The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, March 07, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    The Sentinel
Display, »
no od Isas than I » tm
rush is indie*tad by i reeeat it*tarn ant
o f Copt. Bobort D o J ^ - w h o *sy»<
“ Four m e ^ R P a i * ’ w * ch*rtared a
Japan«** itsam er at $21 0 « th* dead­
weight ton per month, and today w*
refused on* at »«.00." Th* orgy to
over. W hat remain! to to sober off.
A t toast, this story show* that Co­
quill* has bean bound to have city
improvmnents, no matter how high
they come. But when it come* to a
property holder lying down and de­
clining to pay state and county taxes,
sewer tax*a and street Improvement
tax**, in th* lap** o f years th* time
was bound to com* whan th* taxes
would «a t up the property. W hy the
“ owner” absolutely refused to pay
tax** to, as the Oregonian says, an­
other story, which the 8 sa t tael does
not f* * l free to teU. I t was not be­
cause he could not have paid them.
Government statistics, just issued,
show a reduction o f 6,000 cow* in
Oregon and 24,000 in Washington.
And yet there to no more certain and
reliable industry In the world than
the dairy business.
It to easy to
overdo fruit production and vegetable
production, especially the latter as a
single season’s work is all that to re­
quired; but the rancher who raises T H A T W IL F U L T H IR T Y -S E V E N
live stock and produces milk and but­
The thirty-seven wilful senators,
ter has a market that can never be who have bandod together to prevent
the ratification o f the League o f Na­
tions agreement should rsmmnber th*
There are eight and a half millions fate o f the wilful twelve who w *r*
o f people in this eounty who can’t unpatriotic in 191« and 1917. They
read an American newspaper. Eight will all go into the discard like th*
per cent or eight in each hundred of rest unless they change their a e**a *
our population are suffering under Th* American people who have snert-
just this handicap.
It to proposed fleed so unstintedly for victory w ill
that w* shall remedy this condition not submit to be robbed o f its fruits
as rapidly as possible by educating o f enduring peace by a fe w little men
our illiterates, and those unable to
speak English. It isn’t safe to do cause they had ho hand in making th*
otherwise.' Those who don’t speak constitution o f 'the league— though
our language can easily become a heaven only knows how t t would have
menace to our institutions.
1 e f his
•Tlsey kept la
th* oaa with th * other,
years later, in 1868, they w
the segue o f their rather
frivolity, Piero* as Preai-
dent e f the United States, my father
editor o f tit* Washington Union,
the organ o f th* Administration.
I was a bey th* national
capital was still rife with stories o f
their escapades.
One that I recall
had it that on a certain occasion re­
turning from an excursion late at
night my father missed his footing
and M l into the canal that then di­
vided th* city, aad that Pierce, after
many fruitieee agorta, unable to as­
sist him to dry land, axe lamed, "W ell,
Harvey, I can’t get you'out, but I ’ll
get in with you,” suiting th* action
to th* ward. And there they were
found by a party o f passers, very well
pleased with themselves.”
There seems to be varying ideas as
to how the windfall Coos county to
going to receive from the U. S. gov­
ernment in the delinquent taxes, in­
terest and penalties on th* Coos Bay
Wagon Road land grant should be ex-
Here to what th* Bandon
World has to say on the subject:
The move on the part o f Douglas
county and some eastern Coos county
residents to haye the tax money soon
to be collected from the Coos Bay
Wagon Road grant lands expended in
improving that obsolete highway
should be properly nipped in th* bud.
T h * « tax money should go through
the same channels as all other tax
moneys collected by the’ county. It
should be used in reducing the high
rate o f taxes brought on by th* fact
this money has been held up from
year to year, necessitating higher
levies to pay current expenses. The
improvement o f the proposed high­
way connecting Coos and Douglas
would mean a duplication o f the pro­
ject connecting the two counties via
M yrtle Point.
