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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
4 Sentinel mr** Boeioty * O «ton Historical H lot tï„ Auditorium A ni Ü IIV AND THE COQUILLE HERALD VOL. XIV, Recovered With Broken Neck They Make A a A f reed SU te- t” of that Mix-up Last Friday Editor Sentinel:— In the column* of your paper wo notice an account o f th * 1 difficulty between the County Clerk and the County Judge. The situation is this: that eome time last year a witneaa waa eubpoenad front Seattle and the Clerk allowed fo r hie mileage double th* amount that should have been allowed, owing to th * subpoena being 0. K .’d by the District Attorney fo r twenty cents per mile, instead o f ten cents par mils. The same witness again appeared as a witness before the Circuit Court and th* Clerk collected some o f the money over-paid, but there is yet con siderable difference due the Clerk, as he discovered th* error and personal ly advanced th l difference o f $69.20 required to m a k e good th* error, and drew the matter to the attention o f the County Court The Clerk presented a claim to the County C ou rt at th* request o f the County Judge, fo r th* balance. Judge Watson as on* member o f the County Court told th* Clerk that from th* circumstance* connected with the matter, that it was a considerable amount fo r Mr. Oddy to lone, that he -was o f th* opinion that the Court would allow th* claim, if it could law fully. Judge Watson wrote th * District Attorney fo r an opinion, which was given, and who cited a section o f law, which in his opinion, gave the Court authority to pay the claim i f it is Just Th* Clerk appeared before the Court and the matter was discussed and decision postponed until the Dis trict Attorney could com* over. The matter was discussed with the District Attorney and during such discussion the Clerk came into Court Room and Judge Watson informed Mr. Oddy that th* claim was undor discussion, and that the Court could And no law. fo r th* payment o f th* claim, for over-payment o f feee without making a donation. Th* Clorlftkdvlsed the Court that he was notpsm ng fo r any donations, but sak e*,th at the Cou$ be as technical r e g a lin g th* legality o f other claims. Mr. Oddy further stated that he did not expect Anything different from th* County Judge, or words to that effect:— following this retort th* Clerk presented a petition asking that th* regular employes* o f his office, now paid by the day, be paid monthly salaries. Judge Watson re torted that the purpose o f this peti tion was to put th* Clerks on a month ly i; alary so that they could get vaca tions on full pay. Mr. Oddy did not call Judge Wstson a liar, but said, “ Judge Watson, that is a wilful un truth,” and insisted that it was not the purpose o f the petition to give th* employees a vacation on full pay; at this, Judge Watson lost, his temper and said to Mr. Oddy that he would mash his head. Judge Watson arose from his chair and grabbed a paper weight but did not raise it to strike, collecting himself Judge Watson sat down. * Mr. Oddy then accused Judge W at son o f being prejudiced against his office and especially against Miss Bunch, which Judgo Watson denies and says he tries not to be. No claims have boon presented to the County Court fo r th* time lost by Miss Bunch, while in the Hospital at North Bend, and the County Clerk is not insisting that she be paid fo r the time lost, but only used her case in comparison with Mr. Dana, o f th* Roadmaster’s Office, who was in th* m e hospital at tho time, and was allowed straight salary by th* County Court James Watson L. W. Oddy. Notice to Parent« A class fo r beginners will be started in Mrs. Chase’s room next Monday, Feb. 17. Parents having children who have reached th* age o f six years are urgently re q u ite d to enter them in school at this time. This is the only receiving class it w ill be poesibl* to organise this year. It ts expecteo that pupils who are entered at this time and who are regular in their at tendance trill be able to complete a, rork by the- end o f the Raympnd E. Baker, C ity Superintendent or* some very instructive and entertaining features ia th* Lib erty $1.50 T H E Y E A R . CO Q U ILLE. C O M C O U N TY, OREGON. F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y 14, 1010. MO. » . The Sentinel had a call this morn ing from Wm. E. Steward, form erly o f Riverton, who has almost miracu lously recovered from a broken neck. That would have bedb an utterly in- ereible case, if we had merely heard or read o f it, but Steward, who was in a Washington hospital fo r nearly a year after th* accident that knock ed him out, was about our streets for weeks last spring with a plaster cast about his neck to support the bead, whose weight the broken vertebra could not sustain, He came up her. I last Monday to look after a daughter o f 17 whom he has placed