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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1919)
TMB COQUILLE TALLET SKNIW EL, COQOUILLB, OKBGON. FRIDAY, MARCS T, 1010. PAGE TWO to the work neon re to much to be «spend to the «nil, end every - to cun do so to arged to give to the work. Big Reduction Side The sow work we ere just lancing is undergarments for Franco nd Belgian children—notho the netie» this is sowing th at s l iest every women can do. We have on hand a varied assortm ent of odds and ends le ft from the Dry Goods stock we form erly car ried which we have m arked a t [»rices never heard of before. The stock is not large but if we have w hat you w ant you can save a considerable by buying here. . The list include* Also, we have received a lr rge skip- isat of yam, and herewith appeal to I the knitters to get busy once more. Not socks nor sweeter* this time—ask | Mrs. Lawrence. W* Rave Just finished 48 refuge* Oman's drosses, and M convalescent I robes for our own invalid soldiers in |tho U. 8. McKinley auxiliary, the over feith- I ful, haa cent in a splendid shipment— I IB refuge* women’s drees**. This auxiliary is to be commended not only for their untiring efforts but the very (excellent work contributed by thorn. M en’s W hite D ress Shirts M en’s Caps B oys’ S h irts B oys’ Men’s and L adies’ R ubbers B oys’ S h oes L adies’ Shoes * R ibbons \ Insertion Em broidery C orsets •Sitkum auxiliary, too, is deserving (of much praise. While not so large in numbers aa sotoe of the others, is second to non* in workmanship. We received a shipment of women’s | house dresses from the Sitkum ladies. Riverton auxiliary 7 and m any o th er articles you cannot afiord to pass up W. H. LYONS Speaking of excellent sewers, faith- |ful workers, etc., ritfht here the Hon or Guard girbi come in for a banner. | These girls certainly demonstrated what they could do when they I plated ten layettes for tho Belgian | babies. The work on these dainty lit tle garment* was beautifully done, under the competent guidance of Mes- I dames Hamden end Bra ns tetter Thee* girls are assisting in the Red Cross sewing now, meeting each (Thursday evening with Mrs. Bran tetter in charge. Pious ¿51 Coquille TO ADD GREATLY TO THE ENJOYMENT OF YOUR BATH Mote workers are needed on Friday afternoon. Mrs. A. T. Morrison is in charge on this day, Mrs. George Lor (ens having had to give up tho chair m of leaving the city. (Sot com* Friday if you haven’t planned | on any other day. THE KLEN ZO The President haa been having rather more than her share of duties when it comes to chopping the wood to keep the “Red Cross fires burning” and besides eh* haa a sore finger from a mis-hit maybe, and eh* would very much appreciate K if some of the |boya would lend a hand in this. Let’s a greet it to our sons. BATH SHRAY . is invaluable to any bath room. By its use you may enjoy the health-bringing vigor of the morning shower, you may enjoy a stimulating body massage and the hot needle spray. It is particularly valuable in washing women’s scalp and hair. DO HELP withAhe Red Cross'__ ing or knitting or both. Don’t let any W ing stand between you and yoqr (duty in the m atter—personalities and | animosities Ju t ve no place here—I t is Petty in the extreme to be influenced by such. If you have a grievance or fancy you have, forget it, nobody cares anything about it—we haven’t time for such things, we need to WORK, so everybody help. New Stock Molasses Best New Orleans . Bre’r Rabbit Gold Label Brand Quarts, Half Gallons and Gallons Ask for the GOLD LABEL Early Seed Potatoei Seed Oats Barley .V etch a Grass Seeds* Clover Seeds Early Rose W hite Prize Taker Earliest of All .. Red Prize Taker Fancy Selected Seed Fancy Groceries American Wonder Little Gem Strategem Tafl Telephone Gradus Turnip Seed Onion Seed and Onion Sets Silver Thistle Olives Heinz Baked Beans • 15c A good one—Try Pure Fruit Jelly Orange Marmalade 20c per glass Seed Peas again in stock Heinz Bottled Vinegar Malt, W hite Pickling Pure Ap ple Cider - - 20c Bottle* Best for Salads Pint Cans 30c Bulk 2 5 c Pint Silver Thistle Syrup in bulk, per gallon, $ 1 .3 5 Bring your container and save 25c. * . $1.60 in cans. T his