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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
■nrroan* coftM n tJJ. o r j b o n . F r id a y , m a r c h 1 w ert among the Fraudi pee» that hoatUltiaa bare ceased, •b th Sararíes* naturally pre fer aa far aa poaatMe to próvida Air iW r a a ia U baa accordingly beau dar* tm tM d that tbe guiding principle at, * * .< * • ■ * «• Franca b a e c ^ a ^ ahaU be to bara pnjsctllloua regañí te »»a ercrjr raaponslblUty. but to d ir a « to offerta primari!y to eaelatlaf French relief soclrtlaa. The »beratet • » t devastated reglena at France hart toen divided bp the goTenuneet Into •mall districts, each oOdally assigned to ¿ dr a f t e d French relief orgaal- -gkjanlsatlon. Washington.— fBpeciaL)—Henry F. Davison aa chairman Issues tbs follow ing statement oa behalf of tha War Ooundl « f tba American Rad Croen: “To tbe American People: “The War Council of tha American Red Creaa appointed by President Wil son on May 10, 1917, te carry on the work o f A e American Red Cross dur ing A e war, at A e lr reqaaet and by vote of A a Central Committee, at midnight, February 28. “Immediately the armlatlce signed A a War Council Instituted studies tp determine whan tha strict ly war work of tha organisation bavo bean sufflcleotly matured to en able A e direction o f affaire te be re sumed by A e permanent staff. Henry P. Davison, being A Parts when the armlrilce w m at conference there of A e heeds o f aU A e Red Oroes-OemmlmAna A to canvass A e sltaattoo. i After con sidering all A a factors it eluded to make tbe transition an March L The very fotrtunate chelae o f Dr. Livingston Farrand as A e new chairman of A e Central Committee, and thereby the permanent chief ecutlve of A e Red Croee, makes possi ble A e consummetloa o f A le plan un der A e m o « favorable conditions. Aooounta Audited My War Department. "Detailed reports to Congress end a complete audit e f t o accounts by the War Department will constitute final record of Red d e e s activity dur ing A e war. Although it *“ *■’ — tho rule te make public ell tures when aaAorlned and to give de tailed Information relative te all wort undertkkso, the War Council In log over Its reaponslbiUtiaa to Dr. Far rand and bla associates deal re te e brief resume e f Red Cross war time activities te A e tiusetess people, to the Red d o es belong, sad whooe contributions have mads pc slbls all that h u boon accomplished. “ Dnring A s pari nearly twsoty-ooe months the American people have given In cash and supplies te A e American Red Cross mere than 9400,- 000,000.* No value can be placed upon tbe contributions of service which have been given without stint and of tentimes at grant sacrifice by mill loos of our people. “Tbs sffbrt of A e American Red Cross In A la war bus constituted by far A s la rg e « voluntary gifts of money, of band and heart, ever con tributed purely for A e relief of he- man suffering. Through A e Red Croee ths heart and spirit e f A e whole American people have been mobilised to take care of our own, to relieve the misery incident te A e war, and else to reveal to A e world A e snpeomo Ideals of onr national Ufa. * “Everyone who has had any pert in Ala war effort of A e Red d o s s Is en titled to. congratulate bhaaelf. No thanks from anyone ««aid be sqnal In ralae to the « I f satisfaction every one shnnld feet for A e pert taken. Fully 8,000,000 American women have exerted themselves In Bed Croee serv ice. Has Over ITJORflOO Adult Members. “ When wa entered A e war the American Red Cross had about 900,000 members. Today, as A e resell e f the recent ChrlstmM membership poll Call, there are upwards of 17.000,000 full paid members outside of A e mem ber* of the junior Red Creaa, number ing perhaps 9,000,000 ache« children additional. "The c h i« effort o f A e Red Croee during tbe war bM bean to cere tor our men la service and te aid onr army and navy w b a rer« A e Red Cross may be called on to a e « « Aa to this phase of the work 8urgeoo Gen eral Ireland of A e U. 