The latter project
should be fu lly completed before an­
other is considered.
r Representative T h rift introduced
two bills at Salem whieh became
laws. They were H. B. 144 fixing sal­
aries o f Coos eounty, and H. B. 201
(by request) relating to maintenance
tax fo r drainage districts.
Senator Smith also made the same
score with th* following:
S. B. 87, relating to th* collection o f
taxes and 8. B. 198 relating to tax­
ing o f bank-owned real property.
1W * understand that S. B. 87 was
drawn by Attorney Lljeqvtet and puts
teeth into the law for tax collection
where they were wanting before.
Henry G. Kern, th* recall candidate
to succeed Archie Philip as county
commissioner, s a il to th* meeting
that nominated him that i f he eras
elected to that office he would compro­
mise the Kinney taxes.
Just why
there should be any compromise of
these cases we are unable to under
stand. No one is offering to make
any compromise now and why the
county shohld give up a fight already
practically won to start out on an un
certain adventure like offering to give
away the victory in sight fo r an utter
uncertainity no good reason can be
In a new book just published by
William Archer, on* o f England’s
foremost literary men, entitled "The
Peace President," he says:
"Since th* great turn o f fortune in
July, 1918— since the landside o f au­
tocracy set in— Mr. Wilson’s position
has been unique and unparalleled. In
virtue o f the mandate o f a great .peo­
ple; in virtue, too, o f his own charac­
ter; he has at more than one juncture
been in very truth th* arbiter o f the
destinies o f the world. In the name o f
democracy he has spoken the doom o f
empires. To this man o f plain Scotch-
Irish parentage, this son o f an ob­
scure Presbyterian minister, Haps-
burgs and Hohensollerns have come
truckling fo r mercy, only to be told,
calmly and sternly, that mankind has
no longer any us* fo r them.
wonderful and incredible drama to a
theme for ah Aeschylus or a Shake­
We, its living spectators,
can find no adequate words for the
emotion it excites in as."
The lack o f a cipher in our last is­
sue made th* $1,000 bail given by
Percy Bean in the Circuit Court read SCHOOL
$ 1 , 00 .
From a “ Business Digest” just Is­
sued by the U. S. National Bank at
Portland we clip the following:
The shipbuilding industry has de­
amount of business that it established
for itself, an interest in shipping that
could be created in no other way.
There have been built in the Columbia
River and Coo* Bay districts, in the
past three years, 189 wood ships, and
87 steel ships; in the Puget Sound
and Gray’s Harbor districts, 77 wood
and 69 steel ships. The total value
o f all these ships amounts to over
$200,000,000.00. Th* number of men
employed is estimated to have been
The total payroll fo r all
these yards is estimated to have been
over $9,000,000.00 per month.
A good many o f the Sentinel’s sub­
scribers are livng on the Coos Bay
Wagon Road grant lands; and f* r
their information we publish this week
the full text o f th* act providing for
the extinguishment 6f the Southern
Oregon Company’s title to these
That presidents and congressmen in
the old days before th* Civil War,
when the writer o f theae lines eras a
school boy, were not always models o f
sedateness and sobriety is made very
evident in th* first o f a series o f art!
cles that veteran Kentuckian, Henry
Watterson, has just begun in the Sat­
urday Evening P o st And as it his
own father of whom he to telling, he
can hardly be accused o f exaggsra
Colonel Watterson’s father, Har­
vey Watterson, eras elected to Con­
gress to succeed James K. Polk, la­
ter a president o f the United States,
when he had barely attained the
requisite 26 years. What follows we
will give in the Colonel’s own words:
“ Immediately succeeding Mr. Polk,
and such a youth in appearance, he
attracted instant attention. His fa ­
ther, my grandfather, allowed him a
larger income than eras good fo r him
— seeing that the per diem then paid
Congressmen eras altogether tnsu
dent—and during the earlier days o f
his sojourn in the national capital he
The Sentinel has advocated prac­
tically the same disposition o f the
funds in suggesting that the county’s
$88«,000 interest in thee* taxes be
used to pay off the $862,000 road
bond debt and interest, as fa r as it
will go after the outstanding war­
rants have been redeemed.
