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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
pao s TH E COQUILLE T A L L E T an OOQOOIUJL OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 8L 1*1*. * Tom K rew aea lo ft Camp Lew ie tha tw enty-first and ga t back to Prawn- tar V alley tha night a f tha twenty- anting oat from CogaiUe «a Baker’s truck. W han ha gat ha saw hto baby fo r the first Clyde Nortdn, o f B rew ster Valley arm y. W ind, storm and wind, it did maka trees and limbs pop. A fte r tha storm beautiful sunshine. A lw ays follow s storm. A lw ays tha bat* is ye* to coats. Senator Diatmick’s resolution to ta r with thair own stick tha M things in Oregon that look like man and yet who renounced thair intention o f be coming Am erican citiaana rather than perform tha duty o f eitlaesia, ia tha righ t move to gat rid o f these u si rabies who have branded themselves Saie and Exploitation of Our Neal j C EN TER O F INDU STRY HERE rana. Sara, “N asi D a « coald na* 4o K ; ha la running M aina ta tha doga, ha ia m aking it oaa b ig poor houe*.“ H ow tha booaora and thair friandò, tha boooa aallora did about and gnaah thair tooth o rar tha wickadnaaa o f Nani Dow in «try in g to taka aw ay thair natural bora right*. Tha aehoaa would rin g from M aina to N ow York whan I waa a boy, and than some. W ith Nani D o * and hia kind it ia a l ways, “and than aoat«-” Result, con stitutional aaandm ant adoptad that makaa tha United SU toa o f Am arica kiln dry. That ia going sfama and thara ara aoma folks that thirfk tha world is getting worse and worse and worse, they want it thair way. Thay are not N eal Dows. K. A . Easton. «or Autumn A re Thai Franee and America W ill Join In U sing «o ft. Rippling Tore In Lavish Quantities. N ew York.— The American goveru- ent Is interested la the exploitation ! sealskin That Is a sentence preg nant with significance. It means on* thing: to H ooveris* on the other fur* the kind which the Pacific coast produces, writes a leading fash ion correspondent It is said that th* dyes and the pre paration o f fu r for costume usage are exceptionally good. The story goes that quite a degree o f sharp irritation has been caused among certain group* o f Individuals concerning the dyeing knowledge that S t Louis has made her W hatever the outcome o f th* “bastards and not sons” in o f the commonwealth Of the Unitad States o f Am erica. Taka thair finger prints and fire them nevermore to re turn from all parts o f the face o f the earth over which the stars and stripes float, and whan they get back to their native countries, they were glad to leave, thay w ill remember that there is a large portion o f the earth or which they must not make footprint* The “Oregon State Federation o f Ante Fees Goins Out of Sight Labor“ ( t ) should be- renamed the M otor vehicle license fees w ill be Bolshevik society o f Oregon. Sure the Russian Bolsheviks want a free boosted in soma instances over 800 hand to rot, plunder and murder and per cent* if the senate committee on Oregon labor (T ) bolsheviks vote toads and highwqgs at Salem pots their sympathetic aid and encourage through tha schedule aa approved at m ent The Sinn Feiners must feel a recant meeting., » • Tha proposed fees arili be as fo l- that their “republic“ is on * sure footed foundation now that the O re A ll automobiles, including gon Bolsheviks have given the Sinn asoiin* and other hydrocarbon op Feiners their .blessing and approval, erated vehicles, except motor trucks, but the Sinn Feiners w ill find that thair slimy bog has only caught a p to 88 horsepower, $12, an increase a ripple o f Oregon bolahevikic wind. from 86- C ars in excess o f M ■ The Bolshevik Labor ( T ) union dogs not seem to like the Loyal Legion of and up to 26 horsepower, 821, now 88- C ars in excess o f 26 horsepower Loggers and Lumberman. It strikes me the reason why, is that the Loyal and up to SO horsepower, $26, Legion o f Loggers and Lumbermen C ars in excess at $0 horsepower and are Am erican dtisens, firs t last and all the time. They have no interest up to 86 horsepower, *$tQ, now $10. Cara in excess o f $6 horsepower and In bolshevik ism, bolshevik socialism or treacherous, traitorous spies and up to 40 horsepower, $60, now $16. Cara in excess o f 40 horsepower, treason b renders. It strikes me that the Oregon legis »76, now $20. Electric pleasure c a n , $40, now $6. lature ia se loaded down with cant Electric service trucks, $21, now patriotism that the lawm akers are tum bling over themselves in thqir e f $ 10 . M otor cycles, $6, now $8. forts to embrace the returning boys M otor trucks and delivery and ser in khaki with one arm and w ith the other hand them out twenty-five dol vice c a n tq 1)6 tons, $20, now $6. Trucks from 1)6 to $ tona, $80, lar bills. O f course, they have worm ed la a needed pretence, but when it now $15. Designers o f olothoo hove already Tracks from 2 to 2)6 tons, $48, now started October fashions, and her* 16 comm right down to cases, there are one of them. It Is a suit o f green few people but