m i* FRIDAY TALLEY THE LONGER YOU USE A HALF- WORN-OUT CREAM SEPARATOR THE MORE YOU LOSE. W® Away day N igh t-life to tha State If yaa have ton cows, ft taka amount to half a pound of huttor-fat a day. That's 18$ pounds of batter-fat a year. Multiply that by tha present pries af batter-fat. D art yaa aaa that it's a la h | propoaittoaT Last ysar over 40,000 fanasrs earns to that earn- rlarioa aad # ----- dad their cream-waatiag separ ators far Da Lavala . Thcst fusers Joined the fajnily of morethan 2,325,000 Da Laval oasts, what real separator satisfaction Our Hats Save You Money Wa don't keep Trimmed Hats in stock but we have all the materials with which wou can trim your own hats and do it at a coat of from $2.00 to $4.50 for the beat trimmed hat you ever saw. We have a completo assort ment of trimmings, ornamenta, braids, frames, ribbons, etc., everything you need, at the following prices: Ornaments, all kinds--------------------15e to 75c Fram es-------------------------------------------------*5« Braid 1 ______ _________________$1.00 to $245 W reaths________________________ 25c to 71« Racket Store MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop. AT YOUR SERVICE Call at SW EETS and inspect the New Spring Fashions and Woolens—Beautiful Patterns in the latest colors and weaves to select from. Orta You Spaa Sift Now Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing R. H. SW EET Successor to Fred Slagle Front S I , opposite Farmers h Merchants Bank Phone I l t t * Coquille, Ore. NEW AND 2nd HAND BICYCLES m COQUILLE CYCLER Y ARCHIE TENNISON, Prop. Bicycle Sundries Repairing Opposite City Hall Jamee Withyeombe, 15th governor o f Oregon, and the first republican ev er re-elected to that office, died at his home in Salam at 8:«a o’clock Man day night. His death was due to heart (flsaasa, Which had troubled him fo r a year; but he had only been con fined to his bad far a weak. For the past two years, however, he had been suffering a general breakdown in health. Had ha Uvad until March 81 ha would have been sixty-five years of age. Aa farm er, breeder at improved livestock, state veterinarian fo r nine years, and director o f the state exper iment station, Mr. Withyeombe had made a name for-h im self in the a f fairs o f hie chosen state, for mote than forty years before ha was made its chief executive. But perhaps, tha thing for which Governor Withyeombe w ill ba beat remembered and held in the highest esteem waa hia activities aa war gov ernor, during tha year and a half wa were engaged in tha titanic world struggle^ Ha waa 100 par cant Amer ican a ll tha while and left nothing in hit power to piece keep Oregon in tha front in ovary patri otic effort It was due to hia work along this line that in apho of hia failing health he secured tha nomina tion at tha republican primaries laat spring by so decisive a m ajority and won the election Iwnds down. Appointed to a directorship o f the Oregon Agricultural college experi ment station in 1888, he took up the work o f spreading tha gospel o f bat ter farm ing' from tha viewpoint o f tha practical farm er. Tha experiment station waa but n small affair then, compared to this time. It expanded under his direction until branch sta tions were established in various parts o f the state and farm ers began to look to the college for practical as sistance in solving all sorts o f agri cultural problems. Ha was director o f this experiment work for 18 years, resigning in 1814 to become a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for governor. O f hia work at the college, in a statement dictated by him self, ha says: “ While at the college I supported with all my ability the growing of clover, the development o f dairying and general mixed farm ing. When I took my petition there the total dairy output o f Oregon totaled about |S,- 600,000 annually. At the itme I re tired the total output o f dairy pro ducts in Oregon represented 120,000,- 000, and clover was generally grown throughout Western Oregon. I car ried personally the gospel o f hotter farm ing and better livestock to 280,- 000 people through farm ers’ institu tions, demonstration trains, fairs, the grange and other country gather ings.” James Withyeombe was born at Tavistock, England, March 21, 1854. Coming to Oregon with his parents in 1871, ho soon launched into business for him self by buying a farm