PF*T AND THE COQUILLE HERALD W * ' J IM ' COQUILL* COOS COUNTY. YOL. XIV. N a T. .................. FRIDAY U ARY 2^ 1212. «LM THE YEAR. NO MONEY PUT UP ■ H I ,.,.ü I', — ..... Som cthiag Y n W aal to H ear -A treat for all mink lorare is In ato» in the coming of the Sam Lewis Company in the Lyceum Course Mon day, March 10. Handed by the prom Statements About Offer to Com inent Welsh tenor, it is a combina tion of artists -with unusual talents. promise Kinney Taxes Not 8am Lewis is a concert singer af Exactly Correct first rank. He has a lyric tenor voice, vibrant and robust Competent In an article published in the Coos "This looks like ol proclaim him as one of the few Bey Time« Tuesday in regard to the in our Circuit Court and the one critics a farmer from the Middle West aa ha gihat Walsh tenon of his generatífc». taxes on the Kinney tract, by A. 8. which occurred hen Monday and He has appaand the room In which the Corn in concert the coun Hammond, one of the attorneys for Tuesday was a most unusual one in try over and always is being staged this with unqualified parties who have interest in the tract, many respects. end cast hie eyes ever the table 7» ening. Previous to that thus then The killing was done early last Mies Ruth Lavsry, violinist of the the ztatement ia made that an offer feet long and nine feat wide, which settle tjiese taxes on a compromize we» GS paying members and the adr November at the section quartan of company, extends almost the satire length of the is one of the finest young to baaiz “wai made by responsible men, dittoes this week total 44- Of this some Italian hands in the employ of artists in the Laird building and carries the country end it destined increase Frank Burkholder has secure the Southern Pacific, who wen housed to accomplish greet things it the mu the money was in the bonk and tha did exhibits amounting to nearly «¿00 ed 29 of the names and according to in an old box car on a spur track near sical world. Last winter in the annu County Court knew that.” . Pros. Cary was awarded the blue rib the timber mill half a mile this side al contest conducted by the Associated Judge Watson »ays this statement It is a magnificent showing and bon. Chas. Harlocker was next with of Myrtle Point speaks volumes for the possibilities at Musical Clubs of Illinois Mias Lavsry ia not correct end that no tender of a list of eight new mem be» to Ms The victim was John Dittori, a man was was ever made to the court for Ceos county aa a, corn growing we The subjects te ha swarded first pises sarong the money thet purpose. credit. about thirty year* of age, who has a musical tien. i students of the state. The meet promising faatu» of tbit wife and children in Italy, and the The old mem ben of this splendid Mr. Hammond also states that “the The earn was scored this morning slayer, Antonio Mangione, a man of artists company a » Miss Irene Har- county [court] simply »fused to ac- by H. A. Sehoth, of the U. S. Dopert- dance Wedneeday evening when thir GO, also has a wife in Italy. sept tha face of the taxes because it of Agriculture, who rams ruf, gifted pianist and soprano, and claimed ty men ware present, showing a re As told at the preliminary the story Mias that it should also receive from Corvallis to do that Amber Hopkins, reader and en vival of interest in Commercial Club seemed to leave no doubt of Man- tertainer. ^interests, coots and penalties." Judge amistad by County Agent J. L. 1 Watson says work aad while the four bits dues i gione's guilt; but in the trial hen this is incorrect because Smith. No list at awards had yet month do net mean much to any »in the accused was represented by Al the court did offer to-waive the costs, basa made bat the See tinsi gathers gle Individual, it will mean when the bert Ferrara, the Italian counsel at if taxas, interest ami penalties wen the following from the prise cards, Cora Show la held that the club treas Portland, and a new face was put up paid. At that time, too, as w# under which »p resent twenty 160-ear en ury will be able to defray all expenses on the matter. stand it, the representatives of the tries end fifty-six 10- ear exhiMts: without the necessity of raising a The testimony was in Italian, re Kinney properties offered to pey cost special fund for that