grade sells at The Busy C om er 2 Phones—691 United States Pood Administration—License No. G 46545 What the State Will Do For Ua Hoots Acates Doria« Sienas A COLD WEATHER WARNING Everyone who haa ever hunted CeageaHag Oils agates on the beach will read the fol “Hard cranking and sluggishness of lowing story which we clip from the t * Coo* Bay Time* with interest. Our the motor to cold weather usually in Add a Klenzo Bath Spray to your bath room. own collecting began on the banks «I dicate* a sarjoua condition to the mo the Mississippi a t Oquawka, Illinois, tor due to the us* of a poor cold test You will wonder how you did without i t :: oil, on* th at congeals or thickens end in the seventies. i dee* not lubricate eorectly to cold The Myrtle Poiat-Roseburg- rood Lower East Fork Notes. Gathering agates is every bit ad weather,” said Mr. A. B. Campbell, of will be improved from funds derived Margaret Hamish, who is attend from th* new $10,000,000 bond bill fascinating as collecting other prec the Standard Oil Company yesterday. COQUILLE. OREGON “A poor cold test oil will not flow Jtog Myrtle Point high school, spent just passed by the legislature. This ious stones, says Fred Moore, who end property lubricate until It has | the weak end with her parents. started on his annual collecting trip «sure wee introduced with th* Santi* Weekly and Add. Huff are emergency clause attached and was Tuesday morning. He will begin his been w arned by the motor running for torn# fifteen to thirty minutes, visting relative* on this stream. enacted into a tow without change. hunt a t Newport, and will walk up during which time excessive friction Mrs. Wm. Smith visited her daugh For form. Portland Market Report. State Engineer Nunn has informed the beach camping a t night. to present and serious wear takec tor, Mrs. Mabel Minard, Sunday. though it is only S day's Journey, It is also unlawful for any minor Coos county officials th at he expects Portland, Or*., Mar. 8, 1919—Cat- Mr*. Arthur.M ereen and daughter, to let a contract within 90 days for Mr. Moor* will take a week to make place in the cylinders and bearings. tis receipts today total around 1600 under the age of eighteen years to Marjorie, visited with relatives 'Motorists can avoid this danger this work. Th* improvement will be the trip, sometimes not ssA ng more heed, everything selling readily on a smoke or in any way u&a any cigar, Myrtle Point th* past week. *»d annoyance by using Zeroline than three mileo ird ay . > cigarettes or tobacco in any form In s pavement deemed best for th* rood steady market a t following quota Friday evening, while Luke Shook end cheapest for the state. The stormy weather is the beet tn which is refined from California crude any public highway, street, place, tions: wo* cutting wood, th* axe glanced, which to hunt for agates, as ths wind of the naphthene series. This oil has or resort. If the state undertakes to pave the Best steers $18.60-18.60; good to striking his left wrist cutting it road to Roaeburg it means that th* and tide scoop up the sand from the a natural taro cold teat because It Our oaths of office require up to choic* steers $11.76-12.76; medium to about half off. Dr. d a rk # woe Imme roed will be closed for e t least two agate beds and leave them -rpmii contain* no parafln* to congeal a t low good steers $10.76-11.76; fair to good enforce this lew, end it is our inten I t keeps the motor diataly called and found it necessary years, for it is estimated that it will In the summer the tides are more gen temperature. tion to do so. steers $860-10.76; common to fair flexible and easy to turn over during to keep him under en anaesthetic for tle and soon cover the beds with sand. ! W. W. Gag*, Sheriff. require at toast two seasons to com ■tears $8.60-8.60; choice cows end nearly three hoars in order to get the plete the work. For that reason cold weather and toauros correct lu Last winter Mr. Moor* mad* the A. L. Nosier, Constable. heifers $8.76-8.76; medium to good wound properly cared for. It will be Douglas and Coos county officials same trip, taking a little over a week. brication of tho automobile right from A. P. Miller, Marshal. cows and heifers $6.00-7.00; cannera necessary for Luke to remain to town ha vs favored s plan to put the Bi He collected over 18,000 worth of the start,” John "A. Jackson, $8.50-6.00; bull* $6.00-8.60; calves f°r eeveral days to be under th* doc ter Valley or old Coo* Bey Wi M ates, he says, but could not get Night Marshal. $950-14.60; stoekere end feeders $7.