in Washington county. In Juno, 1876, he married Isabel Carpenter, of Farmington, Ora. Okott Becomes Governor CITY BAKERY Under new management Fftsh Bread, Cakes aad Fancy Pastry Laird Bunding Coquille, Oregon lu Leg or Cabinet Base character, a i era tic hi hut forceful. Ha waa essentially tic ia his tastes, and his hoc fam ily w a r had first place in his thoughts. “ Ha stood firm fo r loyalty and trotism at a time whan there > need for strong man aa leaders, i in doing ao made for him self an perishable name in tha history Oregon. Tha aanaa o f bereaves, will be personal to the people o f entire stata.” Memorial Service ia Hia Hon Why not start right away to gat all tha butter- fat, with a Da Laval? It will asoa pay for itself and will eoatiaoa to save yaa money sad time aad annoyance for assay years to The local Da Laval show you hew a Da Laval will PAGE Colonial Ranges Today, with batter-fat at M to 70 *S “ 1 -------***- - r --------- V i- fi i what It mmi to ha. S. M. N O SLER * 1818. Under our constitution Secretary of State Ben W. Oleott, who was a can didate for nomination as governor at the primaries last year, succeeds to the office o f governor while still re taining t'la t o f secretary o f stat x Both branches o f the legislators, in view probably o f Gov. Withycom'os’i fr iling health, approved an amendment, to the constitution creating the office o f lieutenant governor, fo r submission Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kern went to Myrtle Point laat Sunday to attend the memorial service o f Mrs. Korn’s brother, Lee G. Ray, who gave his life for his country the last day o f the war. The Home Guard and all re turned soldiers attended in uniform and the Myrtle Point octet sang soi very fitting songs. Short talks were given by Rev. T. B. McDonald, Rev. L. M. Anderson,’ Rev. P. G. Drake and Rev. Thomas Barldow. The church was beautifully decorated with ivy, daffodils, violets and flags, while the church service flag bore many blue stars and the one gold star. Mr. and Mrs. Ray have received word that their son was buried near Meuse,’ France, on the- Meuse river in an American cemetery. Tha body w ill' be sent home in time unless otherwise directed. Some Old Cob» A twenty-five cent piece In practi- date 1888, waa apparently unearthed from tome one’* coffers in the toil o f McKinley to help win the war, for each a coin, caked with clay, came in to the Marshfield post office with the war stamp money from McKinley and now is a part o f the collection o r old coins boing made by Assistant Postmaster F. L. Sunnier. Mr. Sumner has nearly 100 old pieces o f money in his collection. Among them are two half-pennies, one dated 1808, and the other in 1828. Ask about our new Easy Payment Plan H. O. Anderson ' v -■ Furniture and Hardware Sunday School meets at 10 a. m. The writer has an old fashioned copper cent dated 1847, about as b if Prof. H. S. Tuttle, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, as a h alf dollar, that he has carried as a pocket piece fo r the past 20 “The Father in the Home.” League at 8:80 p. m. Leader, years. Mias ConnlA t^U oughby. Subject, “ Our R e la tio n e God, Serving.” Good Work la Assured Preaching at feSO p. m. Subject, That the state paving o f the Co-, “ Jonah Cast Into the Sea.” quille- Marshfield highway w ill be Prayer Meeting on Wednesday ev done in first class shape and will be a ening at 7:80. Subject, “ The Bless credit both to the county and state ing that Really Blesses. was assured when C apt A . B. G id ley Choir Behsysal Saturday evening at wee appointed to superintend the 7:80 p. m. Miss Bay, Director. work. The best paving we have in AU departments o f the church are Coquille—and we don’t believe there moving forward. .The Sunday School is any better in Cooe county, is that ia increaaing, the morning congrega on the streets on the north and weet tions are larger and more young peo side o f the court house and on up to ple are attending both morning and the Henry street bridge. For these evening services. The series o f five three blocks the contractors ware sermons dealing with home life will begin nest Sunday morning and the second sermon in the series on the Book o f Jonah will be delivered next Sunday night at 7:80. Como and worship with us. You will enjoy the music and the services. James E. Condor, Pastor. Letter From Former Citizen In