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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
H I COQU1LUI TALLMT ! and Alvin Due COQOUILLR. FR ID A Y . M A R C I 1 4 ,1*1« OUR LIV E W IRES DR. KOI O. W ittjte has n r at the Dram f . G. Leans m U s wife ^md e latter p art of the » o a th , will >ve in there. Baby Mite f in a le JUlbws, Home D* stration Agent for Coos county, called to Corvallis la st Bunds J . A. Collier went over to the Bay meet s Federal agaat f r a asnny one oa business Wednesday. tan, D. C , a t the college. She point was reached wishing to look o n 'w ill bo cknrgod A. R. Clinton returned Wednesday has a a office in the city hall her*. to stop sefflng. So if any club mem an sdmieslou of fifteen cants, from a visit to Marshfield. The 'patrons and patron toon« of the ber has not bean sew by the commit Then* boys’ we told about last week W alter Laird, of Sitkum, was to told a naughty story about getting affair a re: Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gould, tee,''he should promptly notify J . E. money from Marshal Miller for their Mr. and Mrs.. J . E. Paulson and Mr. Norton, J . A. Lamb or L. J . Cary of town Wednesday and Thursday. his wishes f i r tickets. own deg. They actually found the and Mrs. J . A. Lamb. C. L Reigard made a shorn visit to The date tentatively »elected by the The proceeds are to go toward pur money oa the street aad accounted Coquille Tuesday oa legal business. fo r its poaoaasloB by fa king that r hasing one of the Victory Loan committee for holding this banquet is Mrs. Chas. Scroeder, o t Norway, yam . Bonds. ‘Lot’s b a r f a big crowd and Wednesday, March 26, but it baa no» been definitely decided upon yet. was to town for a few hours Monday. a Jd ly time fo r orery one. The Arthur Ellingaen family have The Ladies Aid Society of the Fed Ralph Marsters, Who is working a t been under quarantine this week from erated Church, has been consulted as the Bay, came home Wednesday for an attack of the flu, Mrs. Ellingaen to handling the preparation of the a short visit. aad the five-year old eon, bong ill banquet but the serving will donbtlaes They probably contracted Our Myrtle Point correspondent to with i t be done by the nun. i on the train returning on the Job agan this week, a fter a Among n few remarks Ja ck Lamb from Portland. was making about permitting the to rather protracted vacation. dies to leave before the banquet was Through an error tost week the Mrs. Ray Dana went over to the finished, he used the expression, “the Sentinel reported the bride of W. Zin- Br.y Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. rear end of a banquet," which caused i Bostiviek,” when it John Pitney, of North Bond. should have been “Mrs. Bostiviek.” By United States Senator George ■. Mr. Sherwood to ask, “which is the Automobile fo r sale, late Oakland. The error was not made in this office 'rear end of a banquet?” The laugh Chamberlain, Chairman Military In perfect condition. A bargain if but we are glad to make the correc which greeted this was nothing com Affairs Committee of Senate. taken a t once. Bee T. A. Walker. pared to the roar when with a alow tion requested. ile overspreading his. face Jack "W e are .rounding out one of the Judge Coke is expected over he A t Medford on March 10, J . D. came back with, “I ’m not surprised greatest. If not the greatest single again next Monday to hold an ad-, Johnson, of Powers, was held by U drama In the world’s history. The that a fter the middle of a banquet, ourned term of the Circuit Court. 8 . Commissioner F . Roy Davie a most tragic scene is over and another Mr. Sherwood can’t remember which In some of the neighboring dis $2,500 bonds on a white slavery is the front and which the rear end the aaaas of the American people that tricts the seven year itch has appear charge. He took Mrs. Mery May, of of i t " and whole families are suffering from Ashland, down to Oakland, California, hold the canter of the stage rather There were frequent expressions of than the American armies. The lat and hack for immoral pur] - I t r " — ~---------- ter have practically completed their regret th at ’the limitations Imposed Judge and Mr*. J . F . Boyd, o f Ne- work and they played their part with by email halls prevented asking *n * Mias Winnie Curry and Mine Kath leen Mulvihill were week end visitors ligh, Nebr., who have