As to the Coos Bay Wagon road
proposition the road districts in that
grant stand to receive $«0,000 o f the
moneys from th* grant and with that
it looks as If that road could be im­
proved sufficiently, although i f Doug­
las county puts all the money she re­
ceives from the Wagon Road grant on
her end o f that highway, perhaps
Coos county ought to help some.
As it might possibly be inferred
from what the World says that M yr­
tle Point to located on both the roads
mentioned it to pertinent to state that
the point o f nearest sppro.xch o f the
Coos Bay Wagon Road to Coquille
and M yrtle Point to at th* Fairview
cross roads about nine miles from Co­
quille and 16 or 20 from M yrtle Poin t
To return to th* first proposition,
however, it seems to us that to apply
the whole e f the $866,000 the county
to to get from the delinquent Wagon
Road grant taxes to reducing gener­
al taxation fo r the next year or two,
only to have it go up with a bound
after that, at the same time the full
weight o f the road bond taxes begin
to be felt, wouldn’t be wise financeer
o f the
school fund.
In 1906 a Marian eounty grand jury
that they had found ever
300,000 acre* q f state lands had been
taken from th* state by moans e f
fraud. This grand jury report will
form a point fo r the investigation
which w ill new be made by th* land
board and the attorney general.
As a «vault o f that grand Jury re­
port A. T. Kelliher, a Chicago capi­
ta ltot, was tried aad convicted in the
circuit court o f defrauding th* state
out o f thousands at acre* o f school
lands by means o f forged applications
fo r land and forged certificate*.
In connection with that caa* and
other land fraud case* o f similar hh-
turs in Oregon, evidence has been ob­
tained that theae frauds were commit­
ted b f means o f forgeries, dummy
entrymen, false affidavits aad other
methods o f robbing th* state o f Its
school lands.
Members o f th* legislature did not
hesitate to make th* necessary ap­
propriation to carry on th* investiga­
tion requested by the state land board.
Whan the bill cam* up fo r third read­
ing in th* senate, Senator Pierce mad*
a brief explanation o f its purposes.
There was no further discussion, and
a unanimous vote was recorded.
Aside irony the injustice that has
been done to school children o f the
state by theft o f school lands, the
r«venues from whieh are intended to
build up a common school fund fo r the
support o f the public schools, the re­
sults obtained by the attorney general
in tjie Hyde-Benson land fraud case
have demonstrated the value o f pros­
ecuting theae land fraud cases from a
financial standpoint.
The attorney
general already has recovered lands
which are w orth many time the cost
o f investigating and prosecuting the
suits.— W ill T. Kirk in Oregon Jour­
1 *
Service to Farm ers
N O W li the tta* far *e Uxmu to plan oat year’,
crops, non
p r o * «* », next year’. property.
Whatever Ml plana, whether farm tafrovem ^«,
dairying, livestock financing, etc., our
w illJ*
pkaaed to discuss such matteraandofier their beat aervice
A hearty welcome afwayi await, the farmer at
this institution.
i n Commercial
s s and MERCHUdS
We have just received a • new stock of
Cc, Mfgrv Buffalo, N. Y.
Sweat Pads
which it will pay you to examine if you are needing
anything in that line. Our prices are right
Coquille Hardware Co.
