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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
4 F R ID A Y ; M A R C H 14. FAGBFOUB The Sentinel « GOOD P A PIR IN A OOOD TOW SAVE YOUR MONEY GOVERNOR FOR FOUR YEARS AND How strangely things ta r * a rt in thfe world- There waa Be* W- Olcott adidate against Governor W ltky- * last fail and decisively defeat ed. Even U s beet friends fe lt m m Aree Meaths.. . . . . . . . . he had queered himself by hom ing at N e subeerlptioe taken the wrong time and that the probe fo r in advance. This rule is bility he would ever attain his ambi Uva. tion for the high ««le a he sought was . Advertising slight indeed. And when with Gover- Diaplay, 16 carta or WKhycombe’s failin g health, It be- i apparent that Olcott S T ÏÏw ti;. “ im.. Ä » w - “ standing on the steps o f power and g i v e n . ______ _ the light at the fetu re was upon his fhce,” to prevent the a n on that seemed to ho the lieutenant governor act was Entered at the CoouiUe •d. But even Oleott’s bitter Second Clam Mail did not dare enact a law, which had bean twice detested by the people and The recent advance in rente here tack on the emergency clans» - though in Coquille is an indication that the emergency waa there i f they had houses are getting scarce here. Dur only had the courage o f their animos ing the war almoet none wore built ity to Olcott and plainly stated that and even necesaary repairs were of “ whereas Gov. Withycombe was lis- ten postponed. Unlees we want to bls to pass away at' any time, and If put out the sign, “ Standing Room that event should occur before the only” for newcomers something will approval o f the law, no less a calam have to he done In the near future. ity than Oleott’s accession to the chief magistracy threatened the peo Attorney C. B. Wade, o f Bandon, ■ ple o f Oregon. Therefore an emergency an altogether estimable gentleman; existed, end to prevent such s calam but just how he can be expected to ity the law should become effective at do any better as the head o f the Coun once, so that Governor Withycombe ty Court than Judge Watson has done might hax.e an opportunity to name we have hot yet been informed. A s to his own successor.” hii demerits, while we have heard But politicians rarely have the cour nothing now, we need only wait until age o f their malevolence end so the he has served a year or two in the door o f opportunity was shut in their office to which he aspires fo r a full faces and it has coma to pass that Ol bill o f particulars. The recall bug cott is the actual, instead o f the possi usually stings the hand that nurses i t ble governor. To e men who has voted for Olcoti oftener than fo r any other I f the investigation o f our county man in Oregon— twice fo r secretary o f affairs pow undertaken under direc state and once fo r governor— there is tion of the office o f the State Insur nothing so portentous about th a t A ance department and the County conservative, efficient end careful ad Court discloses any defalcations or ministration o f the state’s affairs ap county funds, any looting o f the pub pears to be assured. lic treasury the Sentinel certainly will But how the men who were plotting not attempt to shield the guilty; but against Olcott must feel that they if an attempt U made to take snap have been made the playthings of judgment by holding the recall etae fate now that Attorney 'General tion before the results at the investi Brown says that the secretary at teats gation are known we shall certainly can not only fill out two years o f Gov oppose it as unfair. ernor Withy combe’s term end hold the The claims on Germany and Austria office o f governor until the next gener by Am erican citizens fo r damages al election in 1020, but that he will o be governor during the whole dons by submarines and fo r property term fo r which Withycombe was elect seised in the Central Em pires n< ed end cannot be displaced before amount to over 6700,000,000. W het 1923. part is dua to the sinking o f the Lu That w ill surely be a long time be- sitania is not stated. Even i f I goat into the hands o f * receiver, it tyeen drinks fo r the politicians who is difficult to understand how Ger have had their eye on the governor’s many w ill ever be able to .pay a office fo r years and who were waiting fo r Governor Withycombe’» tenth part o f the damage aha has done in the pest fou r years. And y et Bis And even that is not the worst o f it. There is the possibility that Olcott marck told the Germans that w paid b igger dividends than business may make such a record as governor It sometimes also involves vastly that the people will decide to keep greeter