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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
Z 3 i V - • Y . JANUARY 91, 1919. Lettnr PAGJK Frm Oris The following is a letter from Oris L. Bandloman o f the A. 1. f . in France to his author, Mrs. Julia Randletnan, o f Parkersburg. It wao written at Camp IJonpital No. 7, P. 0. 714 in Franco: W ill try and write you a few lii to let you know I am still «U vs and able to kick. I •inco 1 left th r States, acrose the port There were fourteen transport#, two cruisers, one battleship u f one destroyer. We wore twelve days ing across, days that easmed like weeks. We had to have life ere on every day and apop ^pth them at night We landed at Glasgow, Scotland, and from Scotland wa to England by rail. Wo stayed about a month in England, then wo got on a small steamer and crossed the Eng lish channel to Francs. Ls Havre was the name of the 'p o rt there J e went to 8 t Agnes, Mailley, where wo trained for month. Now I am at Hospital No. near Langres, but expect to leave here in a few days. Did you got the shells I sent you, they wore French 76’s, fired on the Verdun poet They wore by the French. I paid 99 franco «as thorn; I hope you got them nil right I will close for this tiara If would write about everything I have seen it would fill a book. So I will wait and tell you when I A National Shock Absorber NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ■Wtway ftepuj bfirf f o r the Do you reitiember any period in which our country has been subjected to so mfcny anxious moments as during the past two years ? Can there be any dpubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking System as a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquility o f business and banking during these tense months ? I f you appreciate what this new nation-wide system has been doing for you, you can support it and rcocRAL<RcscRvc a<^ *° strength by svstkm promptly becoming one o f 1 our depositors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Rob ert E. HillU, deceased, by the County Court for Coos County; and that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notiliod that they are required to present the same duly verified and with the proper vouchers therefor to the undersigned at his of fice in the First National Bank Build ing at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 2nd day of January, 1910. A. J. Sherwood, Administrator of the Estate of Rob ert E. HillU, deceased. filffi a portion of the Coquille-Marshfield J. J. Stanley, Section of the Const Highway, Chinn Attorney for Plaintiff, Trestle in Coos County, Oregon, will Coquille, Oregon. bo received by the County Court of mid County at its office in the Court NOTICE House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10 KM) Notice Is hereby given that the , M., Feb. 6th, 1919. County Court of the State of Oregon No bid w ill bo consider« for Cooe County on the 10th day of m pan led by cash, bidder's bend, certified chock for an amount equal January, 1919, duly appointed the un to at least I per cant o f the total dersigned as administratrix of the es tate of Joseph J. Sell, deceased. A ll scant of the bid. A corporate surety band will bo persons having claims against the said estate will preeont the same duly required for the faithful porfi Redemption Notice verified at the office of Walter Sinclair of contract in a sum equal to at Coquille, Oregon within eix months. A ll Cooe County warrants drawn on half the total amount of the bid. the general fund and indorsed prior to Ossa K. Sell, Proposal blanks end full infoi AdminUtratrix of the estate of Jo July 1st 1917 will be paid on presen Ron for bidders may ha obtained at ltfi tation at my office in Coquille, Oregon. es of the County Clerk of said seph J. Sell, Deceased. No interest will bo allowed on any of County, or at the office of the Road- , hi the Court House, Coquille, IN THR COUNTY COURT OF THE these warrants after the 17th day of January, 1919. Oregon. COUNTY OF COOS, 8TATB Dated this 17th day of January, Plans and specifications end forms OF OREGON 1919. of contract may be soon at the In the Matter of the Rotate of J. P. T. M. Dimmick, place or auy bo Barkdoll, Deceased. from Portland the Myrtle County Treasurer. o f $1109. CitatUm ----- Point American rays: The right is reserved to reject any To Sophia Barkdoll, George A. or all proposals or to accept the pro- Barkdoll, Edward Gilpin Barkdoll, NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEMENT of them expressed the loomed boot for mid County. Notice is hereby given that the un knee known as James Barkdoll, that Morris, who was found COUNTY COURT OF Benjaaein F. Barkdoll, sometimes dersigned, N. E. Landreth, adminis at having a still in his COOS COUNTY. i aa Ira F. Barkdoll, John G. trator of the Estate of Maria Gram- on purely circumstantial James Watson, Barkdoll, Charles G. Barkdoll, Wil holm, deceased, has filed his final ac ter the two County Item' t a lM jft Joseph O. Barkdoll, count in the County Court at Coos ho was charged had boon Archie FMpp, WegoU, <X Wanner, William County, State at Oregon, in the mat will be granted a now trini, motion County Wanner, Bonn I ahmon, Anna Thrax- ter