The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 08, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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m~irm“|| UM.'c -, 'ihf tiy.W ¿kiMM
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BBN «a .t. y *]W u S ii ««P jp '
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« i a s e a v ■».«wtss» it. *»• « S i » *f
, ««NQW-M
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is s a
To got this grade
, ask for
The ñama Is your guarantee
. For sale by
T he K antleek
H o i# A t im illl
g m i jo y
1. D. Cart with Us track defevsnd
a i Myrtle Peint SU earns ef «fee
om his Arago and Myrtlewoed fae­
ries Friday end Saturday for ship-
it moldad kite one piece of
soft« pliable Pant Rubber
ef d
per M or $8,400.
The above shipment to u!
third, of the October output. Mr. Carl
saje the milk t apply e t the
to holding np exceptionally well to r
this season of the year.
Mr. Gouthisr and eon, Grover, are
«*• happy possessors of a now,
and ara now wishing for
i t w ill n o t haáden
• '
—or Mick together
—or tear» and
nemeses to apse ep -n o patches to v
—ne binding to tip off.
bat tbs usual Ilfs to maay years ssote!
should like to ask the
to he brought heme la abort a week.
sack a dream as this
NevT$ to Mr. and Mrs. Thoa-
n sen.- Tom is s t Camp
"It was la tho year 1919. I waa re­
Lewis. Mrs. Krewpoa to a t tb s Im e
ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lam es turning home after an absence of two
years. When tfes eonductor catted out
^Tuesday sight Mrs. Colfax, Harry tha station. ‘iCoQuille.” I roused mu-
and two ehildme mere returaing hem self from mp slumber end began to
with Hpnry Charlton in his cer and
had stopped a short distance above h ld rterto d up town I began to think
M ounts» Glade ranch.
Whan Mr. that I had gotten a« a t tha
Charlton cranked the car he thought place; for there were paved 1
he bad H in neutral, but It waa in re­ deer up to the depot und an bath
verse, the car raa back and the hind sides ef the street ftom the depot to
wheals went over the reek cribbing the eity were attractive parkings. The
end the ear hong by the fore wheel*. parkings were well kept, beautiful and
It hung se that the hind wheels.did green. Lovely shad,
the welke.
not get a grip an the
a serious accident was avoided. They
walked oe to Charles Shepherd's
where they stayed over night and la Beautiful »««Mfag-
the morning Mr. Harry casas iém a many of tho vacant
"As I passed ea «
with Us team and hauled the car into
tho streets we.
the road.
That is great news th at Turkey blah and on every
and Austria threw up the sponge. nnm eeef the street
Billie 2, me boy, all you have left to surprise to And e now.con
your “Kultur" and year "Ffightful- Tlm street by the hospital waa paved.
noss” and they only carry you in one AD the burwpd and dilapidated beild-
direction—down the shaft.
B. A. E. ings were dsersd away, ft was wtth
p w iiq i n
m w
Saturday, October 2 6
Saturday, November 2
Saturday, November] 9
Saturday, November 16
. . . .
. A
; '-t-
Saturday, November 30
Saturday, December 7
Saturday, December 14
n ifn
School, with tie
"As 1 wandered over the town I
noticed ell ef the vaemst
cleared np “ H planted to
ful crop. I was told th at a new and
bettor w ater syetam /had been pot in
se people seold have plenty ef
for irrigation. Finally I found my
own home end earns to
that I was fat tha right town.'
The realisation of. such a
may not be within ear reach
atoty; hot the tr e t step is entirely
feasible. Why sen we net have «
“clean-up day?" We should all foal a
■toner pride in our town if we
to clean parkings and vacant lots
not fa r d istan t Will get
In planning
up day f*—Audrey M.
t l m
t • t • t • • t •
Not«« From the
From Ceoa County Bulletin „
Jna. Landrith on Corn River has
ju st finished harvesting 2,000 bushels
of potatoes from five acros. This to
•oops yield, the best we have beard of
to the county this year. This variety
tf spuds to known no tho "Early
Bunkers.” Mr. Landrith got his first
■tart with this variety four or five
years ago when someons sent him
jurt four of tha potatoes from Now
York, and thoy have been yielding
good each year since.
We would suggest th at some of our
potato growers might do well to get
M in sa m a
3. C. Harvey * Sons i t Leo have
recently imported e h a d o f twelve
registered Jersey cows.
John Hags, near Parkersburg, sent
to this dflke s fins sample of the third
cutting of rye gram about thirty
m hie field an Nov
2. Mr. Hags to cutting some of this
each day for green feed, it to e heavy
J. L. Stevens and Geo. Clihkenbeerd,
from Coos River, have leased the fine
big dairy farm p4 J , C. Watson M
mile north of OoquiUo sad hare just
brought in from tho outside a founda­
tion herd Of fourteen registered Jer­
Hardy Mast, of Lee. sad W. D.
Newton, of Coquille, have end
up s drying room for send corn,
it can bo hosted up right with
pipes from. k little boiler.
For one year in advance $1.65
■ to,--
I f “..
wdmh i
will be open in Coquille ■
m r
MB '
• • • • • • • • • • • • # »
ninth of City
Hall on Hall street
" i . 41».
, R b LF m « í
-• v •.
élíiLl¿!Ú L-áj$& ...
. . «LÚdAtiSBl
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ir f e
, ■
• Porthad Mmrket Report.
Portlend, Nov. 4, 1916—With n
light mu of 1500 head of eefetíe In the
Stock Yafds s t N arth Portlend over
Bundnyf the week1. trede oponed in n
heelthy coedition witfe the middle
e shede higher. The run of
cettlo todey to moetly good te cholee
ead eompetitioe to strong. . Quote-
eret Prime etoers, $12.00-12.60;
good to chotee etoers $11.00-12.00;
to good oteen $0.75-11.00;
feto to médium stsera $546-9.26; cons­
to feto atoen $640440; chotee
and b elfo s $840-640; médium
to good cows and heáfers $6.00-740;
feto to médium eowa ead heifers $6.00-
640; ennnen $840-4.00; bulto $540-
740; calves $940-12.00; stocks» and
fsedera $6.00-840.
Th* run of boga o v a Snndsy is te
epproximstoly 2600 hsml, the m sjor-
tty of whieh e n chotee weii fintehed
etaff. The oeder huyen ere ifi the
elleys todey and the m arket te strong
to 86 santo higher. Qootations e n :
Prim« mixed » 17.40-17.75; mediuir
mixed $17.00*17.25; piff« $16.50-15.76
balk $1440-1*40; balk $17.40.
1600 h««d of
end lamb« a r­
rived in tlm ahaap allay« over Sunday,
trading i» atoodj and tlm m arket on
lomba has righted itself to the ex­
tent of a 50 cent rise over previous
quotation.: Prime lambs $11.50-12.60;
fair to medium lambs $840-10.50;
yearlings »10.00-11.00; wethers $9.00-
10.00; ewes $6.00-8.50.
Cared n t a (tort e f 25 (torte.
term -C arry On.