eould digest another Tracks from 2)6 to 8 tons $60, now duvetyig vrith a big collar o f squirrel. twenty-five dollars most any time. I f It Is embroidered In equlrrel-gray passing out tweotp-fiv# dollars to re chenille, and the wide double-breasted Tracks from 8 to 8)6 tons $76, now turned • v .d e r f is good fo r Portland walstooat la o f gray silk. . why is it not a good thing fo r other $24. Tracks from 8)6 to 4 tons, $100, Irritation, the fhet remains that the place* in the state? The ten million fur people m y that women have noth dollar bond proposition that is being now $27. Tracks from 4 to 5 tons $200, now ing to fear from the grade, the quality spewed out is another evidence that or the coloration of the fo r that will the follow ers o f cant patriotism are $80. bear the American label. Tracks from 6 to 6 tons $800, and trying to get a Arm seat ia the saddle Everyone does not know the extra 6 tons $600, now $6, with the ordinary situation which was develop o f the patriotic money changers. Ten million dollars in bonds, so as to give provision that county shall charge not ed In the fur trade before the war the returned soldiers a chance to less than $8 a montit. broke. The simplest piece o f Ameri work on the road. W ho knows that The committee decided to introduce can peltry that an American girl wore the boys want a job o f road work, and separate bills covering various feat had probably made a little Journey half if they do why not use the balance o f ures o f the road program which it has around th* world and was far more the six million dollars that has al outlined. T h * $10,000,000 bonding traveled than ita possessor. You could catch a ’coon In Georgia, send it to ready been voted. I voted for the six propostion is embodied in a separate Loa don fo r preparation, across the million dollar bond, but I w ill fight bill with no side issues involved. Th* English channel to France to have the ten million dollar proposition. For motor vohicle tax w ill be in a separate style and finish pat Into I t then, from to my mind the patriotism ( ? ) that bill, while bills have already been in* A port In France to an Atlantic port spews out that proposition is the pa traduced by individual members pro and finally journey It across the con triotism o f the merchandise thereof. hibiting the use o f patented pave tinent, drop It Into various placee, well known and unknown, and sell It to an I f the men who make up the U nit ments. American woman. ed Statee arm y were not fools when finch was the fate o f a piece o f fur. they enlisted or answered the selec Boys Doing Reckless Shooting Today our peltry stay* at home. We tive d raft call, if they have not be Mrs. M. H. Wickham w as a custom- can catch a ’coon In Georgia, an opos come incompetent fools since they got r for trespass notices Tuesday. She sum In Alabama, trap a*mtnk In New inside a unitdl%, it strike* me there has been troubled with email boy* us England, get together all the cats and are a lot o f r a k i who are turning on ing her chickens as targets fo r their rats the nation does not need, and torn them out between 8t. Louis, New York, the juice to make fools o f the soldier flrrarm s, and that m orning when the Chicago and San Francisco Into a mot when he gets on the outside o f his remonstrated with them, they told her ley array o f admirable furs. uniform. There were men who gave that they w ere shooting at mud hens. W ill Push Nativa Sealskins. up their jobs, but when they enlisted Very toon afterw ard when moving Fostering this condition Is the Amer or wore called they got another job Our native seal about on her back porch a bullet ican government. that was so much bigger than their w hined past her head into the house. skin will be pushed to the Itmlt of ex old job that there is no comparison to She found it later, and bringing it ploitation as a fashionable fur, and be made between the jobe, fo r the sol there It no reason for women to linger along as “Exhibit A “ w as hunting far behind tthe government In Its de- dier job is the job that put new test trespass signs and a sheriff or deputy. sir* to have these skins sold In a steady into s man’s life and gave him a nev Parents who gave their young boy* fashion. er ending remembrance that he wai shooting i>-ons w ill be wise to inquire The reason for the enthusiasm on one o f the greet army that helped to how they are being used and thus per the part of the majority of women for destroy the German barbarian and this soft and pliable fur, Is Its effect haps obviate serious trouble. avenge those abominable crimes o f upon the hnman face and figure. It la th • “made in Germ any“ kind. The singularly attractive to flesh and bone. Work or the Water Line privilege o f being on that job is I It falls Into supple fold s; it brings out In referring to the work don* by the beat in a complexion. Raccoon, special privilege; money eould not buy It and the power o f money would M arshal M iller on the W alk er creek opossum, skunk and all the other lopg- not exem pt The slacker, the con w