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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
RECALL AGAIN COQUILLE F A C S SIX FRIDAY, COQOUILLB, IONIAN SERENAOERS COMING M usiciftB s an 4 EntnrtalMra to Appoar Horo I M Its V Since tMp"lmve stowed us to bmb - tio n -------- e f places to oor letters I The Recall meeting o f the Ceos County Taxpayers Association at the Marshfield Chamber o f CommarcJ last Monday noon was rather elimly attended; hot those prw right ahead and voted to recall Judge Watson and Commissioner Philip, and . appointed W. L. W elker, o f campaign manager for the will toy «tel gh* •* Mea °*r trip and travels since leaving the goed old U. 8. A .. W e railed from Tha Norway Nimbi« Needtoa, under Philadelphia July 6, at 11:90 a. m. tha leadership o f M lu Nellie Barton, with I960 Yonks aboard «ad In two U beginning work with a dotermln*- daps w e east «eth er la the harbor at tion to go over the top 100 par cent Halifax, N. 8. But no oes * u al strong. Norway alao haa promise of to go ashore. W « toft there a good b is eW k Barton Stemmier, July 9th end landed in England mi North Bead bid« fa ir to make this M yrtle Point, Oregon. July 2Srd, just below London, and year a banner aaaaon in club work. then took a train to Winchester, a Six clubs have bam organised there, A resolution adopted asking Judge C o m T hat A re M aking Records. British rest camp (o f tents),'stayed at with an «A d apt leader at the head of Coke o f the Circuit Court to provide the camp two days aad than took the From Smith’s County Bulletin oarh, and a total enrollment o f nearly an expartl accountant and an assistant train fo r South Hampton. There we A herd of twenty-six high grade one hundred members. district attorney fo r the grand jury took e small, speedy beet serose the M yrtle Point is going to get back Jersey cows was recently purchased which is to meet hare next Monday, English Channel to Prance. It took o f the pig and ca lf clubs good and by J. D. Carl, o f A rago, from a dairy “ both disinterested officials," to assist about twelve hours to cross the chan strong. Mr. Carter Mbs announced man on Smith Rivor, Ore. in making a complete investigation nel aad we crossed at night on account During the month o f A pril tost that ha will buy the pigs o f the local the financial affairs o f the county. o f the U-boats. A fter spending an dub members at Portland prices, year, 21 o f those cows were then It was pointed out that a new other day in a rest camp ws again which will amount to about five dol fresh and they averaged 55.4 lbs o f special accountant would bo entrained for 48 hours in box cars, lars above the local market price on fa t each for the month, the highest assist tha grand jury as Mr. Wann, packed in like sardines. But we final each pig. Other important announce, monthly average for any herd in the who audited the books tost year, had ly landed-at Mnndrae, France, about m enu in theee lines will be made next association. not yet submitted a complete report. the 29th o f July. There is where we Eightofn of tho 26 cows in this hard month. M yrtle Point alao w ill have A nominating committee whose put on the finishing touches for about made ha average o f 825.3 lbs o f fa t some active clubs in girls’ work- personnel was not reported In the thirty days and then started for the in Marshfield the dub courses is for tho seven months they were on Bey papers wsa named to Brake nees- Front. A fter marching seven hours m lr in o o n /) sewing snisrincp probably n w ik fiK lv w l l be' km' test, ju st on pasture alone. The rest cooking and w i ill inations for judge and commissioner with an extra heavy pack to Roaiing- adopted in grades seven and eight as o f the hard, which freshened later in at s meeting to be bold at the Buy port we took the train again this time e season was not figured in this a part o f the regular school work. A next Ifon diy. to Gondacourt and then ear troubles live garden d a b w ill be organised average because they did not have a The follow ing are the resolutions started. No more daylight marching, there under the leadership o f Mrs. chance to be tested fo r tho seven adopted:* all night moves on foot, excepting one W hereat Indications are that Marsh months, as it seems there were not 1 then we were on French enough cows in the association to Whereas, it is apparent that the field will have a poultry dub also. public funds of Coos county, state m trucks, which was worse. W s wars Empire, too, is going to get into the provide funds