losses. I t a ll turns on who him in office for another four years. W s "remember that was what happen wins. ed when he became secretary o f state The thirty-seven senators, Who have by appointment And it is to be re called that it waa not only tor one pledged themselvee to vote against but two te ll four years’ terms that the League o f Nations lack vision. th# people elected him to that office. They go on the theory that we want to W ill history repeat herself here, too? play safe by letting the rest o f the When the people o f Oregon get world take care o f itself end settle its own problems. That view was popu thoroughly satisfactory official they are loth to let him go. There is lar years ago, but ws found that the only way to make America safe waa Chamberlain, fo r instance,—a demo to make the world safe. W e are our crat who has held the highest offices brothers’ keepers end our brothers ere in this republican state for a genera our keepers. Ws can be safe no long tion and may keep on as long as hs er then the world is safe. It is just lives i f the people o f the nation do a widening o f the vision Lincoln had not insist on making him vice presi dent. when he declared this nation could not endure half slave end half free. 8EEM ED L IK E A N A N G E L By this time we ought to know that a The place that America and Presi peaceful nation in a warrng world is dent Wilson holds in the estimation impossible. of the peoples o f Europe is well told Over at North Bend the people in the following extracts from Editor wunt a new hotel and so asked the ial Correspondence o f the Outlook by Simpson Estate Co., o f San Francis Ernest Hamlin Abbott written from co, to donate the site or taka stock in Paris. Read and see what is expected the enterprise for it. Louis Simpson o f us: ■ r a w . young . MICE, MITI EM « I SHEET felt sure it would do so and made trip to Ssn Francisco to arrange the matter. What he came back with was a proposition liks this: The site you ask is worth 625,000; we will take 615,000 cash and 610,000 in stock. And now the North Bend folks say ihsy have been insulted and will look elsewhere for a site. Ws have no idea what the proposed site is really worth, but don’t wonder at it that the Simpson people who have already g iv en North Bend a fine park should de cline to donate farther. IT W ILL SAVE YOY! OREGON COQUILLE Let us supply your needs in Garden Tools We also have Cultivators-Hand or Horse , ■ — • . ’ ■ % Large stock 5 & 10-gal. Milk Cans Coquille Hard ware Co. The Mortgage Lifter A n electric motor can lift anything. Let us tell you how G-E Electric Motors are lifting mortgages o ff hundreds o f farms throughout the country. L s«— hs4s SO peer mortgage. V MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY 'tm teils it io the Doss restored as quickly as possible. SOLDIERS TO G ET $66 BONDS Section 1406 o f the Revenue Act approfed February 24, 1919, author ises the payment o f a bonus o f $60.00 to officers, soldiers, field clerks and nurses o f the Arm y upon honorable separation from active service by dis charge resignation or otherwise. This bonus is not payable to the heirs or representatives o f any deceased sol dier. Those who are discharged hereafter w!l receive this bonus on the same roll or voucher upon which ■they are paid their final pay. » Those who have been discharg'd and have received their final pay with out the $60.00 bonus, should write s letter to the Zone Finance Officer, Lemon Building, Washington, D. C., stating their service since April 6, y R , 2k* date o f last discharge and thoir present address to which they desire their bonus checks to be_sent _____ their ^ and enclosing with this latter ’’ '«charge fertili este or military order V R S e tM ■ V and hold HOAD TO BE 16 TRET WIDE Hare i« som * gossip we find in the Cooe Bay Timaa about the Coquilla- Marshfleld state paving project, aw w ill ha at which H is said 500 “ This confidence in America shows work during the coming summer: itself in the Peace Conference. If there are difficult, appallingly difficult, That the Coos Bay-CoquiUe road, tasks ahead, there la also this good paved 16 feet wide with macadamis and wise friend o f Europe and all the ing 6 feet in width at each side, w ill world who is working jointly with the be a 14-mile job instead o f 12Vt, as rest, and who is so strong, so rich, so first announced and w ill cost nearer free from prejudice, that no problem 6350,000 than the original 6660,000, i be insoluble aa long as that friend is the opinion which prevails here stands b y — that is the attitude of among those best informed. the peoples who have bean through Charles H all yesterday