8. Army recent ly said: T b e Red Croee has been an enterprise as vast aa A e war Itself. From the beginning It bus dene those things which A e A m y Medical Corps wanted done, bat could not do ttsnlt’ “The Red Cross endeavor In has naturally been upon an exception ally large scale where service bM been rendered to A e AmeriCfta A m y and to tbe French Army and the , French people as well, A e letter par ticularly during A e when tbe Allied Worid w m waiting for the American A m y to arias force and power. Hoeptol service for our army. In I greatly diminished, bet A e l* still being railed upon upon a large erale In hospitals, where thousands at cun sick and wounded .are « 1 » receiv ing attention. At theee heepMnis A e Red Croee suppllee hurt end to< for A e amusement and J ibe men as they become Our A m y of Occupation was followed w lA Medical pared to render the vame aid sod supply servlcwwMrt primary bustneaa ot A e R« during bo«lllties. The Army Osn i e f tfnrel Farmers Attention «tffj uiiMI . W e are nffento for the AVERY FARM TRACTOR 8. internal Rfvenui •Bureau I r 5 sizes. The 5*10 horsepower is large enough for the average faraa, and hi equal to S 1600-lb. horses at $675.00. It weighs 2600 lbs. See as for price Rad terms. * « « Warning That Stvtre a — . n un mtu tA- renames vvivt so Bmorueiie “Tbe American Bed Creaa work In Not being very busy right now I France waa initiated bp a commission am going to ¡write you a letter t e llin g o f eighteen men who landed on French of a few of my travels A Europe. ■horae June 1*. 1917. since then As you know wo left for France the •ome 9,000 persona bare been upon tbe rolle In France, of whom 7,000 were latter pert of Nov., 1917, on the 8. 8. actively engaged when the armlatlce Mallory. I waa sick at the time but wna signed. An indication of tbe pree- rath«- than be left behind I got some ant scale of tha work wlU be obtained of the boys to carry my equipment fcom the fact that the services of 0,000 i uue unaer me provisions or me new ^ . get aboard A # boat. We P«r»ona are sUll required. Revenue Lew mast be in the hands of “Our American Expeditionary Force local Internal Revenue Collector, to- T* having largely evacuated England, tba I for. their ABC« close that night. ^ activities ef the Red Cross Commis \ The Income Tax I. being collected A fivm* * ^ we were there sion there are naturalty-upon a dimin m e « the war expenses. Every person thre* «*•*• when A e companies and ishing scale period. Active operations who shouted aed tooted his born on regiment were made a replacement atlR In progress in Archangel and I Armistice Day is now celled upon te outfit and mybelf and 70 other men Siberia. contribute bis share of the cast e f win- from A Co. were sent to Gondrecourt “The work la Italy haa bees almost I ***• war- ... »ear Toul to fill up the 1st Engineers. anti rely on behalf of tbe elviltah pop ulation of that country. In tbe critical p - . r ? f boar* of Italy's struggle the American I Ths Internal Revenue Bureau an- Co‘ °* A e 1st Engineers and I had only people, through their Red Croee, sent □ounces that Its oMrara wlU check us ^ th« r* • f « w days when we got e practical massage e f sympathy sad I all up to see that every person mbd our first taste of the front. I can see rallef, for which the government and cornea w iAla A e scope of A e Income now it was a quiet front but at A e people o f Italy have never ceased to Tax law did hie there time it sure didn’t seem like a very express their gratitude. Where to Fay aed File quiet sector as I wrote at the time Suppllee end Feraonnai to Near Seat. Residents of Oregon are required te Then on January 19 A e first Division “The occasion for such concentra tion of effort la Italy, England, Bel- I a r i l their returns and pay A elr taxes took o v « A s first American sector We stayed there until glam and even In Francs having natur [ to Milton A. M ill«, Collector of Inter- jn Europe. ally and normally diminished. It has nal Revenue, Portland, O re, or to any Esster Sunday