to longer hire a tester Oregon, have been extravagantly and in reserve at S t MeMel fo r seven days club gamsl; but we ars not yet prepar to stay on tho job. waatefully expended by the county and than shifted to the Argonne For ed to say in what p roject If this bunch o f cows could have far the big all-American drive. commissioners o f said county during The Marry Menders, o f Eastside, been tasted fo r e year they each tbs years o f 1917 and 1918 without We would walk oil night and hide in Mrs. Selma Thomas, leader, will keep would probably have averaged a liitle regard for the purpose to which such some barn or woods in the dey. For m errily mending until each o f the ten over 400 lbs o f butterfet. Figure up public funds had been dedicated, as in we wanted to surprise the Huns aad leesons is completed. No lagging will about how much it increased the value dicated j>y the published tax budget on Sept 26 at 5 a. m. we went osar o f each o f these cows to have them the top after a six-hour barrage had o f said county, and A t Catching Inlet work has already tested. t FritUie and than for nine Whereas, the grand jury o f said Still there are men milking cows in bean started by the sewing club under Ceos county at the November term o f days i t was Hell!. There wsa not an the direction o f Miss Irene W eekly. this county, who are not interested o f the oircuit court thereof made its inch o f ground loot by the Yanks a f A boys’ dub will be organised there enough in improving their herds to findings and report to said circuit ter it was ones taken sad we advanc soon, possibly by the time that this pay out a little old dollar and a half court indicating that public funds o f ed, I should judge, about eight miles paper appears. Mr. Cully offers to per year for the purpose o f landing said county had boon misapplied by in nine days. But after that time ws stock the boys o f that section with out just how good or how poor each the said county commissioners, and g it relief sad want hack about five purebred Poland Chinns. His offer is of their cows may be. Whereas, an auditor employed by mile« for a rest and fead. A fter two s liberal one and no doubt will meet We are glad to bo able to state that the county court to audit and submit days’ rest we taarted a three-day with hearty aproval o f the people of this good herd has been entered by s report showing the disposition o f march to Laem ont where we rested I that section. their new owner, Mr. Carl, in the county funds, has failed to file with three days aad got to s o n » new man Kan tuck Inlet probably will have a testing association, where their pro the county clerk a complete report, to refill the 84th division. Then w . sewing dub. Bunker Hill will con- duction records will be watched with marched to Revigney and again took sad They will also be , eider the club proposition this week, much interest. Whereas, the official report o f the the train, this time to Belgium where and probably will adopt one or two bred to Mr. Carl’s proven sire, Merry Coos county grand jury spates a mis- we were attached to the Third French projects. Golden Lad. appliance o f the 1B17-1B1S budget army. Wa g ot off-th e train in Bel | If you want to buy or s d l pigs, There are a number o f good ex items wiinout any w iifc oa tbs pro gium some place in the Yprea section I eggs fo r hatching or seed potatoes, amples o f progress like this in most > to where I saw destruction ject« fpr which said taxea were speci , write The County Club Leader, Co o f the live communities o f old Coos, fically levied, among which items are for a whole day's march across what gradually increasing each year. Are quille, Oregon. Telephone No. 464. had been N o. Man’s Land for four included the follow ing: you com ing up or going back. Is Coquille bridge 1917 budget, $20,- years. Not a live tree was toft and your herd a bit better than it was a Ik e Story o f My Pig the villages had been snot down level. 