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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
PAG E SIX Mutimi Full Tust of U m Statute ’fur thu of thu Southern A B IL L To accept from the Company, a corporation under the laws o f the State «< f t » gon, a reconveyance o f tha lands granted to the State o f Oregon by the A ct approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-ulna, entitled “ A n A ct granting lands to tha 8tate o f Oregon to aid in tha construction o f n m ilitary wagon road from the navigable waters o f Coos Bay to Boooburg, in State,” commonly known ns* the Coos Bay W agon Bond fro n t, to provide fo r the disposition o f anid lands, and fo r other purposes. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Sonata and House o f Representative« ' o f the United States o f Am erica In Congress assembled, That upon the execution and delivery by the South ern Oregon Company, a corporation organised under the laws o f the State o f Oregon, o f n deed satisfactory to the A ttorney General o f the United States, roeonveying to the Uhited States a ll the right, title, and inter ests o f the said Southern Oregon Company in and to tha lands situated in tha counties o f Coos and Douglas, in the State o f Oregon, and within tha lim its o f the grant by tha United States to the State o f Oregon by tha A'ct o f March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, titled "A n A ct grsn tfflft lands to the State o f Oregon to aid in the con ■traction o f a m ilitary wagon road from the navigable w aters o f Cooe Bay to Roseburg, in said State,” com monly known as tbs Coos Bay W agon Road grant, and now involved in liti gation pending in the Supreme Court o f the United States under tha style and title “ The Southern Oregon Com pany against Tha United States,” tha skid lands shall again become a part o f the public domain, and tha United States shall pay to tha Southern Ore gon Company the sum o f $282,458.07 The execution and d elivery o f the aforesaid dead within th irty days from and a fter tha approval o f this A ct shall constitute the acceptance o f this A ct by the said Southern Oregon Company; end upon the approval o f such deed by the A ttorney General o f the United State« the aforesaid suit shall ba dismissed and a ll m atters o f difference, controversy, and litigation between the United States and tha ■aid Southern Oregon Company aris in g out o f aaid and grant shall ba .deemed fu lly settled, adjusted, and term inated: Provided, That nothing heroin shall ba construed to prevent the United Staten from Instituting and m aintaining such suits or actions as may ba necessary to recover the value o f tim ber or other m ateriel heretofore cut or removed from aay o f said lands without the consent o f tbs Southern Oregon Company. ID COQUILLE TALLEY 4. T h at the title te a ll and e f said lands to agm it the final 4 new pending In tha Court, aa a for esaid, is herd _ in the United States, and tha United fc subrogated $s r t tha rights o f the oblig e e « or ob- o f H arry B. under sa y contract fo r Em purchase o f Two New Ideas Which Won Millions o f Friends In the phenegrsphir art. m, and righ tly that Tha have te bring 4M overwhelm ing bette rments In The Pibneer of fo r months ho was in training at Van couver, expecting to go overseas, when the arm istice was signad. The recai lers propose to wade into County Judge Watson. T a ylor De ment and Brmnstotter sw inging their club« have picked the man to do the wading and now it la up to the Gor man general o f the hosts o f recallera, to the tune o f Kern and W ade or Wade and Kern to drown Watson. Vern Bennett moved household goods fo r R oily A lfo rd from McCar thy’s camp to Brewster V alley last weak Friday. Monday Em river was the highest at Mountain Glade that it has been this winter, and yet there was no wa ter from tho river in the gardep. The river flooded part o f Brewster Valley. K. E. M ercy has been under the weather fo r a weak or m ore with a cold. F e tb * ,” said Em small boy,’•‘what 1« an anarchist 7” "A n anarchist, my *> ft * socialist who has gone from id to worse.” — W ashington Star. The Star man handed out a chunk o f truth to tho socialists which they should appreciate aa a life-sised ph-rf-r o f themselves. B ill Hohensollerm, B illie t and U s follow ers preached socialism and practised an archy. The Y. M. C. A. oewma gava K- intana, an Of the m ajar instruatenta tha Brunswick was Em first te play a ll nearda with fa itk fn l regard fa r d iffers** «M ate. This featu re alone created Emaaaada Of edadron it meant that a Brunswick owner canM bay and play aay i whatever seeks. Stame different aukea affar differen t artists, and aa ana ■.