ater supply line week before last, hatred furs are stylish, oue admits, but they are not becoming. Silver foxes scientious objector or the traitor are the Sentinel got th* data as Friday, are graceful enough In their undula the only ones who exempted themsel Jan. 17, when it should have been. tions and the hairs are soft enough to Thursday, Jan. 16. Ho w as also up I ves from th* joy of service, and don’t keep a woman’s face gentle and fem you fo rget i t Aa a rule the slacker, on the w ater lines the follow in g Sat- I inine, but when a stiff-hatred fur Is put th* conscientious objector and th* unlay and Sunday, accompanied by S. J against the chin, the features are hard traitor w ill be the ones to hold out the V. Epperson and James W a l terra ire, ened as though a cold wind had pasaed hat fo r patriotic alma and trade upon M r. Epperson being sent by W ater over them. Paris is augmenting the use o f seal the fact that their names may have Superintendent Goodman aa hi* repre sentative. Thar* w as w o rk enough skin. Cgpes are made with 18 and 20- been on the arm y roll. Inch borders o f It; skirts are made fo r all three, too, on the lines a t that This arm y life o f th* w ar he« been with floating panels of It lined with time. the biggest schooling that ever cam* chiffon; medieval cnlraasea o f heavy embroidered satin that show a glint of to men. To the better educated, the C allin g Carda, 100 fa r 81.00. rilk and metal In the deslgp have long, better trained, the bigger men, this medieval sleeves o f American sealskin arm y Ilf* has been an extra collage which flare over the knuckles. course beyond the poesibititiea o f any The sealskin saeqae will come beck college or university to give. To the I, ea te n coiieg* fo r * * • ' with the ostrich feather. These hare average man it h a . given to h i. i d « . f e g p T " 1 * CkamhmÎMn’. always been éseodated In the mind* Il IIIHIH B. J. Reynold« T »H — O». R. J. Reynolds Tobacco $ 10 . $21. o f Ufe a a enlargem ent that all Me o f thoee who remember the days o f old Whao the height of hllae to • Maoiow help cutting loose joyous every time you flush your with Prince Albert—it hits square. It’g a scuttle fall of jimmy malrin’» sunshine and aa satisfy ing aa it is delightful hour of die twenty-four! It’s never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture 1 For, P. A. is trigger -ready to give you mors tobacco fun/than you e v er had in your smokecareer. That’s because it haa tha quality. Quick as you know Prince A lb ert you’ll write it down that P. A . did n ot bite your tongue or parch your throat- And, it never w ill l For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what abayour tonguel rem arks smokespot you so fair and pipe and cigarette every able woman waa a summer in Sara toga, a pair o f drop solitaire earrings, a short, untrlmmed aealskln sacque -and a hat ornamented with two or more long, floating ostrich plumes. The diamond earrings will not re turn to fashion, hut th* ostrich feather and the sealskin coat will come out on the primrose path o f fashion In th* early autumn. The women o f England and Franc* have led the way. The ostrich plume was grat demanded by those who made money In munitions and had to spend It on the symbols o f luxury; but soon tha French women took it up for Its beauty and again we have soft felt hate arlth bine and rose pink, black and brown thlckTJ'curled ostrich plumes floating around the crown and drop ping down on the shoulder. , One o f the new bits of millinery ■hows a hat that has a Joffre blue plume pulled around over the left shoulder like a curl, and one gets a quick, flashing backward glimpse of those women o f royal France who hunted through the forests with a plume down their back and a falcon In their hand. New Suits Show Peltry. The American designers, as well as those in France, are taking time by the forelock and exhibiting autumn gowns that may be bought at the pres ent moment and worn at summer re sorts cool enough to make fur endur able.* To the outsider, the very thought of peltry In our hot, humid climate dur ing July and August Is depressing; hut there are thousands who are not so easily depressed by a circumstance over which they have full control. They want fu r; they tike >o wear I t and It pleases them to make a piquant contrast between their costume and the thermometer. Therefore, the designers will let them have their way. They not only give them separate pieces o f fur, but gowns trimmed with I t cape* bordered with it and blouses heaped with I t Mind you, they are not stingy about fur on these new clothes. There Is not a tiny fringe o f It on a chiffon ruffle, as In other days, hut It Is used In a hold and lavish manner, such aa 20- Inch hands, medieval sleeves and huge girdles with bows at the back. It does not take superfine reckoning to realise that the American sealskin Is about the only fur that can be used In this generous fashion. The stiff-haired pelts cannot bq manipulated Into pieces o f a garment; they mnst remain as separate entitles used as