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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
A National Shock Absorber cause for which our hoys have Since w e fought for Dem ocracy, the pret ble. Democracy and vital la th e On a ll sidas the that the a civic building, racy ia County and S tate, and particularly houadad and described a s follow s, to- w it: The Southwest Quarter of Sec tion. Number 89, Township Number 84, South, Range Number 18, W est W. A is quite appropriate aa for a king; Mat for the ic sons of Democracy conunenmoration la a ing the livin g sp irit o f liberty, ft ing loyalty, spirit, furthering tion, im proving community health and providing for community play. Every city and village ought te provide such a Hving, enduring tribute to the boys w he have represented the com m unity beneath th e stars siripas. The sp irit of Coquilie w ill in sure som e fittin g m em orial; and there is special reason why w e choobe a building. (1 ) Many trophies have and w ill be brought bock besa. The moat conspicuous room te the moot frequented building should be provid ed w ith cases farjth eee trophies. A civic center would be the for such n display. In this a suitable tab let should contain a Rot o f a ll who have been this com m unity, and a list o f who have given their Uvea, w ith an appropriate inscription. (2 ) We have a e building suited te the needs o f the community fo t hoop ing activo tho sp irit o f co-oporation and patriotism . An auditorium su it able for amos m eetings, educational prograau, dramatic productions, school entertainm ents, open forum discuooiona, end community singing, is a vital necessity. ($ ) Community athletics a s wall as school athletics add very greatly te the health and pleasure o f all corned, and increase the spirit. A new attitude ta ken o f la te, both in aad out o f the aian guard unite. The Sioux stuck eu their Jobs for three days and nights. Tt^y and the artillery commander and their own colonel enjoyed the situation im m ensely. If the Germans gpt any fun out if it they kept it to them- selvoa. Ton am further notified that the holder o f said Certificate of Delin quency has paid taxes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent years as follow s, to-w it: On April 1 s t 1916, the sum of $21.- 00 for taxes o f the year 1914. On May S lo t 1917, the sum o f $28.- 68 for taxes o f the year 1916. On May 6th, 1918, the sum o f $21.- 67 for taxes o f the year 1916. On May 6th, 1918, the sum o f $28.- 80 for taxes o f the year 1917. A ll of said amounts bear interest from date o f paym ent a t the rate of 16% per annum. Said F . Clyde Woods, D efendant ns the owner o f the legal title of the above .described property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons above named are hereby W itness, tho Hon. Jam es W atson, Judge of tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Coos with tho soul of said Court a f fixed, thie 9th day o f January, 1919. A ttest: L. W. Oddy, Clerk. • By Myrtle KnowRon, Deputy. 4t6 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given th at t^e un dersigned, N. E. Landreth, adminis trator of the E state of Maria Gran- holm, deceased, has filed his final ac count in the County Court o f Coos County, State of Oregon, in the m at ter of said estate, and the said Court has set the 17th day of February, at 10:00 a. m. a t the Court House a t Co quille Citjr, Coos County, Oregon, as the tim e and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and settlem ent thereof. Dated th is 18th day o f January, 1919. N. E. Landreth, Administrator of the E state of Maria Granholm, doces sod The all tho training, leaving o a t the who moot need physical Instead the em phasis ia on system atic play and exercise for every individuo!, g ivag the moot training to thoee m ost neoding i t This involves the uee o f gam es ia large numbers can participate, th at in turn requires a large ath letk hall w here 60 or 109 eaa play togeth er. Tennis, captain ball and indeer b 'seb all, ns w ell a s basket ball should be provided for. (4 ) Club rooma for boys and girls, organised in various w ays, are a mor al necessity. It is not tho boys, but ouroetvoe, that ara a t fault whan “gangs“ and “bunchoo“ o f “follow s“ haag about our streets a t n ig h t In th is rainy clim ate they have no chance for normal exorcise and play. They need it for both their physical and also their moral developm ent Ia jus tice to them wo ought te provteo ade quately for chib activities and organ ised play. (6 ) Tho Corn Show would find ideal bousing in such a structure. Aad with a suitable place to m oot tho dairymen o f th is region would quite certainly And other means of increas in g their efficiency and providing for their social needs. A ltogether such a building would prove o living, dynamic expression of Democracy at work in the community; it would perm it o much fu ller training for democracy in the future; and It would servo admirably aa a memorial to tho boys who represented os in tho service of tho country. Harold 8 . Tuttle. if any «data, « b y aa order of aolo o f aaid property shall not b« made aa prayed for in the petition o f Jam es A rlington, Executor, which parcel of land is described as follow s, to w it: “Beginning at a point 18*0 f t oast of and 1*40 f t south o f and an ad ditional 1888 foot oast o f the north west corner of Section six (8 ) Town ship tw enty-nine (89) south o f Range tw elve (18) W est of the W illam ette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon; running thence, north 5 degrees east 1788 f t and to low water line of the Coquilie River, thence w est along said low water line o f the Coquilie River 810.8 f t thonce south 5 de- giees w est 1188 f t thence east 170.8 f t thence south 5 degrees w est 880 f t and to a place east of the plaee of beginning; thence east 140 f t to the place o f beginning, containing in said parcel of land ten (10) sense, more or NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given th at the un- dersigaed has been duly appointed ad m inistrator of the estate o f Peter L. Nichols, deceased, and all persona having claim s against the arid estate are hereby notified that they are re quired to present the samo v.ith the proper vouchers w ithin six months ' J. J. Stanley, from