«h e afferà them all. mimic Invars saw in The opportunity te select their ew a library Uf Th e eEmr outstanding Brunswick betterm ent was In tene B y a more seien t ile am plification o f tene waves. Tha Brmmwfafc Method ateo incladee The BrunewIck Am pl •er, aa all-wsad ■tetand chamber built with sclent ifie regard • Ne metal la usai bacanas it mi* a sanad far scaaaEt lawn. beami boar ‘ Before you firn Urn which phonograph far year 1 Neta the Ulto**. <[tempero Ita tene. The Brunswick. Urn Cequilio Ftrattare Company will gladly neEat yen la The Coquille Furniture Company s e lf a black eye, in its canteen busi ness. Viva, viva the Red Cross and the 3alvation Arm y. W ill tha editor o f the Sentinel please te ll the per cent o f the money raised, that each outfit in the war service combination g o tt ' It does not make any difference what tha cootie politicians in Con gress or out think about it. As the score stands now tho three great pres idents e f the United States are Wash ington, Lincoln, W ilson. The other day I heard a man give w hat I suppose ha thought was a les son tat geography. I t was on tha lo cation o f Now Jerusalem. A s I un derstood his words he said Mount Olivas would he sp lit and the city would ligh t between the horns o f the s p lit Groat dope th a t I f tha people o f Jerusalem do not tear down that blotch on the land scape that B ill Hohensollern. aliai B illie 2, built on Mount O live, it w ill bo a good thing to have an earth quake, a volcano, or a "s p lit” knock out that German desecration. It strikes me that Em N ew Jeru- Sec. 2. That the taxes accrued, and now delinquent on the aaid lands on tho date o f the del:very o f the deed provided fo r in tke preceding section slia.ll be paid by tho Treasurer o f the United States upon the order'' o f the Secretary o f the In terior ae soon as may be after this A ct be comes effective, • and a sum cufflcient to make such payment and also to provide fo r the payment o f tho said sum o f $232,468.07, as provided fo r <n section one o f this Act, is hereby ap propriated out o f any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Section 8. That the acid lards shall be classified and disposed o f in the manner provided by the A c t o f June ninth, nine ten hundred and sixteen (Thirty-ninth Statotas at Large, page two hundred and eigh teen ), fo r tne classification and disposition o f the Oregon and California railroad grant lands; Provided, That sucli persons who, being citisesia o f the United States, have continuously leased from the said Southern Oregon Company fo r a period o f not lees than ten years, or who under lease from said company have cultivated and placed valuable improvements upon any o f said lands classified as agricultural, not exceed ing one hundred and sixty acres to each person, shall be allowed a p ref erence righ t o f six months in which to purchase such lands from tho United States by paying therefor the sum o f 82.60 per acre and reim bursing tha United States fo r the taxes paid on such land: Provided further. That where any such leased lands hero bean resided upon, to tha same extnt and in the same manner aa la requir e d under the homestead laws, since the first day o f December, nineteen hundred and thirteen, by any person . duly qualified to enter such lands and devoted some portion thereof to a g ri cultural use, and who shall have maintained his residence to the date o f his application, tha claim o f aoch settler and resident shall ba superior te that o f tha leases, and ha shall ba allowed Em pr o f erne« right sf entry te all who Two Fimou Ideas Tho g n a t expects tien was the provision« o f this A ct sholl bo do- pool tad in tha Treasury o f tha United States in a sapors to fund to ba dasig- anted "Th a Coos Bay W agon Road gia n t fund,” which fund shall ba dis posed o f in tha follow in g manner: A separate account shall ba kept in tha General Land O Ses o f tha solas o f ■aid lands and tim ber w ithineaph o f tha tw o coon ties o f Coos and Douglas, and a fter tha proceeds from sueh ■alas amount to a sum equal to that applied to pay tha accrued taxes in that county and a sum equal to $2.50 par acre fo r aaeh aero o f such land therein title to which is revested in the United States pursuant to the provisions o f this A ct, tw en ty-fve par centum o f a ll other money* received from said lands shall ba paid to tha treasurer o f the county in which the lands sold are situated fo r common schools, roads, highways, bridges, and port districts, to ba apportioned by the county courts fo r the several pur poses above mentioned;' and the re mainder shall became a part o f the general fund in the Treasury o f the United States. The payments herein authorized shall be made by tha Treasurer o f the United States upon ¿he order o f the Secretary o f the In terior, as the fund accumulate« in the Treasury: Provided, That naao ad tha payments to the countiea pro vided fo r in this section shall be made until tha Treasury has bean reimburs ed in the amount paid to the South ern Oregon and also fo r a ll .taxes paid