in school at Marshfield and tomorrow morning goes back to Tudor, California, where he has fo r the past six months been making a hand on a dredge engaged in drainage work in the Sutro Basin. Though his neck is still a little stifl he looks and walks like a different man today. HAIR OF THE SAME DOG Coos county’s expenses have been so high o f recent years that the r e call ers propose to help matters by tba appAntment o f two more officers who will cost the county at least $10 a day eh, and holding an election that will add $3,000 or $4,000 more to the items already in the Budget. The truth is that most o f the men behind the re call movement have axes o f their own to grind and are not w orl& ig with an eye to the public good. One predic tion, it is safe to make, that i f the people fa ll fo r the scheme of, the re callers they will see the day'they will rue it. That is the invariable experi ence in this stetq. Within a year from th* time a new county court takes the reins there begins to by. a demand fo r another recall to put the old officers back. Keep cool; none o f the county’s funds have been stolen, though there have neen some injudicious expenditures; the com position o f th* county court is bring changed as rapidly os it is de sirable that it should be. There isn’t othsr man in the, county o f Judge Watson’s ability and efficiency who can b* fopnd to accept the office of county judge at the $1,000 a year sal- lary that w ill be paid fo r the red t'of his term— until January, 1921. Kinney Man for County Judge Reports from the Bay are to the e f fect that V irgil E. Watters, who was at one time receiver fo r the Kinney properties, and has a considerable claim against them, is the one whom i recovers expect to make a candi date fo r county judge at their meeting next Monday. This recalls the at tempt to nominate Mr. Russ at the meeting in the court house here last summer. It seems as i f the Kinney interests had a big finger in the re call pie all the while and were es pecially anxious to get some one per sonally interested in that estate into the office o f county judge. * ' Just what chance there is that a recall ticket can be elected in this county, the Sentinel doesn’t know, but it does know that it would not be for the enterest o f the taxpayers o f Coos county to have any one with a finan cial stake in the Kinney tract put in position to dictate what litigation should be taken to secure the collec tion o f about $100,000 in taxes, pen alties and interest. No man ought to be placed where it will be his duty to look out fo r his own interests and the public interests on opposite sides, oLa. lawsuit at the same time. Personally Mr. Watters is an alto gether worthy and * excellent gentle man; but the attempt o f the North Bend crowd who have been playing fast and loos* with the Kinney pro perties fo r years, to place in the posi tion o f county judge some man from that city who has a personal interest in the case, is not one that will be likely to appeal to the voters o f Coos county. • MONEY IN CHEESE M H M O f l E Report of the Annual Meeting A s of the Coos and Curry Cheese Association The regular meeting o f the stock holders of the Coos and Curry Coun ties Cheese association was held at Bandon Wednesday with a „full at- tendance' ■ ^«cretary True fu r nishes us the following report o f th* proceedings: The officers elected for the ensuing year were: J. D. Carl, president; J. H. McCloskey, vice-president. The board o f directors were: A . W. Cope, Clar ence Zumwaldt, and F. T* McMullen, o f Curry county; J. D. Carl, J. H. Mc Closkey, N. W. McDonald and L. A. Blanc, o f Coos county. It was decided by the board to com bine the office of secretary and treas urer with that o f salesman and F. C. True was unanimously elected to that position, his bond beng fixed at $10,- DOO. It was also voted to hold direc tors’ meetings the fifth day o f each month for the purpose o f advising With the salesman and keeping in closer touch with the business. The salesman’s report showed sales made throdgh the association for the year 1918 amounting to 1,900,000 pounds o f cheese and the prospects are that the association w ill market 2,260,000 pounds during tho coming year. / The report o f Guy Ford, the in spector o f the association, showed 7 V 412 triplets, 16,116 Y . A .’s and 6,663 Horns inspected by him during the year. Mr. FoM made a detailed report on things necessary fo r the association as well as dairymen to do in order that the cheese might sell at a better price in the markets o f the country. He first went after the factory man agers, showing them that one o f the points necessary fo r succussful mar keting was uniform weights; and m this connection a l the factories de cided to taka Mrf Ford’s advice purchase scales fo r the purpos manufacturing the cheese in the way advised. This will eliminate one d if ficulty that