when w . were reltov- o f his deputy collectors who are now . . . „ ' . , been possible to divert supplies and doing free advisory work on Income ™ b/ “ • 26t" , “ , *"** *t* n" Personnel In large measure to A s aid Tax. i«d for the plains of Piccmrdy down e f those people la A s Wear East who Payments seat ny mall-should beat- na*r Montdidier, where A e Hineys have hitherto been Inaccessible to out cached to the returns sad should be A made their big March drive Tbe side assistance, but Whose sufferings have been' upon an appalling scale. A e form o f check, money order « i First Division and n few French draft Cash paymeats by man are sent | stopped that big drivs after A e Eng- i mediately A e “An extensive g r o " e f American wort era bea beds dApatohed to carry vltolly needed supplies, and to work A A winter A A e various Balkan coun tries A order te ce « d in a te A elr ae- tlvidea, a Balkan commission has been established, srlA headquarter* at Romat Italy, from which point sloe# all A e Balkan centers can be reached promptly. “ A commission has Just reached Po land w lA doctors and aurass, medical suppllee, and food tor sick children and Invalida Aa American Red Oosa Commission bas alee basa appointed te eld A relieving A e suffering ef Rus sia » prisoners still confined ln German ronr « re- . ir you are unable to make your turn personally beesnse of lllnoos, *b- •epee or Incapacity, so sgont or legml repreeentative may make yew return, If Aero era any doubtful points as to y»ur Items of Acorns or allowable de- J S L V r^ a S Women Fay Tan. ’ Women are .abject to nil tbe require menu of A o Income Tax. Whether single or married, a woman's Income from all source» must be considered. 5 *°" “ bole# in A e can when * • <*»* cl**r*d «way, but being very iuck7 1 only had one finger scratched a little bit. “ * ll: U l fro“ b « husband, A e must make her re- turn for 1918 If her eat Income was or over. I f atarried end living w lA her bus- band, her Income most be considered w lA tbs husband’s A determining A q liablllty for a ratara. Their Joint A- Right after that I w o. transferred __ . . . „ ___ .. _ the Division IntAHcence section where I stayed, until A e signing of A e armistice. On May 28th one regi- ment o f Infantry with Engineers took Cantigny and w iA help of anoth« cgim ant stood off nine counter at- “ ,U" - Tb*, * W e are headquarters for G A S O L IN E D R A G S A W S with or without clutch. Have some used ones at a bargain. Get Busy. Write us at once for price and terms. W ill call, . no obligation. SCHROED ER & H 1 LENBRAND M A R SH F IE L D , O R EG ON. PH O NE 77 SEND THE SENTINEL TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST <e> ITS WEEKLY VISITS ARE BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY i s ? ‘; r sh - SHOW T H E PA PER TO Y O U R FRIEND S W H O A R E NOT T A K IN G IT. ' t W Y W IL L BECOM E IN T ER EST E D IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IS IT IS D IF F E R E N T . APDKESS THE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, ORE. so smoothly. Thara w m more atrate-1 again and marched with them into From our tprgard Germany where I now am. Have nav- outpost where I was I counted twelve er aeen any of A e boys from home towns burning at one time, all aat by ^ainca I landed In Franco 14 monAa , - tha Boche in A a ir retreat and with ago. i no Military advantage to thelhsalv*«, My best regard* to yourself ana I but rathleoa destruction. It wap right family and all my friends. I re after or during this operation that 1 ceived the news of my fa A e r’s death 1 met Preeident Poincaire, Clemanceau, on ChristmM Day, so I didn’t have i i and a tow other notables. From there a very merry Christmas. i taken up near Verdun, our - < casuals replaced, and then put into I that battle, being in actual fighting I twelve days advancing a ga in « Stub born reaistance. During tneae twelve a days our division, A a First, was op posed by five of the beqt German di vision*, four of them being Prusiian gourds. I guess