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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
T n coQunxi y a l l e y h k t v il , c o q o ü il l k . o b s q o m . F r i d a y , r m u iiY u, im. PAGE SEYEN SSJ U B erry W o rk Here U something from tb« Port n ifiiB By Orford Tribun* about a Tlw follow ing program will be County Homo Demonstration Work, industry fo r Curry county, which ap- cteeety follow ed at each e f the places: ss well as the County Agricultural pliee with tenfold fore* to Coo* Marshfield, Monday aad Tuesday, and Bays and G irls' Club W ork, ty—becaua* Coos Feb. 84 and 26. for its rsasoo fo r existence a definite mueh land suitable fo r harry culture M yrtle Point, Wednesday and program o f work. | as has C urry: # Thursday, Fab- 26 and 27. ■ Coos County has tha Agricultural n*w industry, Coquffla, Friday aad Saturday, Fab. W ork aad Boys and Girla’ Chib Work biliti** fo r v a t d*v*iopm*nt, is within 28 and March 1. permanently established. A re the the reach o f the people o f Curry E|m ta le advantage of Conducted by the Extension Service ty i f th*y will co-operate and g o after o f the Oregon A gricultural C o lla g e their ______________ „ to __________ opportunity find out about the it i am i the office o f the County A gricul- Homo Demonstration W ork? Of u , When in Sa^sn last week N. H. tural A gen t course they are. * ■ ■ - * - 4 Larson went through the plant Instructors—E. B. Pitts and E. L. The County Agent works with tbs conferred with th* managers o f the W estover; and at Cequille during the particularly tha farm er and Pheasant Northwest Products Co. Inst tw o days, G. R. Hyslop w ill also his business; th* County Club This is ono o f the biggeet concerns bo on the program , talking on the with the boys and girla; tha Hi engaged in the m anufacture o f soft subjects o f corn and potatoes especi Demonstration Agent with tbs drinks, jam s and jelleys, west o f the ally, and some on other farm crops. men and their business o f Mississippi river. The sales manager F irst Day ing. told Mr. Larson that ha had been 10 A . M.— The Business o f Dairying. The womsC o f Cooe County are not planning to investigate the situation going to fa ll back on the traces; but The place o f Dairying in Coos and Curry counties for in Agriculture. men, women and children ere going time, the company having already re to pull together for better homes. Essentials to Success. ceived shipments o f berries from 11 A . M.— Developing the Herd. What are the problems -o f your Lakeside in northern Coos. The p i»« community -that you need to solve? Breeding Method*. as ouUined to Mr. Larson was that a Do you noed better sanitary condi Selecting the Sire. refining establishment would be built 1 P. M.— Feeding fo r Milk Production tions ? Do you need your work light in Coos county and a crushing plant ened by labor savers? Does your Principles o f feeding. in Curry If the people o f the two com i school need hot lunches to holp cor Selection o f foods. ties would g o into berry culture rect that appalling, percentage of Balancing rations. strong enough to warrant it. physically defective children? 2 P. M— Judging Demonstration. Apples, loganberries, evergreen or Perhaps the wopien o f your com Selecting dairy cattle by wild blackberries, gooseberries, rasp type or conform ation. munity need to'S tu d y balanced ra berries, in fa ct all kind o f berries, tions fo r the fam ily as the men have Second Day would be used. To get the crushing 10 A .M .—C alf Raising. studied it fo r their stock. If you have plant Curry would have to guarantee one or all o f these problems, enlist Feeding and handling the cultivation o f 800 acres o f such from birth to maturity. the Home Demonstration W orker as. products. A t the crushing plant the 11 A . M.— Silos and Silage your assistant to remedy them. F * juice from this fruit would be < lowing 1 sa brief outline o f the pro Essentials itf silo con tracted, pasteurised arid bottled a* it struction. jects which may be taken up by your would keep indefinitely, and shipped community. Crop* for the silo. to the refinery. I— Child W elfare Making silage, Loganberry grow ers in the W illam i P: M.— Buying Feeds. - Feeding and care o f children. ette valley net from $200 to $400 per Hot school lunches. Comparative value o f d if and one thing that makes the II— Food Study ferent feeds. •any anxious to come into Curry Balanced diet for the adult. . Co-operative buying. Balanced diet fo r the child. that samples o f those berries they ,2 P. M.— Herd Record Keeping. ... > # <* • ' ^ Simplified table service. have received from Langlois have a Value o f Records. superior flavor to those grown in the III— Clothing Methods o f securing Remodeling o f clothing . valley. And to encourage the culti records. Textile study. vation o f this berry, the company will Cow Testing associations. 1...... 1 1 ■' ' ' ¿ - = = S = Standardised dress for sign a contract at a good minimum price for five years, giving the grow IV— Household Administration Extension School Program Household Convenfencee. er the advantage o f the market price. The comm ittee in charge o f making Sanitation. There are thousands o f aero* o f the necessary arrangements fo r the Account Keeping. good fru it land in Curry now lying Homo Econom ics Extension Schools, idle. W ith the advent o f the small to bo hold in Coquillo on F ob. 28 and House Furnishing and Decoration. , ; fru it industry, fam ilies can make March 1, met on Monday afternoon V— Pood Preservation Canning fruits and vegetables. more than n living on small tract* o f and decided on the follow ing program : ............................ ........................ ..... ............................................. ................ ................................ Canning meat«. l*nd sad th* population o f our eopnty FRID AY— Preserving Egjfcs. can double and than double again. If •.-46— 11:16 A . M. Drying fruits and vegetables. th* Industry is secured, H w ill b* Business Methods fo r the Home necessary fo r each community to get * Lecture Card s f together and help guarantee the first Removal o f Stains Demonstration 800 W e wish to thank the kind friends 2:00— 8:00 P> M. Clothing Lecture A Demonstration who so loyally helj>«d us in our trou Getting Rid s f ble and in the bereavement o f our 8:00—4:00 P. M. The essieet and quickest way to got Health - Lectuse husband and father, Geo. M. G. Miller. rid o f a cold te to taka Chamberlain's Cora Millar and children. Cough Remedy. This preparation has SATURDAY— ' 9:46— 11:16 A . M. been In use for many y ea n and its FOR SALE. value fully proven. No m atter what Leftovers Demonstration remedy you use, however, care must 1 3-gal. barrel churn, 1 small Vik 2:00— 8:00 P. M. be taken not to contract a second cold ing separator, 14 chickens, 1 dapple before you have recovered from the Balanced iDet fo r the Family gray team, horse and mare, 6 and 7 O rg a n izin g Testing Association 8:00— 4:00 P. M. first one, and there is serious danger years old, weight about 1800 and 1860. o f this. A man o f middle age o f older Simplified Table Service A t * meeting o f the dairymen at should go to bed and stay in bed until , Demonstration E. E. Fraedrick. Myrtle Point on Feb. 6 the CoqUille- fu lly recovered. It is better to stay The Home eDmonstration Agent in bod three days at the start than Myrtle Paint Cow Testing Associa Calling Garda, 100 fo r 81.00. and How to Get On«. three weeks later on. tion was re-organised fo r another's year’s work. Th* follow ing officers SEND were chosen to manage the assicia- tion:. i resident, W. C. Cutler. * Vio* President, Lawrence Rackluff. Sec.-Trcas., L. P. Trigg. TO YO U R Directors, S. 8. Reed, Joe Meat, J. C. Strong, John Fabry. The follow ing men have already signed up to have their horde tested this year. Many other are expected to sign soon: Bell Bros. S. S. Reed, Joe Mast, D. W. McNair. W. A. Mc Nair, J. C. Strong, F. L. Lundy A - > <e> Son, John Fabry, W. C. Cutler, E. Arneson, Finley Schroeder, J. D. Carl, J. H. Barklow, Geo. Hennlnger, Geo. ITS W E E K L Y V ISITS 0 ^ Robison, Clinton and Racklcfif, Martin ARE Schmidt, L. P. T rigg, Ralph Bunn, V. H. Berky, J. C. Hervey A Son, W. B O U N D TO IN T E R E S T TH E M H. Myers, Joe Summerlin, E. N. Shull, Ed Dothifsen, Frank W ilte d, Neil IN TH IS C O U N T R Y McGilvery, W. E. Cross, Stevens and Clinlc-mbeard, J. E. Bello.ii, Geo. Maas, P. A . Lux, Roberta A Rackleff, <S> Hillia Perkins, Jas. T. Jenkins, Jas. Dcvjreux, Fred O'Rourke, C. D. Jar SHOW T H E PA P E R man, R. M. Proasey. __ A lot of the last named ones will T O Y OU R FRIEN DS W H O A R E NOT probably be put into an association on the lower river, If we MA find TA K IN G IT. ough more to go iti with yhem t* ' ' T H E Y W IL L BECOME ike a full association. How about TALK about smoke«, Prince Albert the rest e f you fellow s, who haven’t k geared to e joy handout standard IN TE R E S TE D IN IT TO O. IT IS signed up yat? LYCEUM COURSE begins Thursday,? Feb. with the IONIAN VADERS Season Tickets, 4 numbers Reserved Seats for season General Admission, each number r W ar Tax extra / Anderson’s H a ll - Seats reserved for season at Anderson’s Store at 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, February 18. No seats reserved before that hour. THE SENTINEL F R IE N D S IN T H E EAST C that just lavishes emokehappinees on every man game enough to make a bee line far a tidy red tin end a jimmy pipe—old or newt Get it straight that what you’ve hankered for to ie or cigarette maldn’i smokes you’ll find aplenty P. A. That’a because P. A . haa tha quality t You can’t any more make Prince Albert bite yotv or parch your throat than you can make a horse vhen he’s off the water! Bite and parch tarn cut out by our exclusive patented process! ^ You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why to samhin you didn’t nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you can to remember back! P » fth w AMmt i s a d M m , i R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., W iastoa-Soloa, N. C S om ething fo r th e B oys From Smith’s County Bulletin A year age Ellis Barker, a twelve- year-old bey, e f Fairview, joined th* Pig Club. , • 1. He imported two fine young registered B erk sh ire«/a boar and s si w. (An investment o f about 840.00) 2. He took good care o f his . pigs. 8. He showed them at the County Fair in September, where they won first prise and a free trip fo r Ellis to the State Fair for one whole week with all his expenses paid. 4. He now has a whole herd of . pure bred*, for as yea may have sus- , picioned already, hie Mr. and Mm. | Berkshire have a fam ily o f eight Ht- 'tle Berks, (five weeks old ), worth THE PAPER THAT IS D IF F E R E N T . ADDRESS T H E S E N T IN E L , COQUILLE, ORE. j *’ next falL one year ago. If you want one o f the pigs, you 6. He will sell these registered pig* (six beam and two sow s) at better write at once to Ellis about i t bars ' Address him at Sumner, or phone 891, $26.00 each, but W p ig club he will make • special price o f $16.00 Coquille line. each, on condition that they agree to Send the Sentinel to < M ands. (| time* as much as their mother cost exhibit the pigs at th* County Fair