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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
m m F H B A f, JANUARY fit E lk ; S tatem ent sas A STRANGE DREAM FACE SEVEN ISemi’Annual Summary Statement Condition o f tho County o f Cooe, State of Oregon, on tho ' r, A. D„ 1918 ■X RLLElf HUMPHREY SCHOOL I10 wtrT%a* <ta*wn FUND (C o p y rig h t. C o «* * Treasurer outstanding and 9284,486.14 18,01446 77,000.00 Total Liabilities ..................................... 8824.600.00 I By fyn ls in the banda ef the Treasurer applicablè to pay- meat of Warranto .................................................. 8100,160.40 I By Estimated unpaid taxes applicable to payment of warranto. 224,889.60 92.00 that aka ha« narar fall ao «Tiiarii lCauntT Farm 8alaa ................................... befora,lf oome o f team w en only near C *™ * Farm l f ilaaii Children ............... hn> uw a I P a l m ijl, IJMMLQOQB 8824300.00 781.60 84.15 18.60 1,881.7» 6.00 State of Oregon . . Jana came la an« called to har a lG ea Clina M a la . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cheerful goodnight Jana waa a goo« John Gaau&el tM itt girl and Mta. HU hhad har. but aba D o n a tio «,* . P Adams’at al..................... own. I Donations, City a« Cequilla ..................... “I will go to bnd and forget” atghad |T ru a f*r 61111 Dtatrict O r ta ................. Ura. win Transfer from Oanaaal Pond .............. That night aha draamt aha wan an C0*4 o i Colaaun Gataway ....................... die atraat o f tha town la white aha Transfer from Ganaral Fund ................... Krad and thoiewaa groat excitement; I From Stata TTaaaOiai ............................... paoida wara harrying In on« « im U m , Tranafar from Ganaral Band to District < ao aha asked a man what tha trouble . ------- waa. Ha told har that tha LaaUa A Marsh banking oorpotatlaa had failed. Total Receipts .................................... Why, that waa tha bank whara aha kept har money. Tho excitement I ■woke her «Kn w m a «MW wind *A I 6nd It had been only a dream. Altar a Paid on County Warranto ....................... whlla aha went to Meeg again and had I Paid StaU Tax to State Troaaurar, tad % “ if * ^ Transfer to Ganaral School Fuad .......... this time. Whan aha awoke tha aoo- I*.____„ ___________ . _ . - . . 81.64 7.8» 620.«0| 80.161 M0| 84,460.611 8A10| 864110.00 12,879.64 I | County qf Coos t 1 « L L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of the County of Cooe, State of Oregon, Ida hereby certify that tea foregoing ia a trua and correct statement of the number and amount of claims' allowed by the County Court of said Coun ty for tha eix months ending on the Slat day of December, 1918, on what ac count tha earns wore allowed, and the amount of warranto drawn, and the amount of warranto outstanding and unpaid aa tha same appear upon the | record« of my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and tea ami of the County Court of «aid County this 116th day of January, A. D , 1919. L. W . Oddy, | (Seal) ______________________ County Clerk. SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT I of tha amount o f money received for |tnxes and paid to the County Treas- >r by the Sheriff o f Coos County, ROAD GENERAL SCHOOL 1 Oregon, for tho six months ending on FUNDS FUND FUND tha 1st day o f, January, 1919, for I $180,448481 $ tho State, County, School, Special I S0,7»l.»6| | School, Road, Special Road, Citiaa, I 85,810.00! be. I 86,460.61) I 10,000.001 Amount received and paid to the 660.621 I County Treasurer during the months 9,069.101 I of: ' •27k ¡ July, 1918 .........................8 »,»96.16 61988.74! ^ August, 1918 . . ................. 12,670.68 . 840.701 | September, 1918 ............... 248,604.10 5.801 I «her, 1918 ............... 1. 18398.24 6,617.69| | November, 1 9 1 » ............... 4,474.83 December, 1918 ............... 6,741.69 I 86,642.68| $884,9213*1 TERSE FASHION NOTES | 48321.88f Small lacquered hamming birds dec orate a llaore turban. A black satin bag trimmed with oxidised beads la attractive. A crinkly shiny silk la nsed In deli cate shades tor separate skirts. Evening frocks are draped, but tailored frocks follow the straight Una Cotton foulard« are among the four cornerstones In cotton dram goods. A black serge dram to smart when trimmed with white wooden bead«. Young girls are wearing tha round Boater Brown collar with tea black tie. Fringed ends of ribbon droop over the brbns of oomo very pretty anort 264.9»! 6366.061 8898,680.80 Orated carrots can be uacd In placa of Siga la want loaf. Doe any loaf recipe and substitute two or three grated carrots for tho eggs. Usa a cupful of tomatoos Instead of water to mix tho bread crumb«. Employ grated carrata In place ef agga In pancakes, toa 1328.68! I 8 81642.681 8884,921.66! I 48321.88! County ot Coos L T. M. Dimmkk, do htraby certify that tha foregoing la a trua and correct statement o f the received and paid out and remaining on hand, in tea treasury of Coos County, Oregon, for tho six mor lag on tea Slat day o f Deaambar, 1919. * WUhaau m y hand: This 27th day of January, 1919. T. M. DIMMICK, Hemstitching la high In favor In tho daintiest of rammer underwear. It forma a lovely flntsb—a finely hem- sdt<9ed hem Is more durable than one Inca edged, and quite ae filmy and ah tractive. ■* S e m i-A n n u a l R e p o rt “Lovingly, Mrs. Bin took up tho bus ! o h and reed: “Dear Grandmother—I waa ahaehad when I board o f tea bank*# falter« whore yon kept yoar money, will yon do? Oaa’t yon lot yoar house and keep a room la It? It would teem more like home than anywhere else. I will go to aee you as soon as I can. T ou rs, with love, LAURA.” "W all," said Mrs. Hill, and aha took off har glteem to wipe tea tears out of her ayes, *T wonder « will