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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
F A 4 ft A K G O N N I F IG H T IN G ' fighting en tha great drive that _____ in tha Germans' war an» nrought ths war to so sudden an and Wa had two haid tha lOth and Uth of want in as «rat rooorvue in tha St. ML hiai drhra of tha Uth to U th of tha« That was the first with U m big guns. And H banrage thay put wo went to the Argoane Forest. Tha night 0 « Sagt. 26 th um want up jto That night Borne big sholla osplodod so elooo tha« dkt was thrown all ouar us. Wa begaa s dill- righS away and stayod thara Ull daylight. 2:S0 a. m. our barrsge began. Tha whola faco of U m oaith aoomod to ho with Mg guns aU roartag and Sealed bids far tha • portion of Section of the Coast Highway, Chip« Trestle to Cooa County, Oregon, will bo received by tka County Court of at Ha oflee to tka Court Homo, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 A. M , Fob. «th, lfilfi. No Md will bo ky for to at leeat » par eont of the total ■aunt of tha bid. A corporate surety bond will bo required for the faithful perfi of contract to a sun« equal to cup, half tka total amount of tka bid. Proposal blanks and full inform*, tion for bidders auy bo obtained at the office of the County Cloak af saJd County, or at the to tha Court aky was a dull rad glow. I’ll novor forgot that night. About daybreak tha old filet er the top and by nightfall had the Boehe about 10 miloo. Wo got out and followed up the Doughboys, doing first aid work and helping back the I saw soma awful sights that day. Just us the M4th infantry ware start ing a lot o f Mg shells Oregon. their midst. It was a frightful Men were torn all in ftoeoa by the Plane and opacStoationa and forme fragments. You could sou. hand« apd of contract may be aeon at tha foot lying on the ground, bodies torn place or may be obtained upon tea «tor and lacerated, beads blown off. That posit of $16.00. was tha first time I ever saw any U m right ia reserved to reject spy thing to make mo fool -pick. But I all proposals or to accept the pro. paaood it off and kept going. That boot for mid County, night wo wont to Vary, a former vil COUNTY COURT OF lage, now totally deetroysd. Chspp* COOS COUNTY. Epinonvilla, Montfaucon wa J ssms Watson, villages our division helped County Judge. Wo were relieved on Nov. 4th. The Archie Philip, general gave tha division n County of rocoaimndotion. It urns __ John Yonknm, ia some of the Pacific «oast papers. County You may have soon it. Ho apeka of Ateo*» L. W. Oddy, aa aa one of the ‘'dependable fighting units." County Clerk Coquille, Oregon, January 11th, lfilR From there wo wont to tknongh Yjpes and frees Opt. t l t% Noy- 11 were lath e Ly.-Scheldt dm *. IN THE C1BCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR TV oe b ij drives to two m g»ka, pret- * COOR COUNTY ty.gupd record, isn't UT » M L O aten, Piateti», •W» have ban aad «M OS Dollaro, U m , I tours hardly hod tops to lose write letters but we sre here for tm .or throe days se guasa I'M write enough ts lot you know Pm wall. It took up, one day to bike aerooo Bel gium ate now wo are to the Duchy of Lim otoprg, ruled over by Mario week but today H turnad warm for a chango and started to rate. The people in this little town all apeak Dutch, but not exactly Gorman. Spaa kins of a receat visit of Dq*> uty U. 8. Marshal Frank B, Tiehonor to to* homo town, tha Fart Orford Tribune aaya: Nr. Ticheaor la Making a ▼ary of ficiant Federal oOcor. and la on the Job all tka time. His aoUaaMan <* the evidence that caused tha ayraat of Henry Albers, tha multt-migionairu flour «agnate, for pre-Goman utter- ancea, ia the M gf»st catch o f that kind made in tha Pacifte Northwest during the war. Happening to take drinking enough to ha talkative wae venting hie opleou against United States. Er. Ttten m had hns ia to . ' ’ NOTICE Notice to hanky given that tha County Court of the State af Or for Coco County, on tha 10th day of January, l»lfi, duly appointed the un dersigned aa administratrix of the teto of Joseph A Sail, degassed. AÜ haying ole hue agntast the said ofitoto wilJi proaaat thp aama duly verified at the office of Walter Sinclair at CoquiUe, Oregon within six Oms K. SelL Administratrix of ths estate of Jo seph J. Soil, Donated. / It* IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COOS, STATE OPOREGON In the Matter of the Estate of J. P. Barkdoll. Def eased. Utstiep To 8opbto Barkdoll, George Barkdoll. Edward Gilpin l ométimos known aa JtelfiO Barkdoll, F. Ira F. Barkdoll, John G. Barkdoll, Chariot O. Barkdoll. W il lis « Barkdoll, Joseph O. Barkdoll, Sarah Wegold, O. Wanner, William Wanner, tone I nhmnn. Anna Thrax. eL a ^ k y ¡ Mate Barkdoll Boyer, la n te rn E. Hoke, Ellen Barkdoll Manaban, Emily Bark- doll Andonea, Sophia Barkdoll a Barkdoll Ellis, and to aU hoin known and unknown, GEBET. ING: Ia the Name of the Stole o f > hereby cited and required to to the County Court of the t Oregon, for «ho County of Corn at tha Court Boom thereof, at a County e f Coes ea Men. day, tha SMh day o f Fetenary, lfilR at e'eloak to tha aeon e f that hen a te then to shew a m « N any ar iete, why an order e f oak e f eeptsfiy "te ll ash ha made aa I for to tha petition of Jamas tames tor, which panol of toad to dm Bribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a paint lfiSO ft. aast of ate 1240 ft. south of ate aa ad ditional IM S foot eaot e f the north. of Section six (•> T«wa- sNfi twenty-nine (29) sente « f Range tamhre ( 12 ) Wate of tea Willamette Meridian to Cooa County, Oregon: running thence north I degrees egg« 17SJ ft. aad t * law water Une « f tea CoquiUe Elver, tapate note along ter Une o f tea CoquiUe lit e r 210.« ft, tteaee tenth 6 da- greet west a 122 f t tesase ente 170.6 f t tagnes south K degrees west 040 f t sad to a placa, east of the piase •* beginning; thence eget 140 f t to the place af beginning, containing to said parcel of land ton (10) aerea, mare or ha Hen. Jamea Watson, Judge o f the County Court ef the Stole of Orogga for the County of Coos with the seal of aa|d Court af- tMs 0th day ef January, lfilfi. Attote: le W. Oddy, I2U follpwe. tohwltj . On Aprs. 1st» lf lA the sum 00 for tassa of the year 1914. . On May lis t» 1*17, the sum kt. for tasas o f the paar 1911. On May 5 * . lfilR the sum •T for tosso o f the year 191«. NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEMENT. Notice to hmoby gives that the urn. rateate has Alte kto final to the amtier e f the ef the Botata te WfiBam Colvia, do- Md; that t l« County Court Monday, the 17th day of lfilR at tha torn* of 1ft o’etoelf A m Dated tato iota day of Januar; lfilfi. Georps A. Colvin, Administration of tat eatate of WUUamrOglvta. C.B. »nnuw, S • Do yoc remember gn(y period in which our country has been subjected to so many anxious moments ag during the pate tw o years ? Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking System as a national ■Hock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquility o f business apd banking during these tense months f I f you appreciate what this new nationw ide ‘ayfcbom has been doing for you, you can support it and add to its strength by FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM promptly becoming one o f our depositors. First National Bank CoquiUe, Oregon Go to QUICK’S N O TIC I o r FIN A L s e t t l e m e n t NotUo I» hereby g¿ve» that U m »in tratar of U m Batata of Maria Gran- hftfgi. dlCtftMd. KU A be I "*T tC’ 1 "I k l l ftlld "“teff: aaaat ta U m Couaty Ceevtr te C am Oauuti, Stala et Q m ««. I* tao.««*' tur of said salata, and the oaid Court tea set the 17th da» o t February, at 10:00 a. m. at tfca Court K omm at C o - quill« City, Cooa County, Opogpa, aa ite timo aad piaee far U m haag ite of tO ||)d f u ) 0£#ÓQBt ^ e f the ef the Batato e f Bjdaoy L Danto, de s te that tha Couaty Court far Caes Couaty, day, tha tfitii day of January, lfilfi, as ths day, a te tha County Court to the County Court House at Co- quflto, Oregon, no the placo fer hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of eaid Bototo. Dated this 24th day of lfilfi. A. J. Sherwood, tor with the WU1 An te tha Batato te awnoy L Dar ri», For your Enamel or .Graniteware One Barrel of Cups and Saucers O m e s in g le C u p i f y o u w is h o r a D o z e n Aleo e variety of New & Second Hand Cook Stoves Heaters—-Wood and Coal ■ ■ ■ ■ 7r. - ■ Ti - ......... . .......—-------------- --------------------- Spring» a Mattrceece Iroh ft Wood Bedsteads Aladdin Lamp, Chimney and Man tela Oil Lampa, Chimney», Lantern» 1 good 14-in. Iron Beam Oliver How, almost new A W ORD to the W ISE « a n W h e n you need n e a t n e w an d nifty L e tte rh e a d s , C ir c u la r s E n v e lo p e s , or other ad vertisin g m atter, The CoquiUe Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill the bilL W e also have » large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give yon something neat for your office stationery SENTINEL PRINTING Professional Cards IS Q UALITY PRINTING Have You a Telephone? The Conveniences of a phone are many. It saves many steps; is necessary in sick ness and indispensobie in business. The cost is small, and you will appreciate our service. Let us install one for you. J. A. ¡RICHMOND PHYSICIAN ate SURGEON. Coquille, Ora. Phanaa, Ofitoe O R Em. SU. W . C. CHASE ATTOSNEY-AT-4AW Coquille DR. Q. W« LESLIE DR. C. W . ENDICOTT MN 1 UT Pint EVI Bank Bid’« « * » • tok.n«. Cooi & Curry __ Telephone Company n THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE Ite ti lie Main 11, Oeqtelto. Oregon. J, J. STANLEY u m rm Ofitoe in First Nattonnl Bank Mrildlng, Oequilto Oregm*, to I t e . A National Shock Absorber Writing to his COQUILLE LAUNDRY D. Hurley, Prop. A. 7 SHERWOOD ATTWfinnr AT Does Yoar Sabscriptíot D ite Nee4 Chasgiag?