The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 08, 1918, Image 1

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    S LJO TIR Y IA &
Starting with a
cheap horns in ti
usali bogs, a big
bald in Coq utils last night to oelebrate
Officials at tfca C a v i Ha
the and of the world war. The soldier
G iro« Another T ans By
hoys from the Sitka quickly got into
pia Tarso
from death is
tion of ths ec-
just the Other
about 9 JO,
to Ralph »
Ben Currie
be fully up to
E . 8
Laura Wilson, who
Pet^ American
to be
w H.
260; C.
*1 W
« ed
J. Thrift, Heary
French front, baft that m
rigid adda censorship b ««
into effect today that
’ .......»»•»••*•••••
» r w m v •w
W _ W
Legai expeaaes
Intereet on besfedS_
uwAaad supplies, dty hall,.. 160
Repairs te afty bell . . ........ 100.
and that
We stiQ hope, however,
day or two
*>•» e^jf#
. . . . « • ,
“It la necessary far
V'. .?£*. ■’’••• ■'
aiutato toll Unes a distases of
Total estimated receipts..........0020
Aim between the town* of Myrtle
Nat amt. te be raised by tax »11,921 J7
Foist had Coquille; the cost e f
The recorder was taatraetad te pre­
that and the traffic sad demand far
ssât a bin ts the Osqettle Valley Mar»
■ between said tamps have
cantile Ce. fór f i l i fee a year's Mat sysf^mwA^ffy ||!C l*«ftf«dg i p p U C U t 'l
of the high deek, this I tint at the
eat faeflitiw far, taking asm of asM
U w l H ifjf p U Q , W M S ’ ■ ! .
Nortea had the dock leased. ‘ Ik s
lease expired the Orti e f the year.
. Last night a s adjourned eonneii
wae held to
e f the city
the Agame
found to be
Mayor Johnson blOught up for the
consideration the propoetion to Sin
»1000 e f the fSOtlO received freer the
sale of water front property to the
county, to aeeiet in the building of
a 'permanent strad are far the Cess
County Cera Shew here, étatise that
if the County Còart could likewise be
persuaded to assist it would ho pw-
sible to ham suitable qaarters by the
tiam the date for the fifth corn show
The plan, of «course, con­
templa tee that assistance from Co-
will bo
I shooty bo tittle doubt of th f
county's participation in ths project,
for the corn show has become a
ty affair, the only o m bold in the
ty, and one to which the
look forward with mam interest than
to any other event during the year.
I with the
i toe 1 atom front.
Call ea the I
that 1st i
It is a little
Timm waa a Jafl delivery ham seme
Ime last night to which k rtf the kn-
Mtas of the dty. jail were released
ad asado good tosto «amps, Thdt is
to soy about 60 quarts e f whiskey
which had hem stored them since the
last o f December, 1910, worn removed
without s dew being left se to the
of too flood. A pair ef
boh catte« s wore need to cut the ban
in toe deer e f tho-Jeil corridor, allow­
ing the thieves to squassa in. An­
other cutting operation gam access to
the coO in which the eight cases worn
stored. Just whoa too stuff was re­
moved is net known but the opinion is
toot ft
it will
the rebuilding a&thls toll W 1 « rei the
«triaging of at least two other circuits
between those towns In order to toko
com of too present traffic; that
cant Is furnishing said service free to
its subscribers at a loss.”
Other small changos am
as follows:
To ratos the rat» on one-party
service in Myrtle Point from
9 8 » to
por amato whom tito
the phaaé
» 2.00 to 9826 where toe
me the phone.
T é raise the charge to
0« a 16 party line to ita
J. 8 Oerding A Bon«’
01.28 to 01.60
is just turned pot o
i subscriber owns
the Sitka mill that is 60
and to fl.Tfl per month whom the
ms a
To raise the price per
for connection with farmer
city limits to 76 cents pa
K is now »3 per yas
quills, 90 per year at
North Bond and Bondoa. This would
make no farther change at Myrtle
farmer Mao service is
iw 99 par?car.
ally to the fair at Myrtle Point; it bee
This petition was certified by 80-
a large sum for the
Gage on Nov. 2, and too
has not p it
backward in
t s - ' ‘H g l i j M
■ /
Councilman Borrow stated that af-
Rivertoa Boy oa I
was hi favor of mstoriag the 7:M cur­
Jest as wu were hoping that toe Co­
few for children under 14 yearn of
li lie district would hove the good for­
age, and aa he Is chainas« of* the or­
no to SW the end of the war with­
dinance committee a change in the
d ty lew along that Une may be ex­ out the death or serious injury e f nay
o f our boys over there whom they
pected In the near fatum.