the association has had to contend with in the past in marketing the product. Mr. Ford next urged the members of the association to talk over with their patrons the matter o f furnish ing better and cleaner milk, claiming that for the quality o f cheese manu factured we had gone as fa r as it was possible until the dairyman began to realize that it was to their interest and money in their pockets to be more particular with their milk. * He said that if the dairymen firould attend to cooling the milk at milking time it would surprise them how they would profit by the extra yield they would be able to get. A ll o f these matters were looked after by the dairymen and factory men o f the Tillamook association long ago, and the results show that, coupl ed with their advertising, they have been enabled to get from a quarter to half a cent more per pound for their product. The $26.00 prize offered by the as sociation for the best drawing fo r a Trade Mark fo r cheese was awarded to a Coos county dairyman, Chas. Kime, of Coquille. The meeting as a whole was very enthusiastic and it was predicted that with- the whole-hearted co-operation o f the dairymen o f the two counties, very substantial rueults Would soon be achieved. Dairymen, let’s get together. A . H. Blatchley Falla Dead Word was received horo yesterday o f the sudden death o f A. H. Blachley form erly o f this city, at Powers. He was stricken with apoplexy Wednes day about 4 in the aftqfnoon and fell from his chair. Death followed In about an hour. He came to this county from Mil- waikee about five years ago, and be Cary Accept* Presidency gan practising law, but was refused President Leo J. Cary, o f the Com admittance to the bar ilfahis state by mercial Club, has decided to accept our supreme court a year or more ago that office for the coning year and announces that * regular meeting o f . He was about 45 years o f ag* and that body will be hald at the city hall l h* d no « 1 » « » « « « « * « o n as far next Wednesday evening at 7:30, ** known- which all members ora requested to F unirai arrangements w ill depend attend. It is with a great deal o f on wY'at word comes from Lia eastern satisfaction that the club members relatives, hear o f Mr. Cary’s acceptance o f th# office fo r which positioq he it so well The grand jury krill convene next qualified. Monday and there will he an adjourn ed session o f the Circuit' Court the See the list o f big attractions at n:-me day. -A week later the regular the Liberty Thaatr* fo r aaxt February term will convene. a _ . E x p ert Tax N o Gold Stars There HE FELL ISLEEP W e noted fifty stars oa the service | flags at the M. E. Church South last ; Sunday, representing that many brave * . ... . boys from the congregation who had L l l j e q v l S t ; enll||ted in Uncl# Sam’s aervice during Nevy Harry Passed Away Here the year and a half we were engaged Wednesday Noon at His in the war. W e thought how devoutly Daughter’s Home thankful the members o f this congre gation ought to be that there were no Under the scare head “ County gold stars there— and that none of ^ The death o f N evy H orry here W ed . Court Gives B ig Fee t o . Liljeqvist,” who waat overseas from Co- nesday morning at the home o f Us the Coos Bay Times on Tuesday o f quille, had been killed in action or se daughter, Mrs. J. P. Boyers, come as this week published the following as riously wounded. Indeed, that our a shock to all his friends— w e might its leading first page article: city has been called upon, so fa r at add to the people o f Coos county, of w * are informed, to mourn but a sin which he was a native and in whose According to the county court rec gle death, either at home or abroad, of public affairs he had been prominent He had been of ords at Coquille, the county, on N ov the true Americans who responded to f o r _ f generation. ember 9, 1918, awarded L. A . Lilje- their country’s soil, seems hardly pos late years subject to heart trouble qvist an additional fee of $2600 and sible. W ith our boy* in some o f the and suffered an excrutiatingly painful expenses for a new phase o f the Kin hottest Aghtng of the war, how all o f attack at his home in Sitkum Mon ney tax foreclosure litigation. Few them could have escaped the death day night, which allowed him no rest- people outside some of the county of dealing missies flying so thick and Tueeday morning he came down here, consulted Doctor Hamilton, and went ficials had any knowledge o f the ex fast is marvelous. out to the home o f his daughter. That tra award to My. Liljeqvist until a night he passed quite comfortably and few days ago and since it has become in the morning he fe lt so much better known, it has caused considerable, that he insisted Mrs. Beyers should comment. not remain at home with him, but A coincidence in the matter is that should fill an engagement she had at the award to Mr. Liljeqvist