purpose. How quiring an interpreter and the wit That the proposal of J. A. Lamb to end six per cent interest on the delin 10 EARS YELLOW DENT ever, when the Corn Show pavilion is nesses tried to impress the scenes in sell the myrtle grove to the city is not quent taxes, but never tendered any , Any Variety built, as most people hope it will ho fine motion pietu» style on the court dead but ilaeping, is the conclusion money as evidence of good faith. An First prim for exhibit of this year, a special campaign will sad Jury, gesticulating with grept ve reached after a talk with thorn hav other statement made by Mr. Ham Yellow Dont by L & Jeanings, of have to bo made for funds. hemence aad making the scones they is that the county has expended the matter in charge. Mr. Lamb mond The list of now members Joining described as realistic as possible. It ing et least «26,000 in attempting to ceL for same variety to has offered to sell a tract 980 feat Wednesday evening follow»: was one-'of those trials which one lect those Judge Watson says V. a Bar key, of Lee. square to the city, which includes the tha amounts taxes. Jem Beyart, Herbert Lukens, C. L could hardly have afforded to miss. grave, paid advertising this Third prize for Hnckberry Dent to The grand Jury put In a for 94,000. Whether that Is property, including for what Tuttle, John Aaaan, Archie Walker, Tim conclusion drawn from the tes the Hardy M u t ®< Lea. his final figure we are not advised, but Record 1n 1918, and which was the paid tranuous five days her# las Fred Ringlet P. O. Lund, timony, however, was that Mangione, taking county Fourtk prim for Wiecoasia No. R ad ground through meat of thsir J. A. 8. B. Barton, into consideration now sueing to recover, never ex A. N. Gould, Chas. instead of being a wilful murderer it looks everything ta Edwin Weakly, of Bridge, aged like a good buy. If the sale to ceeded though no derision was arrived N y sota, Campbell, Aaron Wilson, R. L. Medley, had been goaded into a deadly attack and that only «800 has the meet interesting caw before R. A. Warnleh, W. C. Chase, L. P. by the persecutions to which he had it made R includes a righe of way, be yet been «6,000 paid for extra attorney’s Fifth prize for hams variety ta J. tween the raeideaces of Mr. Lamb and fees in the Kinney aad the one on which they put in cases. been subjected. D. Bonham, of Feta-view. . F. Rb Jones, for the straet leading ta H e» is something tax mo» time than any at the net, or He was an older man than most of from Mr. the bridge ta be built in the near fu Hammond’s statement, though all of them Just way they his fsMow workers aad net as much 1M BABB YELLOW DENT ture If the tract is nee purchased ing from what is stated .above judg write either “• tras bUT or inclined to be sporty. In fact, he he is Aay Variety * by the city the right of way must not an infallible authority: “net a true MU' sent meat of his wages to his wife in 1st, for Bees' YsBstr Dent, «a L. be condemned and for the distance K in the earn of the oM world and spent very little would run through the Lamb property “Of course, this property has de & Jennings, of in value during these 10 fw same, te P. A Brode, of the appraisal might run as high ae preciated of coo“‘y f yea» at litigation aad being in liti <2 000 . gation has hindered development on For ^ a |2JX>0 balance the . city Coes Bay. The original fof tham la a . i owner, Kto- t throwa « m i t o n«r, is bankrupt aad in the insane to V [of e graad Jury finta ti right forearm Just before the murder. asylum. The holder of the m**t- wculd setti# at once thè location ef gage, the Title Guarantee first arada to tha court. The The Jury seams to have decided that and thè Coen Show or Memorisi building, company, has long been bankrupt Trust No. fi,-to aad tha asest probable exptonatlon ef th deadly assault Mangions suds ap aad tha fallo» ta »Reve MR» ef hto sus ed at this time along with the others on Dittar! was Justified seif defense besides fumishing a camping ground, in th* hands of a receiver. Th* mc to «aa way er tha other Je thet to show who the Coquille citizens are end returned a verdict of “not guilty." rccreatlon park and a convenient pic- ond mortgage hold«» were Wait* and - nicing ground. tha saw gees orar to awaK tha reeuH who