the date of this lo tic e to the un- Attorney for Plaintiff, darsignad adm inistrator a t his office in Coquille, Oregon. F irst National Bank Building, Co quilie, Coos County, Oregon. Da tad January 17, 1919. J. J. Stanley, Administrator of the E state of P e ter L. Nichols. Deceased. It6 from the Parr McCormick Lumber company o f San Francisco by the Moore M ill Lumbar company o f Baa- don w as consummated in San Fran cisco la st week, announced George W. Moore, o f the Bandon m ill, who pass ed through Tueeday on his w ay to Bandon from 8an Francisco. The lumber carrier has been op- orating out of Bandon carrying for the Moore interests and w ill continue this, said Mr. Moore. Ita capacity is about 426,000 fe e t The approxim ate value is $76,000. The m ill company has before had interest in the Bandon but th is is the first o f the steam ers to bo con trolled by them. Dreadful Cough Cared. A severe cold is often followed by a rough cough for which Cambertafn’s Cough Remedy has proven especially valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olsen, Marys ville, M o, w rites: “About two years ago my little boy Joan caught a se vere cold and coughed dreadfully for days. I tried a number of cough med Tho Bandon-Curry County N ational icines but nothing did him any good until I gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Farm Loan association held its 8»* nual m ooting a t tho city hall to dis cuss business m atters aad te sleet di rectors for tho ensuing year. Tho di rectors elector ore so follow s: T. F. H anly, Lumps) A. W. Cope, Langtois; J. S. Capps, Denmark; W. J. Sweet, Bandon; L Nordstrom, Bandon; Goo. P. Laird, Riverton; C. W. Zumwalt, Port Orford. A ll o f these man am In terested in . dairying and am among the boosters for that industry. Tho directors have not y et chsson »file mo. Tho association has to date brought $111,400 ia governm ent Mono la te tho community end it now has 18 now ap plications on hand and axpacta te have quite a number of additional applica tions in tho don World. Professional Cards J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Do you remember any period in which our Country has been subjected to ao many anxious moments aa during the past two years ? " Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Bulking System as a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquility of business and banking during these tense months ? If you appreciate what this new nation-wide sybbcm has been doing for you, you can support it and add to its strength by promptly becoming one of our depositors. National Bank Coquille, Oregon Go toQUlCK’S For your Enamel or Graniteware One Barrel of Cups and Saucers 1 One »ingle Cap if you wigh or « Dozen J __ Also a variety o f New & Second Hand Cook Stoves Heaters—Wood and Coal______ Spring« & M attroaea. Iron & Wood Bedsteads Aladdin Lamp, Chimney and Mantel»__________ Oil Lampe, Chimneys^ Lantern»_______________ 1 good 14-in. Iron Beam Oliver How, alm ost new The Unexpected A fter an accident is no time to wish you had a TELEPHONE. Telephone Accessibility ha» saved countless lives—helped thousands in trouble—helped many thousands to success. Install a phone and be a PART of our community. Sorvioe F irst. Coos & Curry Telephone Company THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishm ent soma fourteen years ago bos been your Laundry. Bel., or shine, good tim es and bad, it has boon on the Job. Wo have a number of custom ers that have patronised it continually from tho beginning. Wo are grateful for thia appreciation of our oorfico. Our aim is to im prove the service in every way possible. We wash ovary thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY NOTICE N otice is hereby given that the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Ceos County on the 10th day of January, 1919, duly appointed the un dersigned as adm inistratrix of the es tate of Joseph J. S ell, deceased. All persons haviagv claim s against the said estate w ill present the sam e duly verified a t the of W alter Sinclair a t CoquiOe, Oregon w ithin six months. Orna X. Sen, A dm inistratrix o f tho estate of Jo seph J. Sail, Deceased. U6 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COOS, STATE OF OREGON In the M atter o f the E state o f J. P. BarkdoU, Deceased. ÒR. Q. W. LESLIE O stso p a th ic P h y sic ia n Graduate o f the American Bebdo! o f Osteopathy of K irksville. Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. MsishfisM Oregon DR. C. W. ENDICOTT First HV1 Bank B id ’s Phone Maio 11, Coquille, Oregon. J. J. STANLEY U fT B Office in F irst National Bank Building, Coquille, Orqgon. A. J. SHERWOOD NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed admin iterators with the W ill annexed, of the estate of J. L. Roy, deceased, and that all persons having claim s against said estate, are hereby noti fied that they are required te present the tam e, duly verified w ith the vouchers therefor to the undersigned a t the office o f C. B. Borrow, in Co quilie, County of Cooe, and State of Oregon, within six months from the date of thia notice. Dated th is 7th day o f February, 1919. Georgs S. Robison, Arthur Ellingson, Adm inistrators of tho E state of J. L. Roy, Deceased. 4t5 final estim ate consisting of all mon eys doe according to his Contract fig ured upon the unit basis. That the Road mas ter has filed his certificate of the completion of said contract, and any person, firm or corporation hav ing objections to file to the acceptance of aaid work, may file the same in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, within tw o weeks from the date of the first publication o f this notice, to-w it: January 24, A. D„ 1919. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk By R. E. Caughron, Deputy. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT N otice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the Es tate of Jennie Roosevelt Pool, deceas ed, has filed his final account as such adm inistrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Coos, and said Court has appointed Monday, tha 84th day of February, 1919, aa the day for bear ing objectioen te tho said final ac count and tho settlem ent thereof. ^ J. J. Stanley, Adm inistrator of tho E state of Jennie Ftel. Calling Carda, IN for «LOO. / .