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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
rA O S T O T C O Q U ILLE T A L L E T tw o CO QOÜILLE, OREGON. F R ID A Y , M A R C H 14, I t i » MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. Mbs Nellis Mast, frees the South Find You Prepared? per pound Special price made on 50 or 100 pound lots. Eat More Beans and Boy Coos Co. Product Unlimited Supply First National Baak BaildJaf W. H. LYONS Phoac 211 WRITING PAPERS by the pound are by fa r the moet inexpensive you can use. LORD B ALTIM O R E - Pound paper gives yon a full pound by weight, about 90 -P* doable, sheets, o f this well r* known, quality stationery, the beat possible to make or buy at the price— 50 cents. :: :: • • • • • • • • Envelopes— to match packed in packages o f 25— 15c FURMAN'S PHARMACY :: COQUILLE, O a iO O N Mias ¿m a ts Schnaidsr, *n visiting bars, returned to m m at Powsrs last Satarday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams, of Arago, war* in town Saturday and Sunday. C. H. Barklow and fam ily who have been in town during the winter moved to their ranch in Stringtown last sek. Mrs. Florence Root and Miss Agnes McCracken were Marshfield passen gers Saturday. Georgs Hermann made a flying trip to Reeds port last Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Carter went to Coquille on business Monday. Mrs. Henry Strong was m town Monday. Chat Huling went to Powers business last Wednesday. k r . and Mrs. Earl McDonald, of Broadbent, visited in town Sunday. I The Woodmen are giving a free en tertainment in the Woodman Hall next Friday evening. Everybody invited to come. L. F. Ingalls was a Powers pas senger last Wadntsday. lfir. and Mrs. Thao Clinton, o f Nor way, were in town Monday. Rev. Mr. Andereon went to Coquille on business Monday. W. E. WUlet and son were in town Monday. Mrs. P. W. Laird went to Norway Monday to visit her mother, who Mrs. J. W . Hall waa in town business Monday. Claud Giles was a Coquille visitor Monday. Henry Schroeder left fo r Powers Monday afternoon. Mrs. Joa Mast, o f the South was in town Monday. N ext Saturday evening Mrs. 0."H . Clarke will give the first o f this years series o f musicaies at hor home. This is the first this year on account o f tha flu. The pupils and their parents are invited. Mrs. Myrtle Baker, o f Portland, form erly Miss M yrtle Hermann, of this place, is here paying a visit t her relatives and friends. She an her husband will soon leave fo r Cal ifornia. Rov. Mr. Hamilton, o f Marshfield, was In town Thursday and spoke at the Methodist church on tha great Centannery Movement the Methodist Church is putting on. Max Dement and family, who have been in town fo r some time, returneu to their ranch last Thursday. Kenneth Peel and Roderick Her mann walked out to Mr. Pool’s shingle mill last Saturday. They returned late in the evening accompanied by Mr. PeeL J. R Leanord, o f Lae, waa visiting friends in town Monday and Tuesday. The Bungalow Cafe at Powers Kitchen A Workshop Portlaad Market Report. burned Sunday. The cottage (Minnie Kslbos— Home Demonstra- Portland, Ore., March 10, 1919— owned by Mrs. Sheon. There - t io n A gen t) Cattle receipts for today are 1660 about a thousand dollars insurance on With proper equipment carefully head. Market remains steady, with the place. pl.iced to avoid extra steps, labor sav everything telling readily at follow George Hermann want to Coquille ing devices and systematic methods o f ing quotations: Tueeday on business. Best steers flS.60-14.60; good to work the drudgery o f housework is Rev. Thomas Barklow has bought choica steers $11.76-12.76; medium to eliminated. the Cabinet Shop. A little later he good steers $10.76-11.76; fair to good I f you expect to build, rebuild or expect» to build and run a manufac give your house a thorough going ovar steers $9.60-10.76; common to fair turing plant. ■tears $8.60-9.60; choice cows and this spring make your plans on paper Luka Shook, o f Gravel Ford, ha« before you start. A little fore thought heifers $10.60-12.00; good to choice returned to hi* home from Dr. cows and heifers $8.76-9.76; medium r.._y save a great deal o f after Clarke’s Sanitarium, where he has to good cows and heifers $7.76-8.76; thought. been fo r a week having his wrist tak fa ir to medium cows and heifers $6.