M ine back this w ar toward the United States. Is to Coos Bay with the report o f the it strange, then, that when the Presi 16-foot paving. Tw elve feet had at dent came over here he wes acclaimed first been announced, which was la like a visiting angel from a better ter increased in official estimates to 14 planet? Is it stmnge, then, that the fe e t Countng fills and parts o f the free nations o f Europe are willing to road already paved it is figured by ins trust to our hands any task wo are the state highway commission that willing to undertake? Is it strange, 12Vh miles w ill finish Jt to Coquina, then, that one o f the statesmen of but i f this is not enough, according Europe— I am not free to aey whether to Mr. Hall, more miles w ill be paved o f a small or great Poorer— said in in order to make the job complete. my hearing that his country would go Captain A. B. Gidley, who is resi into any League o f Nations that the dent engneer, will have exact figures United States would enter, but with on the dstance in a fe w days, but at out the United States, no? This feel present estimates say that at least ing is no sudden growth. I t is the re 14 miles must be built to connect sult o f President Wilson’s visit. It ta with Coquille. not the emotional reaction following The Scandia Shipbuilding company the war. I t waa, fo r example, evident definitely decided at its meeting ffiat- in England early last November, be urday to go in as a bidder. It is un- fore President Wilson’s visit was derstiod the Warren Bros. Construc broached, before even the end o f the tion people w ill bid in addition to Dean fighting had come. While the infan A Brown, Anderson k Klockars, and try, the artillery, and the air service Hakanson, and the officials o f the at Grant Britain wars still driving Coos Bay Shipbuilding company. back the Hun from Belgium and northern France, while still the Brit T H R IF T PROJECT P O P U L A R ish fleets were petrolling the high ( Minnie Kslbus— Home Demonstra is I heard it repeatedly said that tion A gen t) f Great Britain was looking to the Twenty-six huaehold account books United States fo r unprejulicod moral have been given out by the Home leadership in ths coming journey that Demonstration Agent’s office, during Europe would have to take from war the monfh. N ot only the women but to peace. More .significantly still, I the nfbn are realizing the need for heard many a discusaioiwef the prob some system o f account keeping for lems o f peace in which it was assum the home. ed that America would taka a leading, Where is there more fa r reaching if not the leading part In the new business fo r Home Making, and yet world order. In a public address de what business has loss defined poli livered in Scotland shortly after the cies. A re your fam ily expenditures armistice the lecturer proposed that divided in the proper proportion be America shoud takF charge o f Con tween Food, Clothing, Shelter, Edu stantinople and the whole Jewish cation, Savings, Health, Recreation question (a large order when it is and Charity or does It talffi your in considered what part the Jews have come to meet your grocery, meat and played in' Germany, in Bolshevism, in clothing bills? I f the latter is the Roumania, and in Turkey). English esse there is somethiny wrong'. There men, wearied and stricken by the war is no better way to find the leak than though they were, were looking fo r by placing all expenditures on paper. ward to the approaching peace with The three communities which so far apprehension; fo r they saw much have adopted Household Account more elearly than people in America Keeping as part o f their program are ire seeing the appalling site and Coquille, M yrtle Point, Mid Catching complexity at its problems. Great In let Each person enterng the pro Britain was certainly in no mood to ject promises that she will keep A c take up new burdens o f administra counts fo r at least one year. The tion and government in various parts leader reports each month on the pro o f the world. Everybody I met In gress of the different members. Fol Great Brtain seemed to look upon lowing are the names or hose ntering. America as ths world’s lifo-saver, not Coquille only because o f what ws had done in Project Leader— Mrs. J. L. Smith. the war, but because our ideals and Members: Mesdames L. H. Hazard, our immeasurable resources were at H. O. Anderson, C. I. Kime, A. N. hand to be called upon in reconstruct Gould, A. S. Robison, S. L. Lafferty, ing the world after the war.” Hettie Leslie, A. T. Morrison, Pearl Oregon and Washington are to be D. Tuttle, Lloyd Oddy, W. H. Lyons, called on to furnish the seed by which