followed A t the Bay Wednesday morning Re the Odd Fellows hall to make pm- within * day o r two a fter he had frustrated th* movement to recall ceivers Denman and Boles, o f the C. parstions for the coming initiation % nty Commissioner Philip, getting A. Smith companies, announced that the Rebekah Lodge. So she saw him istrict Attorney Hall and County the Smith mills at th* B ey and the comfortably at rest on a couch near Clerk Oddy balled up so that they logging camps at Powers would be the stove, with the daily papers, and ruled against the petitions which A t shut down fo r thirty days. The rea le ft a glass o f milk on the table for torney Brown later held were ade son given fo r this, drastic action is him, which he said he might drink quate. that it is impossible to produce lumber la ter« The ladies were kept at the hall la Mr. Liljeqvist has since stated that at the present market price* except ter than they expected, hoping to fin he did not charge County Commiesion- at a loot. That thie shut down w ill continue ish before dinner, and Mrs. Beyers, Philip anything fo r his service in frustrating the people’s effort to dis for not only thirty days but three who was in the Farmers’ store at the place Mr. Philip. , times thirty is an opinion widely held. time, was terribly shocked when she TJie receivers have gone to Portland got the phone message from her hus Mr. Liljeqvist was originally given the contract fo r handling the Kinney to Confer with Judge Wolverton, of band informing her that her father dead. tax foreclosure cases, five in all, in the United States court, by whom When Mr. Beyers went home at December, 1916, and the contract pro they were app^nted, and it is hoped vided he was to receive $260 fo r each that the creditors and stockholders noon he found Mr. Harry lying on the will decide to put additional capital couch at rest. The fire had been kept of them, $1260 in ail. The nqw contract awarded him on into tho business and Increase the pro up the glass o f milk had been emptied, November 9, lost, states that it is duction o f lumber in the near future. the papers were laid away above his The shut down w ill be utilised to head, and his spectacles lay on the for his services in th* case o f Coy vs. the T itle Guarantee and Trust Co. o f overhaul the mill, which ho* been run table. Everything indicated that he P<H^nd, because it affects tw o o f the ning at high pressure fo r a long time, had fallen asleep and paased away «d e l it and improve-^th* boilers without awakening and without the aforesaid Kinney tax foreclosure slightest struggle. cases, referring to the latter by num and electric light plan t . The funeral service w ill be held at The assets o f the Smith companies ber. It,seem s that th* Coy case, if sueaeMful, would Act aside all the ora said to consist o f 8 billion feet of Dora at 12 o'clock to-morrow (Sat- tim ber— which is two-fifths urday) and his remains wHl be inter that Mr. I,IIJeqvist has done in the Kinney tax foreclosure cases be o f the estimate fo r the entire county red in the cemetery there. As he was 16,000,000 invested in the plants and a member o f the I. O. O. F. lodge at cause it'would establish that John K. Kolloek was holding title to the Kin equipment and about $1,500,000 of Marshfield, he may be buried with the ney properties fo r the Title Guarantee timber in th* yards. Against thie the ceremonial o f that order. Even Nevy Harry was born on the and Trust Co., which was then in th* liabilities o f th* company are placed at $7,000,0Q0; but none o f these as South Fork four miles above M yrtle hands o f a receiver. Mr. Liljeqviot’e action in fighting sets are convertible into ready cosh. Point, Sept. 1, 1859, and was 59 The effect o f stopping Coos county’s years, five months and* eleven days the recent recall petitions caused much comment at the time. He had greatest indus.ry is bound to be se old at the time o f his death. With taken part in the recall meeting, in verely felt at Powers and the Bay, the exception o f eight years spent at fact, was one o f the principal figures while no part o f the county can ex Arlington in eastern Oregon he had in the sessions at Coquille at which pect to eecape the resulting depres reaided in Coos county all his life. He was married May 15, 1881, to Phoebe Geo. Topping, o f Bandon, and Neva sion. The earlier the mills and logging Turner, at Looking Glass, Douglas Harry, o f Brewster Valley, were nom inated as the recall candidates for camps re-open the better it will be county. O f this union eight children born, six o f whom survive as county judge and commissioner. Why fo r aH o f us. This, however, is one he should change his attitude has of the many readjustments which are follows: Mrs. Leona Baker and Mrs. to be expected in changing from a Stella Crowley, both o f Sitkum; Mrs. caused much speculation. M yrtle Beyers, o f