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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
«O COQUILLE TALLEY SENTINEL, COQOUILLK, OREGON. FRXDAT, MARCH 14. 191* FACE FITE - uro? Mi The „ O f the base W ilful Man, out from the : Has struck. Amid the wild sea’s P«no* struggles, sinking, to ret The wreckage o f her fa ir ship “ Justice* , A loft oo g reca edged waves; until at last Brave rescuers man tha gun to hari tka B y which sfca m ay ha drawn again to Coiled fo r tha fto cue lies the —M* A potty little group o f w ilful mea W ith up-raised hands rush oat before the _ And cry, “W att!“ “ H aiti” “ The cable m ight mot runt” “ Ita color, does not suit us,” * U s toe rough.” Cne cries to Peace, “ Grasp that Boating stuff And wait awhile; haply you m ay not sink.“ Their ornali ayas dart about, their small brains think How they may posa aa heroes; when, “ Make w ay!” Sounds tha stani captain’s voice. "N aught must delay Tha resem i Shoot the cable ou t!” Quick than The petty little group o f w ilful men A re swept aside, unheeded and unmieaed; A hi Peace is saved at last! The steel-scaled fist Has struck in vain! And once again in vain The plots o f w ilful mm and all their paini Peace lives to rule agnini — Harold S. Tutti#. Loot With AD Offi Bterd A report from Port Orford ia ta tha ecect that tha cabin o f the oil tanker “ George Loom is* which drop- pod from sight on bar way from Francisco to Coos Bay, something or- 9 month ago was waahad up beach there. The craft was last sighted hi the vicinity o f Cupe Bian co hocking tha heavy storm which came shortly after the Dalla went oo the beach at Port Orford, The “George Loomis“ carried a crew o f 17 man all o f whom perished when the boat foundered.— Gold Beach porter. A conservative bank is not necessarily be hind the times. This Bank is thoroughly modern, yet it is a conservative institution. The officers study your needs and the needs of the com munity and are always ready to assist in meeting them. The depositor’s interests are carefully safeguarded. John Yoekam, County Commissioner 1 Guard at Anderson's Hall, Satui night, March 15, 1919. Come have a good time. Needs Are Jrv .» Studied * -tejl 4.f. J. .» $ i J* PUiw sad specifications and forma o f contract may bo acan at the aama ptace or may ba obtained upon the de posit o f 116.00. Tha right ia reacrvod to reject any or all propoaala or to accept the pro posal or propoaala deemed beat for said County. COUNTY COURT OF COOS COUNTY James Wataon, County Judge Archie Philip, A ttest: L. W. Oddy, 6t4 County Clerk. Coquille, Oregon, February 18, 1919. Tha editor had an interesting | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE young gentleman came to this office COUNTY OF COOS and asked fo r a copy o f the Morrow County Republican. He scrutinized it Leonora Leap, Plaintiff, carefully when a copy waa handed him, and then aaid: “ Now I knew!” Harold T. Leap, Defendant IN OREGON “ What ia it you are looking fo r ? ” we inquired. "M y w ife sent me after a W hile howling wind and driftin g anow bottle o f Chamberlain’s Cough Reme To Harold T. Leep, Defendant. And windows rattling till tha dawn dy, and I forg ot the name. 1 went to In the name o f the state o f Oregon, Tall o f the eastern blissard’a rage, several stores and the clerks named W e’re safe and snug—in Oregon. - over everything on the shelf except You are hereby required to appear ‘Chamberlain's.’ I’ll try again, and and answer the Complaint Hied There he within piaya he without I’ll never go home without Chamber against you in the above entitled suit lain’s Cough Remedy.” The Republi within ten days from the date o f the May keep his heart and struggle on. can would suggest to the propletors He preys the storm may spend its strength; o f stores, that they post their clerks, service o f this Summons upon you, if W e pray not thus— in Oregon. and never let them substitute. Cus served within this County; or, if tomers lose faith in stores where sub served in any other County o f this The eastern fields are brown or white, stituting ia permitted, to say nothing State, then within twenty days from W hile our are green aa fresh-clipped lawn. the date o f the service o f this Sum The snowflake there, the violet here, mons upon you; and if you fa il so to Choose right— and come to Oragoul appear and answer, fo r want thereof, Come to the sloping vales between plaintiff will apply to the court for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pacific waves and white Hood’« dawn. the relief demanded in the com plaint Notice is hareby given that the un The land o f milk, o f fru it, o f pints, A succinct statement o f said relief dersigned has bean duly appointed . T h . Uod o f U « « O ^ - Adm inistratrix o f the Estate o f E. N is that the boada o f matrimony exist Harry, deceased, by the County Court ing between plaintiff and defendant Coquille, Ore. fo r Coos County, Oregon; and that all be wholly dissolved and that each of The foregoing wo clip from Tuesday’* Oregonian. persons having claims against l ___ »■id parties be divorced therefrom ; Estate are hereby notified that they and thmt plmintiff have the «are, cue- are required to present the — duly tody ,n d control o f their minor child, verified and with proper vouchers Harold James Leap, and fo r such Karla Issasse Sick ia G am aiy therefor to the undersigned at the o f other relief os the court may deem About Courting ia Fraaeo