Tom Walker, F. O’Rourke, C. A . Rob erts. 1,660,000 seres o f forfsst in France, M yrtle Point demanded by th rtw ar are to be re Project Leader— Mrs. P . W. Laird. stored. The Douglas fir which is Members: Mesdames D. W. Giles, known in Francs as “ America’s most important wood,” was selected by the Claud Giles, M arie Stemmier, N. H. Giles, G. T. Hermann. French government as theNpecies to Catching Inlet— Dorcas Club use fo r the reforestation o f the waste Project Leader— Mrs. Smith gall. areas, and already sufficient seed has Members: Mesdames George Rosa, been shipped for the growth o f 60,- 000 trees, from these two states. One T. M. Collver, F. G. Messerls, Willim "W h at are known as President W il reason fo r the selection o f Douglas Church, J. M. Culley. son’s Fourteen Points have come to fir was the early age at which it m i Remember tftat in subscribing fo r be regarded as the Scriptures o f the tures and with nearly a million peo Allies’ rbligion. V^jry few people can ple in France dependent on the for ths Sentinel tor $1.60 a year you can recite them or tell you what they con ests before the war, it is o f great get the Oregon Farmer in addition by tain; but i f there is any discussion as importance that the forest regions be paying only 16 cents mors. to what the Allies were fighting for, all one needs to do is to produce these Fourteen Points and quote them, and there is no appeal. “ This almost blind confidence o f the peoples o f Europe— specifically o f Great Britain, France, and Italy— in the moral leadership o f America, and, The people o f Coos county are go in particular in the clairvoyance, good ing to be put to an expense o f 66,000 faith, and the almost infallible judg or 67,000 to find out that no ihoitey ment o f President Wilson, was appar has been stolen frim their treasury, ent tefore the armistice. As the Pree- that road improvements fo r whlcn iden has confessed, it has frightened they were clamoring coat a good deal him. It seems quite beyond the pow more when made in war time and to ers o f any mortal to be as great, as hold a recall election for two members illustrious, as inerrant, as these peo o f the County Court. I f that recall ples expect President Wilson to be. election result* ¡A turning out the old Somehow he has raised their hopes to officials ths testimony o f those who heights apparently beyond the reach have seen tba results o f recall elec o f any Aaan’l attainment. Their « tions in other counties is that the pectation o f a speedy coming o f county will get a black eye and that Golden A ge o f which Ifr . Wilson capital and home seekers will shun ft. not only the prophet but' the very o u That is usually the case anywhere ster is a part o f their faith in Am eri when the people begin to wash their ca. The common people o f Europe dirty linen in public. Their own tee- trust the United States. The little timon y is to the affect that conditions _ •tatee trust sa. The big nations ( I are fur worse than they are— and out- mean the people o f the M g nation«— Tlite foundation of fortunes—the ready cash which first enabled the enuied possessor to grasp financial opportunity, in the ™a' jority of cases, is found to have been a S A V IN G BANK BALANCE. Shrewdness anti common sense commend tho opening and fostdring of a Savings Account in the ALL WRONG The Mistake is Made by Many Co quille Citizens. Look for the cause o f backache. To be cured you muct know the causa. t I f it’s weak kidneys You must set the kidneys working right. __ — A resident "of^ this vicinity shows you how. Mrs. Wm. Harvoy, 621 N. Eighth St., Grants Pass, Ore., s.-.vs: “ I suf fered from kidney trouble and my back nearly killed me, it ached so badly. I was helpless as a child, be ing confined to my bed moct o f the time. My kidneys were terribly con gested and I was a nervous wreck, ft seemed as though everv inch o f my body was affected, for I ached all over. Doan’s Kidney Pills pullod me trough this attack. I stuck to them fo r several months and waa finally able to get around aa well aa ever and consider m yself curred.” Price 60c at all dealers. DbnH simply ask fo r a kidney, remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that Mrs. Harvsr had. F ester-M ilbqn Co.. M fgrt. Buffalo, N. Y . “ Tisn’t the size of Good taste, s m a lle r • plug that count»,'* e h e w , longer lif e is My» Jim. “ It*» the what makes Genuine G ravely ooet less to w»y it taste«— and chew than o r d in a ry how it last«. A Plug. Fits tu— eoople of squares of Real Gravely keeps G b n u i n b G r a v e l y ma »* DANVILLS. VA. REAL CHEW ING P L U G —7------- Mug packed tn pdmek What Doe* Your Label Say?