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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1919)
'*■ ....... TÏT7. .a s * . Sentinel H u, i.M AND THE YOL. X IV. N a 8 NESTLES If GOOS Biggest Condensary Firm in the W orld Bays McMinnville and Bandon Factories riLLE HERALD COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. FRID AY, JANUARY 81, 1918. tended by the opening e f so i tensive a market fo r its products; and ms confidently expect to see more e f our valley lands brought under in tensive cultivation, brush land more rapidly cleared, more drainage sys tems installed and the milk product o f our valley doubled or trebled in the next few yeara. ' For the preeent it looks as if Ban don would be the greatest beneficiary o f the change and we certainly con gratulate our stater city at the mouth o f the river, which has been playing to hard luck for the past five years, on her brightening outlook. A t the same tim e it is self evident that with the greater part o f the un developed dairy land in this valley so nearly contiguous to Coquille, our city must feel the stimulus o f the new development and grow and thrive as it has never done before. Schools W ill Open Monday A t a meeting o f the Directors this morning H was voted to reopen school Monday m orning.. Bells will ring and sessions begin at the accustomed time. That Is the Amount of Money to Be Paid | J liS E S J S L r i seems to be an impression to Coos County toi' Back Taxes as There ong some pupils that they will be ■o handicapped on sceount o f the long Soon as Bill Becomes a Law. enforced vacation, that H will not pay VERT NEAR DEATH Arthur Hooton and Ned C. Kel ley Were But a M inute From Electrocution J. Monday’s Oregon Journal Arthur Hooton had a very narrow The Nestle Food company, the escape from death by electrocution to return to school until next year. largest producers o f condensed milk Wednesday when the order came from About a year ago, in discussing tho question o f the disposition o f the This is a serious error. in the world, has purchased the Mc F. E. McKenna to cut out tho street Southern Oregon, or Coos Bay W agsa Road, grant lands, the Sentinel at-1 Since all are under the same handi- Minnville and Bandon condenaaries. lights here until the boilers at the gued that our county officials need not worry so much about how tho e x -: cap allowance will be made for all The sale represents one o f the largest plant on the Bay were repaired. A r cess above $282,000 to bo paid fhe company, and tho taxes and other ex- alike, and every possible advantage industrial transactions in the history thur was standing in site back room penses was to bo distributed. The amount eventually to ha received from wil be given to everyone continuing o f Oregon. , o f tho Power company office talking tho timber when H was sold and tha lands when they had passed into the the work now. To remain absent now to N. C. Kelley. Reaching fo r the The McMinnville eondensary, which hands o f settlers would bo so long in'eom ing in, no matter what the amount, will mean to loae the credit gained handle to pull the plug which would has a capacity e f 120,000 pounds o f that it m ight cut little figure with flu present generation. On tho other last fall, and to fail to continue with cut o f the street light circuit, he fresh milk daily, form erly was oper your class. , a tod by the Gtebisch A Joplin inter- struck the forefinger o f his right hand B y all means consult the superin sets, and ordinarily employs about 76 against one o f the brass pieces o f the tendent before deciding to remain ab- teen. switch. Instantly he was drawn up The Bandon eondensary was owned T h a t Bloc C r a n hard against the board and his mus Miss Cardiff, the county nurse, will by the same company and has a ca cles and flesh became rigid and hard That blue mark on your label means pacity o f 260,000 pounds o f fresh milk that your subseription expires with figures we have heard or seen mentioned since, that amount has been put be present fo r two or three days in a rock. He attempted to yell the week, and will It transpires, new, that the sm aller amount was what the fore part daily. The total per diem capacity of this issus and that if you wish to con as about $160,000. "H elp,” but his words were inarticu the combined plants will be approxi tinue to reçoive the weekiy visita ef the county was to receive as its share—the state and county taxes which give instructions in the use o f every late. With 2800 