want mo to d o r and the third letter with gers and quivering lips.' “Dearest Grandma.” *T waa vary sorry to hoar that the bank wbara yon kept your money bad failed, but that Isn't nearly aa bad aa If something gad happened to you. How, grandma, dear, George and 1 want you to com# and Uv# with not we have n nice room and you can bring tome o f your things If you waat to. It la beautiful hero on tho farm now, so don’t hesitate, but write aa soon aa you can after you gut tUa let ter and tell us what day you win coma. Hoping to see you aoou; lots of lova tram Marlon and George.” Grandma Hill rood Marion’s latter twice and decided aha would go. Two weeka later found Mrs. Hill to Marion's home; she waa amde vary welcoms. Marion and har haabaad seemed to bo very happy. After ah« , had been there some weeka aha over heard them anxiously talking abo«t n debt. They did not know tent ah« could hear them. Then evening < “Now Is tha dam,” aha said, ai they mt to tea sitting room that nlng aha arose and started to go up stair«. “You’re not going to bod ao early, are yon, grandma r Inquired Marion ” 1 was going to rand yon n story from the new magnates that mam today. “I will be back In a few mtauh replied grandma, and when she come back aha waa carrying a large safety box. She m t down by tea table near Marlon and opened It “Why, Grandma Hill, whara did roe get all of that money r Marion. "Count It” answers “Four thousand dollars!” cited Mar lon. “Why, grandma, didn’t yen teas your money when the bank failed?" “No," replied grandma, rather hap pily, "and It la nR yours now. You have given mo lova In pine« e f It and perhaps I would have not bed either bad I not had «oeh n strange dream.” Then she told them o f her dream and they bote aaaurod her tee wool« never bo lonely again and teat « M b Coeaty Clark o f Cooe County, State e f Oregon, «hewing thè Amount and Number of Clfdnu allowed County Court o f said County, for what allowed, Aaeount o f Warranto drawn, and amount e f War- utatanding and unpaid, from tho 1st day o f July, 1918, to tha Slat day of December, 1918. Expmai o f Constating of Amount of Warranto Court .............................. ....F e a s o f Jnaties o f Fesca, Constable, Jaron, WUn seise, etc........ 8 76838 » Coart ...................................Fans of Oteeors, Expruaie, Jurors, Witnesses, etc. ............. 804.68 CrtUrt ................... ................. Salary o f Bailiff, Reportar, Jurors, Witnesses, Manta, a te ......... 1386-80 Court ..................................... Salary o f Judge A Commissioner«, Stenographer, Expenses, etc. 1346.78 I Oteos ............................ . .Salaries, Otees Expanse and Equipment, Brad, etc. ................. 630634 ..Salaries, Otees Expone# i 4,48930 ..Salarias, Otees Exponas and Equipment, Bond, oto. ............... . 1,140.20 ..Salaries, Office Expensa and Equipment, Bend, etc. ........... * .. 431836 ..Salary A Evpenem o f Supt A Supervisor, Examiners, Truancy 138639 47230 . .Enforcing Criminal Laws, Stenographer, Office Expense, e tc... 7636 ..F ees df Coroner, Physicians, Jurara, Witnesses, a te .................. 128.11 ..Salary and Erpraeaa ............... » . . . ............................................. 268.60 .»Salary and Expensas of Health Officer, Vital S tatistics........... 868.06 ..B oard of Prisoners, Repairs, Supplies, Fixtures, etc. ............... 4317.8» ..Salaries, Wages, Provisions, Buriata, Hospital,' ate. ................. 4,682.4» ..B allai Furnished ............. Investigating .'.................................. 8377.60 . .R elief Furnished ............................................................................ . . jBvfwitiikHfiffifi and E ipwiiw ......... 26136 8302.06 ■ - Registration, Supplies, Salaries o f Judges A Clerks, etc............. 131837 • • Salary of Janitors, Water, Fuel, Light, Repairs, e t c ................ 66636 »1 -•County Court Proceedings. Notices, etc. ................................... 169.97 . • Expenses ......................................................................................... 800.00 1300.00 - Salary and Expanses of County Agriculturist ..................... 160.00 • Traveling E xpenses................................................................... 160.00 -Taxes Refunded .............................. ..................... ................... 160.00 • Bounty on Wild Predatory Animals (State pays sue half) . 649.40 • Publishing DeUnqorat Tax Ltat ........ ................................. 826.00 •County Fair, ate. .....................\............................................. 21.46 . Re-establishing Government Corners ................................... 60.00 .Slaughtered Cattle ................................................................... 606.00 .Relief Furnished ...................................................................... 76,619.48 .(Rights-of-way, Building and Maintaining Roads, Farrias,) 16360.18 .(Bridges, Supplies, Labor, Slaariaa and 8uppltas for) ........ 74,166.96 .(Headmaster's and Surveyor’s offices. Comm. Salaries, etc.). .Expense Food Conaervatira, War Stamp and Liberty Bond 9,689.46 Drives, Homo Guards’ Uniforms, etc.......................... I I COQUE VALLEY M U and TH E OREGON FA R M E R For one year in advance $ 1 .65 SEND . THE SENTINEL « TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST <$> ITS WEEKLY VISITS ARE BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY <§> $818318.96 Trial SHOW THE PAPER Warrants unpaid 8174309.981 I 66,796.10) Trial $12,000.00 I 81.001 1361.681 8«37| 1,01436 1884386.141 $18,01436 TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. THEY WILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT < 3 IS IT IS DIFFERENT. > MMM8 THE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, ORE.