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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
- 1 ia»«ÙiPffV4i OOQUILLH Y ALLST (« N O N . FRIDAY, JANUARY M. Itti. TH C STO R Y OF T H « A T TE M PTE D A S S A U LT Announcement a, ' < ' V * • The Mountain States Power Company regrets that, through no fault of its own, the light and power service of the past wash has not boon up to the standard. It wishes ita patrons and the public to understand that it ia not indifferent to the inconvenience caused'by the breaks in the service and while the trouble ie entirely beyond our immediate control * * bave »ought be remedy the defecto. Because of the shut down at the mill they exhausted fuel and we have been transforming the large furnaces into oil burners. In making this change K has been practically impossible to avoid breaks. Yesterday the coat of sil aleas exceeded 9400, but our to wRffiiwfcffo* MTViCO foe* our patrons. « ly We are malriag thia publk statement that our patraña may under- stand our sppreciation of ths inconvenience we are causing them and that it ia not' a . resuht of either indifference or carel asan ees on our parí Wa think we ha ve the defect corrected and that thera will be no furthar interruption of Service, but if it comee yon will underatend we ara right on the Job te rea tere the «a« rice at the eariiert poasible mamen! Wo ssk the Mnd indulge nce and forbes ranee of our patraña un til the aerviee ia back te normal and aasura them we ara doing everything poasible under the eenditiona to rend j f them full standard sarviea all the Mountain States Power Co. FAGS THESE Certaio'teed Inside Floor Paint Last Thursday night Sam Lanave, a young m*a twenty-one yean of ago, whom Justice Stanley says So con- airiara. irresponsible, attempted to males an assault on Bessie Finley, a girl .of sixteen, whoce father, E. A Finley, lives out on the Marshfield road. Miss Finley ie now employed aa a domestic in tha family ef Jasper Lar- C e rta in -te e d In s id e F lo o r P a in t is m a n ora, who livee in the Charlce Col- liar house a little beyond thd Collier u fa ctu red fr o m th e b est r a w m a teria ls bridge. Last Thursday night she wua going out to that place on the railroad track, whoa aha perceivsd a man fo l ob ta in a b le, co m b in ed in th e p ro p er p ro lowing her. She waa soon to shift over from the track to the wagon road p o rtio n s t o p rod u ce a p a in t th a t w ill and hoped td get off UM railroad be fore he caught up. Seeing that he w ith s ta n d th e h a rd u sa g e to w h ic h flo o r bad speeded up and waa gaining on bar, aha went over to tho wagon road once. Ha did tha same and waa is o rd in a rily su bjected* /. soon on the run, overtaking bar ae she was going up tho steps off the highway towards the Collier place. On reaching her he grabbed her by the arm, and thera was no longer any doubt aa to his evil intentions. She told him to get out or she would call A ll shades o f Certain-teed Paint era based aa respective costs. for help, being no* near homo. $ A t her first outcry ho let go and started back on a run. D ark Oak, p e rq t.________ ____ $ .90 She immediately went to the door and called Mr. Larrimora. They came Silver Gray, per q t._______ ____ .95 back but ha waa out of sight, but Drab, per qt---------- ------- ____ .95 thinking ha might have gone over Sherwood Hill they wont to Front Brown, p e r q t ___________ ____ 1.90 strort to intercept him, but he did not appear. Later they met Mias For aale by Finley’s brother, Hugh, and while the three were standing on the Forman A Merchants Bank corner LeneVs peaeed and aha exclaimed, “ Hera’s the a,” though she had no Idas of his nams oven than. Hugh accosted him and asked him about attacking his sister, but Laneve denied having boas out in that direction that evening. Thinking that there had possibly been e mistake Hugh brought Lenovo be Federated Church fore his sister and aha said, “ Yes, I Ths Federated Church will hold know him.” Hugh then found Officer Jackson and made tha complaint on regular services Sunday morning and evening. The health authorities think which Laneve waa arrested. Oae Cent a Ward Each Insertion Friday Leneve gave bail with W. C. it safe for the churches to resume Rose as his bondsman, and it waa not their work. After a long vacation wa FOB SALE— The Tyrrell place lt t until Monday that-his examination need to make a great effort to does miles west of Coquille on Marsh * bofora Justice Stanley took pi___ out tho year wsU. field road. See owner on place. H. Sunday School meets at 10 a. m. Thera the testimony for the state was