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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
s«C*w.< ¿*.V A « W O JVKV-W *• >> ‘ . - , 'v RMMMriDOTVHnUhHviNWMiM «fitti » ,..r . - . !.. » ¿ fa t «.• X ‘ * f - ■ JIT- MM k ìè à ^ J m é e im e ix itfUrtowUiWlv ' " ' ■P*n\‘ .A i War h oi f ear duty wil ButOURfhnrfcMtHl sandal problem m fW S ft-r Our m m £ , H lo co that __ of th* will ba 9M M r rion i»ao. i? ;- v T FOCH’S INSPIRATION U n te «ha hand ad “lb * Gray of Christ,” tha Literary Dfcast qi to ba a year or two at ' a r"*~ Tha Uaftad nardi do , in which ha given, sa wall' aa any ana olaa eoaM giva, tha an- a r to tha qaertloa wa aak. Thia AmerteSa b q y -tv an a by of maettog Panerai Fach I rang* ia. Arane*, na had goo* tat* an aid te bar* a look a t it, add aa na stood thara with b an d baad aatiefy la# Wa r topirHbi aurioaMg, a gray igia* ad a tha «aliar «d hi* * ab h Those who know feed valsa* aay that tow * to only half aa maeh «Sto th at saw ba aaatoi 11 start by to* kuasaa. syetem to a pound at otoomargarto* aa to a pamsd at batter. Aad pat tha substitute salto «tiy a abed* low- ar tosa toe gauutoe aritela. W hy! ________ G u - W It ia • „UaTaaa that there are aliterai land In ad th* United be* idea more than a goad to ha« » b it Kwi, » clear brain and potential pasture, tod bility of creating »oi Ì tarma, moat < about htob-uething «* th* dto- r, Wa bollar* Ma candidacy oanld th at ad i the latter ho, for too doughty r ha* mad* a© many bitter fight* th at he ha* frigfaanad many «met people into faariag ihm aa an eager toatead of fdUoaring him aa laadto. Pershing ia not a publicist ar a ntrororsialist Ho ia aa execu tive, pmaaaaad ad r a n tact aa wall aa Arm purpoo* and aztraordtoary capa city. Ha has said little th at has boon quoted publicly, hut the little he has has wan the enthusiasm ad toe world. His utterances hare dignity as wall as appeal to tho tefttest son- a of mankind—those ad pear: age, loyalty, gratitude, charity and UBieca ha has mads aartons n has no suspicion of which has reach ed the public, ho is tha ideal nun to ill too pr sai dent's chair during natraethm era. The nation will follow him with faith baaed on his maful conduct od to st operation which ranks aa the nation's grani sgto effort. . "■ £ /' All od the returned soldiers with tom wa bars cenrereod fast that nrs hing has made good. If the ifltona of our boya new to France feel the same way and talk it upon • return there will bo nothing to THK BEREAVED Ml S p ttk n f of ad toe pity th at »others a t th* aona m victory with their death,” the Newark Haws says: In tha grand sUaoee of the peace to dearly won they sleep the w ar tier's sleep. They will so t again sit about too hearth. Those of aa wlo are to clasp h slowed hands ones mon shrink a t the thought of th e lonli ah of ton mothers whose sons rw- m not. “It to a kind sad tender impul “Tham E n o i fo Q m d 1dm down it we are wrong. I f in them I tha street and wa* aurprieed to aa* aoldiam salute ttria man to g n a t as- od I oob , there triumphs the glory of citamant, pad w a a ri aad chUdtaa crifleo.. Tho sons whass lira* i •topping ia tosto tracks with awe- •a t far tha highest th at they knew •track faeas as ho passed. ara th* son* of mothers whose ideals It waa Foch. Aad new Evans, af they carried forward with to* bnapar* ed a just aad holy cans*. They draw mb tha Mood that bar* them tha strength of will, th* firmness ad pur **, the fsarlaaaaaas of death which wa celebrate to this tremendous hour. They fought aad fell as the protag onist* of American motherhood, which their signal devotion now has vindi cated aad enshrined. Their tools wars steeped to patriot cradles and nurtured to homes w han virta* and honor and faith wsra more than aU “Forever living, Incapable of death are th* noble boy* wbo lie where free dom for th# world wna won. And Joy ful with a sacred Joy are th* mothers whoa* offering was beyond earthly maaaura, the mothers of sons wtx return not. Th* God or Dottle* ia si so the God of compassion. They need not the pity of man and woman. He has rate*! them up to greater heights by sacrifice made perfaet," “SHU Better Service’ mm é __ Ohio W thie a. ............ . . . d S a v in g D e p a rt C o ra m e rd * 1 l a m n od OREGON C O Q U IL L E contribaUug more than aa ordinary share to tho solution of tho Nation’s food problem. In tho crop-rotation no at nature almost say foad crop Is suited far succession to the crop od trees, witch to only another way of saying that ear forest soil is among the An eat to the world. Only the vast labor of clearing Is withhold ing it from use. Oaee this problem is there will be an Influx of which will absotb the land aa fast as it can be reclaimed.—The Otw- “LETS NOT FORGET" At tost the dove of peace Has qpraad Its snow-white wings, And flics again in peaceful flight, While so Joyfully ft stoga Our noble boys a n lying / In too lead fa r over th en . Where they gladly gave their lives To protect oar .tend po fair. Can wo forget their noble deeds , la the land across the sea. Forget the crosses th at mark The largest and best stock in town of V. -ila ' [ «ME ‘ ^ ) 'V 1 1 ’ ty y V J1* * "* ’ * ' J k J\ ' ” A* V "J rif' yt! A v W - and Tinware is that on our shelves. The display includes all .. ,r , kinds and descriptions of Pots, Pans, Kettles and each article is especially atrractive, not only for utility, but also for quality and price. .iff«» a - wvagf -reisnss —toc.. — • K b ¡ » m 8 m MISTAKES WE MAKE When a plumber makes a mistake he chargee twice for, the job. When a lawyer make« a mistake, it ia Just what he wanted, because be has a chance to try the case ail over aia. When a carpenter makes a mistake, it ia just what he expected. When a doctor makes a mistake he burieo it. yQnm a Judge make* a mistake it becomes a law of th* land. Whan a preacher makes a mistake nobody knows tha difference. When th* g*rage man makes a ml take he blames it on to induction; no- bpdy knows what that maans. | But when an editor makes a mis take—GOOD NIGHT! I 1 The Mortgage Lifter at* A n electric m otor can lift anything. L et us tell you how : ■ G-E Electric Motors U SI are lifting mortgages o ff hundreds of farms throughout th e country. LatuahatoBftyiurmasWNH Wow*fund* nrn MOUNTAIN STATES POWEft COMPANY Remember that la subscribing for tho Sentina! for 91-60 a year you can C*t the Oratati Pannar la addition by paying only I f canta mora. B w -- M ike lau gh ed a t th e Judg B5 B M I fe e chew ing G ravely. ' > T h e Judge cam * right b ack a t M ike w ith a (riam i- hr cheer—ju rt a coupla of fiala so tta n a of! hie stuff of -il co W PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chew a g g a g a a S ] W btfDw» Your Label Say? jCovp Mfgrtvt if* T» / ■ K L ’f m |: Of thuHves they gave so fresT us ari forgot tho Belgians, Who now, thank God, a n frqo, •stored again to thatr nativo soil, la tho land across tho sea.' Can we forget brave France, - - Aad her men behind the guns. Who helped t# free great nations From th* grip of the terrible Huns T Old John Bull and Italy They saw the fight clear through, Aa likawiae did Australia And good old Canada, too. All those great nations Fighting as if on*, Put to flight th* mighty Germans And now tha battle's won. And now we're all rejoicing, But tot us not forget, That though the war is over, Germany most pay the debt PERFECT CONFIDENCE. BETTER USE FOR FOWDEB Tha pioneer of th* Pacific North Hava waat who reads that tha soil of Flan »let* B m TOM MWW how— dara and Northern France has beau so To And relief from backache; disturbed for a depth of eighteen To correct distressing urinary Bis; feat by shall explosions th at it will be To assist weak kidneys T Many paopla in this vicinity know yuan before it ia again fit for agri culture, will not sp u n a moment of tha way. Have upad Doan's Kidnev Pills; ra g n t that th* tremendous physical Hava proved their worth in nu fore* which accomplished thia could not b a n bean harnessed and directed to a batter wid. What farm er living to tha laggad-eff ara has not wished before now that h* might have aceasi t* a powder magasin* T It to not dis panging various other schemas for riaariag stam p land to aay th at the asset impelling method of all is a tuf fletont quantity—but not too m uch- powder, placed with precision when H will do th* moat good, lu s t enough to ether worda, to lift th* stump dear at Ha age-old bad aad to crack It into ptocaa f t to ha tackled by the sU paBw aad aobacquwitly pOid wRh too aid of not m en than two t o m a - . - i