volte o f electricity possible precaution. I f parents will m ately 87(0,000 pounds o f fresh milk the Sentinel an early remittance ia will go into the general fund o f the #ounty. passing through his body ho was fast On the other hand the additional amount that will go to the school, keep children at home who have any loring consciousness and ability to and 8700 eases o f condensed milk. cxpeeted. The pey-in-advance plan The condensaries will be managed ta one which, ha ring once undertaken, port and road districts o f tile county make enough more for the grand symptoms o f a cold or other illness, call ou t it is probable that the school can run by A lbert E. Boughner, who says that we see no reason to change and we total to reach $480463.26, or only about $10,000 short o f the half million. A t the first alarm Mr. Kelley grab Geo. O. Loach, the cashier, and Archie W alker, the bookkeeper, at the without further interruption. the plants represent an investment o f belleve it ta appreciated by our sub- bed his arm to try and pull Hooton more than $260,000 and that the Nes scribers who wiD not in the future be sheriff’s office have figured it out to a cent what the county and each district loose from the contact, and was him tle company expects to have a total expected to pay beyond the period for and subdivision is to receive from the taxes the government will pay ac self drawn tight up against Hoot on’s cording to the bill which has unanimously*passed the house o f representa investment in excess o f $800,000 when which they subecribed. body. By some miracle, however, hta tives at W ashington, and is expected to pass the senate and become a law alterations and repairs have been hold on Hooton broke, and he looked before the fourth o f March. completed. It win be at least 60 days around for an insulating rubber mat Net Tax Penalty A Interest Total before y>e plants are in fu ll operation. to stand on. Not toeing any he rock $366,666.22 Clarence W. Doty, assistant secretary State and C o u n ty ..............................$*14,786.81 $161,778.41 $866,666.2* ed back on Ms rubber heels and gave o f the New York office o f the Nestle h igh School Fund .......................... 8,768.46 8,768.46 Arthur another pull which jerked 8,118.76 Port Cooe Bay .................................. 2,839.04 774.71 company, has bean appointed general Last Tuesday Mayor Johnson re him loose from the switch, both men 8.690.62 ceived word from L i. Commander J. going to the floor in a heap. In a secretary and treasurer e f the Ore Port Coquille River ................ 6,61*44 2,187.26 8,699.62 Superintendent Mulkey, who hair Port Bandon ...................................... gon branch, which has been capitaliz 7,706.82 2434.40 10,060.22 T. Kane, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, half minute Arthur came to aad hta bean over at the Bay this week came City o f Coquille ................................ ed at $200,000. 766.20 872.96 1,189.16 asking him to be on the lookout for first words were, “ I’m all right,” but 6.37 Joe. A. Carter, who had overstayed hta finger ta white and burned to the The m ost important Mature o f the home last night and bringe a very 806.21 his furlough and was classed as a de bone. transaction is the market which will gratifyin g report as to the schools Mr. Kelley was deathly elek 4.697.02 serter from the navy. Tuesday ev for two or three momenta: but tha be created fo r all the milk that can there. They have reopened both at Road D istrict No. 11 2,641.70 2,066.32 ' 24,147.67 ening Marshal M iller ran across Car vertigo soon passed, and asido from be produced in this state fo r a consid Marshfield and North Bend and in Road D istrict No. 12 12,412.76 11,784.81 erable period to come. The dairymen both cities the attendance ta normal. Road D istrict No. 18 1,849.72 ter out by the Collier place and put the burn neither man appears to be 1,349.72 6.091.61 him under arrest. The latter asked any tho worse for their near acquain have been unfortunate in having dealt Indeed, with the exception o f the Em Road D istrict No. 14 6,09l'.61 * with many concerns not financially re pire school, all the schools at that end Road D istrict No. 16 2481.98 fo r permission to go home and tell tance with death. 