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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
THE LONGER YOU USE A HALF WORN-OUT CREAM SEPARATOR THE MORE YOU LOSE. Todhy, with batter-fat at <0 to 70 caste a ¿mad, tha loan with • poor maehloe ia m an thaa doable what it oaad to be. If you have tea cows, it takea only a w all loaa to aaMaat to half a pound of batter-fat a day. Tbat’a 180 pound* of batter-fat a year. Multiply that by the present price of butter-fat. D « ’t y<jo see that it's a losing proposition? Last year over 40,000 farmers came to that con clusion and discarded their cream-wasting separ ators for De Lavals . These fam e» Joihed the family of more thaa 2,325,000 De Laval users, and now know what real separator satisfaction Why not start riglft away to get all tbc butter- fat, with a Do Laval? It will soon pay for itself and will continue to save you money and time and annoyance for many years to come. S. M. NOSLER The local De Laval selling agency will be glad to show you how a De Laval will save you time, la bor and money. We can Mask you for the Masquerade Dance for 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c Masks of all descriptions. A Rood assortment to choose Racket Store MRS. BONNIE WALKER. Prop. AT YOUR SERVICE ORDER NEWEST WOOLENS YOUR SPRING NEWEST STYLES Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing R. Successor H. to SWEET Fred Slagle Front St., opposite Farmers & Merchants Bank Phone 1193 Coquille, Ore. NEW AND 2nd HAND BICYCLES ; COQUILLE CYCLERY ARCHIE TENNISON, Prep. 4 Bicycle Sundries Repairing Op{>osite City Hall CITY BAKERY Under new management Laird Building Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly. Eut but httle meat end none at ull forsuppsc. H I* » .* * still troubled with sow ^om sc)itake Coquille, Oregon It is gratifying to not« that the call for woriure hat not boon in rain. Many have responded, bat there is Much to bo accomplished and plenty of work for all. The Tuooday chair man, Mrs. Fred Barker would Iks more help, and anyone who can assist on that day is hereby urged to do so. We are receiving new materials all in sight—but when we realise the condition of the women and children of devastated Europe, it scents such a little to do, to give a few hours Riverton sent in a shipment of very nicely completed garments. The sev eral faithful workers of this auxiliary are certainly deserving of much praise —and they get it, too—os to the large number who ought to bo helping here, and are not, well, we leave that to their consciences. It is whispered about that the “eats” were handed out by one of the chairmen, one day this week. Guess we’d better not mention the day—for obvious reasons. The chairman of the knitting de partment declares she has some of the champion knitters of the world! And when she reports individual records of 1$ sweaters and 60 and 60 pairs of socks, we surely agree with her. Why Just think of itl If you didn’t sew this week, may be you can next. The invitation is still good. To any strangers in our midst we extend a most cordial woeome. We want to meet you for our mutual pleasure and benefit, so do not hesi tate to come to the Liberty Temple, any afternoon in the week except Sat- dience that nearly filled the house. The receipts for that evening were $94.76, whch brings the total receipts up to. $690, exclusive of the war tax. As the expenses will probably reach $600 it is necessary that $80 more be received from the two ' succeeding numbers if the guarantors of the course are not obliged to make up n deficit. The Sam Lewis Co., were advertis ed as the highest priced attraction ever brought here for a Lyceum en tertainment, and after their per formance Monday evening there was no question of their superiority over other merely entertaining numbers. Sam Lewis, the Welsh tenor, has a splendid voice of rare beauty and the hearty applause which greeted his every selection showed keen appreci ation of his ability. The violinist. Miss Ruth Lavey, is an artist and her skillful rendition of difficult numbers was a treat to her auditors. The soprano,. Miss Irene Harruff, and thf reader, Miss Amber Hopkind, both are performers of mer it Altogether it was a very enter taining number and nothing but praise is heard for the Sam Lewis Co. Powers’ First Fire Ever Aluminum Kettle Saves its cost over and over again because it serves so many purposes.. Three times a day, year after year, it may be used for pot-roasting, preserving or stewing—for soups, broths,* jellies, etc. The most deUcate foods do not burn readily in ‘Wear-Ever” utensils—thus they reduce your food bills. Aluminum utensils are NOT Mall the same.” Only the best metal—hard, thick sheet—is used in “Wear- Ever” utensils. They have no joints or seams—no coat ing to chip of Scale—are pure and safe. The firat fire in the hlatory of the town of Power* occurred Sunday when Mrs. Sheehan’s Bungalow cafe wo* burned with a loot of about $2,- 000. She carried $700 insurance on the building which she also owned, say* a Time* correspondent. The fire occurred about the middle of the afternoon. Mr». Sheehan and two daughter* had gone to a How Fuads Were Distributed her neighbor’* for a visit when Sterle In reply to our East Fork corres Zimmerman discovered the blase. pondent, the funds raised in the Unit With the aid of about SO volunteers, ed War Work drive were distributed the Are eras restricted to the building ss follows: in which it started. An adjoining Per Cent building, also owned by Mrs. Sheehan, Y, M. C. A...................1.............. 68 do was somewhat charred. Excellent Y. W. C. A. ...................................8.80 work was done by the firemen. Knights of Columbus..................17.60 All of the fixtures and furnishings, Furniture and Hardware Coquille, Oregon War Camp Community Service. 8.80 including a piano, were burned wits Jewish Wslfnre Board ................2.06 the exception of a phonograph,' The American Library Association.. 2.06 insurance did not cover the furnish- Salvation Army ............. 2.05 ngs. Federated Church The total amount asked in-the Unit The lots is a hard blow to Mrs. ed States for this drive was $170,600,- She«nan, who is a widow and who Sunday School meets at 10 a. m. 000; the amount asked in Oregon was opened the first eating house in Pow- Prof. H. S. Tuttle, Superintendent. $770,000; the quota for Coos county « ■ The second sermon in the series, was $18,160; the amount in the Co A 40-gallon hot i water tank i exploa- “Home Life,” will be delivered Sun quille district was $2,300. Distributed ed during the fire and was blown day morning at 11 o’clock. MA Motn- party to represent us with according to percentages the CoquHle through the roof of the burning build- er’s Influence” will be the subject of Reliable a high grade AUTOMOBILE TIRE district’s contribution was divided as the discourse. and TUBE on a very liberal percen- follows: The fire is thoaght to have started Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject, taye basis. Address Tri-State Com Y, M. C. A. $1348.05 in a defective flue. Before leaving “Jonah at Nineveh." This is the pany, Portland, Ore. 72-6th St. Y. W. C. A ............... 202.40 the house, Mrs. Sheehan had taken third sermon in the series on the Book Knights of Columbus .. 404.80 special precautions to see that the of Jonah. These sermons have prov WANTED—Position as bookkeeper, Jewish Wslfnrs Board . 47.16 kitchen fire was in a safe condition. ed to be very interesting end the con either by pen or by bookkeeping War Camp Com. Ssrvice 202.40 gregations both morning and even- machine. Have had good experi American Library Ass’n. 47.16 ng have been exceptionally large. The ence. Haxel E. McGhee. P. O. Box Probate Court Items Salvation Army ............. 9tf 47.16 On March splendid music by the choir has been 668, Coquille. 12, Mike Cos titan, of sn attractive feature of the services. Powers, was appointed administrator The pastor ia gratified with the FOR SALE—Bald Barley and beard $2300.00 of Co The amount raised toward this fund the estate of William Coetigon, de work that is being done in all depart ed. G. S. Davis, Phone 66, 9t4* at the time of the drive in the Co ceased of North Bend, The estate ments of the church. The Sunday' quille. quille District was $2,271.96 and at consicts of $600 in personal property School, League and Ladies’ Aid are TEAM AND HARNESS for sale— that time there were pledgee made and the appraiser« are Wilson Kauf making splendid progress. Well matched, 8 and 9 years old, for the Victory Boys and Girls in man, R. T. Kaufman and M*1 Dun Come to the services. You will en weight 1260 to 1600 pounds; can. The heirs are Mike Coetigan, of amount $162.60 making a total $2,- joy them and the pastor and people sound in every way. Also 8-inch Powers; John Coatigun, of Kilkenney, will be glad to meet you. Strangers Mitchell wagon, 334.46. harrow and Ireland; Edward Coetigan, of Tipper These figures are furnished by Mr. ary, Ireland, brothers; and Bridget in the city cordially invited to attend other equipment. plow, Address P. O. Loo J. Cary, who was in charge of any or all of these services. Box 496. Coquill*, Oro. 9t3* Coetigan, Mary Coetigan, Mr*. John the drive here. Jamas E. Cornier, Pastor. Dwyer, sifters, all living in Ireland. SALE—Six head of Grade Jer March 8 a petition and will was St. James Episcopal Church. FOR sey cows. John Yoaksm, Coquille, No Conflict in Laws in the matter of the estate of Oregon. 