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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
r ifiin n The ^Sentinel a aooo u n s in a e o o » < , tow Service to Farmers t n ■ M , V W W ; \ | W ; T san.-x w. g r-r B T L W . YOUNG. A n Analysis o f Assessor Beyers' Figures Showing W h ere the Budget Items W ere R aised and W h ere They W ere Lowered as Compared W ith Last Year. uno, mm » « i sinn Coquille aasMail The principle o f the sympathetic strike appears to be something like this: John hits Bam, n i plug Joe." In other words those who had nothing whatever to do with th* original quar rel are mad* th* goats. “If - The attem pt by seven foreign Bol shevists at Seattle to inaugurate a revolution in this county has failed— la rgely due to backbone and level headedness o f that red-blooded Am eri can, M ayor Ols Hanson. He is due to g o up higher. Such vigilan t watch men as he are needed on guard in the troublous tim et through which w t t i t The U. S. Department o f A gricu l ture has ju st kindly furnished us sev eral columns o f m atter on cattle tick eradication. Bxcuge us, but w * don’t find It ávaSabl* fo r our columns. W hy spend thousands o f dollars in sending such stuff to a ll th * newspapers o f th * country, when not on* in a hundred, perhaps not on* in a thousand, w ill print it? In spit* o f the many difficult!** un der which dairymen o f Oregon oper ated last year, says D airy Commis sioner J. D. M ickle in his January Bul letin, there was an increase o f pounds o f butter made in the state in 1918, over 1917. This speaks w ell fo r th * patriotic spirit o f th * dairymen. Feed was high and k b er scarse and some dairymen worked a t a loss, but they endeavored at all times to com ply with the request o f th * govern ment to hold en to their herds. 400,000 • The editors o f th* daily papers o f th * Bay seem to be c f on* mind in saying uncomplimentary things about th * Sentinel and its editor. They ap pear to bo sere new because he is not linked w ith them os defendant in th* case th * county is bringing againqt them to recover funds o f which they are accused e f hating defrauded its treasury by a successful conspiracy. Th* fact that w * had never seen Coos county when their offense was com mitted make* no difference to them. — am Alm ost exactly one-fourth o f a ll the taxes to be paid in this county this year arc fo r road purpose*. Th * total is 8318,448X4. Th * school taxes are th * only larg er item, as they usually are every where, amounting to $281,167.82. This is almost one-third o f th * total, or to be exact 81 per cent City taxes at $108,987.61 arc a poor third, and make only 12 per cent or about one-eighth o f th* total. Gen eral county purposes call fo r $94,812.- 79 and make the next item or a little more than 11 per cent o f th* taxes. Th * state tax at $70,187.20 calls fo r nearly nine per cent and th * port taxes at $67,946.78 fo r over seven per cent. Here is what th* Report e f th* State H ighway Engineer fo r 19lT- 1918, just received, says about state road work in Coo* county: Th* work o f the H ighway Depart ment in Coo* county consisted entire ly in assistance given the county in th * making o f surveys and th * engin eering o f construction work don* un der the county’s bond issue o f $882, 000.00. For this purpose $16,967.68 o f state funds were expended, and th* total amount o f county expenditures audited and vouchered through th* H ighway department was $170,781.88. These expenditure* were mad* on work on the Coast H ighway between Marshfield and th* Curry County Line, and on the Coo* Bay- Roseburg H ighway between Coquill* and M yr tle Point. The engineering work was in charge o f R. B. Murdock. . Tbe L evi** F or State purpoeee, per «ta te levy For Roads, Bridge* aud Ferriaa . . . F ar ludigaut Soldier* ........... F o r Scheel parpo*** (7X48 pu p ii») F er Scheel Library ........................ F or Other County P u rp o eee......... Spedai H igh School T a x ............... Spadai School Tax ........................ Special Road T a x ........................... Spadai P ort Tax ........................... Spoetai C ity Tax ........................... Special Drainage T a x .................... F ir* Patrol . «•.................................. A k t 1917 . . . . $ 62X86.7000 .... 