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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
THE COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL, COQOUILLE. OEBQON. FRIDAY, TBBEUABT 14. M tt. FARMERS IN BEST errapa doesn't think in c h o f the it»* l ; FINANCIAL SHAPE •«typed reasons (Wan far tha Smith companies in this epunty getting tnio OF RECENT YEARS thn hnnda o f receiv e«. Ha says tha liamaburg, Kansas, and ia one o f a F. H. Watts, o f thia ctty, ia rap»«*- fam ily o f thirteen children, ail living, ing to Dallas, Oragon. o f w h oa three brother« aro ministers lonian Serenada« at Andoraon’a in Oregon. Hall next Thursday evening. Recorder Lawrence has ju st re Judge W ataon w ent ovar to the Bay ceived a lottar from his son, Ken nett, 4* San f n i d t i t Who say« ha has You will And Ladle«’ Muslin and Silk underwear at tho Ladies Basaar. W rist Watches. Good Stock. Boot makes st V. .R . W ilson'«, The Wateh- Mrs. J. H. M agill, o f Eden, Oregon, was a collar Tuaaday. She is moving to Power*. , •— — Mrs. Carrie Crouch'returned Friday from San Diego where ahe had been for several months. Calif., returned from there Monday evening and intend to mako their home in again in Coos county, al though they hav* not yet decided where. M n. Gachlker is the mother That will bo a musical trept the of Fred Von P egart Ionian Serenade« in tha Lyceum Merton Tyrrell, who is on« o f Uncle course Thursday, February 20. Sam’s seaman with the Host at San Lee ter F. Cook, who has Juat b e » Disgo, cams home Sunday on a to discharged from the army at Camp days’ furlough. Ms says the ship he Lewis, reached home last Friday is on mads a trip to tho Atlantic night. coast last fall, returning Dec. 28 to H. M. Shaw, M. D , Eys, Ear, Noe* Pacific waters. Ho is looking hale and Throat specialist, will be at Bax and hearty, as if life on the roiling % ter Hotel Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 1919. wavs agreed with him. "Glasses Fitted.” 6t2 Albert B. Fjrrara, editor o f the The Bandon schools are about the only ones In the county that are still closed on account o f tha “ Flu,” but they will reopen next Monday. Tho Lodiaa Basaar has just received another shipment o f georgette, crepe- dechine and pongee blouses in tho sra- aon’l newest shades and styles. , H. S. Norton came home from San Francisco several days ago, having been discharged from the Marine corps in which he enlisted last year. In our mention o f the McAdams di vorce case last week we omitted to state that there were two aulte, the husband as wall as the w ife soaking divorce. Mrs. Tad Totiar returned Sunday from a week’s visit to Portland. She aays that the flu epidemic has entirely subsided there, not a case in town be ing reported when «ho loft. Clove Summerlin writes us from Los to sand hia paper to Mayo, Flori da, so w* infer ha is taking a trip across tha continent to a land of oranges and flowers. The Myrtle Wood Cream er, has been purchased o f J. D. Carl, o f Arm- go, by A. W. Britton, who has been eheesemaker at Mr. Carl’s Arago fac tory for some time past. / ooa and nil sufficient raaaon why tha Saxtth-Powers operation« have not Smooth Transition of Agricul proved proflubla ia the racklaaaneaa ture to Pmc« Btsis PmKcted and waatefulneaa o f n considerable percentage o f tha force employed, who would wreck nmchinery, areas up American farm er« a m In better toola and do all aorta o f damage. Of courae, there waa at the earn« time financial shape than they have been more or leaa sabotage and industrial for year«, according to a recent report but the moat o f tho waste was proba bly duo to lack o f efficient supervision o f the work. Ho mentions on* case in which a fuller had saw ed'into a big bnuch of trees, cutting thorn nil around as U they were ready for the donkey to lay them low ; bqt waa paid and gone when tho work bqgan and it waa found that none o f theto would budge, the cuts being only a few inches deep. ,W e sometimes think it’s a good deal bettor to do a small business well than to spread over a big on« and hav« things dona by thoao wno don’t hava the slightest regard for their employ er’s interests. Mias Schroeder Responds Assessor Beyers received a request Wednesday from tho Adjutant Gener , al’s offics at Portland to sond his chief , dark in tho local m ilitary board up ther e to help chock over the delin * among the Coos county men Italian Tribune at Portland and also quents 1 for m ilitary sorvico. They