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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
The fo llo w ia c ia the order recently iaaued by Judge John S. Coke ia the Circuit Court here in the m atter o f U m Final H earings on FetM one fo r N aturalization : It appearing to the Court from pre- vioua exam inations o f petitions fo r N aturalization that oftentim aa the pm titionara a re unfam iliar w ith tfc* E ng- liah language and the principles o f our Government, and w ith the Consti tution o f the United States and tha Constitution and general laws o f the Stale o f Oregon, and th eir duties and responsibilities aa citizens: And it fu rther appearing to the Court that it is necessary M e r e an applicant fo r citizenship can be m id to be w ell disposed towards our Gov ernment and attached to the prin ciples o f the Constitution o f the U nit- ad States that he should bo reasonably fam iliar w ith The eeaoncp o f A m eri canism and what it stands fo r ; > And it fu rth er appearing to the Court that the Congress o f the United States on M ay 9, 1918, provided fo r the publication by th e Bureau o f N a turalisation, Departm ent o f Labor, o f a citizenship T ex t Book to bo dis tributed free by such Bureau to a ll candidates fo r citizenship who arc in attendance upon the public schools and that such T ex t Book has boon duly compiled and published and ia now available fo r distribution and L omb Son in World War Chin W ing, chines« head cook at the Prosper m ill mess house received word some tim e ago from the W ar Department that his eon had been “ killed in action " during the closing days o f the war. W ing told his sad story to a Bandon man the o th a day. The son was 30 years o f age, A m eri can born and proud o f i t H e entered the service from Pocatello, Idaho, where he had been employed. , W ing had also been Inform ed by the W ar Departm ent that U s eon had taken out a $10,000 insurance policy. The aged chinaman doesn’t seem to have a clear understanding as to the beneficiary and can hardly believe that he w ill o v a receive th at amount o f money.— Bandon W a ld . . Celebrated War Phraaea In a list o f phrases characterising great wars these m ight be m entioned: T h e Am erican Revolution, “ G ive me liberty or give me d eath ;" the French Revolution, "L ib e rty , equality, fra te r n ity ;” tha W aterloo cam paign, "U p Guards, and a t ’e m ;" the Mexican W ar, “ A little m ore grape. Captain B ra g g ;" tha Am erican C ivil W ar, “ Unconditional s u rr«n «la ; I propose to move im m ediately upon your works; ’ the Spanish-Am erican W ar, “ You m ay fire when ready, G rid le y ;" the recent war, “ They shall not paaa,” or “ L ayfstto, w e’re h ere." ment bonds instead o f in lawsuits.— The righ t is reserved to reject any S t Louis Globe-D em ocrat Germ any thought o f everyth in g in a a ll propoaala or to accept the pro advance except tha ftddter’s fee.— Col posal deemed beet fo r said County. Jamas Watson, umbus Ci tisen. County Judge A rch ie Philip, County Commissioner John Yoskam , County Commissioner County C la k . N O TIC E TO CRED ITO RS dy, and I fo rg o t the ahme I went to several atores and the clerks named a a everyth in g on tlte sh elf except ■Chanteatete1» 7 111 try again, and 111 n e v a go home w ith ote Chamber lain’s Cough Rem edy." The Ram teli- can would suggest to th e propretore o f s to w , that th ey pout their clerks, and n o v a lot them substitute- Cus tomers lose frith in stores where sub stituting is perm itted, to m y nothing o f the Injuatim to maimru o f goad goads and th a disappointm ent o f cus tomers. N otice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed adm initsrators w ith the W ill annexed, e f the estate o f J. L. Roy, deceased, and th at all persona having claims against said estate, are hereby noti fied that they are required to present the tam e, duly verified w ith the vouchers th e r e fa to the undersigned a t the office o f C. R. Barrow, in Co quille, County o f -C o m , and State o f Oregon, within six months from the date o f this notice. D ated this 7th «lay o f February, In the M atter o f the Estate o f