been spending seperb excellence. It is our part now the fann ers of this section to attend, to finish their work. but to this Frank Willard mads re with Mrs. H. B. W arner of North the winter a t Lee Angeles, "W e have got to Amish financing led by their daughter, Mrs. J . C. ply that he believed he voiced the Bend. the war aad to finanoe the peace. Harris, and her eon, Chandler, a re ex Wo have got to pay for those things sentiments o f all the fann ers whan Rem amber the Mask Dance by the pected here next Tuesday fo r s vMi we hengtt or contracted for, to take he said they fe lt that they had been Coquille Honor Guard a t Anderson's with Mrs. Boyd’s sister, Mrs. H. W. the beat possible care of our soldier royally entertained to the past by the Hall tomorrow evening. Tickets win boys and to make them the superb people of Coquille and the Commer Young. be |1.00. fighting (ores that they were. We Tomorrow Allen Young, the junior have got to care tor the wounded and cial Chib and they appreciated it and Attorney B . L. McClure has re editor of the Sentinel, expects to move their dependents aad the dependents be personally wanted to thank the turned tr&m Franco aad rs eptwd Law from the form er Knowtton residence Of those who died In their country’s club for it. offices to the Bank of Southwestern He also urged the club to make an recently purchased by E . E . Fraed servite.^ We have got to rehabilitate Oregon building, Marshfield. effort to secure the improvement of our wounded and train them for use rick, into the first story of the Lyons’ The ladies of the Episcopal church flats, the upper story o f which he oc ful occupations which they can pur the road across the river up to Fish- sue in spite of loos of limbs or sight trap and th at is another thing the will have a cooked food sale tomor cupied a t the time of the big fire a or other such injuries. dub intends to go a fter this year. row, (Saturday), morning a t 10 year ago next Monday. Muet Finite T a te . ' o’clock a t W. H. Lyons’ store. C. A. Sickels and fa m il} le ft Sun "W e have got to stand by the peo A Statem ent C L Kims, Frank Willard day morning for Josephine county ples of those nattons who wore asso We, the following subscribed Detlefsen, from up the river, On account of the seriuus condition of ciated with os in the war against sene of North Bend attended a meet Germany and who have been under i town Wednesday evening to his eon’s health, Mr. Sickah is the cruel hand of Gorman domination. ing held in the S ta r Theatre, of North the Commercial Club meeting. ing s locaton in a higher altitude and Wo have got to finish in all ways the fam ily may not return to Coquille. the greet aad the very glorious task Bend, Sunday afternoon, March B, R. Higginbathem is conducting the that America eat out to accomplish' to 1*1» and hoard the talk mado by store during Mr. Sickels’ absence. April, 1917, aad which eo far has bote Archie Philip, coanty commissioner. We also heard the conversation be accomplished with a success that There are several of the large light every true American rejoices at aad la tween Mr. Philip and V. E . W atters globes broken and missing around the at the dose of the talk,, which was court house, and the appearance of substantially as follows: at block would be improved if they Mr. W atters. "M r. Philip you hsvs the past week, were replaced by new ones. The e lty f or taken opportunity 'to attack me per a lot in Englewood council agreed to maintain those sonally in your speech snd I want ths lights when the county court ordered can help. Through the Liberty Loan privilege of making a reply." and W ar Savings Stamps the United the power company to install them. Mr. Philip. “A11 right, Mr. W at States offers each end all aa opportu regular nity to contribute to Its great work ters, do as I have done, hire a hall T he editor isn’t allowed to forget church next Sunday, th at he is walking to the lengthening of establishing world Justice, world and go to H.” and evening. liberty aad world enduring peace. Mr. W atters. “I want to make a shadows of life’s afternoon, and must Some of us may net be able to buy of Paul Sterling, who was take heed to his steps. So the Doctor the Liberty Loan hut practically every reply to your attack and make it to transferred from Cushman to is boas again and says we can’t come one of ua can buy War Savlnffi