2,606.66 his w ife whom he had ju st recently sponsible, involving huge leases to the o f the county a m again running. Road D istrict No. 16 974.88 1,680.77 dairy interests, which, it is said, have Lakeside waa perhaps hit the hardest Road D istrict No. 17 4499.70 brought from the A tlantic eoast, they 2487.79 1.971.91 Two Inmuso^Men at Once had no little effect on retail prices o f o f any place in the county In propor Road D istrict No. 18 1.848.91 8,612.66 having been married at about the 1,768.74 George Martin, better known aa tion to its population, but the school milk In Portland. 960.06 •■«ue time Carter took French leave. Road D istrict No. . 27 “ Sharkey,” waa brought over hers Another im portant feature w ill be with 80 pupils is again open there. Read D istrict No. 80 94*1-08 A fter putting on his putfprm, Carter 4JM9.09 44614* Tnastaq insane condition ***** 1,680.60 was brought by M iller to the county ■ tetita 1,244.10 Read D istrict No. 81 placed in jail, where he made night fnet all are at school again except by the School Districts ja il where he «w aits the arrival o f hideous to those in that section o f e f seers than 1,000,000 cases o f con the children o f one fam ily who had N a 7 Daniel’s Creek 2.404.02 Federal authorities. 689.73 1.714.29 the city by hta howling. Ho ta known densed milk, which the Nestle com the disease and are still to weak to No. 8 Coquille .......... 4,778.48 1,906.27 2478.16 Mr. Carter enlisted In the navy with aa “ tho Ouija Board crank,” and was come out. Ono girl, a member o f the pany anticipates sending to the Orient 2,166.08 Postmaster Leneve here last spring 458.90 1,707.18 No. 10 Cunningham . so violent that it took Officer Veatch eighth grade, died there. In this con from the port o f Portland. 846.66 and saw considerable service on a 16.04 829.61 No. 12 Catching Inlet and an assistant to bring him over nection it is to be noted that very The Nestle Food company exported 441.06 submarine destroyer, being a fireman 126.11 816.96 N o.. 16 B ig Creek . . . hors from North Bend tied down. more milk in 1917 and 1918 than any few school children in the county No. 16 Discontinued . 8.87 . 1.98 1.94 on several convoy tripe across the When he was examined here Wed ether corporation in the United have been among the victims. 6.67 Atlantic. 1.08 4.64 N o. 18 F lagstaff ........ nesday by Judge W steon and Health A t M yrtle Point Mr. Mulkey quotes State«. The company is reported to 7.47 4.01 8.46 When he enlisted it was fo r the Officer Richmond he was asked what, No. 19 Fat Elk ........ Professor Claude -Noslor as reporting operate more than 60 eondeaaaries in 688.19 period o f the war and after the sign 266.76 882.44 No. 22 Riverside .. if anything, he know about the late this country alone, in addition to the attendance as “ alm ost normal’’ 1.066.61 ing o f the armistice he made applica 168.16 908.46 No. 28 Lee .......... Julius Bracke, as he had claimed bg^ which there are the English, French, instead o f at the fifty per cent ratio 1.670.66 tion fo r discharge from the service. 286.37 1.286.29 No. 26 Fairview . . . . . fore leaving North Bend that he could Swiss and other Nestle companies op reported, there. 2.062.67 But he had not received it, and made 666.18 1,386.44 No. 27 McKinley ........ tell all about that case and find tho The schools at Coquille and Ban erating huge condensaries all over the 200.02 the mistake o f thinking Uncle Sam 78.60 121.62 murderer if promised $1,000 reward. don are the only city schools in the No. 28 Gravel Ford . . , world. 2.698.63 would forego any o f the usual routine 362.88 2,880.66 No. SO Sumner ............ It was promised all right, but when county that remain dosed, and there 46746 in dispensing with his nephews’ ser Attorney A. F. Flegel, o f Portland, 144.42 322.93 No* 82 Dora ...................................... he insisted on having $100 down be 117.76 vices. who handled the legal end o f the deal, aro only about eight rural schools not No. 86 Seaside .................................. 70.63 47.12 fore turning a wheel the stuff was yet running. Those at Johnson’s Mill 829.27 said another valuable addition to the 86.21 298.06 Mr. Carter has lived around here all off. He had his prim itive Ouija N a 86 Cooe R iv e r ............................ and Parkersburg Mr. Mulkey thinks 44447 all his 1$B and bears an excellent port tonnage will lie in the fa ct that 184.42 269.86 N a 48 Norway ................................ board with him and when Judge W at 8.08 reputation fo r honesty and has al the Nestle boats on their return voy are among these as woll as several in N a 44 Roy ....................................... .68 2.40 son questioned him he ran the shingle tho M yrtle Point section. 