000. year ago or five years ago and how Buying a pig fo r five dollars, feed Powers bridge 1917 budget, $10,000. The only way yon could toll there had much better will it be five years ing it waste from the home and six North Bead-Gtoagow ferry $12,000. been « town there was that you might hence? dollars’ worth o f m ill food; then win « a fern bricks or part o f a lamp South Slough bridge, $2,000. Aim high, but don’t shut both eyes ning a prise o f $£50 and soiling the ist. Whereas, it is manifest and appar when you sh oot . pig fo r ISS-TT-this is the record of ent that the public welfare demands We landed after a hard day's march Barton Stemmier, a 13-year old dub s full and exhaustive investigation of at Routers, than want to a place acllad Low er Price« fo r Lim e. boy o f M yrtle oP in t Barton is in the expenditures o f the different funds Do Gods, where ws first picked up our From Smith’s County Bulletin the eighth grade in school. A t home o f Coos county for the years 1917- Then we kept moving by he takes care o f a cow and does other The S. P. agent here at Coquille 1919 by the county commissioners and easy stages up to the Front until Oct. work to help his widowed mother. He has re-figured the freigh rate on o f the business administration o f raid li s t wa holding the town o f Wereagun ■ays he appreciate« the 0 . A. C. end lime by the car load, which we have county and thst such investigation be with the Huns ju st outside, when we looks forward to the day when he can been shipping in for farm ers from tho nude by competent, disinterested «X* started another drive. Our objective be a regular student there. State Lime Plant at Gold Hill, and parts, now therefore, wee Omernode and ws had five days finds that the lime can be delivered BARTON’S OWN 8TORY Be it Resolved, by the Taxpayers’ to reach it, but at noon on tho second here at a total cost o f $3.55 per ton league in meeting a -ambled this 10th day we got there. The eld 91st did “ I am a pig dub member so I can day o f February, 1919, at the chamber things up In a harry when they were find out ju st how to rate# pigs. My by tho cor load. This includes cost The e f commerce in Marshfield, Cooa coun turned loom and then all we had to pig’s name is Liberty Ann and I got o f lime, freight and war tax. ts Oregon: do was to hold our ground for three her from Giles Harris. I was study cost will amount to about 10 cts. less 1. That a complete end compre end a half days. A fter that we get ing hard one afternoon in school when on the ton to Marshfield and 10 cents hensive injury be made by the grand four days’ root and then took the Mr. Nosier came in end said fo r all more per ton to Myrtle Point. Thirty tons is the minimum amount jury o f raid county and other com Front on tho 11th o f November, the •f the children to g o into his room, petent public officials. day of days. W ell I will put in all the that soma men sms going to talk, so which will be shipped in any car from 2. That the county court o f Coos details when I get back, which 1 hope we all went in there and Mr. Smith, the State Plant. Ail orders must be paid for in ad county bo and is hereby requested w on t be very long. We start bask our County Agricultural Agent, got te appoint as an assistant to such in for France in a few days and I hope np and convinced some o f the boys vance. , The lime- is in the form o f ground1 vestigation a competent expert ac thst they ju st refit us and ship us and girts to gat a pig sad I was lime stone unburnod, shipped in bulk, countant other than the present ap tack to the States £ . D. Q. unsacked. pointee, W. H. Wann, and a special " I went home end told my mother deputy to the district attorney, other The quickest way to get your lime, and she asid no at first but after a Schools in Home Econom ics. than the present special counsel, L. while she gave in. I could net find a if you want it, is to get your neigh (B y Mise M tonie Kalbus) A. Liljeqvist. pig at first but le t«- I did. I select bors together end make up a cor, I Subjects e f interest to a ll women e f ed a Poland Chins sow. I thought a then send your money, $1.75 per ton, 5. That the circuit judge o f raid county be and is hereby requested to Cooa County will 'b e dismissed at the Peinad China about the beet kind o f the price o f the lime direct to the appoint such experts and assistants Home Economics Schools to be held a pig because they are a good mar Bute Lime Plant at Gold Hill, Ore referred to if the raid county court at Coquille, Myrtle Point and Marsh ket hog and good fo r breeding pur gon. Then give the freight charges for any reason shall fail to make such field, during the last week in Febru poses. to some one o f your neighbors, whom appointments, if the same shall be re ary. “ I kept my pig on green feed be- you wish to appoint, to whom the The Dairyman have been holding aanse it keeps them clean and from car1 is to be billed, and who will no quested by the grand jury o f said county. schools for several years under the having bad digestion. My pig did not tify each one concerned when car ar 4. That the