The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 22, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    TtM deceased v u born in California
K , 1998, and m in hit sixty-
mt yes r whan overtaken by an nn-
waiy death. Ha wan half brother to
um ) , Warren and Georg* Laird, of
tla section, and lanves the follswiiig
Mr*. C. H. Neal, Coquille, Oregon.
Floyd A. Laird, Portland, Oregon.
Thomas W. Laird, Scio, Oregon.
Boy 1. Laird. FaaoO, Oregon.
Card of Thank.
We wish to thank all who eo kindly
helped no in*the burial of our father
and brother, John A. Laird.
Mra. C. H. Neal
Floyd A. Laird
* W W .' Laird
Roy J. Laiad
signment in the photo division of the
aviation corps. His chance of flying
ever the Hun armies probably went
glimmering when tha armistice went
into enqet, nowever*
D eath o f . John GanuniD
John Gammill. a native of Norway,
died at the County Infirmary here
last Saturday and hi* remains, were
interred at the county cemetery.
Through the intorceeeion of Miaa Jane
Alton, the county public health nunc,
he waa removed from the Blanco Ho­
tel at Marshfield three weeks ago and
«ant over to the county hospital, one
of the new cottages at tha farm hav­
ing bean %ot apart for that purpose.
Ho waa suffering from an advaocad
ease of tuberculosis and Miss Allen
insisted that ho ahould bo isolated.
Mr. Gammill Ipft a wife and child­
ren in Norway whan ha emigrated
from that country about 89 yuan ago,
but So far as is known he had no rela-
In order to secun funds for stock­
ing up their Beaver Slough ranch
down the river the Phillips family
ban decided tp dose out the Ladies
Basaar hare, which Mips Alii* Phillips
has been running for several yean.
They a n offering great bargains at
tha Bazaar now, aa wil| be noted by Catherine Wernich at Hoepital
On advertisement on another pegs.
• Little Catharine Wernich, daughter
The propoeed phut to hold the of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wernich, of Co-
school* for more boon a day whan quill«, entered Mercy Hospital Wed­
they reopen, in order to make up for nesday to undergo an operation yes­
lost time, dee* not seem to os a wise terday for appendicitis. Mr. Wernich
one. A fter pupils have bean kept at arrived home Wednesday night from
their tasks for a reasonable number Portland where he went on business
e f hours to try to drive thorn to study for the Sitka Sprues company. Mrs.
longer will bo wore# than time Wasted, Wernich and daughter have bepn step­
becauae it will unfit than for the next ping at the Chandler hotel since the
day's dutiok. *
departure of Mr. Wernich for Port­
land the latter part of the last weak.
Probate Court Note«.
thè engagement of Keith Leali* and
Miss Louise Clausetr, both of thè class
of *30 at thè university.
Keith Leali« 1« of Coquille from
whieh city he casse to Marshfield a
few montila ago to take a position in
thè First National Bank of Cooa Bay.
Alex McLeod, of Bandon, was fined.
910 by W. A. Clarke, collector of cus­
toms, for operating the Swan on the
Coquille river without haring taken a
■mater's oath, which is required by
law ef all persons operating vaoasb
with a tonnage of five tons or more.—
Coee Bay T1 oms .
V' v
W. H. Mansell says that for the past
month ho has hauled leas goods for
oar merchants than for any corres­
ponding month in the past five years.
The asaaan now is between hay and
grass, ovary business man waiting to
On Monday last in tha Probate
Court here, Annie Barklow, of Myr­
tle Point, was appointed guardian of
Gail Abbott and Roland Abbott, min­
ora, who have an estate o f 91,000 per­
sonal property. The appraisers are
K. H. Hansen, Gus Diets and K. A.
Josephine Mattson, of Marshfield,
has been appointed administratrix ef
the estate of Dan Mattson, who died
August 0. The estate consists of 93,-
600 in real property and 9900 person­
al. The appraisers are A. Gunnell,
W. M. Christenson and Erick Johnson.
I hour yew
played the
will buy the best residence
lot in Coquille this week.
Smooth and level. Just west
of the City High School.
This lot is worth $500; adjoining
lots have sold for that price, and it
will be good for that again before
many years. Sewer taxes all paid
and street improvement taxes to
date. This is the greatest bargain
ever offered in CoquiHe city prop­
erty. Forfurtherinformationcallat
•» i*
• . 5 . . v
v7 .
This is the rally time tibia lot
will bis offered at that price
New Case« in Circuit Court.
The following cases have been filed
eervic* and sent to Coquille to aid m in the Circmit Court here since our
clerical work for the local draft board.
Miss Clausen ia of Riverton and is
Nov. 14— Emms A. Hanson vs.
now attending the university. She is Wallace Crouch.
Nov. 16— Leonora Leap vs. Harold
Seme Inflnenxa Note«
T. Leap. Suit f< divorca.
A Marshfield physician makes the
Nov. 8—Laura R. Gant, Jomes D. following statement about the pre­
Hayes, Julia Gant, John P. Hayes, vailing epidemic:
Notice to Bond Subscribers
Mary Hartley, Henry W. Gant and
Second payment of 20 per cant on Eva Jennings vs. J. C. Gray, Frederick
Fourth Liberty Loan bonds was due Gordon Stewart and Ella Stewart
Nov. 21. Kindly call in and make Dent
Nov. IS—Floy Isabel] Sunneeon vs.
First National Bank
Peter M. Sunneson. Suit for divorce.
Noti*« to Huaters and Othsrs.
A ll persona are strictly forbidden to
trespaas on thè landa of thè Ruaa Im
provement company In the Coquille
V a li«, on both sides « f the riverW ow
the city of Coquille for etther hunting
«r fishing without a permit fr a « thè
There are many wiM
California catti* on those landa whieh
are liahle to bo stampeded by hunteir
«ring runa. If you need to g » upor
«eeu landa see us. Tretpasseri will
he prosecuted. L. P. Brsnstrtter
, ’ **