we suffered about tha heaviest casualties of A e war here near Verdun. When we got our replacements it looked like n new di visions with n few old timers mixed MCnONARltS are In use by busi- It w m hers I w m pretty badly new men, engineers, bankers, gassed w iA phosgene g u and was judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler told I couldn’t live. (A m still alive.) gymen, by mteeo—fu l men mnd I volunteered to go o v « to hill 240 mm man thm w orld ommr. and make a recognizance and and get An You Eqaipped to Wia? some needed informs ton and w m the The New International provirtaa only man out ot six going that came the means to suecesa .^It tsan oB- bock alive. W ill have to admit that things wars pretty warm tor A e time I f you seek efficiency and ad wna there. It w m hare, or really vancement why not make dally on tha way back, that I w m gMsed, os« o f this vast fund o f inform but I got tba dope I went after. W m ation? «# *.*•* Vocabulary Term *. TT SaPl^s, ordered to the hospital upon my re < « * • * n iaM tarloaa. C a b r a l Plataa. turn bat stayed till tha Division w m M.SSa «.aoeraphlral Subjacta. U .#*# 1 H o o aph k a l tatriaa. relieved; was again ordered to A e < hospital, but got a pass and 1 went 1 to Southern France for a week’s va 1 cation. Sure had some fine time, got < I back just in time to go to A a front again w iA my Division up toward i Sedan. We were the first troops to '• got to Sedan and were A ere when the I Boche signed the armistice, fighting 1 up till the l a « minute. After < 1 • ' gy than fighting. i “ ? “ . ” *“ * . - U" " * '• beginning of the end for Ger- » » » y , as A e Allies took thing* A their own hands from then on. A t a small village near Cantigny I wore raj gas mask for eleven hours at on. .., .. i h to ,om* job; Som# of th® i»i»n try wore theirs lo n g « but I was relieved. A t Soissons ws want Offer after Hinsy without any artillery preparation, but using tanks and caught him napping as he was flruring on comng our wav the next morning. That accounts A part for A e number of prisoners ws took. The weather was sure some hot at that time o f the year and as water was very scaroe there was a great deal of suffering, especially among the wounded as we were not prepared to handle A e num b« of casuaA ws suffered. During A A drive I w m at the forward post and being, m we were, a small detachment the men with me had nothAg to aat or drink except corned Mil we took out of the packs of men killed around us. Often being in A e attack and contin ually advancing for five days and nights we were relieved by some Scot tish Hghlcnders A full kilts. After being relieved here w e were taken beck near Paris and rested a 1 « O. Hoper g few days and Aen into A s lines again “ Bvery parase can be aura e f A up near Mats. From this sector we a squnre deai. Ne porson A ex- * were token out anfi placed opposite MBt the toisrliin Red Croee In th. repara Hon of tbs program tor extend | Red Croee activities, and will span. m next several months A Europe It ifteultatloo with other Red Cross sod Iks tor that purpose f S WAR COUNCIL OF THR AMBR ICAN RED CROSS. , Henry P. Davison, Chulrman. EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE which has created soaie stir with D A IR Y M E N . W e have 15 machines in stock. Are you one to get one? W e install and operate free of charge. Can make terms to meet all conditions. . . i ’- pected to pey more than hA * ■haré of tax. HA share la "de- * terminad soleiy by A e amount * and natura of bla nri Inrome for * 1918, as deflned le iba Aw. * “ Abatement petltlone ere dealt * wlth open-mlndedly. Refunda * wlll be made ta every case where-'A too much tax A «roooously «el- * lected. * “ The Income T a i A ‘oa tbe * Aval’ sil A s way through " * A W e also are general agents for the 1 net Income Is considered separately A pUc* 1 r* * n* 1“ rn#d ,rh,t *“ computing any sartsx that may be due. and I *o*« agree w lA Sherman. HuAand and wife file jointly, m n By the way A e Major in charge of rale. If