149846 ways been a hard working young ages would call at Coos Bay and bring 629.64 N a 48 Shiloh .................................... 1,868.91 indicator on the cardboard and ev Altogether the situation has cleared return shipments to Portland. 14.84 man. It is to be hoped that the court **-*4 ery time it stopped at 0 (naught) all up wonderfully during tho past two No. 49 EosUido ................................ 617.61 which tries him will be acquainted 268.16 849.46 he said was “ Oh, Oh, Oh.” weeks, and with only one new case of No. 60 Remote ................................ 1644 with his patriotism in enlisting and 6.71 Taking a wide view o f the entrance the “fin " reported here this week No. 61 Delmar ............................ 7 . 10.68 He was taken out Wednesday morn 164.88 will be informed o f his good standing 68.98 o f such a corporation as the Nee tie No. 66 .......................... M ing by a ¿uard sent him here from the there seems to be no valid reason for 868.62 as a citizen o f Coquille. 2A06 Food company into the dairy industry keeping the Coquille schools dosed. No. 68 Johnson’s Mill ..................... 380.67 Salem hospital fo r tjie insane. 10410.26 2,888.08 e f .Oregon i t is unquestionably a N a 66 Sitkum ................................. 7,822.18 Another man examined the earn* Indeed at Portland where the “flu” 1,176.27 376.89 source o f congratulation. It cannot Jumped From Car Window 790.88 day Waa R. G. Hamm, ton o f T. E. cents back and got out o f control N a 72 Coalodo ................................ 778.79 266.14 fa il to promote the development o f early in this month, not only are all No. 74 Ploaaant Hill ......................... 3 1 8 -« Because ho objected to going to Hamm, o f Bandon. The young man 949.64 88.87 that industry By furnishing a wider the schools running but Tuesday’s N a 77 Bridge .................................. 866.27 ja il for stealing autos in which to go ta 29 years o f age and it was some 68.88 18.06 market and a greater demand fo r Ha Oregonian reported that fo r the sec N a 82 Cooe C H y .......................................36.8* joy riding*,. George Holmes Wednes years ago that he fell and struck on products. ond semester, which oponed last Mon day afternoon jumped through the tho back o f hta head. Since then he $190,969.68 $489403.26 Totals ......................................*298498.67 O f course, from a local point o f day, the attendance broke all records. car window at Constable Goodman has become a changed man and l)as view we regret that F. E. Conway’s Interest figured to March let, 1919. waa bringing him to Coquille to put gone blind in one eye, although be project o f two years ago was not Farm Loan Association The sheet o f figures o f which this prior to 1916 go to tho form er dia him in the county ja il, says tho Coos fore than time he had accumulated gone through with and the first con $4,000 to $6,000 in property in Mon ls a summary is larger than'all eight ¡trict; those fo r 1917 and 1918 go to Be) Times. The Coquille National Farm Asso dor. sary in this valley established at The train eras going at a pretty tana where they were then living. Hie pages o f tho Sentinel would bo it tho new district 7. ciation held its annual meeting last Coquille. J * Old and nsw D istrict 10 cover very fair rate o f speed when young case is certainly a pitiable one, al Saturday and elected the follow ing were spread ou t That shows net tax, much the same territory. r Holmes made the leap. He fell to though we are not apprised as to A s it is, however, it is a question directors: C. E. McCurdy, S. L. L af- interest and penalties on tho wagon Old District 16 was in the Cunning tha ground but jumped up again and whether there is any possibility o f his that remains to be answered, how fa r ferty, Geo. S. Davis, J. M. Hodge and road grant fo r 1907 and every year ham section; new district 16 ta in the recovery. s disappdarod In the bushes. a eondensary at the mouth o f the Co The school districts M. T. Aasen. Mr. McCurily is presi since to 1917. The attendant from Salem hod no Lee neighborhood. Since Constable Goodman had an quille can reach out for its supplies have changed scarcely at all during dent, Mr. Davis vice president, and Old District 17 was in. the Gravel other prisoner, Seth Lanegan, whom m isgiving oe to hta ability to take and how the existing creameries and R. H. Mast secretary-treasurer. Loans that time but to try to find any re Ford section; new