ara working, for the Improvement Shaken. Both their mortgagee were By all means if thè eity pad Mr. foreclosed, of tho inveetigatiea ef eeunty affein and . ... Any Variety' progress of the city: The following is the account of the but the property was nev- lft, for lawn SOvermtoe, to Tho*. for whiek aa accouataat is te be fur O. C. Sanford, H. Lorens, A. T. trial as given by Mr. Ferrara, Man- Lamb con get togethar on a price fata sold because would bring no to both, thè deal should he made as thing. Wait* is -it >roke nishod by the office ef the seeretary ef Morrison, C. T. Shook, C. J. Fuhr- giene’s attorney, to the Times: Hayes, of Powers. and Shaken quickly as poeaible. If thè city does 2nd, for Coes White Dent, to J. T. State, aad if asked by tha Jury and man, R. 8. Knowltoa, L. J. Cary, Jas. Thera were five cars and s cook ear dead. This property is a lot Junk.” not purchase thè grave, Mr. Lamb Grant that every word of of this the dietriet attorney a spocial distrie» Watson, W. H. Lyons, R. H. Mast, L. Evernden, of Bridge. is on a ' siding below tho Myrtle Point informe uà, thè grave le to ha cut and trd, for town Stararmi»*, to Jaawe attorney will be appofotod atoe. H. Hazard. J. B. Norton, A. J. Sher true Why, then, will it not be for bridge, where the men were working thè loie placed on thè market. The indietmante retomad by the wood, C. W, Rndicott, E. E. Johnson, Rookard, of Bridge, the best interest ef ell concerned to tho track. Mangione came into 4th, for same, to L. B. Jennings, of fraad Jury ia tha chape ef “trae tilla" J. J. Stanley, F. C. Pursley, J. L. on let this property go to tax sale, where tho cook car, and began to cut himself Court C m — This Week ef whieh ene has not yot Smith, C. W. .Gardner, J. A. Lamb, some bread, and Dittori, who was al th* state will free it of every conflict Public, ewiag to tho fact Chas. Had, M. O. Hawkins, J. W. Gth, for Cow White Dent, to The case of J. W. Coats vs. J. P. ing claim in tho maze that Kinney's ready eating, spoke in a sneering tjfat its subject has not yet beca u - Miller, Chca. E. Baxter, J. 8. Law Rookard, of Bridge. Tapper, from the lower river, was and mortgages load to, -and per- «tod. The other six aro w follows: rence, Chas. Harlecker, Frank Burk- manner of Mangione to the few other triad hare Monday with a verdict of bonds mit the development of that section men in the car. Mangione went up to 1M EARS WHITE DENT The State va. Anteáis bolder, Coquille Hardware Co., Ore the man and asked why he was al $161.00 for the plaintiff. at the Bay territory to proceed on the charged with the morder ef John Any Variety . gon Power Co., A. L. Simpson, T. B. ways picking on him. Dittori’s an The case of G. W. Gates A Co. vs. solid basis of deeds issued by th* 1st, for lawn Silvermlne, to J. T. Dittori at Myrtto Point. A. T. Boidon, A. A. Setander, swer was to throw all the crockery Gao. W. Dafoe, from the Bay, was sheriff of Coos county. Th* United The State va. Porcy Besa charged Currie, Evernden, of Bridge. tried the same day and a verdict ren States government is making no fight H. A. Young. which was conveniently near at Man dered 2nd, for Coos White Dent, to J. T. with sodomy. Tuesday morning for 9200 and against paying taxes, interest and The consideration of the resolution The State va. Sam toland, ef the condtmni&f th# action of Coot coun- gione, bruising his face and cutting 20 days Evernden, of Bridge. allowed to perfect motion penalties in the land grant cates. him slightly. trd, for wme, to Jemw Rookard, Bey section, charged with viole tiea ef ty’e representative at Salem in re Mangione retired to his- Car, but for a new trial, Why should the bankrupt holds» of the proMMtloa law. at Bridge. Loren Knight, formerly of the Co cording his vote against to* anti-1. worthless mortgages on the Kinney came out a little later with a long 4th, for Iowa SUvunaine, to L & The State va. Loras Kaigkt, at W. W. Mil was the first business con knife Dittori met him at the cook quille neighborhood but now of Myr properties insist on feeing lawyen to Myrtto Point, ehargod with rotaiUng sidered. As ti»e ortctair.tor of the Jennings, of Remote. tle Point, was tried here yesterday obstruct th* sals of those properties ear door, also with a knife and with morning Gth, for Ceos White Dent, D. W. for having iiquer m his pos by the county, which certainly seems resolution A- T. Bolden spoke at The State vs. Clyde Dindiager, of length in favor of its adoption, do a yell attacked Mangione. Mangi session. The verdict of the Jury was th* Baker, of Lea way out of the fog in Marshfield, charged order a new law flaring that no parson.’