J. P . Barkdoll, Deceased. C itation T o Sophia Barkdoll, G eorg« A . Barkdoll, Edward Gilpin. Barkdoll, Benjamin ' F. Barkdoll, James B. Barkdoll, Roaeburg, O regon; John G. Barkdoll, Charles G. Barkdoll, W il liam Barkdoll, Joseph O. BarkdoD, Sarah W egold, O. W arner, W illiam Wanner, Rena Lehman, Anna Thrax- el, Elizabeth A . Barkdoll Hoke, M ood Barkdoll Boyer, Barsbara E. Hoke, EUcn Barkdoll Monahan, E m ily Bark doll Anderson, Sophia Barkdoll, and Lena Barkdoll E llis, Ira F . Barkdoll, Flandereau, South Dakota, and to all other heirs known and unknown, G R E E TIN G : In the N a n * o f the State o f Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the County o f Coos at the Court Room thereof, at Coquile in the County o f Coos on Mon day, the 24th day o f March, 1919, then and there to show espse, First National Bank Coquille, Oregon JUST GAME-ONE BARREL OF DISHES 12 Dozen Special Capa sad Saucers • Dozen Dennis Coffee Cups F sites Floor C overing, p a square y a r d . . . . . . . ........ Copper Wash Boilers, each ........................................... Tin, cop p a bottom. Wash B o ile r s ............. .......... $4.0« L a g * V ariety o f Granite Enamel W are Three 56-Piece Sem i-Porcelain Dinner Set Now R a n g M .................................. $65.00 Wood * C ori Heaters, each ...............................$4.00 Chairs, each ........................... $1.51 Aladdin Chimney 40c. Mantles ................................... N ew O il Lamps from ................ 75< 1 Gas Lamps, com plete, each .1 ...................... 2 O il H angiag Lamps, each .......................................... Lanterns from ................................... 75« Tubs fr U te ........................... ............................. .......$2.0« Wash Boards from ............. . . . f .................................60« Iran B ed stead s.................... ................................... $4.00 Perfection O il H eaters and Cooking S ta s a J. E. QUICK, The Housfefumisher G eorge S. Robison, A rth u r E llington, Adm inistrators o f the E state o f J. L. Roy, D oom ed . 4tfi N O T IC E toootey, O i*g «B , w ill I * reeetesd by th e County C o o t o f m id Cowtey at ite offtea te tha Court House, Co- quRle, O m m «a r il 10:00 A . M „ A p ril Srd, 1919. N o bid w ill be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidder's bond, a certified cheek fg r an amount equal to a t least 5 p a cent, o f the total amount o f the bkL A corporate surety bond w ill be required fo r the fa ith fu l perform ance o f the contract .in a sum equal to or.e-half the (ft a l amount o f the bid. Proposal blanks atod fu ll inform a- tion tor bidders m ay be obtained at the office o f the County C la k o f said County, or at the ofllcs o f the Road- master, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plans and specifications and form s o f contract m ay be seen a t the same place a may be obtained upon the de posit o f 916-00. The righ t is reservod to reject any or a ll propoaala or to accept the pro posal Or proposals deemed best f a said County. C O U N T Y CO U R T OF jrU COOS C O U N TY Jame^ Wataon, County Judge A rch ie Philip, County Commission«» John Yoakam , County Commissioner A ttest: L. W> Oddy, 6t4 County C la k . Coquille, Oregon, February 18, 1919. N O TIC E T O C O N TR AC TO R S H ighw ay Construction, C m Oregon. County, Sealed bids fo r the Macadam ising o f a portion o f Southwest Boulevard in la t Addition te tho C ity o f Marsh field in C o m County, Oregon, urlìi be received by the County Court o f said County a t ita office in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 A . M„ March 9th. 1919. N o bid w ill be considered unless ac companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or certified check f a an amount equal to a t least 5 p er cent o f the total amount o f the bid. A corporate sarete bend w ill be r e t ir e d for the fa ith fu l perform ance e f contract in a sum equal to one- h a lf the total amount o f the bid. Preparai M eeks and fu ll inform a tion tor bidden m ay be obtained at the office e f the County Clerk e f raid pounty, a at the office at te e Roed- m