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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
T U COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQOUILLE. OREGON. R ID A T, JANUARY SL U lt. We have on hand a varied assortment of odds and ends left from the Dry Goods stock we formerly car ried which we have marked at prices never heard of before. The stock is not large but if we have what you want you can save a considerable by buying here. The list includes Men’s White Dress Shirts Men’s Caps Boys’ Shirts Boys’ Men’s and Ladies’ Rubbers Boys’ Shoes Ladies’ Shoes Ribbons Insertion Embroidery Corsets and many other articles you cannot afiord to-pass np When Sickness Comes «dnaU (« of tho h—mi ful day Sun day and want visiting. L M. Weokly aaJ Arthur Crosby butchered a nice buncn of eight Yat hogs Tuesday for Nick Johnson and took tLam to Myrtle Point Wednesday to bo shipped to Coquille. family visited at tha home of Lloyd T aallioiman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivorson visited their dauhgtar, Mrs. Arthur Crosby, a few days last week. Wm. Smith is putting a wire fane« around his hill pasturo. Mrs. W. H. Bunch and daughter, Irma, were guests of Mrs. Marey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Summerlin had business in Myrtle Point Monday. Clauds Krants ia a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barklow this week. They went to Coquille Tuesday in his car, but found the roads rather bad for the car. Reuben and Bertha Cotton visited over night at tha Vogal home on Elk Creek last weak. Mr. Vogal 1s quite bad with cancer of the stomach. His son, Carl, and daughter, Bertha, are caring for him while Mrs. Vogal is in Coquille under the doctoi ’a care. Miaa Hedwig Harnish, the Shiloh teacher, has been quite sick with ton silitis the past two weeks, but was able to go back to her school work again Monday. |Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. T. Summerlin were guests of Mrs. Mabel Minard Sunday. Arthur Crosby made a trip to Myr tle Point Monday. Leo Weekly has his tVo silos and part of tho roof of his barn blown down by the severe windstorms. McKinley Notes. Aft oar Bed Bulk Garden Seeds American Wonder Peas Little Gem Peas — Stratagem Peas Tall Telephone Peas Gradus Peas Onion Sets White Seed Oats Vetch Italian Rye Grass English Rye Grass Red Clover White Clover Alsyke Red Top is a bargain at the present time. Better se cure what you need while we have this stock For a few days in dozen lots Peaches, No. 2 1-2 cans at $1.95 per dozen Cross this week we had * • , a larger atendance than for several it calls for unusual articles weeka, even though it stormed con and needs. The Rexall tinuously all day. Those present were Mesdames Lee MasJ, Anna Wilcox, Store has given painstaking Bea La whom, L. A. Lajwhorne, Wm. Forbes, W. H. Bunch, Chas. King, El attention to these demands mer King, Arthur Brown, Geo. Glenn, Alva Brown and Misses Mildred Mast and is equipped to supply and Mabel Wilcox. every urtkle your physician We pressed twelve garments and packed them ready for shipment We had more completed but had but one doxen labels sent us so could not ship them now. Realizing that upon the pre Arthur Brown returned home from scription may depend the Camas Valley Tuesday. Ha reported hie father somewhat better. 2 Phones-—691 United States Food Administration—License No. G 46545 patient's recovery, we use Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wilcox visited at Geo. Glenn’s Sunday. only highest purity, potent Herbert Frye from Camp Aberdeen has been honorably discharged and is drugs and chemicals and here visiting his sister, Mrs. Glenn. New Cases la Circuit Court. Log running has been the main have adopted a system of 25—Merchant Land Company feature of business st McKinley for vs. Jan! Alva Doll, executor of the estate checking that makes error the past week. McCarthy took most of E. C. Pigott, and the heirs and de of his out AaSsna’ were behind, so visee of E. C. Pigott, impossible in our prescrip did not succeed as well for the water Jan. 27— L. D. Smith deceased. can still be found here if you come quick; but the vs. John P. M l so fast, leaving a good many on Tupper, Jessie Tupper Perkins tion room. and 50 per cent cut on these odds and ends has result the banks. . Kenneth Perkins, Agnes Tupper Hsd- The high wind last week took out ed in a material reduction of our surplus. and John Doe Had sail, Lola Tup our telephone line in a good many ssll per and William Roe, her husband, place« and aa the company does not John W. Tupper and wife, Martha A. TXm ül a x c l t A i Gravy Boats...........................................25c employ any one in the neighborhood Gilmore COQUILLE, OREGON and John Gilmore, her hua- Sugar Bowls............... ................ V.— AOc to attend to it we are cut off from bimd, the unknown heirs of Martha A. Pie Plates, per set................... .40c to 65c outside communications, just when we Tupper and B. F. Tupper, deceased, Vegetable Dishes....................20c to 50c Alice Robertson Campbell and Wal Berta Laird from Sitkum visited ler L. Robertson, the unknown heirs .......................................16« to 36« over Sunday at W. H. Bunch’s. John C. Robertson, deceased, M. Cake Plates............................... 