pursuant to the provlsons o f sec tion tw o o f this A c t Sec. 6. That the Secretary o f the Interior is hereby authorised to per- ■day U rn Esmmwteh M ethed e f Bap trim aph. It sanana perfected reps H. And the news la anraading fa st, that are inefacable; that in the wild and bleak and cold Dr. Grenfell and men o f his kind are extended the streets o f the C ity further and fu r ther into the frosen wilderness; that when the Titanic went down men and women strove to save others, not them selves, by g ivin g their places In the life boat* to those who were more weak and halpiass and marked the streets o f the C ity upon the deep. That in tha past fou r years and mold o f fire and blood and battle, tha ex tension o f tho “ C ity” has been going on, man and women counting their lives not dear aa they fought, toiled and gave. That Em maps and plans o f Em Peace Conference at Parts era voices extending the boundaries o f tho dominion o f the Prince o f Peace. W her- er men and woman toil, whether la city or country, whether on the p i« !« « or in the mountains, whether in torrid • t or frig id cold, whether on land or on sea, whether in w ar or in pears, whether man work* to beat back the wilderness and Em Jungle o f man’s inhumanity to man,” there Is being builded In Em hearts and souls o f men f t * “ N «w Jerusalem, a city without fhundaEan whose builder and is God.” M cK inley N o t « . A t our Rsd Cross moati ng thu week wo finished up a ll our work. W o decided not to order any m ore m ater ial until a fte r the P ie Social, which w ill come o ff in the near future. As wa are behind some on funds we do not wish to get in debt any more, W a voted to allow a ll tha old officers to hold over another year as they all had given satisfaction. ■ Mrs. A lv a Brown want to Marsh field Tuesday fo r a week’s visit with relatives. Mabel W ilcox is visitin g in Brew ster fa r a few days. L ittle Bobbie Brown, who has been very sick, is im proving rapidly. Mrs. L. A . Lawhorn wont te Co- quille Tuesday fo r a visit w ith Grand ma Lenave, who la quite poorly this winter. Mrs. W ilcox is our now postmis tress this week while Mrs. Brown is In Marshfield. N ow te Em tim e to buy stamps fo r w e think Mrs. WUeox w ill g iv e a M g reduction. Mrs. Elm er K in g had Em m isfor tune to drop a stick o f wood on I foot and aha now walks with a limp. Mrs. W lleox received a letter E week from Grant, who states he a in n submarine collision. Hte sub rammed the other one, knocking good-aixed bote in it, w hile tho only ill effects hte boat crew experienced is a good shaking up. Mrs. Holm strin te on Em sick list this week. W ord was received from Katharine Brown nt Monmouth that aha h been very sick. A t first Em doctor thought H was the "flu ” but it later developed into nothing nut n bad at tack o f throat trouble. Mrs. Hansen te On the sick li again this weak. Graoa Sumerlin returned • to h home a t Las a fte r a wash’s visit with t slater, Mrs. Gordon Shepherd. H erbert F ry e returned to Coquille. Ho has been helping the A seen crow take the logs from . Arthur Brown’s field where they floated in during the last high water. Richard M cCarthy had buainaaa M arshfield this weak. Mrs. Geo. Glenn visited a t Arthur Brown’s Tuesday. Glenn W atson te helping M as W ilcox g et hte spring work started. He aay* ha believes in startin g aariy to “ avoid the rash.” Eastern Coast Hogs Shipping Tha Robert D ollar Seat o f m arohaal •hipa, long operated from the Pacific coast in tha foreign trade, is about to bofaanaforrod to N ew York, to go in to sorvice bat yean that port and tha O rien t according to late announco- ment by the owner. Captain D ollar says ha baa been compelled to take the step on account o f the high freig h t rate across the continent Freights are taken to the A tlan tic seaboard from as fa r w est as Omaha m ore cheaply than they are carried to Pacific porta. The D ollar vessels w in ba put in service between North A tlan tic ports and Japan and China by w ay e f the Panama canal. In hew fa r the iafin- ence that drives tha D ollar Una to tin A tlan tic trad# is to a ffect other Pa cific-O riental lines is not known. Th at tha long tim e congestion e f tra fik at Puget Sound porta would have a Uka effect in d rivin g O riental business to tha A tlan tic seaboard and theses by steamer through the Panama « was recently announced. R- A . Easton. Call an vs far ■ T Û T '* * “ “ i • * 245 . $ will buy the best residence lot in Coquille this week. Smooth and level. Just west of the City High SchooL This lot is worth $500; adjoining lots have sold for that price, and it will be good for that again before many years. Sewer taxes all paid and street improvement taxes to date. This is the greatest bargain ever offered in Coquille city prop erty. For further information call at SENTINEL OFFICE Thk is the only time this lot will be effered at that price