sster, te the Cauri House, Coquille, OP C O M PLE TIO N C O N TR A C T OF N otice is hereby given that A n d a - son-Klockars Company, Contractors, have completed th eir contract f a the construction o f the Isthmus Slough Bridge, in compliance with the Con tract, Plans and Specifications and to the satisfaction o f the Engineer, and that final estim ate w ill be given said contractors and presented to the County Court fo r payment a t the March term o f Court. That the R oed m ssta has filed his certificate o f the completion o f said contract, and any person, firm a corporation having objections to fils to the acceptance o f m id w ork, m ay file the tam e in the office o f the Coun ty C la k o f C o m County, Oregon, within tw o w eek« from the date o f the firs t publication o f this notice, to w it: February 21st, A . D., 1919. L. W . Oddy, County Clerk By M yrtle Knowlton, (S e a l) Deputy. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO U R T O F TH E S T A T E O F OREGON FO R TH E C O U N TY O F COOS Leonora Leap, P la in tiff, W itaeas, ths Hon. James Watson, Judge o f the County Court o f the State o f Oregon fo r the County of Coos with the seal o f said Court a f fixed, this 8th «lay o f January, 1919. A ttest: L. W . Oddy, C la k . By M yrtle Knowltoa, Deputy. 4t5 Professional Cards C. R. BARROW A ttorney end Cotueeter a t Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. H ave moved m y office to old C ity Han near Buay C orn a and C ity W harf. Office hours 8 to 12 A . M. and 1 to 5 P . M. The Unexpected J. A. RICHMOND PH Y 81C IA N and SURGEON. Richmond- B a rk a Building. Coquille, Ora. Phones, Office 626, Ree. 216. Harold T. Leap, D efendant To Harold T. Leap, D efendant In the name e f the State e f Oregon, You ere hereby required to appear and an sw a the Com plaint filed against you in the a b a * entitled suit w ithin ten days from the date o f the service o f this Summons upon you, i f served w ithin this County; or, i f served in any o th a County o f this State, then within tw enty days from the date q f the service o f this Sum mons upon you; ahd i f you fa il so to appear and an sw a, f a want thereof, p lain tiff w ill apply to the court tor the re lie f demanded in the complaint. A succinct statem ent o f said re lie f is Gmt the bends o f m atrim ony exist in g between p lain tiff and defendant be w holly dissolved and that each o f la id parties be divorced therefrom ; and that p lain tiff have the care, cus tody and control o f th eir minor child, Harold James Loop, and tor such other re lie f aa the court m ay deem equitable. The service o f this sum mons is made by publication pursu ant to an order o f Hon. John 8. Coke, Judge o f the C ircuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, tor C o m County, made and entered on the 27th day o f February, 1919. F irst publication being on the 28th day o f February. 1819, and the teat on the l l t e day e f A. B. CAMPBELL, Special Affen t Standard Oil, Coquille, Oregon. A fter an accident is no time to wish you had a TELEPHONE. Telephone Accessibility has saved countless lives—helped thousands in trouble—helped many thousands to success. Install a phone and be a PART of our community. Coquille Service First. Coos & Curry Telephone Company Osteopathic Physician Graduate o f the American School o f Osteopathy o f K irksvilie, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. • Marshfield Oregon DR. C. W. ENDICOTT First N’t ’ l Bank B ’ ld’ g Phone Maie I I , Coquille, Oregon. J. J. STANLEY U W Y« Office ia F irst N ational Bank Building, Coquille, Oregon. THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously sines its establishm ent some fourteen years ago has been your Laundry. Rain a shine, good tim es and bad, it has been on the job. W e have a number o f customer s that have patronised it Continually from the beginning. W e are gra tefu l tor this appreciation o f our service. Our aha ia to im prove the service in every w ay possible. W e wash every thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY A. J. SHERWOOD ATTORN BY AT U W First N ational Bank Building Coquille Orage Does Yonr Subscription