writing to renew fo r the Sentinel R. D. Sanford, o f Ashland, who waa for many years a resident o f this sec tion, says that although he has dis posed o f all his real estate holdings in Coos county, he still has “ a warm feeling fo r Coquills and all her old residents,” and is interested in her prosperity; that “ the Sentinel is o f as much interest to w ife and me as tha usual letter from home.” He adds that he only prefers Ashland for a home on account o f leas ruin and fog and more sunshine in the winter, and that in many respects our resources exceed theirs. Marriage * St. Jaaico Episcopal Church. Coquille, Oregon FOR SALE—Six head o f Grade Jer sey costs . John Yoakam, Coquille, Oregon. 8t2* FOR SALE— Rooming house. In quire at Gimlin’s Confectionery. It* FOR SALE— A good second-hand Chalmers automobile; in good con dition and price is right. Inquire st Lamb 4 Von Pegert’s. 8t3* FOR SALE cheap— 800 acre stock farm , Mrs. Lola M. Stanford, Myrtls Point, Ors. 7U3 FOR GOOD DRY WOOD— Leave or ders at Creager’s ^Confectionery. 5t8* BARLEY HAY— For sale. Chris Terree on the Marshfield Road, ono mile west o f town. No phone. 6tf FOR SALE— 4 thoroughbred Collie pups. Address Bx. 18, Coquille, Ore. 6t8 evening, services at 7:80. FOR SALE— Milking machine all complete with engine and belting, Sunday used only 5 days. Best o f reasons Sunday School at 10 a. m. for selling. Price $200.00 C. O. M ornng service at 11 a. m. King A Son, McKinley, Ore. 3tf Evening Prayer at 7:30 p. m. W . E. Couper, Vicar. FOR SALE— A light two-horse de livery wagon. W. H. Lyons. Christian Church Friday Church a f Christ Sunday School at 10 a. m. Communion services st 11 a. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:80 91$$ Reward, 910$ The readers o f this paper win be to t e e n that there Is at least dreaded d lessee that science hss able to curs t i ell tts stages end that Is catarrh. Catarrh belns sreatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Christian Science Society. Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally end at 11:00 a. m. acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of ths System thereby destroying weanesuay evening meeting at 8 the foundation o f ths disease, giving the patient strength by building up ths con o’clock. stitution and assisting nature la doing Its Sunday school at 8:80 a. m. work. T h s proprietors have so much The Reading Room will be open ev faith In the curative powers r f Hall’ s Catarrh Medicine that they offer One ery Tuesday and 8atprday afternoon Hundred Dollars for any caas that it falls to cure Send for list o f testimonials. from 2 o’clock until 4. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 71c. Feb. 28—Alvin M. Long and Mary Jackson Landles, both o f Marshfield. They were married the seme day by Rev. J. Edward Blair, at the Pres byteriaa church in Marshfield. Feb. 28—W illiam Zinner and Ross Bostiviek, both o f Coquille. They Church of God. were married the same day by Jus Services at Church o f God chapel The Celebrated tice Stanley at hia office. every Sunday. March 8—W allace R Walker end Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mildred M. McKinney, both o f North Preaching at 11 a. m. aad 8 p. m. Bend. They were married the tame Prayer, masting Thursday evening Awarded Gold Medal day by Justice Stanley at his office. at 8 p. m. P. P. L B. Sea Francisco, 1915 March 8— W allace Able Warner A cardial «aleóm e is extended to all. and Ora B. Ray, bo4h at Myrtle Point. L. E. Neal, Pastor. The strongest and nearest waterproof March 8—John William Hillstrom, ■ade for Loggers, Cruisers, o f Marshfield, and Garda Peterson, at Probate Court Items Prosper. Miners, Sportsmen end Workers. March t an order was made ap pointing Jennie Neisch, o f Marshfield, Ths Fermane New C u m ia Circuit Coart. administratrix o f the estate o f John Feb. 27—8. t . Gulliford vs J. E. C. Starr, which consists o f $250 in Te Keep T om Foot Dry Use The, Paulsen and Tana Padlsou, Carl L. persona) property. Nathaniel Starr W ater-Proof Shoo OIL Albrecht aad tha administratrix are the only March 8 Joels M. Oilmen vs. John heirs. Theodore Bergman W. Leneve and K ittle Leneve. March 4, Leslie G. Johnson, o f March 8—Gut C. Peterson vs. Bea Marshfield, eras appointed guardian Shoe Manufacturing Co. sts L Pd o u a Suit for divorce. e f Annette Fex Jibuaen . Bergmann Shoe h— -