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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
ooQoinujc, EVERYBODY IS MW FIGURING ; INCOME TAX hi 3;-der to Bo Helpful to Internal Revenue Bureau H at Every Available Officer in Field. THIS TH IS HOW TO FI6UREJNG0ME TAX Squarely Up to Evory Individual to 6ot Buoy by March 15 or Suffor Penalty. V D un't watt oergon . AT. T. »18. ABOUT LEAGUE OF NATIONS Some Things President Wilson Said in His Great Speech at New York Tuesday ; Evening of This Week. "I want to a ttar this it became necessary, would go any March 15th. for paying your la coma Tax and making your return. Avoid lag, not in tha way of a threat; tha where where the rights of the last minute rush. Any person forces of the world do not threaten, ware three toned. •sure out hla liability today aa wail aa they operate. The great tides of the “They would not sit still in the ha can next weak, and If them la any world do not give notice th a t they tranches. They would not be restrain point on which ha needs advice ha can S E V E R E P E N A L T IE S IF YOU now gat In touch with a Ravenna man.' are going to rise and ran; they rise sd by the prudence of experienced D E L A Y B EY O N D MARCH 16 This word of advice to being given in their majesty ana ovarwalming commanders. They thought they had ant by the Internal Revenue men who might, and those who stand in tha come over there to do a particular am collecting the Income Tax In t way are overwhelmed. thing, and they were going to do it With the due date tor only ■ few weeks «way, the collection stats. Every aid sad assistance Now tha heart of the world ia and do it a t once. And just aa soon •f this far-reaeblag tax on 1918 to- being given freely to the public. I awake and tha _ heart of the world as th at rush of spirit, as well as that cornea has started off with a hang. larged field farces am helping the peo must ba satisfied. Do not 1st yourself rash of body, came in contact with ple In every way possible to get their Everybody is figuring income tax. tha lines of the enemy they began to Payments and sworn statements of payments and thslr returns la by suppose for a moment th at tha un easiness in the populations of Europe break, and they continued to break, March fifteenth. Income must roach Internal Revenue Bat the Income Tax man will not to due to economc causes or economic my fellow citixena, not merely because offices on or before March 19, and there are Severe penalties tor delinquency. pull your door-bell or your coat-tails motives; something vary much deeper of the physical fores of those lusty He*!dents of Oregon are required to according to the Collector's announce underlies it all than that. They gee youngsters, but because of the irre make their returns and pay their taxes m ent It to sqaarely up to every Indi th at their governments have never sistible spiritual fores of the armies to Hilton A. Miller, Collector of Inter vidual to figure oat hla own case and been able to defend them against in of the United States. nal Revenue, Portland, Ora., or to any to get. busy if ha comae within U m trigue or aggression and th at there “It was th at th at they fe lt It of bla deputy col lector* who are now scope of the saw Revenue tow. to no force or forasight in that that awad them. I t waa that doing free advisory w ar* o n ' Income Did You Ram This Mttohr modern cabinet to stop that made them feel if these young Tax. Every unmarried person who recelv any And, therefore, they say, Thera sters ever got foothold they could “Pay your Income Tax by March ad Income averaging $19.29 a week 16," la the slogan of the Internal Reve daring 1918 and ovary married Couple must be some fundamental causa for never be dislodged, and that, there nue Bureau, which has sent every who Jointly received Income averaging this.’ And - the fundamental causa fore, every foot of ground th at they available ofltaer into the Held to help $88.80 a weak should sscurs at ones they are beginning to perceive to be won was permanently won for the li the public to underatand the require from the nearest Deputy ‘ Collector or th at nations have stood singly or in berty of mankind. ments and to propers the returns. the nearest bank a blank Form 1040 A. little jealous groups against each “And do you suppose th at having That farm contains the Information be Who Must Make Return, other, fostering prejudices, increasing fait that erusading spirit of these ' It Is estimated that many taonaands will need to enable him to figure his the danger of war mors than the con youngsters who went over there, nos of single and married persons In this correct not Income and any tax that be certing measures to prevent it; and to glorify America but to serve their section of the United States who have owns the Government The law requires that ovary unmar- if there to right in the world, if there fallow man, I am going to permit my never before made manual returns are raon who had a oat Income of justice in the world, there to no self for one moment to slacken