- The efficient arrangement o f U t- en e y e of. Mr. Shook tried to cut 00-7.00; canners $3.60-6.00; buns off hie wrist with an » » c. ens is a subject open for study and $6.00-10.00; calves $9.60-14.00; Stock experiment. Why not you be the first W. Lee Ray and son returned home ers and feeders, $7.00-10.00. one in your community to have im Tueeday from Central Oregon where Hog receipts over Sunday total proved methods for housekeeping with Jfiey have been looking at their place. 2600 head. The market shows a ten little expense. Henry Pullen and son, o f Bandon. dency o f being a little higher than Study your own kitchen as to its have been visltiny here since Monday last week. Quotations follow. and expect to leave fo r California arrangement. How fa r is your wore Prime mixed $17.60-17.76, medium table from the sink and stove. Can Wednesday. Mr. Pullen is ■ brother mixed $17.26-17.60; rough heavlea o f Mrs. D m Barklow. you arrange nge t the equipment to save nnA S u n . .„H , • time and Step steps and protect y o u r , 16-80- ^ 18 6° : ter* $16.00-16.00; bulk] Mrs. ICarke has resumed teaching her.lth at Broadbent with all her form er pu- Sheep receipt» over Sunday 4860 A re the working surfaces such as pila and several new ones. She made ¡head. Market remains steady at fo l sink, table and counters a proper her first trip last Wednesday. lowing quotation»: 3 height fo r you? Do you have ade Grandma Withey is quite poorly. Prme iambs $16.00-16.00; fa ir to quate cupboard space? Is there Her daughter, Mrs. Schneider and medium lambs $13.00-14.00; yearlings much waste space in your cupboard by granddaughter, Mrs. L illy $10.00-11.00; wethers $9.00-10.00; having shelves placed too fa r apart? from Coeur de Alnee are here. ewes, $6.60-9.00. Do you have a place fo r everything Mrs. Adell Herriott returned fi and everything in its place? Do you Powers Friday where ahe spent i Call on^us fo r stationery. have a cupboard for storing cleaning aval days attending to business. equipment? Do you have a Well ven Mrs. Arthur Arneson and two Ht- •10# Reward, $10# tilated place to store cooked foods? tla daughttera, o f Powers, are visit I k e readers of this paper wm I Do you w$ste time wiping dishes at ■tossed to lo v a that there la at Isa ing bar parent» at this place this do you let n draining rack and plenty oa » dreaded dleeeee that scianca tu tesa able to core la aU Ha states and o f hot water do the work? « thet Is catarrh. Catarrh bains svestir Bad Taste is Your Masth When you have a bad taste In year mouth you may know that your di- is faulty. A dose o f Chain- gestion it berlain’s Tablets will usually correct the disorder. They also enuae a gen tle movement o f the bowels. Ton will find this to be one o f the best medacinss you have ever bsco t s ac quainted with. McKiniey Note*. Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatmoat. Halt's Catarrh Medicine Is takas Internally and tltru the Blood oa the Mucous Spr- McKinley welcomed home another • of the System thereby deetroRnt foundation of the disease, alvina the soldier boy. Lyman King era» hon patient « r e n t t h b y bui Id Ina up the eon- stftatloaaad assist b it nature la dolat Its orably discharged from Camp Lewis work. Tha proprietors have so much and reached home last Wednesday. i? V ''.0,1,,lT* powers of Hali l Mrs. Frye, from Portland, is here Çhtarrh Mediano that they offer One S visiting her daughter, Mrs. Glenn. Mrs. N ellie Brown returned home Monday after e week's visit with L. ur seed and be ready. Spring worh w'^ come