Italian consul at Portland, w^s hors registered 1 yesterday to gst inform ation in the H navd a list o f all the men in this coun Probate Court about ths estate o f * ty who have not filed their question naires nor reported to the board, and John Dottori, ths Italian section hand, 1 taking action in their cases who was murdered at M yrtle Point before I wish to hav* all ths light the of- lost fell. He was o f ths opinion that they * some o f ths bills rendered against ths j T M k intention is to separate the «•tats were excessive. ■heap from the gosts, as soon as they The statement given us last vssk in i! learn who a n tho w ilful dsssrtsm and /ega rd to ths food contributed by ths , who are unintentionally in default In men at the Sitka Mill Seas stated at ( compliance with this request Miss Evs $26. That was ths amount given , Schroeder, ths chief clork o f the local by ths men who did not pay cash bat j board, wont up to Portland this morn- had the company take their gifts out , , o f thStr^psy check». Bsgjdes this hW- . there were $27.60 o f cash contribu That Cheese Trademark tion, making with the company’s $10 The design submitted - by C. I. g ift a total o f $02.60 from tbs mill. Kime for a trade mark fo r the Coos and Curry conntias Cheese associa Marshal Miller At Seattle City Marshall A. P. Miller, who tion and adopted at tho mooting Wed went up to Brsmsrton loot Thursday nesday consists o f a circle wide to take J. A. Carter to tho naval au enough to extend across ths outside thor! ties there to ana war tho charge rind o f • cheese, with • big 4C in the o f desertion, returned Sunday after center, with the words “ Coos and noon. They saw Mrs. Carter safely Curry Counties Cheese Association" aboard ths 0 . A. W. train at P od - running around the cfrelb and a scene land, which started for tho east at the with wooded hills and a sunset at sen same hour that their train left for shown also in the center. The beet Seattle, 11 o’clock Thursday night. o f the plan, however, is to hav* the They arrived at Seattle Friday morn words “ Coos and Curry” run up and ing ju st after ths sympathetic strike down on the circumference % o f the had shut up everything and had a cheese so that «very piece o f a pound hard time finding anything to sa t or more weight is bound to contain Asking where to got breakfast they them in full. W alter Newberry, form erly a clork in the sheriff’s office, came down from Powers Thursday after the shutting were told they could got k meal at down o f th o camps. He is expecteing the Labor Temple. “ Where is th at?” they asked. to make Coquill« hia home again. “W ell, go eight blocks up this street Andy Davis, form erly deputy sher and then four blocks to the left.” iff here but now inspector for the Pa- Following directions they learned ciqc Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau, that there were numerous more turns ia back on the job in Coos county to make before reaching the temple again with headquarter« at the Bay. and finally growing faint with their Ladies— Let Mrs. Neita Oddy, on long hike on entirely empty stomachs Spurgeon Hill, do that Hemstitching they gave up ths quest. But they did and Pleating for you. You are sure eventually reach a basement resort to Wi pleased with the work that she where a couple o f women were doing doA . Orders can be left at the Ladies their best to feed the crowd that was pressing in. Her* they broke their V. R. Wilson, Optician and Optome fast, without getting any meat, how ever. _ trist, will be at hia office on Taylor The streets were pretty nearly de strafe, Coquill«, «very day in the week. Glasses fitted. Optical repairs done serted at that early morning hour, and aeetly and quickly and broken lenses it looked as if ths city hid shut up shop and quit business. duplicated. Mr. Miller ssys that Carter was a The Honor Guard girls era hereby mods! prisoner and gave him no trou notified that there will be a meeting ble whatever. next Thursday evening, February 20, at the Liberty Temple at 7:80. Miss O. A. C. Demonstrator Here Horiocker, the leader, Jesires that all Homs Demonstration work is being members be present. explained and demonstrated to the Mr. and Mrs. A. O. W elker era en people o f Coos County by a worker joying s visit from his brother and from ths State C ollege; Mias Minnie sister, Edward Walker, o f San Fran Kalbus, who has been in the County cisco, and Mrs. A. M. Levy, o f Port on several occasions last year, ia