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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
mm pB i^ raig f ; ■. i f a ■M u. 'T i 1 I .IT ft: W TO ‘ ■. Jt iCtL, _ H _ r~:? r .^ i dd. * M. ■ i >■*** iX&k I % .7»' ME- /y'"* ■ p o re is Santa Claus’ Toyland, ,-tM m ___________ i e s ’ d e l i g h t ^ l x g n e LLA.lISl&S- i ÌÌ£ ______ fe fí% ' jtflffl m ________________________ 1 I., > ............. 10c and Up - ........50c and up 65c, 75,90c Japanese Lunch Cloths__.............1.75 and 3.00 CWnaware, Cut Glass and Sflverware baskets of all kinds xnecnanicai i Tains K freO og S O » - ..¿ t i S S S S b . ¿ ¿ ¿ V . ’ .U B a p W i Tinker Toy*...................... ............. 65c P u sd es.-.-....................... ........ ......, 25c and up Blocks ....... .................................. . 10cand up Pianos .................. .............. ........ . 50k: and up ToyDbbe*......... ¿ .„............... ....... 20c and up Doll Beds......... ............................ 50c and up Doll*—AH kinds and price* Kiddie Gars, Sam-E-Kars, Toddler Horses " * Trycydes, Coaster Wagons, Irish Mail Doll Carts, Shoo-Flys. Games o f all kinds i " i • -y • J m : i- • *.?■* • VS'ft! '¿Í . $6.25 ......... i . 2.50 and 3Ü0 1.75 M SdK Ictus urge on you the necessity of shopping white the stock is complete and making reservations Ladies y Men Traveling C a tes....___ . . . . . . $3.75 and$4.75 Military Sets............. ............... 2.00 Shaving Sets..... 3.00 Portfolios.................. .............50c and up Cigarette Cases______ ________ 1.25 Ash Trays.................... 1.......... 50c and up F lashlights..!._____ . . . . . . . . . ; 5»., ft v ( * Ail prices • ' L*“1«* 1018 ................. - JlP® 400 Suspenders, Sieetoholder*, Neckties ■ ............. .......... T . C hristm as1 Seals, Tags, B oxes, R ibbons and Tissue Mrs. ■ V Bonnie Walker, T |- - <* -A ------ -- rrop. Coquille, Oregon --------t w T -3 CO U N TY cine, barlak, ote., $8,- .700.00; Stock for fo ra , $2,00080 ..,.^ _ 8 ^ 0 0 J )0 not s i County B U D 6V T ‘ ¿3 Funds * »i» 300.00 I 10,000.00 *f A HHfiniMtatlnd" ~ uinre» g k ^ "'~ nm^ nppropnawou HT f r Of THE 8ERV1CB OF SUFPUK8 > (H ie following pnaa has Just boon received by Mr. and Mro. B. A. Boston, of Sitkua, from I 18,000.00 $ 18,100.00 $8.00 per ,$ tion 250, enastar M L aws of 1817: School District No. 88. .$ School District No. 67 ..* ountjr Coroner: Coronar foso, Physicians, Jaron, Witnesses, etc................. I in the 480d Aero Squadron, with the American Ex. FoTOes In Fraaee. It la dated at Loire-et-cher, Nov. 8, 1918.) 1 , 000.00 70.00 They say there tea war away to the north, Aad I know that It nraot bo so, But Itei held behind In the 8. O. S. And no on* wOl let me go. I rood in Uw papers of battlr and strife,— Of the Germans forced back for a mite; How the Allies bomb the banks of the I Of the dead thrown pile on pile. MJM L600.00 non ,> Ä .........................I * . .f Public Health N ona: Sal ary »^200.00 par Sa n aa; Expenses 8400.00; 1 Refund to State Organi sation for the rm told that I'm needed behind the Uaoa, To send supplies to the front. Bat I’d rather be with the Infantry And help then* to hear the brunt. ( Sharp on my ear bnaks a powerful roar, ‘ As an eeroplene rises in air, And I watch it float, Ilka aa aqrial beat, Aad I wish that I might be then. 760.00 8 , 000.00 8 10.000.00 lot, 1818, to January lit , 1818, $600.- 00 ........................... .1 8,480.00 County Agriculturist: Ono half salary aad oxponae I 1,100.00 County Club Loader: Trav eling expone«* ..............4 «0000 District Sealer o f Weights and Mensuras: Salary end expeneo ........ >M, , t Donations : , 800.00 County Pair |_ . 800.00 Pu ' 8 So I sit aad think, whom my work is done, Aad the son hae sunk to its n et, And wonder why often the work wo bate Is hold to be for the boot. As I sit in the night in the candle-light The propellers continually roar. And I hear the beat o f the sentinel’s feet As he passes the guard-house door. 722.40 «,420.50 Then here’s to the men who stand by the gm And here's to the men' o f the rear. 8 36 , 210.00 When the right time comee well snewsi the And eater the fight kfthout fear. Bat If by obeying the orders we have We can shorten the war by q day, Then tot os remain In the 8. O. S. 3,000.00 000.00 County 780.00 ary $800.00 per month, 9X400.00; Stenographer, 188.00 par aonth, $780.- 00; Expeosss aad assist ants, Office supplies . . . . $ Ferries: Marshfield, 80,- 8 84,450.21 Until ms aro callad away. iS f * > •- M ' 4 r, '3$* ■ },1 p # 6,000.00 W otsr,* ^ pairs, $5,400.00; Wqtsr- OOO-flOi Coqa«*, W»».- proofing $000.00 . . • • • •$ 8’10000 «0; TUrerton, $700.00; County Jail: ^Board « f 1 Bullards, $2,000.00 ........ $ 1^800.00 I Bead Maintenance: ..........$ 40JW0.00 Medicine, rn- ! Tools and Ik paira, supplies, fixture«, S r .w T r .....:...» r».- o « . teada aad Bridge«: Ma chinery, Makrlal Ü ber, etc. . . . . . . ridges Built by Contract: Powers Bridge. $2.000- 00; Coquiile Bridge, $10,000; Ceos Cky Bridge, rLM M OiW idg- m ■•$ M ««k «g * $1 v v ••••• ' - m & J’-M 17,818 ha. MWWÍ I need Chamberlain’s Tab- rod a great deal for stem, aad «rii nervous aad tired afl the time. Theee tablets helped me from the first, aad balde of a weak’s tteM I had teprorod hi overa im a:« LA. Oriahaid, ; -,¿ < '¿ 8