- tor’s ear*. pkem all ground down. The weather C. A. Gage, Roed to shape for traffic. These 00 - 10.00 Pleasant Hill is wanting a teacher Deputy Sheriff. ciala plan paying for th* improvement ■was not stormy this winter, and work There is s fairly good run of hog* Billy Huff and Guy Wilbarger have H. W. Dunham, with money taken from the income to was pleasant in tho yards today, the market open ™nt*d Swan’s place and Mr. Huff be derived from th* bock taxes which The agate beds are usually in a wet i Probation Officer. ed briskly selling a t the following moved his family up last week. and slimy condition, the tide coming pricee: * Will be paid into the treasury by th* ] Dma Bunch, from McKinley, vis Bed Taste in Your Mouth government. It to estimated that up over them, often just when a rare Prime mixed $17.26-17.60; medium ited with relatives e t Gravel Ford thee* funds will pay off all indebted and beautiful specimen is coming to mixed $17.00-17.26; rough heavies When you have a bad taste tn your few days tost week. Slipping on patches of sea ness in Coos county and leave a bal lig h t $15.25-16.26; pigs $14.00-16.00; bulk mouth you may know that your di gestion is faulty. A dose of Cham weed and getting drenched to the of sales $17.26. anc* sufficiently large to take cere of berlain’s Tablets will usually correct skin is only part of the day's stren Was Killed By a Snag Sheep receipts over Sunday 1800 the disorder. They also cnuse a gen the road. uous work for the agate hunter. heed, the market opened strong with tle movement of the bowels. The plan to to pat th* road on a You The people of this community will And this to be one of the best a good demand. Quotations follow: flve per cent grade, gravel it th* en medecines you have ever become ac tire length making, it a roed th at con Prime lambs $16.00-16.00; fair to quainted with. be used the year round. If th* state medium lambs $18.00-14.00; yearlings goes ahead with the Myrtle Point $10.00-11.00; wethers $9.00-10.00; ewes, $6.60-9.00. dentally klled in the June* logging canyon improvement, the Brewstar th eu n - ea« ,,. Mr. Wilson hod been engaged valley rood will be the ' only outlet H in te d ta falling timber for the R i g o r s Coo* county people will have, end It CIGARETTES Aims«-1 Lumber company and when he met was for th e purpose of taking cor* Kronen-1 hi* death was cutting a snag which of this traffic os well as spending the Notice to Dealers and Miners persons was holding back a log. Before doing tax money on the roads from which it It has come to our knowledge that E»tat# I this he mad* the remark that the was derived that prompted th* Coun numerous minors have geen smoking ,*r * lo* * * • >yin« H was endangering ty Court of these two counties to fa cigarette* end that numerous dealers i T ▼•ri- the lives of the men who were work- vor th* plan. have been selling cigarettes to min ouchers I ing the#*. With this idee in view Douglas county officials have or*. ^ t h e | h e begM chopping aw*y a t the snsg! agreed to expend their entire shore of this tax money on their end of the Tliis is unlawful and the penalties roed, which seemed more than fair to for violation of this lew are by fines ranging from $6.00 to $600.00, or by Coos county. imprisonment in th* county jail. With all this road improvement go ing on in the county, labor will b* It is also unlawful to sell, barter, assisted materially which after all is tfsds, give or furnish to any minor on* of th* principal srguments$used goods, under eighteen years of age any to th* legislature to get th* rood bacco, cigars or cigarette* to any Celllnf Canto, 100 1er fUM. Her* U whet the Coo* Bay Harbor haa to eay about etate road work i* this county during the proeent year, in addition to the paving the road ba- tween Coquille and Marshfield aa far as Cedar Point: FUORMAN’S PHARMACY J NEW M TER M n O N Al