in required to do so this yaar. Income tax returns must ba mads (L000 or aver sod every married t why nations should bo divided my effort to be worthy of thorn and son whose net Income was 82,008 or between now and March IS by persons in support of justice. of their causa? What I said a t the (Including the Income of husband who coate under the following clnaatfl- “They ore, therefore, saying if you opening, I said with deeper meaning or w lfs and tbs earnings of minor cations: perhaps than you caught; I do mean Any unmarried person whoee IMS children. If any) most a s k s a return really believe that there to such net income was $1,000 or over. Wld- on or before March 19th. And this re right, if you really believe that wars not to come back until it’s over, ‘over ews and widowers, divorcees and mar quirement dona not hinge on whether ought to ba stopped, stop thinking there,’ and it must not As over until about tha rival internets of nations the nations of the world m e assured ried persona who are living apart from the psraoa owes a tax. their huabends or wives, are for the Taxable Im and think about man and woman and of ¿he permanency of peace. purposes of the Income Tax classed Individual mast Include under children throughout the world. Na Men, who, when I first want over as unmarried. Income all gains profits and In tions are not mads to afford distinc there, were skeptical of tha possibil Any married person living with wife come derived from salaries wages er ity of forming a League of Nations, or husband whoa# 1918 net Income was compensation far personal service of tion for thslr rulers ny way of (2,000 or over. Tbs Income of both •r kind and In whatever form cess in the maneuvers of polities; na had admitted that if wa could but husband and wife must ba const dared, paid, or from professions vocations tions are meant, if they are meant for form it, it weald be aa Invaluable in together with the earnings of business salsa er dealings in property anything, to make tha man and wo strumentality through \\Jiich to seeuro children, If any. of all kinds, Interest, rent, dividends man and children in them secure and the operation of the various parts of or profits derived from any source happy and prosperous, and no nation the.treaty and When that treaty comes Revenue Bureau Off am Aid. whatever. Very few Items of Income hSa tha right to set up its special in back, gentlemen on this side will find Bach person In the United who ie In either of those classifications am exempt Deductions Include ordinary and nec terests against the interests and bene the coveaant not only in it, but so must gat busy a t ones If penalties arm essary business expensea^lnterest paid fits of mankind, least of all, this great many threads of the treaty tied to to be avoided. He should sscurs a the covenant that you cannot dissect blank form 1040 A for reporting net # r accrued on Indebtedness taxes al nation which we love. " I t was sat np for the benefit of the covenant“'from tha treaty without income up to $8,000; or Form 1040 If all kinds except Federal Income and his net Income exceeded that amount. axeaqa profits taxes and assessments mankind; it was sat up to illustrate destroying the whole vital structure. Forms are being distributed by Collec for local benefits toeeee actually tha highest ideals and to achieve the Tha structure of peace will not be tors and thslr Deputise, also by banka. talned, debts ascertained to be worth highest aspirations of men who want- vital without the 'League of Nationa By following tbs instructions on the less knd depreciation on buildings i ad to ba free; and the world—ttte and so man to going to bring back a forma a correct return can ba pr epa red chiaery, fixtures etc., used In busin world of today betiovee th at and counts cadaver with him. -A Berth er deduction hr alldwed for con at home. If a person deads adflrir dr “I must say th at I have been pus- aid, the Deputy Collectors In the field tributions to corporations operated for on us, and would bo thrown back into religious charitabls scientific or eda- the blackness of despair if we de- lied by some of the criticisms. Not will furnish this without charge. it. The new Revenue law places the In catlonal purposes or for the prevention by the critisms themselves. I can come Tax duty on cttlssna and resi of cruelty to children or animals to sa I have tried once and agan, my understand them perfectly, even when dents. Tbs Internal Revenue Bureau amount not exceeding 18 per cent of fallow citizens, to aay to little circles there was no foundaton them. But tbs taxpayer's net Income as computed la sending Its men to work right with the public to get the tax and the re without the benefit of the contribution of friends, or to larger bodies, what ty the fact of the criticism. I cannot to bo tha real hopes of the peo imagine how these gentlemen can live turns In. With active co-operation, deduction. The taxpayer to not allowed to de ples of Europe, and I toll you frankly and not liva in the atmosphere of the every