tbis audience.” ette, Oregon, has returned to Mr. Philip. “WeU I will get you down to the office until after dinner, Stamps aad the purchase of every man and is again in charge though, if we are very good the ban War Savtage Stamp aide in the great a soap box and you can talk in the P. station there. may be lifted after awhile. Being work. It la a great honor to have e street.” part in this great world drama that Mr. W atters. “Mr. Philip I have The valuation board started work an old man with the demon Blood Is being played aad every purchaser on acreage a t the north end of the Pressure always on pne’s track has Its of a United States Government w»r your measure and I will you too." Mr. Philip. “You may think you county on Tuesday, but with the pre inconveniences. security has a part to It. Never was vailing weather their progress must eo great aa honor so cheaply to be have my measure, but there is where bought, never so great a service so you are mistaken, and that is another necessarily be slow. Resolutions of Sympathy reason why you should not bo fore easily rendered." Whcr6M our Heavenly Father has E arl Steele was down from Norway man of the grand ju ry.” th is morning to have one of hie little called from the walks of this life (Signed) Edgar McDaniel, C. A. v A Woman Points the W ay fingers dressed which had been laid Mre. Alice Rogers, wife of our former Smith, C. R. Dean, E. E . Dean, Geo. open to the bone a t the Schroeder A pastor, Bro. S. G. Rogers; and where "Save while the money is warm” is M. Sells, Fred Dean, John C. Herron, as, we deeply mourn the loos o f sc1 ths motto of a woman who has estab Aasen mill up there. Peter Loggie, A. W. Richey, J . J . B ar lished a reputation both for herself and Rev. J . E. Conder goes over to valuable a woman to the home aad the her family by ths number of War Sav ker, Wm. A. Sheppard. community in which she lived, ne it North Bend today to act as one of the resolved, that we, aa representatives ings Stamps ras bought without sppar- judges a t the debate this evening be Honor Gourd’s Service Flag ently stinting In the least Hare Is hsi of the Church which she and her m u- tween the North Bend and Bandon system: We have overlooked for a couple of band served eo faithfully, do hereby "The only way to save is to save weeks the mentioning, of the large high school representatives. tender our deepest heartfelt sympa When I have actually saved a quartet Mrs. C. McC. Johnson came over thy to the bereft husband, the moth I put It into a thrift stamp without de service flag purchased by the girls of the Coquille Honor Guard and which from the Bay Monday to arrange for er, brothers and sister. lay. If I save that quarter on a the packing and shipping o f their All y h tf knew her loved her, and thing and then spend It carelessly tot was raised for the first time on Wash household goods over there, they hav many who were not members o f any something else, I have not saved an} ington’» birthday. The flag which, is real money. 9x15 foot in aise contains 172 stars, ing juq| bought a home in Marshfield. church here will mourn her !««■ “For example, the other day I went four of which arc gold stars and rtp - Be it further resolved, that a copy Mrs. Helen Harvey came home down town expecting to pay $10 for s ersents aa fa r as known all the boy» Tuesday with her son, B ert Robbins. of these resolutions be sent to the Co pair of special shoes. To my surprise, I of the fo q u ille district who entered She had been over a t the Bay attend quille Sentinel and the Pacific Metho found there was a sale that day, and the se.vice of Uncle Sam a t any time ing the funeral of her son, Edson dist Advocate for publication, and to got the very pair of shoes I wanted fot during the war. $7.75. I had saved |2.H. But how tc the husband and mother. Robbins, who was buried there Mon M- O. Hawkins, H. O. Anderson, keep It saved. I knew that if I simply day# Lens'1’ I f . Fraedrick—Committee of regarded it mentally as saving, before T s Returning Soldiers and Bailors the end of the month it would he spent E . G. Perham has this week been Federated Church. The undersigned has enlisted with miscellaneously. I went right down loading the heavy equipment used in the Government to a “Keep up your stairs to the start snd bought nlnt hia grading contracts on the Marsh thrift stamps snd stuck those