equitable. The service o f this sum That one h alf the world doesn't Mr. and Mrs. H. A . leen see have fice o f A. J. Sherwood in Coquille, kiaow hqw the other half lives is a been receiving some more short le t Coos County, Oregon, within six mons is mods by publication pursu statement so mild that it sometimes ters signed “ From your kid on the onths from the date o f this Notice. ant to an order o f Hon. John S. Coke, Dated this 11th d a y ,of March, 1919. Judge o f the Circuit Court o f the seems to us that it ia an extrema Rhine,” accompanied by a bunch o f State o f Oregon, for Coot County, Phoebe Harry, dilution o f tho truth. Rami, fo r in pictures o f Coblentx arid Ehrenreit- made and entered on the 27th day o f Adm inistratrix o f the Estate o f E. stance, what N. R. M oors, o f Cor stein; also o f the baths and city hall First publication 9t6 February, 1919. vallis, who has ju st returned from at that fam ous German watering N. Harry, deceased. being on the 28th day o f February, overseas has to say about courtship place Nueunahr. 1919, and the last on the 11th day o f in France, where we had always un January 31, Earle writes that ha is Notice to Creditors April, 1919, on or b efore which last derstood that girls ware kept under expecting to start for homo soon and Notice is hereby given that the un- mentioned date you are required to very careful espionage until married will probably be on the way when the tersigned has bean duly appointed [appear and answer. letter is received. February 4, how administratrix with the W ill Annex W alter Sinclair, “ No, folks, there is not so much to ever, he says: ed o f the Estate o f Catherine Kronen- Attorney for Plaintiff. this kissing between th f males o f “ W ell I’ve had the Flu. Am still in berg, deceased, and that all persons Coquille, Oregon. Fiance as some might imagine. Oc bed but they’re going to give me my having claims against said Estate casionally one sees man who have clothes this afternoon, so you see I’m been long apart fa ll upon each other's feeling te e , Yea, been in bed since are hereby notified that they are re Redemption Notice quired to present the came duly veri neck end rub cheeks, but in a year last Saturday. All Coos County warrants drawn on Fever and all that fied and with the proper vouchers the writer did not see a tingle case sort o f thing but am feeling A ne now. the general fund end indorsed prior o f real osculation— on the part o f So we should w orry, oh ? The boys therefor to the undersigned at the to Oct. 1st, 1917, will be paid on pre office o f A. J. Sherwood in Coquille, males alone. The father sometimes here in the hospital treated me fine Coos County, Oregon, within six sentation at my office in Coquille, Ore kisses his grown son on the cheek and and that helped a whole lot. Sup- No interest will be allowed on months from the date o f this Notice. gon. is saluted the same way, but really poee you wonder where I am. ' In any o f these warrants after the £8th Dated this 6th day o f March, 1919. tha men o f France do not spoon, with Coblents on the Rhine now. I ll tell ly o f Feb., 1019. Ida Owen, erxh other. Now, when it comas to you all about it when I get out, I’m Dated this 28th of Feb., 1919. Adm inistratrix with the W ill An evidencing affection toward the other about sixty kilos from my regiment, T. M. Dimmick, nexed o f the Last W ill and Testament sex, the French are ceiainly come but expect to yet back in a week, or County Treasurer. goers. They never appear to be self two. A t least in tinta to get home and o f the Estate o f Catherine Kron en berg, deceased. 9t£ conscious about anything, least o f all with them.” their little love affaire—end a French NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF man not in lova la eithar in his grave Earle has been a member o f the CONTRACT or about to g o there. The arm is famous 42d, or “ Rainbow” Division about the waist ar neck o f mademoi and was with it when the tide o f war Notice is hereby given that Ander- selle anywhere and everywhere end was turned at Chateau Thierry and son-K lockers Company, Contractors, C. R. BARROW ell the time. And alm ost as fre also in the S t Mehiel drive. He sends have completed their contract for the Attorney end Cannestar at Law quently the arm o f mademoiselle or a copy o f the soldiers’ paper, “ The construction o f the Isthmus- Slough Practice in State and Federal la just about whore every Stars and Stripes,” telling about the Bridge, in compliance with the Con Courte. Have moved my office to Frenchman or American, would work o f that division in August and tract, Plans and Specifications and old City Hail near Busy Corner like to have It. It is not uncommon earlier, which makes a wonderfully to the satisfaction o f the Engineer, end City W harf. Office hours 8 to see both young and old sitting at interesting story. * and that final estimate will be given ta 12 A . M. and 1 to 5 P. M. the wine tables on the sidewalks with said contractors and presented to the arms about nock or waist. In broad County Court for payment at the J. A . RICHMOND March term o f Court. daylight;’ and because it ia sunshine PHYSICIAN end SURGEON. and noonday rather than moonshine That the Roadmaster has filed his Richmond-Barker Building. certificate o f the completion o f said does not seem good reason for Coquille, Ore. to cease their spooning upon tbs ap contract, and any person, firm or Phones, Office 