Date Need Changing? — — SoriaJ Hall Twteu Saum M A slap that smashed in the walla o f the social hall at the nfar o f the low er deck o f the C ity o f Topeka, was adm inistered by the sea as the vessel, com ing from Portland, crossed in to C o m Bay a t about 8:30 o’clock Tues day m orning, says the C o m Bay Tim es. C hief Steward Chartea Franks waa descending to the deck on which the hall waa located at just the moment thp w ater struck and was hurled against the w all, suffering severe drenching but nothing m ore serious. On ths trip up from San Francis co, the Topeka on m aking the bar to reach Eureka, waa h it by a mountain o f w ater which ripped o ff the w all o f the social ball. One passenger inside was injured and waa rem oved to the h ospital Tem porary repairs were made to the hull. I t was this tem porary w all which waa sm ashed'out at the Bay. Today is cloudy and dreary as I o v a saw i t I haven’t a th in g to do and that’ s the reason w hy I want to N O TIC E TO BID D ERS g et back and got buay. W ell I haven’t mpeh nows, ju st N otice is H ereby Given, that sealed same old game. bids fo r a tw o or three ton capacity, Four W heel Reversible A u to Truck T r a ila , with and w ithout rock bod, Multam ia Parro When Europe plans to start some w ill bo received by the County Court thing h ereafter it w ill “ see Am erica o f C o m County, Oregon, bids to bo filed w ith the County C la k o f C o m fir s t " — Columbus Citizen. la t a than The distillers would do w ell to In County, Oregon, not March 8th, 1919, at 10:00 o’clock A. vest what they have lo ft in Govern A National Shock Absorber — And it fu rth er appearing te the Court that the Superintendent o f Schools o f C o m Cpunty, Oregon, and the te «rh s ri in th e pub Be schools o f arid County a re w illin g to oooparate with said Bureau o f N aturalisation In the disrtibution and use o f arid c iti zenship T e x t Book, and to assist, free o f charge, a ll candidates fo r naturali zation, w h sn eva culled upon by such candidates, in acquiring tha necessary knowledge to fit them f a citizenship; It is th erefore ordered, that the C la k o f this Court shall in vite the attention o f such D eclarant and P e ti tioner fo r N aturalisation to such facte at the tim e o f th e filin g o f the D eclar ation or P etition and su ggest to him or h a th at they call upon the nearest public school teachers ay C ity S u pa- lntendent e f Schools f a assistance in acquring the Inform ation nocoeaary fo r qu alifyin g them f a admission to citizenship, and suggest, i f the peti tioner be m arried, that when he ap plies fo r such aid or assistance ho be accompanied by his w ife, who ac quires citizenship by virtu e e f law upon the naturalization e f h a hus band, end further th at the C la k sug gest to tha petitioner that whan ha at- R W o f'g e ttin g on m y a s m s bout . W e rend about other divisions going home and w hat a goad tim e they’re having, and hare w o are in this God forsaken 'place. Yeu can’t buy any thing fo r Ima than a sm all fortuna. It's forbidden to associate w ith the people, or even speak to thorn, unless absolutely necessary. Ohi It ’a a great life , but I ’m beginning to weaken. A p ril, 191#, ob or M o r a which I M mentioned date you ora required to appear and anawor. •' W aiter Sinclair, A ttorn ey fo r Plain tiff. poo it o f tlftJKk ' Coquille, Oregon. The righ t ia rccorrod to aejeet aay 7tV or a ll propoaala or to accept the pro- poeal deemed beet fo r aaid County. Bedemptiea N otice C O U N T Y CO U R T O F A ll Coos County warrants drawn on COOS C O U N TY. the general fund and indorsed prior Jamea Wataon, to Oct. le t, 1917, w ill be paid on pré County Judge. sentation at my office in Coquille, Ore A rch ie Philip, gon. N o interest w ill be allowed on County Commiaaioner aay o f these warrants a fter the 28th John Yoekam , day o f Feb., 1919. County Commiaaioner Dated this 28th o f Feb., 1919. A tteat: T . M . Dimmick, L, W . Oddy, County Treasurer. County Clerk " B y M yrtle Knowlton, IN T H E C O U N TY C O U R T O F TH B 6t3 Deputy. C O U N TY O F COOS. S T A T E Coquille, Oregon, February 16th, M19 O F OREGON