plan land. They came in Wednesday after ning to reach all communities as soon noon from Portland. sa possible. W hile working in the communities around Coquille, her o f E. A. Folsom returned last Monday fice will be in the Ctty Hall, at Co afternoon from s two months’ visit quille; while working out from with his w ife at Modesto, Calif. Mrs. Marshfield, in the Chamber o f Com Folsom is down there caring for her merce building at Marshfield. When mother, Mrs. Garrett, whose health is you come to town, call on Miss Kalbus much better in that country. for it will bs some time before she Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage had is abli to reach all communities. sufficiently recovered from his long tussle with the prevailing epidemic to Sgt. Frank Norris at Portland get back into th4 office on Tuesday. The first contingent o f uie return He ia feeling almost as good as new, ing heroes, who had bran on the front his last trouble having been on attack line In France and'had suffered from o f pleurisy. sickness, wounds or gas, arrived at This has been another week o f al Portland Wednesday night .and went most constant rains, the downpour te Camp Lewis fo r demobilisation. There were 188 o f them and they were o f Wednesday evening being especial given s rousing recaption by the as ly heavy. The result is that the valley is again covered with water, though sembled thousands who were looking it lacks some feet o f being as high for friends. Among them was Ser geant Frank Norris, o f this etty, as that o f three weeks previous. whose mother, Mrs. M. J. Nichols re Mrs. Ida Levine tells us that her cently removed to M yrtle P oint son, Charles, who has been one o f the Am erican Legation Guard at Peking, Request Required Gall Ths request o f the recallers that the county appoint a special district attorney to help them make a case against» the officials who are asked to make the appointment, is certainly a peculiar .one. They’re a thrifty set, surely and shy at legal fees they themselves might hav* to pay; but “ no man can servo two m asters;’’ and any attorney would likoly think more o f serving the men who paid him than the men who had only hot air to ped- r f the Fhdsral Reserve Board at W ash- Ington, which also predicts a smooth' transition of agriculture and industry from a war to a peace basis. T he board's review of economic conditions throughout tha country 1« based on detailed reports made to it by the ■.overnors o f tho twelve federal re serve banks. "T h e farmer In. said to be in the beat financial shape for many years,'' the review says’ "In the Sooth he is ■ble to hold hla cotton for better prices and Is marketing hia output conservatively. "E xcellen t crop .prospect* are re ported from - tho wheat states o f tha W est and from California. On tha Pacific Coast the prospects for excel lent crops are exceedingly bright.” “ Victory r a e r " crops, according to •another government report, added 128 , 940 . Dr* W m . M . Scholl, the authority on feet, has an appliance for every foot ailment, which we will carry a com- plete line* Through the knowledge received from tk ii Chicago ialist and from taking a Practipedie courae on tha c the feet from the D * Scholl M fg. Co., w e w ill be a take care o f all cam*. B A IL E Y G A S M A K E R Potatoes— 397,870,000 bushels, $476.- /I1.000. • ■ Hay— 76,459,000 tons. $1.533,473,000. Tobacco — 1,340.019,000 pounds, 1374.318.000. Apples— 178,838,000 barrels. $339.- 190.000. A s a result of the flourishing condi tion of the farmer In general the gov ernment expects him to take a large block o f Victory Liberty Loan Bonds le April. fits in the fire box o f any cook stove or range. Burns ordinary coal oil (kerosene), at less cost than wood orcoal. No waste, no smoke, no ashes. The Bailey Gas Maker does your top cook ing, baking and heats your water coils. Satis faction guaranteed. Price installed $35.00 BORN OF W AR It is difficult yet to value accurately in som e instances to perralvb *D h e war baa brought, to our national He or pruned from i t The things ve think little now may appear to jostsrity the greatest. The Thrift Stamp idea seem s to be one o f tbeee. Originated sc a war emergency m ess ire, it has taken hold; has appealed io the common sens« of America, and may yet thnpe the destiny of the tgtlon. tr It is patent, now that the war is jver, that the Thrift Stam p ha« .come U> stay. If wq get nothing else out of he war bat tha habit of saving, which >egeta the corollary simple living, we rill have reaped thq full fruit o f the n r . For a thrifty democracy Is a Irm democracy, a potent democracy, i democracy strong enough to pre- terve Itself. • A man who saves is a better clt lien than the man who does not gave. He becomes a stockholder in bis govsru- nent and he is jealous for tb s wel- ’are o f that government In war spd n peace. In war he will fight fdc H with his Ufa. In peace be will protect it from those who would tear down. Don’t think you have sacrificed be cause you may be paying for your ia- terest bearing Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. These fellows back from France legless, arm less or sightless don’t think thqy have sacrificed. They simply think they did th slr duty. T he Victory Loan com ing In April Is the last ’ Liberty Loan. Then the war is over for you. It w ill be still going on for 1.080,000 Americans Is .Francs. lower Coquille river t o la r have the bonds of the Uetted 8t*tee In the hands of 80 . 008,000 ordinary citi sens than concentrated In ’•he beads of a few rich mon. Think at that when Unele 8am offers you e Victor» Liberty Bond. Dr. Schoird Foot Boxer Price M .H Per Pair ' Gets—1.688.359.000 bushels. $1,0*2,- 183.000. -Barley—260.876,000 bushels. »235,- 289.000. Rye—89.103.000 bushels, $134.947,- FINE RANCH on T he $108 you put Into a Victory Lib erty Bond will be worth $136 plus in terast when prices rattle down. A do) lor le worth what you can bey with I t I i^ P p g t —»17.100,000 bushels, $1,874,- Dairy Word fipm the Myrtle Point officials to loek obt fo r the 12-yeer-old son of Ted H stcm r,- o f that, «tty, who was making onothar attempt to run away. Marshai Miller went up the track a* the O. K. Creamery but found no trace o f him. He came this way when hs attempted a similar «eca- pnde a year ago. toll's Foot Appliances $17,000,004.000 to our wealth. The principal contributions ware: Corn—2,681,814,000 bushels. $8£3I.- A s Am erica saves from this day on io shall she grow in benign power and n the eyes o f mankind. “ A bank *c- ount for every American clttsen” hould be one o f our national slogans. The T hrift and W a r Savings Stamp den Is freighted with a mighty change 'or the better in our national life. The T hrift Stamp la backed by tha Possibilities ia Curry United States government. W ithout E. E. Oakes, o f Bandon, manager loubt it is the greatest investment o f the Nsstlsk’ condensery there, was tver offered and It is In such a fo r a e Coquille visitor yesterday. Hs i. h a t «vary American, big and little, enthusiastic over the prospects o f that a n taka advantage o ' IL institution and thinks there is enough good dairy land in the Denmark sec tion to support 20,000 cattle. Hs doss not expect to run the condense ry at anything like its fu ll capacity this year nor next, but has unlimited con fidence in the future prospects of that institution. W e are Agent for 448 Acres, o f which 184 b W item lead, cleared sad fenced with one- half ia euMvatiea. Aloe slock sad ’farming Implements. A Bargain. Easy Ter su . Fer perttculan, call sr write LIBERTY THEATRE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 “ INNOCENTS' PROGRESS Comedy— “ ROYAL ROGUE“ F. B. FRANKS— W orld’* strongest man in feata o f marvelous strength. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Feature, Select Comedy Drama “ FINLEY NATURE“ “CURRENT EVENTS— 1 R ed MR. FRANKS, the strong man will make another exhibition o f his powers. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 * “ FIRES OF YOUTH” Comedy— “ PHONY PHOTOS” — 2Reels Special program o f music by Coquille Orchestra under direction o f Prof. W. Zimer. Opening Overture at 7:16 Don’t miaa i t 1. March “ Royal Flunk.” 2. Grand Selection “ Ernani” by Verdi Special m usk adapted to the picture by the Or chestra. Prof. Zimer ia bringing the Orchestra to a high standard o f perfection. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 A 1* “ NEARLY M ARRIED" Comedy Drama— 6 Reel— Featuring Madge K en ed y “ BABY MINE” 1 Reel— Lyons-Moran Comedy THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ‘ “ LEST WE FORGET” Screen Classic— One o f the greatest pictures evdr Aimed. Alone worth the price o f admisison. Chaa. ChapUa in<2 Real Comedy T H E FlrtfcURN” A b o the Coquille Orchestra tinder the a bb «Unc tion o f W. Zimer will render a good program— one especially adapted to the Super Feature “ Lest We Ferget. Admission to this show will 15c and 30c.