8t2* As there seems to be some misun filed Friday, services at 7:30 p. m. Elisa Weir of North Bond, deceased, derstanding ss to the meaning of the end on March 12 an order was mode Sunday School at 10 a. m. FOR SALE—A good second-hand notices dustributed by our authorities allowing of the will. Evening Prayer at 7:80 p. m. Chalmers automobile; in good con in regard to the law prohibiting the The heirs the are withdrawal W. E. Couper, Vicar. Mary Ann Gustafson dition and price is right. Inquire use of tobacco and cigarettes by min and Margaret Davis, daughters, Pearl at Lamb A Von Psgert’s. 8t3* ors, H is hoped the following will Johnson, a granddaughter, Christian Church and Lewis make everything clear: Church of Christ a son. FOR SALE cheap—800 acre stock There eras an act passed by the Wsir, Sunday School at 10 a. m. farm. Mrs. Lola M. Stanford, March 11, an order was made ad legislature in 1898, making it unlaw mitting to probate the will of Cath Communion services at 11 a. m. 7tlS ful for any minor under the age of erine Martinson, of Coos Bay, and Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30 Myrtle Point, Orb. eighteen years to use any cigar, ci appointing Bennett Swanton admin FOR GOOD DRY WOOD— Leave or- garette or tobacco in any form in any istrator of the estate, which consists ders at Creager’s Confectionery. public highway, street, place, square of $1600 real property and $448.42 6t8* Christian Science Society. personal. The heirs are John E. Mar Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. as. HAY—For sale. Chris The legislature passed another act of Marshfield, adopted son; Wednesday evening meeting at 8 BARLEY Terras on the Marshfield Rood, one in 1917, making it unlawful to sell tinson, Farsberg, of Orrskoy, Sweden; o’clock. r mile west of town. No phone. 6tf cigarettes tof minors, or fo> minors Olof Maria and Isaac, of Hinneyrd, Swed Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. to smoke, use or be in possession of en; Fru Garde Rosengrchn, of Mai The Reading Room will be open ev FOR SALE—Milking machine all any cigarettes in this State. ne, Sweden; and the Foreign Mis ery Tuesday and Saturday afternoon complete with engine snd belting, As I read these two acts, there is Society of the Swedish Luth from 2 o’clock until 4. used only*6 days. Best of reasons no conflict between them. The first sionary eran Church. for selling. Price $200.00 C. 0. act relates to minors under eighteen March 11, Phoebe Harry was ap Church of God. King A Son, McKinley, Ore. 8tf years using tobacco in any form in pointed administratrix of the estate of public. The lost net prohibits sell E. N. Harry, of Sitkum. The estim Services at Church of God chapel FOR SALE the beet and cheapest va* Sunday. ing cigarettes to minors (which, of value of the estate is $11,900 hi every cant lot in the city of Coquille. Sunday at 10 a. m. course, includes all persons under ated real property, The heirs are the wi- Preaching School Speak quick if yoa want H. At the at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. twenty-one years of age) and also dow, who is the administratrix, Le Sentinel office. , Prayer meeting Thursday evening prohibits minors (under twenty-one Baker, Stella Crowley, Myrtle at 8 p. m. years of age) from using, smoking or ona Beyers and Wands Wilcoy, daughters, A cordial welcome Is extended to all. One Ear Was Enough having in possession any cigarettes. and Alva E. Harry and Ralph Horry, L. E. Neal, Pastor. I make this explanation because of Willie’s mothdr returned home just numerous inquiries whch have been after her hopeful had received his Marriage Licenses mode of me regarding the notices lesson from the music teacher. Notice t* Our Customer« mentioned. ' > March 11—Thomas F. Thom and “Willie,” asked she, “ did you wash On snd after April 1, no credit will Myrtle Jane Holmesley, both of Bap- your J. J. Stanley, and hands before the music City Attorney. be extended to anyone by Gardner’s don. Married at the home of E. G. teacher face came?” Garage, either for Work performed or Perham, of Marshfield, the seme day “Yee, ma’am.” for automobile parts sold. Rev. J. Edward Blair. “And your ears?” 8t4 C. W. Gardner by March 12—Chester Earl Benjamin Willie hesitated a moment. Then and Ethel Barklow, both of Bandon. he answered, “Well, mother, I washed March IS—Ervin Vineyard and Ida the one that would be next to her.” and plain sewing. Mrs. Abel and Midletos. both of Easts ide. Mrs. Sacket, one bleck west of the north end of the Long Bridge, third house west of the Davenport place. 8t4* * Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that “Wear-Ever” H. O. Anderson ,