The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 08, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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The largest and best stock in town o f
is that on our shelves.
The display includes all
f- kinds and descriptions of
Pots, Pans, Kettles
and each article is especially atrractive, not only for
utility, but also for quality and prie».
Coquille Hardware Co.
end got what they naked much to their
h urt
So it hae boon all the way along
tho ages until today autocracy ie be­
needed during tho com ing year or two ing put out o f business. Only a few
to keep Germany and Austria and week« ago the Bulgarians surrendered
perhapa other countries in “ Mittel to tho Allies, their king abdicated in
Europe” from going Bolshevik.
favor o f hie young ■*< Boris end,
since then the now autocrat has found
himself such e bore to his people, that
ho has abdicated in favoy o f the peo­
It was only last Saturday that wo
road the terms under which the Otto­
man Empire got out o f Urn war and
tho "Unspeakable Turk” went out of
tho business o f governing and murder­
ing Christiana. Since then the Allied
float has sailed through the Helles­
pont without a »hot being fired at it,
and reached tho Goldeo Horn, on its
way to tho Black saa to put tho only
fleet Germany’s arch despot has out­
side o f hie harbors out o f business.
Then on Monday Austria dropped
out o f tho war under terms which tho
"harsh” he couldn't sign them, and
one free government after another is
being established where the Hape-
borgs have kinged it so long. And sa
t is intended to take the place o f tho
canning allowance Just discontinued
end fo r such purposes as sweetening
fruit that waa canned without sugar
and in taking care o f othor Bruit new
on tho market, such as apples, cran-‘
berries and the like. The suggestion
to carefully divide the sugar and use
two thirds fo r general purposes hut
not allow the other third to be used
except as sped fled is, at course, ut-
terl im practical, and soems to indicate,
to say tho least, that Mr. Hoover has
been subjected to an excessive mental
How many profound discourses
have been printed during the pest
year to show how impossible it was
that the war should end in 1018, and
how probable it was that it should he
kept up at least until the fall o f » 1 » .
The writers know now that when the
scales are equally balanced it takes
only a m a ll weight on one side to
bring it down—and that a tremen­
dously heavy weight is bound to bring
very quick action. It saved the lives
o f hundreds at thousands o f our boys
to get into the contest as soon as pos­
sible and for all ws were worth. In­
deed, had a single one o f our Liberty
Loans been undersubscribed the eon
sequences mhight hove been disas­
^ - If
"W eltm acht oder Niedergang” w u
the war cry on the lipe o f the Junker«
when they raped Belgium. Universal
empire or downfall.
The God who
metee out human deetinioe hae pub­
licised hie decree. It ie not Weltnuicht
for the war lorde. I t le Niedergang.
Democracy hae paaeod through inch
a trial aa the world never caw before,
and eko will emerge victorious. Good­
bye to divine rig h t Goodbye to Priv­
ilege, which ie divine right under g
ewindling aline.
The crowned kaiser hae shot hie
bolt, end now tho avenging thunders
at fate will hurl him to perdition. The
uncrowned kaisers may read their
oyn destiny in Us.
Dem ocracy is on tho march.
embattled hoots camp victorious on
tbs bloody fields o f Europe.
Vledivnetock to Lsihds End in Corn­
wall, from Spitsbergen to the Cape o f
Good Hope, democracy’s banners wavs
in the sunlight o f returning peace
without a foe to face them in the open
W e march forward into the
new world. We hove won R. Shall
we not enjoy it ? — Portland JoeraaL
A n electric m otor can
lift anything. L et us tell you how
G-E Electric Motors
are lifting m ortgages o f f hundreds
o f firm s throughout the country.
C hew ir
a n d w orth
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