district 17 runs up the officer waa delivering to tho juve both these men to the institution at iheese factories o f the upper vallyy lation between tho new 1918 road to the amount o f $18,600 have been this side o f the river from Coquille nile court judge fo r tho same offense, the capital single handed. and the forks will be affected by the made to the members o f this associa districts as they exist now, and the the constable did not atop the train entrance o f such a company as Nes to Noreray. old districts as they were before 1916 tion and applications fo r about $6,000 Old D istrict 18 waa in the Bridge for pursuit o f the runaway. When pad by two prisoners, either o f whom tis’s into the field. is a good deal like a Chinese puzzle. more are pending. might bo expected to make a break Our forecast is that with the Ban A ll taxes before 1916 aro apportioned neighborhood; new district 18 ta in ho returned to tho Bay on tho 6:86 at any time, if he m ight go to the train, however, ha began search for the Fat Elk and Fish trap country. don eondensary the success we are to the eld numbered railroad districts. Commercial Club Election lavatory. Goodman gave hit consent New D istrict 27 ta in the Bridge tho missing man. bound to assume the greatest pro Thors waa no road levy in 1916 and Just a little above the Standard Oil and went to the end o f the car with Next Wednesday evening, Feb. 6, the road taxes for 1917 and 1918 are neighborhood; old 27 waa in tho Nor- ducers o f condensed milk in the world plant he ran into the vary one ha him. W hile waiting outside Consta are sure to make it, the eondensary the Coquille Commercial Club will apportioned to the new districts *» way-Arago taction. Old District 80 ta m ostly new IS ■ought and it ta hard tailing which ble Goodman heard the click o f the business will not remain a monopoly hold it annual election o f officers, and now numbered. So in some eases the in their hands bat that other conden- all members, which meana every one aggregate given for a district is for and gets all the funds for tho form er o f tha two waa the more surprised. window and next taw Holmes pn the r - saricc w ill be established on the upper interested hi the d ty ’e progress, are two entirely different and separate number. New 80 down the eoast be Constable Goodman ordered the man ground. Holmes ta regarded aa one o f the low Bandon ta entirely out o f tho to hold up hta hands or get shot and river, where milk is produced and can requested to bo present There are districts. when hta order waa «omplied with, “hard boilad” among the prisoners always be produced in much larger also other matters o f moment to be The follow ing is all we can do to wngon grant. So o f 81, tho old district in tho Lee put handcuffs on hta prisoner and took which the Marshfield police have considered. quantities than on the lower river. make this matter intelligible, and handled. He hat bean in jail before, those not interested in the distribu section gate all the taxes, new 81 at him to the Marshfield jail. W ithout, however, speculating any Holmes must have made hta way was impudent in the court room hear Mrs. Dimmick, the libtarian o f the tion o f tho land grant road taxes for Empire being out o f the limits. farther as to the future H is evident Old D istrict .11 waa in hew the woods and then down the ing and alleged be waa being treated that this entrance o f the Nestle com city library, says she has lots o f in- the past twelve years aro advised to trict 12; new District 11 ta just intending to go out as an adult criminal when ha waa un pany into the Coquille Valley as bid qulries as to when the library will be skip these paragraphs. o f the north end o f new 12 in the train, but hta plana der 18 yeara o f age. ders fo r the products o f our dairies ! reopened now that the “ fie” appears j Old road district 7 lay north o f The leap through tho window hap wuO. to profoendly affect ovary , to have practically disappeared. She Sumner along the South Fork o f Cooe headwaters o f 8outh Cooe rriar. - pened ju st south o f the Davie Inlet was made from the Old D istrict 1* ami new 14 and ovary dairyman in aays that the library wiH 'b e opened river. New district 7 is farther north the car lavatory. Ha had station and took place jsut aa tbs industry as a w h ole, when the schools are, which will be and runs back from Coos Bay at Coos- train was speeding up. be stimulated and next Monday. ton. Land grant taxes hi dtatrkt 7 j WANTED AS A DESERTER