25« Mrs. Wm. Mast is visiting with of H. Jones and his unknown heirs, the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King. Santa B ow ls..............................i5c Railroad company et al. Mrs. Hansen has been very sick Jan. Fe 27—Ruth Mena Landers vs. Pitchers............................. " ail . again and is not much better st the Charles Bell Landers. Suit for di- present writing. Maisie Mayse visited Katherine Brown Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Fred Mast went to Lee Satur day to be with her mother, Mrs. D. MRS. BONNIE WALKER. Prop. Myers, who is sick. Probate Court Items Roily Alford and family went to Brewster Valley for a few days’ visit Jan. 24 A. K. Peck, of Marshfield, while McCarthy’s camp is shut down. was appointed administrator of the During the high wind here at Mc estate of Allan M. Dodge. Hit heirs Carthy’s camp a falling tree struck are Lydia Dodge Vaughn, of Marsh George Baker on the leg just below field, a daughter; and Norman H. the knee and now he ia going on I lodge and Orva M. Dodge, of La crutches. Grange, Indiana, son and daughter. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Under new management Reviving the Recall. Elmer King has gone to Fairview The estate consists of $600 in real and STATE OF OREGON, IN AND to work for Aasen’s. $100 in personal property, and the ap A meeting of the Taxpayers League FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS will be called by Preaident H. O. Geo. Shepherd expects to commence praisers are Chas. Adams, E. A. In The Matter Of: Kern within a few days, it is an work at the same place next week. Dodge and P. W. Laird, of Myrtle Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry Adam Rusieski, application for nounced, says the Marshfield Record, Arthur Brown has a crew of men at Point. change of name. and arrangements will be made to work trying to repair some of the On Wednesday Barbara E. Barnett, Laird Building Notice . circulate new petitions and renew the damage the timber and high water of Fairview, was appointed adminis Coquille, Oregon Notice is hereby given that on the previous efforts of the organisation to did to the road during the storm. trator of the estate of Thomas W. 8th day of January, 1919, by order oust the two members of the County Wm. Forbes was on the sick list for Phillips, deceased. The estate con and decree, rendered and entered in Court, who are charged with the ex several days last week, but is better sists of personal property valued at NOTICE the above entitled Court and matter, travagant expenditure of road funds, again. '•date of tha first publication $140 and the appraisers are M. H. the name of said applicant Adam unbusinesslike administration of notice, to-wit; January 24 , A. Mersey, J. 8. Lawrence and Lee Good Rusieski, was legally changed to the county affairs and numerous other man. The administrator ia the sole Hens Fran Arago. name of Adam Rice, and that the shortcoming^. L. W. Oddy, true and legal namo of said applicant If the petitions are run against Rev. W. J. Fenton, the M. E. South heir. County Clerk by order and decree of said Court ia Commissioner Philip and County presiding elder, preached at Fishtrap K B* Caughron, Marriage Licenses now Adam Rice, and public notice Judge Wataon it is highly probable church Monday night. thereof for four consecutive weeks both men will be removed. If cause kfr. and Mrs. Andrew Patrick, of Jan. 24—Watson Draper Short And n o tic e from date hereof is hereby given. upper Fishtrap, welcomed a little son Nellie Metcalf, both of Empire. They lias against either one, both are to into their home Jan. 22. Dated this 23rd day of January, blame. If Jim Watson is to be back were married the following day by ’ f ’ * 1 « •"» «tot ti» <m. 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Robison, of Rev. C. L. Hamilton at the home of » » if T*“ '"1“ ™“ » of ti» Ko- ed by the interests It will fall. 2t5 W. W. Gage, Fishtrap, received a little daughter Thomas L. Wasson. Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Pfobably the Record will never re into their family Jan. 24. Jan. 25—Paul Clemaus and Zella cover from the attack of Watsono- Geo. F. Robison, who has been quite I.acilla Wallace, both of Marshfield. phobia from which It ia suffering. But ill with quinsy, is reported as slowly They were married the following day tho recall bee ia always biggest whan improving. by Rev. E. E. Coulter at his residence. it ia first hatched and tha attempt to Jan. 26—Carl Weber, of Dobnar, Quick C m far Creep. warm ovor last year’s embers doesn’t sad Aubrey Lee Williamson, of Isth look very promising. Watch for the first symptom, mus Inlet. They were married on the hoarseness and give Chamberlain’s 28th by Rev. J. Edward Blai$ at his Less than cost at the cannery today. This willl be your last opportunity to buy peaches anything like this price for many months. Don’t overlook this one. Order early—supply is limited. The Busy Comer Racket Store CITY BAKERY ÎltoLÎÏL ? *“~"t » .«h m ,»*- - ft J ta í zfsz -