N. Tyrrell. Stf Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. aa given above. For tho defense D. FOR SALE— Milking machine all F. Dean, who has charge e f the . complete with engine and belting, League at 6;80 p. m. pumping plant at tha Johnson mill used only 6 days. Bert of reasons Coma. hare, and C. J. White, an old acquain for selling. Pries 8200.00 C. O. ’ Jamas K. Condor, Pastor. tance of hip, who had come in on the Eing A Son, McKinley, Ora. Itf train which arse late that afternoon, appeared for the defense. FOR SALE— A light two-horse de Their testimony was to.tho affect livery wagon. W. H. Lyons. that they had seen Leneve going down the track towards the Sitka mill flbme FOR SALE— Six share# of stock of time during the half hour they were the Farmers’ Union, and all my talking there, and White said he got rights therein, for 9100. Chris back to tha hotel at 6:60. The time Terras. Christian Church the attack waa attempted, according Chorch of Christ FOR SALE—Small place, 7-acra to Miss Finley’s testimony, waa 6:80; (The regular services will be held tract, just outside tity limits, house, but tho distance between the two barn, chicken house and great quan points could bo covered in a few min Sunday. Sunday Sbbool at 10 a. m. tity of fruit. Inquire at Sentinel utes. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. office. 62t4 Justice Stanley held Leneve, who ia Junior Christian Endeavor at 3:00 a son of tha late Noah Lenovo, who m. FOR SALE—The beet grain bay, uad to live in tho old house north of Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30 oats, and barley. Chris Terras on Thrift’s, to the grand jury in $260 the Marshfield road, one mile west bail, which ha did not furnish; and , m. We regret the necessity of cancell of town. No phone. 6tf so was placed in ja il ing the church announcements last The justice says that a few months FOR SALE the beet and cheapest va ego Leneve waa up before him on an week after the paper had gone to cant lot in tha city of Coquille. prees. But tho authorities are gener exactly similar charge in a case Speak quick if you want it. A t the ally agreed that conditions are n where he waa also said to have ran aa soon aa an outcry waa mads. But so nobly cafe for schools to open aa tha mother of the girl in tha case re soon as they sea fit, and wa therefore Remember that in subscribing for fused to prosecute on account of the plan to resume all church services im the Sentinel for 91-80 a year you can mediately. Invite your friends and unpleasant notoriety, and he went form the habit of attending church get the Oregon Farmer in addition by ea. paying only 16 cento more. Still another similar ease occurred the first services of the new year. W. L. Straub, Minister. on tha railroad down near tha cream Butter Wrappers and Traspasa ery on Saturday evening when Len- Signa at ths Sentinel office. \ Christina Science Society. «▼• was out on bail, and ho is sus pected of being the man in the ease Oer rices next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. Calling Cards, 100 for 91.00. there also. The woman he approached Wednesday evening meeting at 8 there says he ran at once vfben the ’dock. made an outcry. $199 R e w a rd , $109 Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Free public reading rootn open ev Ths readers of this paper win fee pleased to loarn that thera Is at laast ery day, except Sundays and holidays, on* dreaded disseee that science has To Increaae County Salaries been able to euro In all Its stages and from 2 to 4 p. m. that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly House BUI No. 144, at Salem, In Influenced by constitutional conditions troduced by Representative Thrift re requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Church of God. Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and vise« the salaries of the county offi acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Bur- A t old Butler atora every Sunday. cer« of Coo« county as follows: faces e f the System thereby destroying 3unday School at 10 a. m. tho foundation of the dise a*«, giving the County Judge, raised from 11,000 to patient by building up the con Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. stitution strength and assisting nature In doing Its HAM . Tho proprietors have o so Prayer meeting Thursday evening ---- f much County Treasurer, raised from 91.- faith In the ctirativa at 8 p. m. Catarrh Medlctna that" th*y offer One 200 to 91.400. Hundred Dollars for any rasa that It falls A cordial welcome is extended to all. to A is«« «or, raised from 91960 to |1,- cure, gend for list of testimonials. Address T. J. C H ENST A CO.. Toledo. fc\ H. VanLydegrpf, Eldar. 