Three-fourths o f Portland’s milk
supply ten years ago was skimmed or
watered or both, contaminated with
filth and dosed with “ preservative«"
and coloring matter. M a y b e 'it was
perfumed, too, but t!iat to not in the
records. Nine-tenths o f th* total sup­
ply to now inspected and graded by
disinteroeted experts and the results
Portland has the purest
milk supply o f any large city in the
United States and likewise the lowest
death rate, says Professor McIntosh,
of O. A. C. Milk contests in Portland
have brought the quality o f city milk
up from one o f the lowest to the very
highest o f big cities in the United
States. As the quality o f milk was
raised the death rate was lowered un­
til the Rose City to the healthiest city
in t ie land. Station Bulletin No. 16«
telling how the contests were con­
ducted and the good results obtained
from them has been issued from the
State Agricultural College. Incident­
ally the bulletin tells how to get clean
milk, and keep it clean and good til)
it is used in the home«,. Copies free.
O f interest to producers and users.
Ample proof that pig dub* pay to
contained in reports being received
continually by the United States De­
partment o f Agriculture from club
leaders. One report recently received
tells o f the success o f a Tennessee
boy who, in May, 1918, invested $60
in a pure-bred gilt, and now flguraa
his profits at $687.86. She farrowed
seven pigs, part o f which the boy sold
for $188. With this money he pur­
chased a boar o f excellent breeding,
whieh he exhibited at the East Ten-
nesee Division Fair, winning the
grand championship o f the breed over
all exhibits. He won $87 in prise*.
$45 o f it in competition with exper­
ienced farmers. His animals are now
valued at $626. This, with the money
from sales and
L A N D IN V E S T IG A T IO N amounts to $746, from which he de­
By unanimous vote o f the 28 sens ducts $167.66 for feed and care, leav­
tors who were present the senate ing a profit o f $687.86.
Tuesday afternoon passed H. B. 494,
by Richardson, which appropriates
$26,000 for us* by the state land board
and by the attorney general o f the
No one in Coquille, who suffers
state fo r investigation o f the land backache, headaches, or distressing
frauds which in past years stripped urinary ills can afford to ignore this
th* state o f thousands o f acres o f Its Rosebqrg man’s twice-told story. It
is confirmed testimony that no one
state cbool lands.
of this locality can doubt.
As this bill, like all other appropri
L. Mathews, carpgnter, 818 Short
«tion measures, carries the emergency St., Roaeburg, Oreg., says: “ For sev­
clause, it will become law in full force eral years I was troubled by backache
I hurt my
and effect just as soon as Govrner and kidney complaint.
back severely one time and the trou
Withycombe attaches his signature
ble seemed to stay with me. I
That the governor will approve the a good many medicines and spent
bill aad sign it immediately to as­ more money than I have been able to
sured by the fact that ho joined with keep track o f but got no positive re­
lief. I finally bought Doan’s Kidney
the other two members o f the state Pills. A fte r using Doan’s my kid
land board in directing the attorney nays were strengthened and the ach
general to investigate the reported ing and q$h*r symptoms left.” (State­
land frauds .And in requesting the leg ment given February IS, 190«.)
On March 22, 191«, Mr. Mathews
is la tore to provide th* funds fo r de­ added: "M y estimation e f Doan’s
frayin g th* expenses o f such investi Kidney Pills to just as high today as
«■tion and any suits that may be jus it was when I first recommended
tifled as a result o f th* information them. They have never failed to do
good work whon I have had backache
or other symtoms o f kidney disorder."
W ith th* appropriation o f $26,000
Price 60e at all dealors.
available the machinery o f th* state simply ask fo r a kidney remedy— get
[can be set in motion immediately to Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that
Mr. Mathews had.
Footer-M iltem
bring t* light i»- * - 1--
The Mortgage
An electric motor can
lift anything. Let us tell you how
G*E Electric Motors
are lifting mortgages off hundreds
of farms throughout the country.
Take it from me,
says the super to
the engineer
“ You can’t ever Good, tu te , »m elier
ow»loa^r life ie what
beat good o ld e*|
¡aakeg Genuine Grave*
Gravely Plug. Ills «T cost ten to chew than
ordinary plug
got the real tobacco
•V *» tn —
ta«te that keeps a G b n u in b G r a v e l y
man satisfied.”
\ Brand
Mag packed in poach-
What Does Your Label Say?