of said estate, and the said Court for which was immediately made by John Yookam, el, Elisabeth A. Barkdoll Hoka, M*od has set the 17th day of February, at hie attorneys. County Barkdoll Boyer, Berabara E. Hoke, 10:00 a. m. at the Court House at Co There seems to bo o concensus of Ellon Barkdoll Emily Bark quille City, Cooe County, Oragon, as opinion among thorn' wo had ai doll Anderson, Sophia Barkdoll, and the time hnd place for the hearing of portunity to interview, that Urn Lana Barkdoll Ellis, and to all other objections to said final account and was n et* or lorn of s frame-up on its wlu> Coquille, Oregon, January 11th, 1919. heirs known and unknown, GREET settlement thereof. the part of córtala Dated this 18th day of January, ING: * .......... " T “had it in for Morris and wanted to In the Name o f the State o f Oregon, 1919. do all the hoot logging themselves." IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE N. E. Landreth, You ora hereby cited aad required to A t shy rate there are whs sis with- STATE OF OREGON FOE Administrator of the Estate of sppoar in the County Court of the wheels and it is altogether likely COOS COUNTY State of Oragon, for the County of Maria Granhohn, deceased. tnotlur riM r tlrctdy disposed oé R. H. Coehun, Plaintiff, Coos at the Court Room thereof, at by the local courts, will bo dragged vs. Coquile in the County of Cooe on Mon NOTICE TO CREDITORS into this on# if Morris is granted a Wilson L. Rideout and W illie L. rehearing, when interesting develop« Rideout, his wife, F. Clyde Woods mid day, the 24th day of February, 1919, Notice is hereby given that the un o’clock in the noon of that dersigned has been duly appointed ad mente of s Jane Dss Woods, Us wife, whose true at day, then aad there to show caui ture are likely to result. ministrator of the estate of Peter L. Christian. name is to plaintiff \ known, and all persona unknown, if if any existe, why an order of rale of Nichols, deceased, and all persons The important question, as it any, having or claiming an interest or said property shall not bo mode i having claims agairet the arid estate to us, is whether Morris was guilty, era hereby notified that they are re in and to the hereinafter dea prayed for in the petition of Jam not what reasons led some people to Arrington, Executor, which parcel of quired to present the earns vrith the real preporty, Defendants. seek hie conviction. la described u follows, to wit: proper vouchers within six months No. 807*. Beginning at a point 1820 ft. east from the date of this notice to the un Sammoao By PahHmtiau la Fors at and 1240 ft. south of and an ad dersigned administrator at hie office in H ob Canon fo r Coquilla. wore of Tax Uao. ditional 1888 foot east of the north First National Bark Building, Co To Wilson L. Rideout and Willie L. Coquille people will ho pleased to west corner of Section six (8 ) Town quille, Coos County, Oregon. learn that Congressman W. C. Haw- Rideout, his wife, F. Clyde Woods and ship twenty-nine (29) south of Rungs Dated January 17, 1919. Jans Doe Woods, his wife, whose true lay introduced the following bill in twelve (12) West of the Willamette , » J. J. Stanley, the lower house of Congress Jan. 19, Christian name is to plaintiff un Meridian in Cooe County, Oragon; Administrator of the Estate of Pe known, and all persons unknown, if of which ho hoe sent the Sentinel a running thence north 6 degrees oust ter L. Nichols. Deeeaaod. It6 any, having or claiming an interest or printed copy: estate in and to the hereinafter des 1782 ft. and to low water lino of the Coquille River, thence west along A bill authorizing the Secretary of cribed real property, the above named low water lino of the Coquille War to donate to the city of Coquille, River 310.6 f t thoneo south 6 de- Coos county, In the state of Oregon, la the Name of the State of Oregon: giooo west 1122 f t thence oast 1706 You art hereby notified that this one German cannon or field piece. f t thence sooth 6 degrees west 880 Bo it enacted by tto Senate and plaintiff is the holder of Certificate of f t and to a place east of the place of C. R. BARROW House of Repreeantetires of the Unit Delinquency numbered 96, issued beginning; thence east 140 f t to the Attorney and Counselor at Law ed States of America in Congress as April 1st, 1919, by tha Tax Collector place af beginning, containing in said Practice in State and Federal sembled, That the Secretary of War of the County of Coes, State of Ore parcel of land ten (10) acres, more or Courte. Have moved my office to be, and he is hereby authorised sad gon, for the amount of Twsaty-thrse old City Hall near Busy Corner 67-100 Dollars, the earns being directed to donate to the city of Co the Hon. James Watson, and City Wharf. Office hours 8 the amount then duo and delinquent quille, Cooe County, State of Oregon, Judge of the County Court of the to 12 A M. and 1 to 6 P. M. one cannon or field piece captured by for taxes for the year 1919, together State of bragoa for the County of the American Army from the forces with penalty, interest and coots there Cooe with the seal of said Court a f upon the real property of the Imperial Gorman Government fixed, this 8th day of January, 1919. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. to you, of which you are the during the present war. Attest: Richmond-Barker Building. as appears of record, situated in said The bill, which is numbered 14,708, L. W. Oddy, Coquille, Ore. County and State, end particularly was referred to the committee on Mil Clerk. Phonos, Office 698, Boo. 914. i draerihed as follows, to- itary Affairs and ordered printed. By Myrtle Knowltoa, The Southwest Quarter of Sec- There is probably little doubt of its Deputy. 62tl Namber 99, Township Number becoming a law as the supply of Gor 94, South, Range Number 12, West W. man cannon is NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEMENT. ATT09NBY-AT-LAW [. Notice is hereby given that the un You a n further notified that the Richmond-Barker Bldg War aa Reg reseats Coquille Oregon older of said Certificate of Delin dersigned has filed his final account the matter of the Administration From n Salem dispatch wo learn quency has paid taxes ea said prem the Estate of William Colvin, do that George D. Chenoweth, a farmer ises for prior or subsequent yean as D R . O . W . L E S L IE sed; that the County Court has sot of Denmark, Curry county, hoe arriv fellows, to-wit: ed at the capital to sit for Cooe and Osteopathic Physician On April 1st, 191«, the sum of $21.- Monday, the 17th day of February, 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. K , Curry counties in the seat in the 00 for taxes of the year 1914. Graduate of the American School house of representatives grade vacant of Osteopathy of KirksviUo, Mo. On May 91st, 1917, the sum of $92.- as the day and time, and the office of the County Court ot the Court House Office in Eldorado Block. by the death of J. R. Stannard. Mr. 69 for taxes of the year 1916. Marsh fia Id Oregon Coquille, Cooe County, Oregon, i Chenoweth will have all of the cour On May 6th, 1919, the sum of $21.- .the place for hearing objections to tesies of the house except the right to 67 far taxes of the year 191«. vote. Ho was designated for the On May 6th, 1919, the som o f $98.- ■aid final account and the settlement said estate. place by County Judge Wood o f Cur «0 for taxes of the year 1917. Dated this 10th day of January, ry county. A ll of said amounts bear interest Mr. Chenoweth was wounded in from date of payment at the rate of 1919. Firat NV1 Bank B’ld’g Phono George A. Colvin, Franco ns a member of the Canadian Maio 11, Ooquillr, Oregon. Administration of the estate of army. Ho endeavored to eater the 8aid F. Clyde Woods, Defendant, as service of the United States, but the owner of the legal title of the William Colvin, decraaed. C. R. Borrow, Attorney for Admin was rejected and wont to Canada, J. J. S T A N L E Y istrator. a hers he enlisted and raw active ser i af record, and sack o f the u vrn vice in Franco. ■rasas above « iV r i are hereby Office in P in t National Bonk NOTICE TO CREDITORS further notified that that tha plain Baüding, Coquille, Oragon., FOR SALK. tiff herein will apply to Aho Circuit Notice is hereby given that tha un- r 1 8-gal. barrel chum, 1 small Vik Court o f the County aad State afore Irsignad has basa duly appaiati ing separator, 14 chickens, 1 dapple said fa r a decree forariosiag tha Bon Administrator of the Rotate of ix ep oad coots against the Georgs Hansen, doeoosod, by ti gray team, bores and aura, 9 and 7 ATTOCMY AT LAW years old, weight about 1900 and 1600. preporty shove described and men County-Court for Coos County. Ora- tioned In said certificate. And you arc ; and that aU persons ha vis E. E. P in t Notional Bank Building me against said Rotato ara baril WW— a n WWO — Mod that they a n required to pr | sixty days after the first publication nutt«r wrap First National Bank Coquille, Oregon 00 to QUICK S For your Enamel or. Graniteware One Barrel of Cups and Saucers One single Cup if you w ishora Dozen Also a variety of New & Second Hand Cook Stoves Heaters--Wood and Co a l______ Springs & Mattresses. Iron & Wood Bedsteads Aladdin Lamp, Chimney and Mantels _ Oil Lamps, Chimneys, La n t e r n s _______ __ 1 good 14>in. Iron Beam Oliver Plow, almost new A WORD to the WISE « nifty own st E n v e lo p e s , m atter, The Coquille Valley Sentinel is x e a d y to fill the bill. W e also hare a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa- v pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give you something neat for your office stationery e SENTINEL PRINTING IS QUALITY PRINTING The Telephone— A Community Builder It links city and country together; Annihilates distance and eliminates time; Makes a wider market for the farmer; Reaches practically every business house and residence in the county. tire. DR. C. W . ENDICOTT L e tte rh e a d s, C ir c u la r s - or other ad vertisin g W. C. CHASE Veteran « W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d Professional Cards J. A.' RICHMOND w Service First. Coos & Curry Telephone Company THE ONE INDUSTRY IN 1 • COQUILLE that COQUILLE LAUNDRY establishment some fourteen your Laundry. it hue boon on the job. patronized it continually liz appreciation of our in every way possible. D. Hurley, Prop. A. J. SHERWOOD Signa at the • « Dees Yoar Subscription Date Need Changing?