tax due March 18 will be paid and every return required by law will duct any personal, living or family ex- have not boon able to do so because, world. penes any amount spent for Improving ha la the Ravenna offices on time. “I cannot imagino how they can live property, or any expense of restoring when the thought tries to crowd it Exemptions Allowed. . property or making good Ita exhaus self into speech the profound emotion and not be in contact with the events A single person Is allowed a personal tion for which an allowance to claimed of the thing to too much; speech will of their times, and I particularly can exemption of $1,000. If he Is support under depreciation. not carry. not imagne how they can be Ameri ing In hla household relatives who am I have fait tha tragedy of tha hope cans, and set up a doctrine of careful Figuring the T ax dependent upon him, he may claim the Before figuring the normal tax the of those suffering peoples. It to trag selfishness, throughout to the last de status of the head of a family who has dividends am deducted as credits from edy because it to a hops th at cannot tail. I Bkve heard no counsol of gen the same exemption as If married. I have A married person, who lives with net Income, together with the personal bo realised in ita perfection and yet I erosity in their criticism. wife or husband, la allowed a personal exemption. As la previous yearn, divi have fait, bee idea its tragedy. Its com heard no constructive suggestion, exemption of $2,000. The head of a dends of domestic corporations am ex pulsion upon ovary living man to on have heard nothng except, ‘Will it not family la aatitled to claim a similar empt from normal tax when received «raise every influence he has to the ut be dangerous to us to help tha world?’ by the stockholder. personal exemption. The normal tax rates for citizens most to see that aa little aa possible It would be fatal to us not to help i t Aa additional exemption qf $200 Is allowed for each person under eighteen and residents am ns follows: On the of th at hops to disappointed, bocauss From being what I will venture to or Incapable of self support, who was first $4,000 of act Income In excess of if men cannot now, after the agony of call tha most famous and the most dependent upon and received hla chief the credits the rate to 8 per cent; on blood and sweat, coma to their fnli powerful nation in tbs world, any further taxable Income the rate to support from the taxpayer. self possession and sea how to regu would of a sodden have become the A husband and wife living together 12 per cant late the affairs of the world, ws win most contemptible. So I did not need The surtax rates apply to net in are entitled to but one personal ex emption of $2,000. If they make sep come of each Individual In excess of sink back into a period of struggle in to be told, as I have been told, that arate returns, the exemption may ba 10,000. Hi# personal exemption and which there will be no "hops, and the people of the United States would the dividends am not deductible before therefore, no mercy. l support this covenant I am an claimed by either or divided. computing surtax In the case of re “There can b# no mercy where there American, and I knew they would. Aocuraey Required. • turns by husbend and wlfs, tbs nat Absoluts accuracy Is necceaary In Income of each* to considered separate is no hops, for why should you spars What a avast revenge it to upon the making up Income figures. Any per ly la computing any surtax that may another if you yourself expect to per old world. They laughed a t us ones; son who Is wdKlng for wages should he due. Form 1040 should be used for ish. Why should you ba pitiful if you they thought wa did not moan our And out exactly how much ha received making returns of net Income exceed can get no pity? Why should you be professions of principle. during the whole year 101R Fees, ing $9,000, aad tbs Instructions on that “They thought so until 1917. It bank Interest, bond Interest, dividends form will show how to figure the sur , ust if, upon every hand, you are put upon, waa hardly credible to them th at we rents received, and all other Items ta x ‘There to another thing whiih I would do more than sand men over must be reported correctly. Mem Business House Returns, guesses am not accepted, for they am Employers and others who paid think the critics of the covenant have and go through the forms of helping, unjust allka to the taxpayer sad the wages, salaries, rents. Interest or sim not observed. They not only have not and when they saw multitudes hasten Government, and defeat the proper ad ilar determinable galas In an amount observed the temper of the world, but ing across the saas, and saw what ministration Af the law. of $1,000 or over daring 1918 to any they have not observed the temper of thea multitudes were eager to do when parson must fils an Information return those splendid boys in khaki that titay they got to the other side, they stood with tbs Government Blanks may ba sent across tha aOaa. I hnva