Coquille; Mrs. The new award following the old war to a peace basis. Wanda Wilcox, o f McKinley, and the on* makes a total o f $8,750 in fees two boys, Alvin and Ralph, the former for Mr. Liljeqvist in the Kinney tax Wonderful Aurora Borealis o f whom is now in Uncle Sam’s cases alone in addition to his ex The most extensive display o f the vice in New York city. penses, etc. Aurora Borealis it was ever our priv The other two children were Lilas ilege to witness occurred here last May, who died in infancy, and Vera, Evidently the Times, which the Tuesday evening between 8:30 and 9 whose tragic death by drowning while County Court has just instructed Mr. p. m. It covered the entire sky, Liljeqvist to sue for moneys obtained thirteen or more bands arching the bathing in the river near her bqrae in from the county as the result o f an heavens from a point on the northern company with May W illey, alleged conspiracy with two other horizon to one in the southeast. The o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. newspaper men back in 1913, believe* bands looked like thin and not very this place, August 12, 1914, in the policy o f abusing th* plaintiff’s cleerly defined cloud* and many peo recalled so vividly to memory. Mr. Horry was an estimable and attorney. pie did not think o f there being any upright citixen, a faithful husband But this is by the way merely. The thing unusual in the skies. There Sentinel wants to make a few obser were no clouds, however, except low in and a devoted father and was univer vations aneqt Mr. Liljeqvist’* service the north and west and a nearly full sally respected in every walk o f life, in the big four tax cases on its own moon was shining brightly in the afid there are few men in the county accdunt. These cases were the Cali southeast, which detracted somewhat whose death would be so widely He did much public work fornia A Oregon Grant Land case, the from the brilliancy o f th* spectacle. mourned. ai>d it is only four or five years ago Coos Bay Wagon Road case, the Bou There were none o f beautiful rainbow tin tract case and the Kinney tract colors which polar explorers tell about that he had a big contract fo r rock case. It was not the five Kinney and th* display waa lemarkabl* chief work in the Brewster Valley canyon rases, as stated, that Mr. Liljeqvist ly because it waa outspread over the on tho Coos Bay Wagon Rood. H * was also a famous hunter, hav was engaged to December, 1917 to whole sky. ing bagged hundreds o f deer. It was prosecute fo r th d‘county for a fee of An hour later there was a very dis while hunting twenty years ago that $1260, but the five tax summons tinct lunar halo, with one bright star he suffered an accident which proba between 1907 and 1912. in the circle. The weather wise used Now it is the opinion o f lawyers like to say this phenomenon portended a bly shortened his life. T ryin g to roll Attorney General Brown that'M r. LU storm, which was a deduction from ex a big rock down the mountain side up on some deer in the valley below, it jeqvist is th* best posted on tax mat periencs. That the number o f stars ters o f any lawyer in Oregon. One o f in the circle indicated how many days started so suddenly that jje was car ried down with it and suffered several th* cases mentioned involves half would elasp* before the storm was broken ribs besides other injuries. million dollars, another $150,000, also believed, and in this case Wednes Beside* his w ife and children, Mr. third $60,000 and the fourth $100,000. d: y’s downpour appeared to veriry Harry is survived by his mother, two These were intricate and might easily that alao. brothers and two sisters, Grant and have been lost to the county. It could Colfax Harry and Mrs. James D. not have been expected that in elect Other Statements Look Silly Laird, o f Sitkum; and Mrs. Eva Krew- ing a district attorney th* county The joint statement by Judge W at son, o f Drain. Also by the following would at the same time secure a tax expert qualified to fight thee* cfses son and County Clerk Oddy published half brothers: W alter and Haley to a successful issue. But th* un in another column shows how far Laird, o f Sitkum, and Joseph Laird, o f expected happened and the young as from the facta were th* accounts of Myrtle Point; Haley being now m Received Very Meag er Fees SMITH MILLS SHUT DOWN sistant o f form er District Attorney Brown, w hoa Governor W est sppoint- ted os disitrict attorney fo r this coun ty, was ambitious enough to fit him (Conttauad cm third > their differences published in th* Bay southern California, papers. Their motto appears to be, The mother, Mrs. James Laird, who “ S*y a plenty, no n a tter how little is in the neighborhood o f 80 years o f truth there may be in what you say.” ag*, is still hale and hearty and waa out in a timber camp laat CaUlag Cards, 100 <«r $1.00. l t eooking for bar son. Groat