quarter* Policy" campaign among discharged Church of God Revival field road during the past two years In the thrift curd where they could uol soldiers and sailors to assist them to The Revival meeting a t the Church get away before the end of the month keeping their present government pol on to the ears to ship to Portland for sale. of God chapel is progrusting nicely. I do the Mme thing wheh I have saved icies in fore* and in converting them to other forms of Government insur Mrs. Anna Wilcox, of McKinley, Rev. Vaa Lydegraf, %f Band on, a single quarter or half dollar, and preached a very interesting sermon am seriously thinking of getting a little ance soon to he announced. No charge was in town Monday. She says she Tuesday evening. Hia subject was, penny bank to hold Mved pennies ot for any service rendered. expects her son, Grant, who is a first ‘ What Will a Man Give to Exchange dimes until they grow to thrift «tarn; A. T. Morrison, Agent, class machinist’s mate in the navy, to slae. What la mors, i am getting i for hia Soul.” As the minister mid, Banker’s Life Company, Coquille, be home early this summer on a fur whole lot of fun out of this most tas seme folks sell their soul for a very eiaattng game, the game of * 00010 « Oregon v lough. trifling thing. Many have mrpi eased Mrs. Jana Williams want over to themselves as receiving great bene Per Sale the Bay the first of the week for a fit* from the lesson* that have been Two freeh cows, one horse, a buggy visit with her sister, Mrs. Iris Elrod, given from tints to time. Come and and a hack; a cream separator and and “Dad" Woodford availed hmself hear fo r yourself. chickens. E ast Bandon, Box 24 on of the opportunity to make a trip to Ferry road. H. C. W a tt 9t2 i Bandon. Silver Laced Wyam Eggs for hatching, all the CaDers s t FOR SALE— 4 good mÿk «own Will for I UBO. Mrs. Cunntoghai morning wa freshen next month. Phone $9x1, Coquille, Ora, clerk of the A. J. Mayes. M l' STOCK In the spring the Uve stock on the farm or ranch need a tonic ju st as much aa does a human bring. W e have in stock a t all tim es the famod& DR. KO RIN H C8 STOCK TONIC, which is valuable alike foe. horteo, milk cows, calves, or any other stock# This tonic is an did to diges tion ; it is a blood conditioner and appetiser; and is an aid to the animal in shedding hair. Hardy Mast, nf Lee. was to tin Monday. It is composed of the mollowing medicinal substances: Nux Vemics— Nerve tonic Sulphate of lie n — Blood tonic and worm expeller Qoaasis-r-Tonic and appetizer; aids digestion Potassium Nitrate— Diuretic and alterative Magnesium S alpha to—Laxative Sodium Hyposulphite—Alterative and resolvent Sodium Chollde Blood builder and tonic Bad Oxide o f I m u — Iron tonic Foeaugrook—Flavoring A sufficient quantity of cereal meal is used to hold the drugs in suspension and to form a perfect m ixture. Put up in 25c, 50c and $1.00 packag es and in 25-pound pails Knowlton’s Drug Store TH E B A IL E Y G A S M A K E R fits in the( fire box o f any cook stove or range. Bums ordinary coal oil (kerosene), at less cost than wood orcoal. No waste* no smoke, no ashes. \ ^ « Bailey Gas M aker does your top cook ing, baking and heats your water coils. Satis- faction guaranteed. , . Price installed $35.00 MRS. A. C. VESTAL, Marshfield, O ra, A g t Coos and Curry PROGRAM,QF ATTKACTIONS LIBER TY THEATRE FOR W EEK Friday, March 14 , to Thursday, March 21 FRID AY, MARCH 14 ' ' Harold Lockwood— 6 reels “BROADWAY q iL L ” Drew Comedy— 1 reel SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Theda Bara— 5 reels ‘T H E CLEM EN CEA I} CASE” / , Fox Comedy— 2 reels “FATH ER’S STATION” SUNDAY, MARCH 16 Coquille Orchestra, Prof. W. Zinner, D irector, will open the program and accompany the film: Overture “Light Cavalry” Suppe March “Independmda” * Hall Special Feature Unconfirmed ** Bill Parsons Comedy— 2 reels CURRENT EV EN TS— 1 reel MONDAY, MARCH 17 J . Barney Sherry — 6 reels “WHO K ILLED WALTON” Mack Bennett Comedy— 1 reel “SHE NEED ED A DOCTOR” TUESDAY, MARCH 18 Madge Kennedy— 6 reels # “DANGER GAME” Lyonfi-Moran Comedy— 1 reel W EDNESDAY, MARCH I t ~ W ith the Dolly Sisters (tV in a )— 5 reels ^ “MILLION DOLLAR DOLLIES” Lyona-Mfcrdh Comedy— 1 reel • THURSDAY, M A R C H '* “ MILLION DOLLIES” «■I reel If our show pieasw you, tell yodr frifinds, if not tell the m anagem ent « it i^ K ir business to please you. Does Your Sol