. 1 nor political one sustained a severe cut in the arm, not guilty. He was defended by Claud which readiest thoe* a » en failure to step his ear after col motive actuated him in the matter, about three inches long, and Dittori Giles, who naturally feels quite sheety shrouded. To e properties BEST 1« EAR8 FLINT CORN with man up a tree it is was stabbed twice, one just below the with n bicycle which ran into, it but it was simply e desire that Co over winning his maiden csss on the hard to see how bankrupts liks those 1st, Canada Flint, D. 8. Breda, lision The State vs. Emmett Collins quille should not penult the state of heart and again in the back. crminal docket. holding the firat liens on the Kinney Myrtle Point. charged with larceny in aa auto theft Oregon to think that this part at Some witnesses said that Mangione tract, after th* taxes ara paid, are 2nd, for same, H. A. DeLong, Ban- case at the wogpded Dittori in the side and start Bay. able to raise money indefinitely to Coes county approves Mr. Thrift’s ac ed to run sway, but when about 10 In the cnee of the state vs. P. tion in that matter. fight their sole on tax foreclosure in Wm. Lott, ef «rii, for Matthews, the grand Jury filed n mo L. P. Branstetter also spoke in fav feet away, ran back and stabbed him th% courts and tha newspapers. in the back, but it was said a great tion to remand the defendant to tho or of tho resolution and moved that it Ono other point ia raised in Mr. BICE PM* CORN many of the witnesses did not agree Juvenile Court, as he is only 17 yaan he adopted. Hammond's article in regard to an al let, Mrs. D. L. Breda, Myrtto Point. of age as to what happened. • leged agreement with th* Boutin in J. Sherwood, while not defending The knife with wl.ich Mangione 2nd, Eleanor Folsom, Coquille. The following ara the' eases in U r. A. Thrift terest that the Kinney properties for voting as he did, nude stabbed Dittori wns produced in ltd, 8. K. Hatcher, Fairvtew. which no indictment wns found ana an should be treated the seme aa they appeal to tho elub for a lass harsh court but Dittori’s knife could not be ;V For sweet corn the first prim was the return wns “not a'true MIL” » in respect to interest end penal- resolution, one endorsing the bill found. awarded to J. N. Gearhart ef Dora, The Stats vs. Lanava. Judge Watson says such a without any condemnation, but when Mangione suffered severely daring ' The State vs. Hillis Short statement was mads to Mr. Boutin’s the hour the jury was out, two hypo The State vs. Etaasr Ingetnan. >, attorney, but obviously there wee no dermic injections being necessary to The State vs. Samuel Stoat guarantee made, and Just how th* quiet him. Ha choked so that ha Boutin company could go to work to could hardly speak, sad the veins of recover any part it had paid for taxes his hands and fcrms wars horribly compromise should be mad* on swollen, while his face at time seemed Don't forget that the Relief Cerpa if the a Kinney is not evident But to turn blue. He almost fainted with and D. A. R.J will give a dinner et the that then cases is no earthly reason for relief when he heard ¿ho jury's ver W. O. W. hell, Tuesday-; March A to offering a compromise we infer from dict Mr. Hammond’s own intimation that aQ returned soldier*, sailers and ma Mangione went out yaeterday rines, thsir wives end sweethearts in no one ia now in a ¿wsitiee to tender morning to Portland, and it -is not cluded. No matter whether you hava any money as a compromise. known where be will go from there. to Prance or only to the Sitka Th* sooner th* Kinney properties Albert B. Ferrara, Mn. Ferrara ana bean mill you will ha made heartily wui- era sold th* better for th* county, th* twtter for th* tract sad th* bettor for ?en* concerned unless it be the attonw a, whom we can hardly im- » ara putting up such a am p withoot than being something in it for them. LETS BUY THE LAMB GROVE WORK OF THE ; GRANDJURY K