626, See. 214. proach o f eay persons or crowd o f corporation having objections to file to the acceptance o f said work, may persons as thsy travel upon tha beau W . C. C H A S E tifu l roadways o f Franco. The peo file the same in the office o f the Coun ple o f France love to walk along their ty Clerk o f Coos County, Oregon, tTTOENEY-AT -LAW charming lanes end lovoly roadways within two weeks from the date of Richmond-Barker Bldg the first publication o f this notice, to and on Sundays and holidays, of Coquille Oregon w it: February 21st, A. D., 1919. which there are very many o f the tat ter, one couldn’t go far without meet L. W. Oddy, D R . Q . W . L E S L IE ing several couples blissfully uncon County Clerk scious o f everything but their own By M yrtle Knowlton, O steop a th ic P h y sicia n happiness and the romance and glory i Seal) Deputy. Graduate o f the American School of the landscape. The difference be o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo. tween the good old U. 8. A. end the Offioe'ta Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon French way lies In the fa ct that we do all this loving on the sly and th an Highway Construction, Casa County, they do it In tho open, wholly uncon Oregon. D R . C . W . E N D IC O T T cerned. As a m atter o f fact, they a n Sealed bids for the construction of DENTIST really unobserved, fo r this is so much Jock Phennegsr Oat Agola A. Bridge over the South Fork o f the the custom, so much th# seemingly The steenth escape—or failure o f Coquille River at Powers, in Coos First N’f l Bank B’ld’f f Phone natural thing, that the French take attempted escape— from the reform County, Oregon, will bo received by Mein 11, O oqeillr, Oregon. n note o f ft at all. Only the Amer school o f Jack Ph en negar, o f Band on, the County Court o f said County at ican would turn his hand to htare— ia told in the follow ing item which we its office In the Court House, Co and sometimes to gas# with snvy. 1 J. J . STA NLEY quille, Oregon, until 10.-06 A . M., April 3rd, 1919. LA WYES „ Net Descendants o f Ham No bid will be considered unless ac Office ta First National Bank Aunt M inndy had ju st been told companied by cash, bidder's bond, or Building, Coquille, Oregon. that Ham, the biblical charaetar, waa certified check for an amount equal the founder o f the negro race. The to at least 5 por cen t o f tha total amount o f the bid. old woman snorted disdainfully. A. J . S H E R W O O D “ T tain ’t so !" she said. “ W a all A corporate surety bond will be required for the faith fu l perform ance ain’t ’acendsd fu m no ham. We*s A tTo o w nr a t l a w o f the contract in a sum equal to ’aeendod fu m N igger Demos. D et's First National Bank Building or e-half the total amount o f the bid. w hol" Coquille Orego Proposal blanks and fu ll tafonaa- First National Bank Coquille, Oregon. Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 Organized 1903 JUST GAME-ONE BARREL OF DISHES 12 Dozen Special Cupa end Saucers 6 Dozen Dennis Coffee Cupa Feltex Floor Covering, per square, yard................ .............. 95c Cfpper Wash Boilers, each ..................................................... $7.00 Tin, copper bottom. Wash Boilers ..........................(4.09 to (4.00 Large Variety e f Granite Enamel W are Three 50-Piece Serai-Porcelain Dinner Set Cook Stoves from ...................................................... (5.00 to (25.00 Now R a n g es.............................................................. (65.00 to (70.00 Wood A Coal Hesters, each .................................. (4.00 Ut (25.00 Chairs, each .................. ............................................(1 .5 0 to (2.50 Aladdin Chimney 49c. Mantles .............................................. 35c New Oil Lamps from ................................................... 75c to 31.00 2 Ges Lamps, complete, each ............ .................................. $7.00 2 Oil Hanging Lamps, e a c h ..................................................... (4.00 Lanterns from ................................................................ 75c to (1.50 Tuba in to ........................................ .......................... (2.00 to (4.00 Wash Boards from ........................................................60c to (1.00 Iron B edsteads.................... (4.00 to (14.80 Perfection Oil Heaters and Cooking Stoves J. E. QUICK, TheTIousefurnisher 'fioles ” in 7t Rod Crowe’s lunifoem chain of boiliqg points gives easy sta rtin g , long mileage. Mix tures have "holes” in the powerdnm. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPART Professional Cards 6 Calling Oardfc 100 tm |L06. j _______ A. B. CAMPBELL, Special Affen t Standard Oil, Coquille, Oregon. The Unexpected After an accident is no time to wish you had a TELEPHONE. Telephone Accessibility has saved countless lives—helped thousands in trouble—helped many thousands to success. Install a phone and be a PART of our community. Service F irst Coos & Curry Telephone Company nl THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen years ago has been your Laundry. Rain or shine, good times and bad, it has been on the job. W e have a number o f custom ers that hava patronized it continually from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation o f our •ervicsL Our aim is to im prove the sdrvice in every way possible. W e wash ever y thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY