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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
00Q U 11XI Y ALLST SKMTDfBL, COQ0U1LLK. OREGON. FRIDAY m STOCK SALE W AGNER W ARE T Wagner C ast Iron cooking utensils are made from the best grades o f iron obtainoble* A smooth ev en surface they will not warp like steel. Cakes will not stick on Wagner Cast Iron Griddles. Hot Cake Griddles 1.05,1.80,2.00 Skillets - 1.10,1.20,1.45,1.75 Muffin Pans - - 1.10 Waffle Pans - \ • 2.35 k'4 -M ■§*-■: -f- % U • ’ •’ ■' £ > > W ' • / Racket Store P ia k stoa ft Y ou ng’ s J ersey Cat tie B ro o g h t G oad P rices L ast S atu rd ay. Last Saturday occurred the big cat tle sale o f Pinkston A Young at Fish- trap, and deopito the storm y weather there was a large crowd o f ranchers 'from up and down tho river in attend ance and the sale wae an unqualified success, Col. J. W. Hughes, o f Forest Grove, doing hie fu ll duty as auction eer. The total receipts from all sources were »6,247.86. J A this the cattle brought |4,662, an avarage o f 894.67 per head for the cow «, includ ing the tw o-year-olds. in the valley at all comparing with this was that made by George Belloni on the old F igg ranch March 6 , 1914, five years ago, when 46 head brought »6,266, an average o f 8116.76 per t a S . BONNIE W ALKER, Prop, ‘ j fr ' AT YOUR SERVICE Talk over your clothes problems with SWEET Beautiful new patterns in Spring and Summer W oolens are here. COME IN and see them today. Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing R. H. S W E E T Successor to Fred Slagle Front S t., opposite Farm ers 6 M erchants Bank Phone 1198 Coquille, Ore. TO REDUCE THE COST OF YOUR Life Insurance inrar* with Spatial Agent fo r ' ’ II PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COM PANY OF PHUMPBA - Low est M ortality Low Coot of Management - 1 918 Largo Dividends Member o f Federal Reserve System NEW AND 2nd HAND BICYCLES m COQUILLE CYCLERY ARCHIE TEN NISON, Prop. Bicycle Sundries Repairing Opposite City Hall U U E Q V IS rS SMALL FEES. was in greet luck to have such a dis (C ongeued from first pegs.) self thoroughly to conduct those Otherwise, the jou n ty would have had but little recourse except to em ploy special counsel or risk losing them. But Liljeqvist mastered that branch o f the practice end with two o f the cases won and a third practi cally so, he is fighting the fourth with bulldog tenacity. Matters o f this moment sro not us ually handled fo r the pittance given e county attorney, but Liljeqvist wae a glutton fo r work and carried this vest mass o f technical business end at the same tim e did the routine work o f the office with practically no assist ance and no extra compensation, so long as he continued to be county at torney. • Instead o f the amount paid him by the County Court being a “ Big Fee as the Times asserts; if, aa now seesns certain, that h alf a million dollars o f tax claim s against thoh S ou th s« Ore- gon is paid to the eounty, L. A.. LU- jeqvtot will deserve practically all the credit for it Mere than th a t « 7 private' corporation having a « - « o f that magnitude would have thought itself In greet luck to get off with a fs e o f 10 per cent, o f the amount at Net 46. Pure teed Jersey, A Bon, M yrtle Point, $186. No. 97. Pure bred Jersey Bulk E. C. Church, Coquille, $75. No. 48. Grade Jersey yearling, J. Devereux, $21. No. 49. Grade Jersey, S. L. La If ar ty, 9 * 2 - 60 . No. 60. Grade Jersey, Fedele A rami, $46. No. 61. Pare bred “Golden Ida’s Heart,” Arneson A Son, $166. No. 52. Pure bred, “ Golden Ida’s Pet,” James Hobson, $80. No. 63. Grade Jersey yearling, J. Devóreme, $16. No. 64. Grade Jersey yearling, J. P. Johnson, $12. No. 65. Grade Jersey yearling E. D. Finley, Coquille, $17. No. 66. Grade Jersey ca lf, S. L. Lafferty, $8. No. 67. Grade Jersey calf, S. L. Lafferty, $8. No. 68. Grade Jcreey calf, J. P. Johnson, $12. No. 69. Grade Jersey yearling, J. Devereux, 918- No. 60. Pure bred Jersoy Heifer, 2 months old, W. E. Cross, Coquille. 860. No. 61. Pure brad Jersey ca lf, 2 months old, Jamils Cottini, $26.00. No. 62. Week old Baby Calf, o f “ Eminent’s Gold Modarl B ," W. C, Cutler, Myrtle oPint, $26. The cattle «old last Saturday were all Jersey, pure bred or grado, and the highest price w ai 8216 paid by A . Kellenberger fo r a fine thorough bred. Mr. Kellenburger was, in fact, tho largest stock purchaser at tho «ale. Besides those he bought at tho auc tion he took tho two cows knocked off Zone System in Schools. to James T. Jenkins for 8346, on the follow ing day, paying Mr. Jenkins By May B. Lund, County Supervisor 8600 fo r them. Tho rural schools o f Coos County The hay brought 829 per ton going have been divided into seven groups to Fedele A rami, tho purchaser o f the or zones, according to geographical ranch. conditions, with a view that more Tho follow ing is tho list o f the practical results w ill be accomplished stock «old with purchasers end prices: |b y the closer co-operation o f tho No. 1. Grade Jersey, J. C. Strong, teachers and the supervisor. M yrtle Point, 977.50. A ll o f the teachers included in each No. 2. Grade Jersey, R. B. Knife, o f these s o n « are to meet on a Sat Fish trap, 976. urday, once in every eight weeks, in No. 8 . Grade Jersey, R. B. Knife, the moet centralised school house o f 860. tLeir respective s o n « . A zone will No. 4. Grado Jersey, Geo. Lorenz include, in most cases, not more than Coquille, 9102.60. twelve schools, within a radius o f No. 6 . Grado Jersey, J. C. Strong, about six m il«, j m 880. At each o f these meetings a No. 6 . Grady Jersey, P. A. Lux, will be presdnt, an observation les Parkersburg, |87.60. son taught, which will be follow ed No. 7. Grade Jersey, R. B. Knife, by constructive end destructive criti- 887.60. and e general discussion, with No. 8 . Grade Jersey, James Cot- an aim to solve many o f our school tini, Lam pa, 860. room problems. No. 9. Grads Jersey, Geo. Gilman, A ll interested patrons are cordially Coquills, 897. invited to be present st the zone No. 10. G rads'Jersey, J. C. Strong, meeting including your school. In trict attorney, young and fu ll o f vigor, who spared him self no effort to win those suits. To complain about the altogether inadequate compensation he has received for the men’s sised job he has been doing is about the littleet, and most contemptible thing any newspaper could be guilty of. Ma loney ought to go and soak his head. Just one suggestion more. L ilje qvist is a poor business man, al though a m ighty good lawyer, or he would never have undertaken to do 960,000 worth o f work fo r Cooe coun ty for 88,760. Ho was a poor busl- neas man, too, when he approved that contract with the Record to give It 10 cents a line far publishing the Tex Summons o f 1908; but the money he lost the county then he has made up time after time in his prosecution o f tho tax cases, even with the Kinney not yet settled. Two A rc Released. quire o f our teacher the date and hfo. 11. Grade Jersey, Clinton A place. Rackleff, Norway, 9126. , I!ur\ br*d iZ T * ' J“ - *• Help Disabled Men. Doors Windows Glass Certain teed Roofing Certain-teed Roofing stands for a definite guaranteed service. No Roofing tests—however scien tific-ca n tell you in advance how long the roof will last. Our guar antee is better than your guess ing, and it is backed by the world’s largest manufacturers of Roofing and Building Papers. FOR SALE By H. O. Anderson Furniture end Hardware . Federated Church at 10 a. m. Sqnday School There were a number o f new students last Sunday. It is very pleasing to the Superintendent to see the Young men coming into the Sunday School. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, ‘The Signs o f the Times.” Young People’s Meeting at 6:80 p. m. Come to these meetings fo r they are interesting and will do you good. Preaching at 7:80 p. m. Subject, “ A Manly Man.” Prayer Meeting on Wednesday ev ening at 7:30. Rev. Coy R. Sims, of Bandon, conducted the prayer meeting last Wednesday. I f you are not at tending these mid-week service« you are missing something. A cordial welcome is extended to the public and especially to strangers in town to all service«. James E. Conder, Pastor. Jenkins, Parkersburg, 8170. Assessor Beyers is in receipt of No. 18. Grade Jersey yearling, communication from the Fades Fedele Anuni, 926. No. 14. Grade Jersey, J. C. Strong, Board o f Vocational Occupations, ask ing him to report the names o f any 892.60. No. 16. Pure bred Jersey, “ Em- men in this county who have returned inont’s Gold Modal B,H A. Kellen- from the war who are in any way dis abled. So Mr. Beyers asks the Sen Norway, 8215. No. 16. Grado Jersey, J. C. Strong, tinel to request all those who mttf St. J u i m Episcopal Church. suffering frym any disability to 886 . Sunday School at 10 a. m. No. 17. Grade Jersey, J. C. Strong, port to him at once. Morning service at 11 a. m. The government not only proposes 897.60. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. No. 1& Grade Jersey, A rt W il- to help such men to become self-sup Service Friday evening at 7 :80 p. m. porting; but will pay them $65 a Norway, 860. W. E. Couper, Vicar. No. 19. Grado Jersey, J. C. Strong, month or more, if their army pay was more, while they are learning a new 882.60. Christian Church No. ? 0 . Grade Jersey, J. C. Corn- «ca tio n and at the same time pay all the expenses o f their training. This Church ot Christ well, Coquille, 996. Sunday School at 10 a. m. No. 21. Grade Jersey, J. C. Crom offer is bound to prove a godsend to thousands o f disabled men all Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. well, 868.60. Subjects, “ The Power o f the Indwell No. 22. Grade Jersey, Jesse Clin the county. ing Christ,” and “ The Bible Proved by ton, Norway, 882.60. No. 28. Grade Jersey, A. K. Kel New Cases In Cirant Court. Modern Discoveries and Inventions.” Junior Christian Endeavor at 8:00 lenberger, 9100 . Bessie Peterson vs. G us C. Peterson. p. m. No. 24. Pure Bred Jersey, Jas. T. Action at law. « Senior Christian Endoavor at 6:80 Jenkins, 8176. Clara P. Houser vs. J a m « G. m. No. 26. Grade Jersey, A. Kellen Houser. Suit for divorce. Bring your friends. burger, 9102 . 60 . Alex B. W ilson vs. Gussie J. W il W. L. Straub, Minister. No. 26. Grade Jersey, R. B. Knife, son. Suit for divorce. «102.60. J. C. Watson ot s i vs. W. G. Mehl. Christian Science Society. No. 27. Grade Jersey, R. B. Knife, Frank Christie vs. Edgar Hannan et »90. si. Services next Sunday st 11:00 a. a . No. 28. Grade Jersey, S. L. Laffer- Wednesday evening meeting at 8 The Pacific Building A Loan Asso ty, Coquille, »70. ciation, a corporation, va. E. B. Fish o’clock. No. 29. Pure Bred Jersey, S. L. lay school at 9:80 a. m. SL Sunday liafferty, »80. The Reading Room will be open ev- Mie P. Sumerlin vs. Beryl K. Sum- No. 80. ¿rad * Jersey, Ralph erlin. Suit for divorce. ■esday and Saturday afternoon ery Tuesday Schrooder, Coquille, 997. Feb. 13— George M cDougsl vs. R. from 2 o’clock until 4. No. 81. Grade Jersey, J. C. Strong, King. Suit to foreclose m ortgage. 882.60. Feb. IS— George Gothio vs. South- Church o f God. No. 32. Purs bred Jersey, Ed Det- era Oregoh Co. A t old Butler store every Sunday. lefsen, Coquille, 975. Feb. 18— W. R. Sunday School at 10 a. m. No. 88 . Grado Jersey yearling, Maas. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. as. J. P. Johnson, 917. Feb. 18—Rose E. McAdams vs. Geo. Prayer meeting Thursday evening No. 84. Grade Jersey, J. C. Corn- McAdams. Suit luit in equity, well, 876. Feb. 18— Hulday ay Spy Ellingsen vs. at 8 p. m. A cordial welcome is extended to all. No. 86 . Pure bred Jersey, E. M. George S. Robison. L. E. Neal, Pastor. , Beckham, Fishtrap, $52.50. Feb. 18— William A lbert Collver vs. No. 36. Pure brad yearling bull, Naomi Collver. Suit for Grover C. Goutkier, Fishtrap. $ 86 . Feb. 14— Nettie Parker No. 87. Grade Jersey yearling, J. Parker. Suit for divorce. P. Johnson, Coquille, $17. No. 88 . Grade Jersey, Clintoq A Marriage Rxckleff, $87. Last riday a marriage license was No. 39. Grade Jersey,-J. C. Strang, 91M Reward, 9IM issued to Arthur W. Richey and Lelia $77.60. The readers o f this paper win r, o f North Bend, No. 40. Pure bred Jersey, H. K. C. Walker, This is the only license since oar Perkins, $76. No. 41. Pure bred Jersey yearling last report. Another marriage license was is- bull. Son o f “ Eminent’s Gold Medal B” Geo. W. Martin, Myrtle Point, $70. * sued this morning to Otto W illis Ma- Catarrh M edida« la taken Internally and acta thre the Blood on. tho. Mucous Sur- No. 42. Pure 'bred Jersey, Bell gell and Etta Ogdon, both o f Myrtle faces o f the System thereby deetroytn« Point the foundation o f the disease, glvlae th« Brothers, Broadbent. 9116. Two prisoners were reloesod from ja il here yesterday. Wm. Pappas, « Greek, from the Bey, who has been sensing a boose sentence o f 80 day* and got 19 days off fo r good behavior, and a bey named Pilkington from the same section, who is charged with making an aaaanlt with a razor. He wna released on a 840 bond. This No. 48. Pure bred Jersey, Geo. leaves ju st six boarders in Turnkey Lorens, $100. " ^ M r . Litjeqvst, f<* the pitiful pit- W ard’s aerial quarters. No. 44. Grpde Tertsy calf, J. Dov e r « « , Parker? burg, $ 86 . Call on pa fa r stationery. worth as lawyers are « w v ^ 7 ( r e 860,000 to 87*000. Coos county Calling Carda, 100 fo r 8L08. \ No. 46. Grade Jen xy, R, B. Knife, ■»—>,!7 $92.60. 9100 . A. B. COLLIER - I8 6 0 ‘ - f PAGE THREE IA 1918. patient strensth by M Ä S n e «P the <»»- etttutlon end i m M i i i antere la dntn* Ite werk. The proprietors have so miich faith la tho curative powers of Hen*« Chterrh M edidas that they n*T«r One : fund red Donars for any esse that It falla ta cure. Sand for Hat of testimoniala. *rJr Calling o Coquille, Oregon Want Ads One Cemt a W ord Each Insertion WANTED— Man to work on ranch. F. B. Phillips. t» FOR SALE— 2 S. C. W kito Leghorn roosters. Corvallis and Tankred strains. A lso eggs for hatching, ‘81.26-for 15. FOR SALE— The Tyrrell- place 1V4 Utiles west o f Coquille on Marsh field road. See owner on place. H. N. Tyrrell. 8tf FOR SALE— Milking machine all complete with engine and bolting, f used only 6 days. Best o f reasons for selling. Price $200.00 C. O. King A Son, McKinley, Ore. 3tf FOR SALE— A light two-horse de- livery' wagon. W. H. Lyons. FOR SALE— Six shares o f stock o f the Farmers’ Union, and all my rights therein, for YlOO. Chris Torres. FOR SALE— The best grain hay, oats, and barley. Chris Terras on tho Marshfield road, one mile west o f town. No phone. 6tf FOR SALE the best and cheapest va cant lot in the city o f Coquille. Speak quick if you w est it. A t the Sentinel office. Probate Court Itcau On Feb. 7 P. A. Lux, o f Parkers burg, was appointed administrator o f the estate o f Mathias Lux, deceased. The estate consists o f $1,000 in per- property and the appraisers are W. Veatch, Winter Davison and G. Thrift. On February 10, Christ Antone, o f Marshfield, was appointed administra- tor o f the estate o f Louis Anton«, Antone, who died Dec. 17, last. Tho estate con sists o f $600 in personal property and the appraisers are N. D. Oswald, W. OTIKC JL SHVIB. E. Hoeglanfl and Mike Davis. Last Monday a decree was made by the Probate Court prc providing for the adoption o f Joseph W laldo Nye and Sarah Margaret Nye by Fred and Delle M. Bellonia. Wrappers and Traspase he Sentinel office. The Celebrated strongest and nearest waterproof Cruisers, Tear Feet Dry U m The Water-Proaf S h M OIL r s w a fâ lr r ■