accessories. Imitates Medieval Cost of Mall. We ere not only going to embellish our bodies with soft fa n es a protest and protection against the lack o f ooal and hot water In aero winters, but we delightedly find that the designers are giving to the world a new material that looks exactly tike a cost o f mall. Women will have jerkins o f It with sealskin sleeves, or they will have long tonics o f It, girdled at the waist with Indian rad silk and glittering In the sun. There will be short skirts o f seal skin sometimes worn under these long jerkins or coats of mall, and there will he evening gowns built o f this silver and gold coat o f mall doth. In contrast to these glittering and sumptuous fabrics o f a day when men had to wear armor as a constant pro- tection from the danger throat of an j enemy, are th* now coats of leather. they protect on* from the cold; they Shunter Goes to the Pen will be need as Jerkins, as short jack M onday form er Justice o f the 1 ets over thick, woolen skirts when tbs A . E. Shooter, o f N orth Bond, who autumn comes. • This o f Its i w lost * y ear convicted o f ym besxling ___ _ fashion has been stolen v* — ss — glory In October by smart women ah .public fund* and using them as M s own, cams over h er* by him self and I delivered him self up to th* sheriff, 'thus relieving his bondsmen. H e had been sentenced to from on* to ten years in the penitentiary and waa ready to bogin earring time. H e spent his first night in ja il b o n than, and Tuesday m orning W illiam C attoe at the Sheriff’s office w as aw d s a special deputy to take M m out to Balsas. That he keenly fe lt the hum iliating posi tion he occupied w as evident enough to a ll who saw , but it w as too late fo r tsars to stay the hand o f th* law . Y et w * are convinced that there a n countless multitudes enjoying free dom in this county today who are no better than A . E. Shuster. Indeed, if all th* people in the United States, who have ever appropriated public fund*, or funds w ith which they had been intrusted, to their own use, fu lly intending to replace them, th* jails o f th* country would not begin to hold them. F or th* essence o f the act o f using trust fund* is exactly th* same whether they are replaced or n o t Shuster failed and being unable to find friends who would put up th* money fo r him, he Was one o f the few who have to w alk th * plank. W ho This frock I* In medieval «fleet and can help sym pathising with him? ia built at green cloth and black satin, which I* embroidered with whit* An Farmers Ualon Store Offlcera gora w ed. Thor* Is a band af white A t th* regular annual mooting o f fox on the skirt, and a collar * f this the Farm ers Union 8tor* hold h er* lex at th* back * f the bleu**. the follow ing were elected directors ready advancing the Idea In sport and for the eneuing year: B. H. Burns, W . country costumes for had days. Paris wore these coats all during L. Kistner, C. E.‘ McCurdy, M . O. the spring because at the constant ralni| Hawkins, E . E . Fraedriek, M. T. end the fact that she was In the open Clinton, and Geo. Heninger. T h * di more than ever before. They are of rectors subsequently met and chose seal and tight brown, o f dark bine sad th* follew in g officers: black, snd they are fastened with W . L. Kistner, President leather-covered bottoos. Usually there M. O. H awkins, V ie* President are pockets and a loose girdle cut from a strip o f leather. This Is not „ E . E . Fraedriek, Secretary. C. E. M cCurdy, Treasurer. fastened by a buckle, hut In th* B. H. Burns, M anager. medieval manner of one end o f tha thong slipped over and over th* other. ^Copyright, 1*1*. by the McClure Mewep*. Der Syndicate! Thrift Away Up Froat From a diagram showing where th* I members o f the senate and house are Leeks A re W hat C * «"«- 1 seated at Salem , w * not* th at Repra- -T o u yen meat b W to f be economical f W . MnUt i T< u righ t up in th * asked repeatedly and yet you go and order the most ex * “* — — — fron t row, w hat used to be called “the pensive fur coat In the shop.“ “ Well, ---------- «- — -* I --—« “ turner. senator Smith has Am en corner.“ Senator I don’t mind being economical, but I HU old seat where we first heard him do^ohject to looking economical“- m m 1 ob ^ | ««n e left o f the second row. Keap Cheerful. This 5 * " « * him near the north wem corner Yon find yourself refreshed by the m r i w £ ildln* ’ w h i»« T h rift is in the prenence o f cheerful people; why not make ernest efforts to confer that pleasure oa others? You stilt find Senator Smith Sends Bills h alf the (tatti* la gained If you still The Sentinel is under obligations to sever allow yourse lf to m y anything gloomy. Senator 1. S. Smith fa r copies o f th * Senate and House Calendars and bills introduced in R m legisla tu re. T o re ceive thee* dally (w han the m ails ago running) is a favo r that wu approci- ___________ # at*. A ny on* interested in m atten am ra w foresta o f It before the legislato r* to invited to cali been ton chad. m ' land exam ine th * flies furnished m l b , a— - * —