RUSH this year. BE PREPARED. Seed Potatoes Onion Sets We have some very fan cy stock. Order now, Best Quality Price Right White Seed Oats, Seed Barley, Vetch Grass Seeds, Clover Seeds, Giant Inter mediate Beet Seed, Danver’sHalf Long Carrots. \ Early Peas String Beam Golden Bantam, Early Minnesota, and Stowell’s • Evergreen Sweet Com Minnesota 13—White and Yellow—Dent Com California Alfalfa Hay coming first of next week. Leave your orders for deliv ery on arrival and save handling expense The Busy Corner 2 Phone*— 691 United Stale* Food Administration— License Ro. G 46545 E. Brown’s at Marshfield. Mrs. W. H. Bunch fell striking her side on the corner o f a box that waa setting on tha back porch. She la not improving much at present writ- in f. It is feared several riba were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mast spent Sat urday and Sunday with home fotka her at McKinlsy. Mason W ilcox was on the sick list the first o f the week but is much bet ter again. Claude Randleman and fam ily le ft Monday for Marshfield where he has the position o f cheesemaker at Bes- sey’s Creamery up Coot River. Arthur Brown’s fam ily spent Sun day at George Glenn’s. Mr. and' Mrs. L A. Lawhorne a n expecting their-Son, Hugh, and w ife home fo r a v i A soon. It has been number o f years since Hugh has visited his parents. Mrs. Wilcox had business in Co quille Monday and Tuesday. The Industrial club organiser at McKinley Monday and called a meeting o f the parents and children the same evening There is talk again o f our postpon- ed pie social coming off in the n ew future. Mrs. A. L. Brown and son, visited at the Glenn’s Sunday after noon. W orld’s Work fo r March, M. Tancrode Martel o f France in his book, “ What will be the End o f William I I and his Accomplishes,” has made a list o f 673 top notch German», who were in famous fo r crime in the war. The W orld’s Work gives tha names at sixteen at these beasts, commencing with Von Hindenburg. Bill HohenxoUem, alias Billie 2, you put yourself and Germany in “ tha sun” fo r nil generations, the an light o f hell. R. A . Easton. Send tha Sentinel to < T The Celebrated Batter Wrappers sad 8igna at tha Sentlaal office. Trespass : $ i.6 5 • • • • • • • • • • By special arrangement we can now offer yon a One T ear Snhaription . O q aille V alley Sentinel Coquille, Oregon a n d * " One V eer Subscription to T O T O REG O N F A R M E R fo r only $ 1.46 A Bergmann Shoe A A This Special Price fo r both pe- p m is good only fo r a short time Awarded Gold Medal A P. P. L E. San Francisco, 1915 A -------------------------------------------- Tha strongest and nearest waterproof Cruisers, A A A A A USE T H IS O R D E R R ^ A N K Coquille V alley Sentinel Coquille, Oregon Enclosed find $1.66 fo r which send a u CoquMe Valley Sea Unci ■ad T O T OREGON F A R M E R fo r O i * Y a w each. AAAAAAAAAA East Fork Item*. County Commissioners Philip Yoakam and County Roadmaster Sawyer .were up at Two-mile bridge above Brewster Valley Monday to make an estimate on the cost o f a new bridge at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Dollwhide, o f Dia mond, Malheur county temporarily lo cated, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Esra Watson fo r a fe w days. Mrs. Pollsrhide add Mrs. Watson are sis ters. They returned to Bandon Tuea- day. Blue sky, fleecy cloud» sunshine made Sunday a beautiful spring day. The patriotism o f tha rocaflsn is great dopa; to a man up a tree ft looks’ and smells like a “ made in Ger many” brand. There are going to be great developments at $26 plus $10 plus eats, riding and sleeping ex penses, all in one day o f 24 hoars. I f were Mr. Ferguson or Mr. Hodge I would never go into the cow dairy business. I would keep on milking goats. „ According to M article la the fan m rortoallu tmttrà te tljrir nrm quartrra in Cairi *. ®ppuattr ttfr JoBtnffirc id we are ready to take your ordert n«w shipment of Minerva Yarm