for­ in developing tha natural ra­ mation about soils, drainage and fe r ­ o f the at reset. Concrete sidewalks seeds, Bod Cress nurses, Scotch lassies sa o f every section o f Oregon. tilisers, he being one o f th * college’s Jerseys seems to have been reached are o f course included where there are and a monkey, deserve that special at th * sal* here last Saturday when none now. mention which wo aro unfortunately Co-operation in w orking to secure soil experts. Barbara’s E velyn was knocked down These four blocks will not all be put unable to give. Mias Geneva Robison, transportation fa cilities which w ill The school here w ill be held at the to C. D. Jarman, o f Bullards, fo r $600. in one improvement, although the who appeared as a colonial dams, won perm it th * placing o f tha state’s pro­ city hall on Wednesday and Thursday Our old friend, J. F. Jenkins, is some block with the bridge qtay go in a pro­ tho prise o f a baby bond fo r th * prat- ducts on th * market, o f next week, beginning at 10:S0-q^ m. plunger too, when it comes to thor­ ject by itself and the other three tiest sad boat snstaiaad costume. Mir. f i t is often thrown o t me that this It ia hoped that every one interested oughbred Jerseys, paying $460 fo r on* blocks be don* aa on# project. Donaldson also roc sired a bond fo r Immbor is a Portland eoneara,” «aid in these subjects w ill plan to be pres­ cow and buying thro* head besides av th * funniest cootumo— r plantation Mr. Yoran, "bu t it la not. Th# direc­ The city engineer was instructed to ent. a total coot o f $966. M r. Jarman’s revise the existing plans and specifica­ darkoy stunt. T h * total not receipts torate is so arranged that no section total purchases ’ were fou r head tions fo r these four blocks, including o f th * state can secure control, lot amounting to $1096. Basket Ball Toodght a sewer on First street. The instruc­ alone a single town or city. This d ty tions to th# engineer ‘ contemplate a can’t grow unless the surrounding Tho high school basket ball team 20 foot bridge at Hall and Front, In­ country grow s with it. N o m ore can was handed a good trounetng at Ban- stead o f the full width o f the street Portland advance w ithout the support don last Saturday night where they structure form erly planned. mad eo-operation o f the whole state.’’ were beaten 88 to 9. Several o f their A special meeting to consider the And then he went on to expand hie best players t m absent in that plans and specifications may be called subject tellin g what the State Cham- game, but tonight they w ill have their next week or they may wait for the ie attem pting to do to advanco stars in the gam e when they meet regular meeting April 7, but th* coun­ th * Interests o f th * state o f Oregon. Marahfleid high oa the Anderson H all cil felt that a delay o f a week or two It w ill work fo r an abolishment o f the floor. John Stanley, last year’s cap­ to give the property owners affected canal tolls by which th * Pa­ tain and star, has entered school i chance to think the matter over was cific coast is hampered to the boneat again and w ill take part in this game. ’mttor than to doctor* their intention o f th * eastern coast, especially In the Besides clothing o f aH kinds, th* to improve without any preliminary r o f lumber. It w ill work to follow in g articles are wanted ia the notice. th * $9,000,000 cent out o f tha near Bad Cross d rive: piece goods, Nwman Moon, who laid the pave- state fo r reclam ation work In setter ticking, shooting, blankets and wool- ment around th* court bouse, said that I to this state. I t w ill * » a rough guess R would cost 26 to 80 P#r eopt more to put in that p*v- DOINGS OF THE COUNTY COURT YOUNG MAN STRICKEN ' * « • M did when R w*. to*.