186,061.2100 .... 70,420.0000 .... 166.689.2804 .... .... .... .... 166,026.8660 84,691.414» 61,887.4606 97,806.4630 1,688.8600 $846,166X113 Total T a x * * ........................... The p m m ti U m m figures to it* roador* fo r th * parpoM o f in- «Heeting to thoo* taxpayer* who are complaining about higher ta x ** just where higher taxes have been levied, The flret tw o column* are copied from ft h im nr Beyers* summaries o f taxes in 1917 and 1918, and look strangely because beyond the cents they are car- ried out to m ills and tenths o f a m ill, so that th * last tw o figures can be disregarded in these columns. The last tw o columns are th * 8en- tin el’s figures showing what taxes have increased sad what have dsceas od. I f there is any n igger la th* woodpUe it is bound to some cut there. I f th* County Court has sinned any- where in piling up needless taxes it is bound to show her*. A ll these items o f increase make a total o f >118,881 82; all the items o f decrease make a total o f $74,498.89. Deducting th* latter from th * form er w e find a not increase o f $44,881.46 in taxes to .b e collected in Coos county this year. Take not* now that th * last five iteass o f increase are special taxes in road, pert and school districts and cities, ami that th * County. Court has no m ar* to do w ith fixin g tho amounts o f those taxes than th * reader has. Am ong these taxes there appears on th * face o f th * returns to be a fix- grant violation o f the 8 per cent re- strict!on on tax increase. Th * special school tanas levied last year amount- A m t 1918 $ 70.187.2000 218,448X400 1,000.0000 72X40.0000 i •Í.4ÜUÜ 94X12.7908 6X78.7444 182X26.1788 39X40X679 67,946.7802 103,987.6092 2,941.2630 1,686.2970 board*. How can th*y violate tbo law with im punity? W ell there i* no proof that any o f thorn have violated it. Suppose a district mad* no levy at a ll last year and this y err votes to levy $2,000 to build a school house, Or suppose th* district m eeting votes to make the levy fo r school purposes more than six per cent larger in every district in th* county. That would be no violation o f the law. Aside from the district items, there are ju st fou r item s in which there is an increase in the tax levy. How about those? T h * first is the state tax to be paid in this county. N o per- Ion in this county except th * repreeen- tatives in th * legislature had any voice,in th a t Th * County Court had nothing to do w ith i t A s to th* two item s o f school taxes dad school library taxes there is an increase, but th* rote o f $10 per pupil fo r school purposes and 10 cents per' pupils fo r library purposes is the same in both years. Th * increase in the number o f children in the schools is rea lly th * only increase in taxes here, and the members o f the County Court cannot have had much, i f anything, to do w ith this— certainly our bachelor county judge is innocent. This leaves th * on* item o f roads, bridges and ferries where th* County Court is certainly responsible fo r the $77,897.18 increase. Agninst that it most by the same rule be credited $ Increase 7,960.60 77X97.18 Decrease * $ 1,000 1X20.00 lö.dU 1 17,199.81 4X48.94 , 6,681.06 2,941.26 47.94 $118X64X3 62,846.49 7,706.17 NOW ta the time for the farmer to pUn next year** crops, next year's production, next year's prosperity. Whatever his plans, whether farm improvements, «■frying, UvMtock finsncln*. w odton will be pleased to discuss such matters and offer their best service A hearty welcome always await» the farmer at this institution. LET US SERVE YOU FARMERS & MERCHANTS M W Commercial and S avin * Deposits 3,441.72 C O Q U ILLE - - - O R EG O N * $74,493.38 ' And more than 840,000 o f that $77,- 897.18 additional road and bridge tax this year is due to the improvement o f the Sunset Bay rood fo r which no ap. propriation was made in tho budget during the past tw o years. But fo r that th * court m ight be credited with a reduction instead o f charged with an increase in taxation in Coos coun ty. And do not fo rg e t that on* o f the members o f th * present court set his face like a flin t against that expendi ture from start to finish. Add to last week’s article W hile the total --increase and de crease o f county taxes arc not affect ed by it, our attention-has been called to the different methods