A e husband does not include A s Intelligence section was a nephew bis wife's Income ln bis return, A c 0f his by A e same name wife must file a separate return. Tt x „ % • Severe Penalties J X ^ ^ wire (IntelL) A w The new Revenue Law placet severe ^ B*ws from Cantigny itself penalties on a person who falls to wen* back to A o General (Bullard) make return on time, refuses to make whet was afterward given command oi return or renders a fraudulent return A e second American Army. He Is For Allure to make return and pay tax sure a grand old man; -a regular ° A BOt mor* th«n 11.000 cuddy to U. boys. Four of onr bunch It named, and 2o per cent of the t a x ». •», T .•, ., due Is added to A e assessment. For KOt ®i^“ t,on Bt ***•• 1 refusing wilfully to maka return, or 00 sector until July 8, when are for making a false or fraudulent re- WBr* relieved by the French and from turn there Is a fine of not exceeding there wo went on A e other side of 910.000 and Imprisonment of not ax- Paris and on July 18 we started A e epeding one year, or both. Soisaons drive of A e allies. In real- Farmers’ Income Taxable. ity eur Cantigny advance, only a Washington, D. a — “Tbe righA of all persons now fllAg Acoros Tax returns are amply protected * provisión* for * ts, refundí and ap- * penis, ’ saya Commlasloaer Den- * ' ** c*n,e • * » * * " • One shall hit in 00r cbow lA e and caused 18 cas- « tor advice. I>~1 lb , Inmm, T „ ibi, n H, most consider all hla Income as tax- tMe. He Is entitled to deduct from his gross Income sll amounts expanded In carrying on his farm. The e o « of farm machinery, farm buildings and Improvements cannot be deducted. The c o « of live stock, either for re- sale or for breeding purposes, A also regarded as Investment. Overtime and Bonuses Taxed. Salary and wags earners must con- alder as taxable every Item received from employers Vnd from other W e also handle the H E ID E R FA R M TRACTOR, 9-16 hp. for Cooa f i Carry Counties. lUh * * b" " U ... k~ « * . - * * • . , __ _ * * Bf 9f m kilometer* from C m - whoro my company hsd 1b first men killed, although several hat bqgn wounded before Several o: those killed were Oregon beys Ant r a s r.srrT txiS ; r k’ ? ~r w lA peculiar effectiveness by tbs Red Cross What Its future tasks may be It A j r « Impossible to forecast Ws knew that so long as there Is an Amer icas army A Aa field lbs Red Crpaa will have a special fanctloo to perform. “ Nothing could be of greater Impor tance to A e American Red Croee than A e plans just set ta motion by A e Ive greet Red Cress societies of tbe world A develop a program of extended ac tivities A A e Inters« of humanity The conception level vea not alone ef f o r » to relieve human suffering, bur to prevent It; d m alone a moveawni by the peepA of- an Individual nation bet an attempt te srouse all people u e sense e f their responsibility for tht w elfa re o f A elr tollow brings through out A e world. It A s’ program bolt Ideal and practical. Ideal In A at Iti supreme aim A nothing leas than ver 1 tab le “ Panes an earth good will tt men,“ end practical In A at It seeks t< taka means and measures which an actually available and make them ef toctlve A meeting wlAout delay th. Crists which ls dally recurrent In A . lives o f ail peoples. . "For accomplishing t o mAsion It A e years ef peace which most II. ebead of BO A s Red Cross will reqoln the sbtoet» possible leadership, so. I mast enjoy AO continued support eym paAy, and participation In to worl of the whole American people. U b PAGE SEVEN iv u u M t Sect tor A e S t Mehiel drive. We were given that place A the push ae ws were seasoned troops and once be- fore A e French had lest about fifty thousand man trying to taka f t Too sso A A e papers about A A being a hot battle, well aU I can say it that H was ths easiest victory wea by A e Americans in France end we, of A o Fighting F irst always speak o f tt aa a maBarvar, aa everything went eff W uM cbw U ^ T íiú u U ittiL í' ^ W ebster ’ s NEW iHTEtNATKHIAL I waa sent back to A c