had J n e amazed and said, T he thing to real. * secured from the Collector. * INCOME TAX IB Every partnership must file a return proud consciousness of tha refietted This nation to tha friend of mankind TRULY POPULAR. * showing Ita Income and deductions sad glory of those boys, bacauao tha con as it said it waa.’ m ■ mmmm “The enthusiasm, tha hope, the * # the name aad address of each partner, stitution made me their command ar “The payment of Income taxes * with his share of the profits or losses ts-chief and they have taught me trust, the confluence tn the future * takes on a saw significance daring the past year. Personal service some lessons. bred by that change of view is indes * which should be understood by corporations will fils similar laferma- cribable. “When we went into tha war wa * evory cttlssa. The taxation sys tloa for 1818 T a k e an individual American aad went into it on the basis of declara * tem of this country Is truly pop you may often find him selfish aad tions which it was my privilege to ut ular, of tbs people, by the peo * * ple and for tbs people. Every ter, because I believed them to be an confined to his «pedal interests; but * citizen la llaMo to tax, and the interpretation af the purpose and taka the A aerean in tha mass and he * INCOME TAX FAY# * amount of the tax Is gradaatad willing to die for an ides. The * FO R‘PUBLIC BENEFITS. thought of the people of the United * according to the success and for sweet revenge, therefore, to this, that States. * tune attained by each Individual * ''Viewed la Its largest aad “And these boys went over there wa believed in righteousness and new * la availing himself of the oppor * truest sense, the payment of tunities created and preserved * with the fading th at they were sa we are ready to make the supreme A taxes to payment fur benefits * by our free Institutions Tbs credly bound to the realisation of sacrifice for it—tha supreme sacrifice * recslvsd or expected. Only from * method and degree of tbs tax la A a narrow and essentially selfish those ideals; that they were net only of throwing in our fortunes with the * determined by ne favored d e s s A and shortsighted viewpoint can going, over there to beat Germany, fortunes of men every where. * but by the representatives of the A tbs Individual propose to hlm- A j they wore not going over there merely Try Thin for 8m * people. Tbs proceeds of the tax A self the evasion of tax liability * should be regarded aa a national Eat slowly, masticato your food A as a desirable course of action.** _ with resentment in their hearts 0 against a particular outlaw nation, thoroughly. E at but Httle moat and * investment"—Daniel C. Roper, A —Daniel G. non« at all for supper. If you aro * Comm!as!osar a £ Internal A but that they wars creasing A er of with sour stomach taka * A 000 miles of saa in order to show to stili j a troubled A ‘ t Chambarlain’i Tablet« bado«« * Europe that tha Untied going to bed. ,t°r FA6 1 SEVBN Farmers Attention We are agents for tha ^ AVÉRY FARM TRACTOR in 5 sizes. The 5-10 horsepower is large enough for the average farm, and ia equal to 3 1600-lb. horses s t $675.00. It weighs 2600 lbs. See us for price and terms. We also handle the HEIDER FARM TRACTOR, 9-1« hp. for Coos & Curry Counties. We also are general agents for the EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE which has created some stir with DAIRYMEN. We have 15 machines in stock. Are you one to get one? We install and operate free of charge. Can make terms to meet all conditions. We are headquarters for GASOLINE DRAG SAWS with or without clutch. Have some used ones at a bargain. Get Busy. Write us s t once for price and terms. Will call, no obligation. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND MARSHFIELD, OREGON. PHONE 77 PROMINENT WELSH TENOR COMING 8 tm Lew ie O n « of Country’ o Best Ballad Singer« * Sam ijewla, the well known Welsh tenor, to «bon to be heard her# tn Lyceum. He to appearing at the head of hi* own concert organisation thto season and has an exceptionally talented company of assisting artists. Mr., Lewis first gained distinction and fame through his ability as a ballad singer, but he t o now as wall known for kls work in the operatic field. He has one of the best tanor voices of the youpger generation of slngera, of splendid volume nnd glorious In Its deep, rich tones. Miss Ruth Lavery, the Chicago violinist. Miss Irene Harruf, accompanist and soprano soloist, and Miss Amber Hopkins, reader, comprise the balance of this splendid company. Their concert will be one of tho musical ¿vent* of ths season. ' ' ■ A SEND THE SENTINEL TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST T ♦ ITS WEEKLY VISITS ARE BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY ♦ > M ■ f SH O V THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. THEY WILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE - PAPER THAT “ * • •" IT IS IS DIFFERENT. V l" * <$> ADDRESS V *. A THE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, ORE. -------------