o f distribut ing th* road taxes among the separ ate budget funds employed last year and this year. In the summary o f taxes to be col lected on th* 1917 rolls the county commissioners' expenses on account o f roads, th* expense* o f th * Roadmao- ter’s and Surveyor’s offices and th* $31,000 fo r interest and sinkng fund on account o f county road bonds arc all included in the item o f general county purposee. W hile in the bud got for th * 1918 rolls they are all included under roads, bridges and ferries. So while this year’s budget item fo r these purpose* is corroct, last year’s «ou ld have been $46,760 larger i f th* same ru le' had been follow ed as this year, and the “ county gen eral" would have been diminished by th * same MR. CAR OWNER We can supply your requirements for repairs and replacements on your auto on the following items promptly: United States Tires J Marathon -Tubes ■ ■ ■ ■ Automobile Ac’es’ories Coquille Hardware Co. In these tw o taxes th* real excess of the 1918 budget over the 1917 is $31,647.18. This year’s method, o f over a state law in such fashion as that? Thee* taxes are levied in the taxes --------- T-------- ---------- ---------------- course, indicates the total expenses be charged with just $7,846.47. I for roads while last year’s did not. TH AT roads." Am ong these prom inently men tion ed fo r such improvement is ¿he Ceos county road from Beseburg to Coos Bay, on which a great deal o f money has already been spent This is what Coos county is to got out o f th * deal. T h * $2,600,000 fo r a m ilitary high way down th * eoadt, which is being talked o f i f U n de Sam w ill match dollars w ith Oregon, is another m atter and lass lik ely to be enacted than th* big $10,000,000 bill which W ill proba bly be passed before th* legislature adjounrs. T H E Y W IL L H A V E TO “C O N C U R" On* o f the lines o f attack o f th* boos* interests on th * legality o f the prohibition amendment to th* consti' tution, which last month became th* law o f th * land, is to hinge upon the word “ concurrent” in th* tex t o f the amendment. Congress and th * states are given power to enforce the dry amendment by “ concurrent" legista tion. It is argued, therefore, that if any on* stata does not see fit to enact exactly th* same law as Congress does, word fo r word and letter fo r letter, th* amendment w ill re main ineffective. N ot a nullity as fa r as that ono state is concerned barely, but fo r the whole country! Thut would be going som« W * all know that where state leg islation runs count«* to national k g - isktion th* nation's mandates have fu ll righ t o f way. Attem pts on the part o f states to n u llify federal sta tutes have never proved successful anywhere in the country during th* past 120 years; nor can they ever. That was fu lly settled In the court o f last resort during th* C ivil w ar which ended in 1866, over h alf a cen tury ago, with th* unconditional sur render o f th* advocates o f nullifica tion. So no state k w fo r enforcing the prohibition amendment in any w ay can stand fo r a moment. Only state leg islation which k concurrent with th* national prohibition k w can remain in force. No k w enacted by a state leg- iektu re which fa ils to eonenr with the national legk k tk m on the came sub ject is more than “ a scrap o f paper." John Barleycorn's life cannot be saved by any such quibbling as the bream s' attorneys mre now engaged in. Just what is proposed to be don* with th* $10,000,000 road bonds i f th* legislature provides fo r their issue at this session we are beginning to learn. Thro* quarters o f it, or $7,600,000 is to be used hi finishing th * 718 m iles o f hard surface roads already under construction. Thee* are th * Columbia highway from Astoria to th* Dalles, 198 m iles; Portland to th* C alifornia line, 864 m iles; Portland to Junction C ity on th * W setsid*, 112 m ik e; H ills boro loop, 49 miles. Th * other $2,- 600,000 is to go into a pot with the X fasoln * tax, m illage and surplus au to] Can on a 1 for i ' ' A N T I-S A B O T A G E B IL L ! persons assemble fo r the purpose or 'advocating or teaching th* doctrines of crim inal syndicalism as defined in this A ct, such assemblage k unlawful and every person voluntarily partici pating therein by hk presence, aid or instigation k gu ilty o f a felon y and punkhabl* by imprisonment in the state prison fo r not more than ten years or by fin* or not m ore than five A B IL L thousand ($6,000.00) or bo h. Section 4. Th* ownor, agent, su F or an A c t defining th * crim e o f perintendent, janitor, caretaker or oc crim inal syndicalism and prescribing cupant o f any place, building or punishment therefor. rooms, who w ilfu lly and knowingly Be It Enacted by the People o f the permits therein any assemblage o f State o f Oregon: persons prohibited by th * provisions Section 1. Crim inal sydicalism k of Section 8 o f th k A ct, or who, a fter th * doctrine which advocate crime, notification that th* premises are so sabotage, violence or bther unlawful used, perm its such us* to be contin methods e f terrorism as a means o f ued, k gu ilty o f a misdemeanor and accomplishing industrial and political punishabk by imprisonment in th* reform . Th * advocacy o f such doc county ja il fo r not m ore than one year trine, whether by word o f mouth or or by a fine o f not more than five hun w riting, k a felon y punishabk as in dred dolkrs ($600.00) or both. this A ct otherwise provided. Section 2. A n y person who: Rev. A . Haborly, form erly pastor o f (1 ) B y word o f mouth or w ritin g, th* Presbyterian church in th k city, advocates or teach** th * duty, neces in w ritin g from H ill C ity, Kansas, to sity or propriety o f crim e, sabotage, renew fo r the paper “ that violence or other unlawful methods o f keep* him in touch with his old homo" terrorism as a means o f accomplish says: “ W heat prospects are good. in g industrial or political reform ; or Ground k in fine m oist condition. Th* (2 ) Prints, publish**, edits, issues “ Flu” has run out a t last, but was or knowingly circulate*, sell), distri not as fa ta l in th k county as in sos bute* or publicly dispkys any book, others in Kansas." paper, document or w ritten m atter in any form , containing or advocating or STRONG EVID ENCE teaching th* doctrine that Industrial or political reform should be brought about by crime, sabotage, violence or Is th* Statem ent o f This B egan* Man Backache is often kidney ache; other unlawful methods o f terrorism ; A common warning o f serious kid ney ills. (8 ) Openly, w ilfu lly and deliber “ A Stitch in Tim e saves Nine” — Don’t Delay— us* Doan’s Kidney ately justifies, by word o f mouth or w riting, th * commission or th * at Pills. P rofit by this nearby resident’s ex tem pt to commit crime, sabotage, v i perience. olence or ether unlawful methods of L. Bonney. 888 Sixth A v*^ W , Eu terrorism with intent to exem plify, gene, Oreg., says: "K idn ey trouble spread a t advocate th * propriety e f which started' by liftin g heavy tim bers and a fa ll which wrenched m y th* doctrines o f crim inal sydicalism ; back, put me down and out more than |8o many people have expressed their regret, (to put it very m ild ly) that Representative T h rift voted against th * crim inal sabotage act in th* house at Salem that as a m atter o f interest to most, i f not a ll o f our readers, w e give below th* fu ll text o f th* b ill; as ntroduced: once I spent dollar a fter dollar m (4 ) Organises or help* to organ the hop* o f finding something that ise, or becomes a member o f or volun ta rily assembles with any society, group or assemblage o f persons form ed to teach or advocate th * doctrines o f crim inal syndicalism k gu ilty o f a felon y and puniaha- b k by Imprisonment In the state prison fo r not rapr* than tan years or by fine or not more than five thous and d olk rs ($6,000.00) or both. •88t*8fi 8. Wharcvur two or more The Mortgage Lifter An electric motor can lift anything. Let us tell you how G-E Electric Motors are lifting mortgages off hundreds of farms throughout the country. Let uehetJMk year maetaege. W.wMtankk MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Ÿhorty gets a hunchfrom ihc Captain i ) “ When you get such real lasting tobacco satisfaction from a small chew,** says the C aptain, •‘ it can’t coat any more 10 chew this class of tobaooo.** G ood taste, smaller chew,longer life is what makes Genuine Grave» ly eoet lets to ehe w than ordinary plug. Writ* ft:— G e n u in e G r a v e ly DANVILLE. VA h r bdk n tktwlm g plmf. REAL C H E W IN G P L U G Plug packed in pouch. Doe* Your Label Say? $99''g^