About this tfane the soies and revel­
srid war, coww the nei of
ry of the
in action of one e f the <
that the membei
H. f
sided that their
2 ,. 4 > ., #
¿M i ’
any other
be given
From the Timi
irá’; 'h
___ ____ ___ ITI
alomad ' to
to the
the Public
.............. 100
We ora also inform ed
r A s e a .......
«e .........
J. 8
• s • • s •,* ♦* *.
H eel* depertmrat . . . . . . . . .
that the armistice had been
the co w ^ ^ a r t h o r ls o d by orti
*M * ~"tt
O * e t vì~i-ìé9IUIA
informed that the
dispatch is fathered
the auto
and driven by his
•eversi o f toe party under it, Amboy
Friedrich being toe only one thrown
clear. He IK on Mb head on the other
side of the fence and was quite grog­
gy for secas thus.
Ths accident happened on a
straight, wide mad Just hew la not
known, but in turning omr one aid# Of
ths ear came in contact with toe Burk­
holder fence which held that side op
sad prevan ted the crushing o f those
In the ear besides the driver were
Alice, Insana and Winnie Curry,
Kathleen and Georgia MahihiU, Kath­
erine Heresy and Audrey Fraedrick.
All of them wart pretty badly shakes
up but none seriously .injured, ths
sat damage being to' Leanna’s nose,
Ideh was broken.
A fter the car hod turned omr
Wbudo Curry crawled out and began
to scream but with all the tumult of
the eelebaation it was fully ten min­
utes before it became known that help
»ceded. She finally mot Mr. and
Burkholder and he, Ueut. Hod-
y<»i and others lifted toe car and tom
away part e f the fenee to releas« those
pinned under i t
’**'•■ O -* ;
Dr. Hamilton was phoned for and
with Chas. Hariodfsr arrivefl on ths
tima to assist in rolmsing
He brought
» ledile to town-
can no’s nose at the hospital,
the ear could go through the
it did and not suffer more
About two
after the accident too head and
That at least six different people
to drive was the
of Prescott Branetetter who
forsook the crowd because he thought
would happen.
Cake’s Eloctioa Nat
that hie competitor Olsoq has a
of 100, hot how many precincts am
yet to hoar from or where they are
located wa am not informed. In Port­
land Olson received 4960 votes smf
Coke 8100, which was bettor for Coke
Moa of
after supper and by SJ# everybody
w .jn w s
Firecrackers, horns, tin
things to make *
brought forth and pandemonium
reigned for over three boors.
Being an impromptu affair tome
to follow but all of the
hundreds down town did their boat
to giro vent to the spirit of rejoicing
over too end of the conflict.
About 9:80 a pick up band bonded a
proceeaion which paraded the streets
tor half aa hour, slnftag, hurrahing
the boys who took part in the greatest
event of the world1» history sines the
beginning of the Christina era.
Staid business men, grandfathers,
ladies—«11 gave their longs full play
and joined in a paean, of victory which
as a wonderful godsend after
the tension of a yeas land a half ef
When panes has been formally pro­
claimed and the terms signsg by the
nations in the war there will be held
comprehensive celebration, bet
as a got-up-in-a-hurry event, last
night’s was i
the Voten.
Less thap half a vote waa polled
in Com county Tuesday, only about
4200, while over 9160 warn registered.
The war has so far overshadowed ev­
erything else tort comparatively lit­
tle interest wgs felt in the election.
So far as ths county officials were
Beamed ths. disposition of the vo­
ters appeared to be to let well enough
alone. Gags, Oddy, Dimick and Mc­
Culloch were re-elected, the tqro lat­
ter without opposition. Neither was
there any candidate running against
John Yoakam for county commission?
For the legislature T. J. Thrift was
sleeted, receiving a majority of 891,
over Peck. In this J. P. district our
popular marrying justice was reelect­
ed for a six year term, without op­
position; but ft. W. Dunham was beat­
en fqr constable by A. T. Nosier. The
following am the full and coun­
ty figures for those offices for which
them wae a contest end for the meas­
ure on the ballot:
For U. 8. Senator Short Term
Martha 8 Bean, Socialist............ 709
Fred W. Mulkey, Republican ...2768
For U. 8 Senator^ Full Tana
Cams. L. McNary, 8 T ..............2078
Albert Slaughter, 8 ...................271
Oswald West, Dem.-Pro............ 1792
Far Representative in Congress
W. C. Hawley, 8-D.-.P...............8066
Hprlin Talbert, S.............
Assessor Beyers, of ths local board,
Fsk Governor
has been dhrpctod to send out to Gamp
Walter M. Pierce, D.................. 1609
Lewis on ths 11th the following i
8 .F . Ramp, S............................. 277
from the Juno, 1917, and Jam, 1918^ J
i Withycombe, 8 ............ 2298
registration, for replacements:
Far State Treasurer
Frank Allan Nelson, Norway.