governor o f tho state direction o f tho County Agent. If all drink much water. I gave her water rive«. o f Oregon be and he is hereby in the women will come out to the Home night end mornng whenever I fed her. Do not expect the County Agent to vited and requested, under and pur Economics Schools, they can also be I fed her slop, middlings, barley, mill attend to every big end little order suant to the special duties and pow a real racceas. feed, holstain dairy feed, end cooked for lima that comet in from every cor ers conferred upon him by chapter 6B, T e show your interest in thme potatoes. ner o f the county. W e have been try general tows o f Oregon, 1917, toy im meetings, sign the agreement which “ I spent my time with the pig, ing to accommodate every one in do mediately institate an investigation of will be circulated In your community. scrubbing, brushing, rubbing and ing this, but we have too many other the conduct o f the business affairs of Success o f the school depends upon fseding bar. My pig became a regu things to attend to and wiQ therefore Coos county, Oregon, and particular your signature/ Tho College will not lar pet, you could g o right up to her have te cut it oat, unless H is abso ly an investigation o f the official acta authorise the school unless a reason end cratch her on the stomach and lutely impossible fo r yoe to get in and conduct o f Janies Watson, county able number o f names accompany the she would lie down. touch with any o f your other neigh - 1 judge, and Archie Philip, county com petition. “ W e had several visitors there, Mr. bors who ere ordering. missioner, and G. J. Armstrong, form Food velue o f milk end mOk pro Mulkey, Mr. Smith apd Mr. Peterson. er county commission of raid county ducts, the fam ily diet, child welfare, “ W ell bred pigs are bettor than Dreadful Caugh Cared. in tho handling and disbursements of clothing, and the Home Demonstra scrubs because scrubs are stunted and A severe cold is often followed by a public funds o f said county and in tion Work are some o f the subjects of weak and they have poor bones. Li hr rough cough for which Cambertom’s general administration o f the affairs vital interest to women which will he arty Ann has good henee. Cough Remedy has proven especially o f the county court o f raid Coos coun taken up. “The feed altogether cost me six valuable. Mrs. P. W. Olsen. Marys ty, Oregon. ville, Mo , writes: “ About two years Following s o « the dates set for dolían . I had slop from the home, ago my little boy Jean caught e se 6. That a copy o f these resolutions •ike scraps left over and potatoes that vere cold and coughed dreadfully for bo delivered to the governor o f the were decayed or toe little to use. I days. I tried a number o f cough med state o f Oregon, cicuit judge o f said cooked them. She liked them. I did icines but nothing did him any good until I gave Mm Chamberlain’s Cough county, and to the county judge of not food thorn to bar hot, H might Remedy. It relieved his cough right said county, and that tho contents away and before he had finished tak .h e re o f be issued to the public at ing one bottle be wee cured. I think largi • i la 1- H e a rn M The lenten Se- enaders, four vivacious girl entertainers who appear eoea on the Lyceum course, hire as versatile as they are charming and delightful. They aing, play and Impersonate with unusual skill. Individually and col lectively there is the tame winsome apponi to their work. An attractive feature o f their program la the revival o f the aoeerdton, using this harmonious old Instrument with exceptional e ffe ct They feature, too, tha violin and «a lla Thorn Is endless variety sad charm to their program; las tramontai and vocal solos, duets, trios, readings sad skotshss to costum a START HIM RIGHT MONTHLY WAR STAMP QUOTAS FIXED FOR TWELFTH DISTRICT The Treasury Department has assigned to the Twelfth Federal Reserve D istrict the follow ing monthly quotas to be raised in W ar Savings Stamps during 1919: January .......... ...............— ........ ......... $ 4,200.000 *’ February __ 4.800.000 March .~T..__ 5.400.000 A p r il ______ , May ,...... ....... 6.600.000 June . 7.200.000 July — - — 7.800,C00 A u g u s t _____ _ 8.400.000 September — 9.600.000 October ______ „ 10,800,000 November 12 , 000,000 December 13,200,000 6 000,000 Total • .......... ...... $96.000,000 The total to be raiaed throughout the country ia $1,600,000,000. Coquille Office 2*1 IKE COQU E VALLEY SEHTMEL and TH E OREGON FA R M E R F or one year in advance $ 1 .6 5