800. This paint will dry hard with a gloss, and may be applied by any inexperienced person. If directions are carefully followed the results will be highly satisfactory H. O. Anderson Furniture and Hardware H A L F A M IL L IO N D O LLARS A T Y O U R S E R V IC E / , *, r Tailoring» Cleaning & Pressing -■ • • V ' ' COME IN—Let*» get acquainted e I f your clothes need pressing P H O N E 1198 and r il call for and deliver them. Special attention given to cleaning* and pressing LA D IE S* Coats, Suits and Dresses. R. H. SWEET now Successor to Fred Slagle Front S I , opposite Farmers a Merchants Bank Phone 1198 Coquille, Ore. T O R E D U C E T H E H IG H COST O F Y O U R Life Insurance A. B. COLLIER im a n with Spacial Agent fo r I K PtOVUCMT UR DID TRUST COMMIT Of N U K U S A I8 6 0 - Low est Mortality Low Cfwt ef Management - 1918 Large Dividends Member o f Federal Reserve System The Sentinel’« H oeor Roll Tha following have paid a year's aubacription or «rare for tha S«ntinal during tha mouth which anda today: Gao. N. Goodrich, H. Sangateckan, Gao. P. Topping, Mr*. a A Stooia, A. P. Millar, Was. Hammack, Lee Goodman, Tha Coo* Bay Lumbar Co., Mra. L. Crandall, Arabia Philip, Geo. Bonham, >L T. Aaaan, Walter Norria, Mra. B. F. Blakaly, Anton# Biaaca, Owan H. Enowiton, Arthur Eniagaaa. M. it. Wickham, E. H. Em*. Mra. Mary Brawn. Portlapd O ra rm i«. Itev. C. H. Bryan, E. E. 8hin* 8. M. Olsen, W. H. Sehroad^, J. I Wan- namaugh«r, J. A Talea. C. A. Patton- giU, Frad Von Pflgert, Mra. M* » « - Mf . Mra. Lavi Saydor, Chaa. Halter, Mra. E. J. Wright, J. -W. ^pphten. O. H. Aaean, C. P. Q Mc- Quigg, Shoitau A Sona. * W~ Cuffia. William Caoy. WlUtem Oddy. O. W. LaaBa, CAnda OOaa, E C . Strang, John A. Martin, E. A FHt- croft, J. V. Shack, J u ifT M A ChnA moatiy tha tame. Now diatrict 12 com prism tha Fair viaw aaation and run« up tha North Fork until it loqpa iteolf in tha coast rango. Old District 19 waa aouthwast of Myrtte Point and gate nona of the land grant tax««. Now Diatrict 19 ia north of tha Sitkum diatrict aadtpr tha uppar North Fork of tha CoquiUe. Now Diatrict 14 ia old District 12, tho Sitkum district. Old District 14 waa apparently loot in tho sbuffio. Now District 16 runs up tha East Fork from Gravel Ford to Dora; old District 16 at Coatedo is mueh tho is m as 19. A point to bo noted in connection with tho abovo table ia that prior to 1216 tha ponaltim and interact ac cruing on tha Southern Oregon taxes, that is from 1007 to 1914 ln«liuiv«, mt to tho school and road diatriete, juat tho «am# aa tho principal of the taxas. This made tho county tha goat, as it had to put up tho money for interest on all unpaid warrants. So in 1916 tho law waa changed ao that penalties and interest from that date on were to bo paid to the county insUad of tho districts. This accounts for tha apparently anomalous fact that tho $2£73.16 taxes on the Wagon road lands in the Coquille school district draw f 1,906.27 in interest and ponaltim for tho dis trict white tha $2,530.66 taxes for the Sumner school diatrict draw only 9382.88 in Interart and ponaltim. The city of Coquille is tha only city in tho county that comes in for a slice of them taxes, tha amount be ing 91,189.16. This added to the amount received by the city from the county for water front property would go a long way towards acquir ing tho Lamb Grove of Myrtle trees that wa are all ao anxious to aso pre- read.* It win be noted, too, that the |S66,- 666.22 to go into tha .treasury for county purposes entirely, the county having already advanced \he state taxes on the grant lands, ia a greater amount than the principal of the county’s road bond dobt Coquille, Oregon Want Ads Ohio. Bold fey ail Druggist. * Superintendent of Schools, raised from 91AM to 91AM. These are the only changes that are made in the bUl but the last clause contains a joker in the shape of a provision that the act shall not go into effect until after the expiration of the terms for which the present officers are sleeted. Moat of the other salary revision bills in the legislature carry the emergency clause and will go into ef- Dogs mast be highly esteemed up The Celebrated in Allegany. At Marshfield last Sat urday Mrs. Emma Jane 8tnll, of that piece, got a verdict of 8260 against Tom Porter and Rosco Bunch because Awarded Gold Medal they shot two of her canines last fa ll This makes dog moat higher priced P. P . L B. Saa Francisco, 1915 than beef or mutton. The strongest and nearest waterproof Shoes mad# for Loggers, Croisera, Minera, Sportemen and Worker*. Bergmann Shoe The Year Feet Dry Use The OIL Cow