O. F» Hoff, 8
Robert 8 L*e Abell. Coquille.
David P. Mason, D. ............. .1267
-William Wilson, Marshflea.
Pauline Sews, 8 ............
Edward Blescke, prospar.
For Justice of Supreme Court
Wilbur Wagner. Marshfield.
8 f f , ffvans, S.
William Merton, Memhaeld.
Charlae A. Johns, 8
Andrew Clarence Cotton, Gravel
' Mm 9rnffisi to Fill Vacancy , ■£ j l
John 8 Coke, 8 * ..........
Cenrad P. Olson, 8 .................... 114
MdOOdtlv O— • m
Far A ttorney Oenseal
Ci*ua Harold Coirla. Gravel Ford.
Geo. M. Brown, 8-D.-P............. 8877
Paul Thrush, Kasteide.
8 L. Cannon, 8 ..................... 489
Elian Cyrus Spiros, Myrtle Point
For Superintendent of 8 cheek
Geo. John Falander, North Bead.
J. A. Churchill, 8-D .................. 2947
Ralph Sigsby, Myrtle Paint
Ines Augusta Lusk, 8.................. 726
Chester Arthur Krewson, Sitkum
Per Commissioner of Labor
Charlea • iw .« Marshfield.
C. 8 Gram, 8-D . ...................8128
Glenn Ray Hart, North Band.
Aiwuot Nikola, 8 .................. 402
William 8 . Renee hausen, North
PnbUe Sendee Commissioner
John E. Johnson, 8 .................... 670
Fred A. Williams 8-D . ............ 2979
Far Sept. Water Division No. 1
Archie Philip cams near getting Max Burgholxer, 8. .................... 642
Mike Maloney's goat election night. Percy A. Copper, 8-D ............... 2980
He had several men call up the Timm
For Ropmoontativo in Legislature
Office in Marshfleid to ask shoot elec­ A. 8 Peck, 8 ................... . ..1761
tion returns, always demanding to talk T. J. Thrift, D .......................... 2162
to Maloney psreenaliy, and they
For Joint Representative
id op by asking in all seriousness J. 8 Btannard, 8 - D .___ ; ........ 8001
hoW the ree— was carrying.
Sheriff ef i
father of the recall movement would W. W. Gage, D.
go to some lengths to explain how Geo. P. Laird, 8
» was no recall measure on the
Comity Clerk o f Cow County
bauot and why. Bat after six differ­ F. C. Getty, 8 ..............
ent appeals for recall news warn re­ L. W. Oddy, D. .......
ceived Mika iamlilsn and slammed the
receiver on the hook in a hurry.
Last Sunday afterncton Mrs. M. A.
Colebrook, who Hveq on the corner
the Bledsoe, received a
the death of her
id in Franco Oc-
Mr. Cole-
one of the men who enlisted Tocwday’s Vota la Coas Coaaty.
la the army last year, joining too en-
As indieated by the vote for govern-
The seven measures on the ballot
His boom was la Curry or 2398 republicans, 1009 democraU
edved ths following votos in Cow
and 277 sodalists rotad in Coweoun- county:
probably the
ty last Tueeday. This was a total of
Establishing and maintaining two*
4179, a larfer naasber than rotad en Normal schools: Y w 1081; No 1986.
Establishing home tot dependent,
aext highest number was 4180 for
linquent and defective children: Yw
United Stetaa Senator and there the 1240; No, 1892.
Prohibiting seine and set not fishing
■y J. P.
in Rogue river and its tributaries:
Yes, 806; No, 1888.
Acres of all lande ..
. ( 742,300
Cloeing the Willamette river to
Aeree of tillable land
commercial Ashing south of Oswego:
m of timber land
. 8*0,160
Y w 790; No 1660.
Acme of nontiOnhlo
Stopping publication dt the Delin­
quent tax list in newspapers: Yw,
Town and City lots ..........",.................................. 66J41
1994; No, 1028
dty lots ..................................
Schools W01 Open
Cutting down few for legal no-
eounty health officer, tiew in newspapers: Yw , 1868; No,
informs w that he will permit all the 1078
schools is the county to reopen next
Giving authority to increase tlie
Monday, provided them is no infloeasa state taxes tor 1919 so the amount of
in the district.
9940,000 over what the existing regu­
As to the drarehm he says them lations permit: Yw , 1166; No, 1610.
can be no cervices next Sunday but
The only measures receiving a ma­
that he hopes the ban can, ho lifted jority were the ones rotating to de-
Hotel i
Nov. 16,
I Aa
The tiling in to
at T f .
tenter was laid
Try that I
824 .732
Total Velas df
•v &